Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from April 5, 2016 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting April 5, 2016: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: Steve Gore, Reportaż, and "Perfected Perversions" [PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.]

Artist Track Album Label Year
The in-Theme  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting      
Steve Gore  Freedom Dynasty   Favoriting Four By One  Hebbardesque  1992 
Steve Gore  Heroin Spilling Out   Favoriting Four By One  Hebbardesque  1992 
Steve Gore  Sugar and Salt   Favoriting Four By One  Hebbardesque  1992 
Steve Gore  My Search for Relax   Favoriting Four By One  Hebbardesque  1992 
Steve Gore  Trixie's Lullabye   Favoriting Four By One  Hebbardesque  1992 
Flagellants  Secret Possession   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Women of the SS  Tied to a Table   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Data Bank-A  This Is Your Captain   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Sleep Chamber  Inspiration (#1)   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Jonathan Briley  Ritual of the Druids   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Hidious in Strength  Skulls with Lipstick   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Coup de Grace  Adult Force   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Nurse with Wound  Yoko's Anniversary   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Psi Field  Slow Death   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
7 from Life  Musicbox Autopsy   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Architectural Metaphor  Echo of Zero   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Trained Circus Dogs  Is It Yet?   Favoriting V.A.: Perfected Perversions  Inner-X-Musick   1985 
Reportaż  Gwint   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Eskulap   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Nurt 1   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Nurt 2   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Nurt 3   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Nurt 4   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Pałacyk   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Nurt 5   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Remont Riviera 1   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
Reportaż  Remont Riviera 2   Favoriting Muzika  ADN  1987 
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting      

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:01pm

Don't archive me, Bro!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

hi everyone.
Avatar 12:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, βrian and JtotheK!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm too tired to comment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Doug Schulkind:

Hey Tony, I have no idea why the show started late. I didn't change a thing. The scheduling tool is still set for Noon ET. Weird.
Avatar 12:10pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey ho, Uncle M & Doug! (No prob, Doug.)
Avatar 12:14pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Uncle Michael: I'm a bit tired myself. Someone was knocking loudly on our front door at 6:00 AM -- have no idea why, as I didn't get out of bed. Seemingly the house wasn't on fire.
Avatar 12:15pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:15pm
Uncle Michael:

Night baseball games on the west coast should be illegal.
Avatar 12:16pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Annie!!
Avatar 12:16pm

yep... !!
Avatar 12:17pm

Same for indoor hockey. It's just unnatural.
Avatar 12:18pm
V Priceless:

hey Tony and gang!
Avatar 12:19pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola, VP!
Avatar 12:23pm
Tony Coulter:

Some of the tracks on this cassette did end up on a digital-only comp. The other tracks have never seen the light of day (as I said, this cassette is an edition of 2).
Avatar 12:27pm
Tony Coulter:

So, I should warn you that the second side of this tape is kind of disturbing (though also weirdly funny). If there are any tikes in listening range, you should probably hustle them off before side B starts -- unless you want them to grow up to be perverted serial killers.

My son's out of earshot, but when he was a toddler I referred to him as "my little serial killer."
Avatar 12:29pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, Dean!

Far worse, my daughter refers to me as "poo-poohead."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of children and sensitive souls, this evening's GIVE THE DRUMMER SOME is going to be a real shitshow. Literally: wfmu.org...

If you're going to give trigger warnings, you need to consider those of us who are especially sensitive to them and issue a trigger warning that a trigger warning is forthcoming.
Avatar 12:36pm
Tony Coulter:

You want I should just pull the trigger without a warning?

I'm cool with that.
Avatar 12:38pm

my blood pressure just shot up when i heard the warning...
Avatar 12:43pm
Tony Coulter:

Perhaps this tape will soothe you....

Figures. Tony writes, "perverted serial killers," and naturally the first person to come to mind is Dahmer.
Avatar 12:46pm

why does this make me think of irwin? and, as a side note, i have a FB friend who's trying to rent his house and wants to know if it's ethical to tell people it was the childhood home of JD, you know, as a selling point, but not.

@annie: Gulp! I suppose the question is whether it's unethical not to tell prospective tenants. Pardon the figure of speech, but on the one hand it's the kind of information the tenant will eventually learn, while on the other hand advertising the fact might invite oddball tenants. So long as neither hand remains in the 'fridge, your friend should consult his conscience.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm

there was a film screened at the Milwaukee Film Fest a few years ago, 'The Jeffrey Dahmer Files'. It wasn't one of the films I went to during the festival, but did watch a few years later on a streaming service. And as a habit I tend to watch (most of) the credits, and noticed some people I went to school with were involved with the film, and involved in the MKE Film Community in general. Lesson: Keep watching the credits.
Avatar 12:56pm

yeah, it's weird, damned if you do and damned if you don't. he was worried about the oddball, yes, and wondered aloud which person he'd want as a tenant, the thrill-seeker or the ignorant one.
Avatar 12:57pm

Tony, is that the same steve gore, the thriller writer?
Avatar 12:59pm
Tony Coulter:

Nope -- not the same person. Sadly, this Steve Gore is no more -- he died in an accident a number of years back.
Avatar 1:11pm
Tony Coulter:

The tape on now is sort of a companion piece or sequel to this LP, which some of you may know: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 1:15pm

@annie: In Ohio? Here in WI, we can boast of both Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein.
Avatar 1:18pm
Tony Coulter:

A lot of '80s industrial musicians were obsessed with serial killers and Manson and so on -- but actual serial killers probably like things like the Carpenters or Kenny G.
Avatar 1:20pm
Tony Coulter:

(Not that those two things are the same at all -- I actually like the Carpenters ... even though I'm not a serial killer)
Avatar 1:23pm
Tony Coulter:

NB: "Hidious" is not a typo -- that's how the band spells it.
Avatar 1:25pm

βrian, not really sure. it was a post that went down my feed pretty fasy, then disappeared. if i see it again i'll let you know.
Avatar 1:27pm

Shrew skulls, here, I presume. Or maybe lemur skulls. They're a fascination for some, I hear.
Avatar 1:28pm
V Priceless:

weird...heard a news story this AM that the killer of Kitty Genovese just died in prison. I completely forgot that this incident led to the 911 phone system.
Avatar 1:32pm

Oh oh. Liz says she's going to play some dark and disturbing music. Did she not get the memo, Tony?
Avatar 1:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Now all the children of FMU listeners will turn into perverted serial killers.

One consolation is that they won't listen to Carpenters or Kenny G.
Avatar 1:36pm

I've slain a lot of barley in my day, if that counts.

Just occurs to me that a cartoon watched by some "kids these days" routinely includes a "Psycho"-inspired stabbing motif in its soundtrack. Not that it prompts my kids to take showers.
Avatar 1:39pm
V Priceless:

as long as dogs are immune, we're ok here
Avatar 1:40pm
Tony Coulter:

Forgot to ask: Can anyone name the LP underneath today's cassettes? Free trip to Wisconsin for the first person to come up with the right answer.

ATV's tribute to Nam June Paik?
Avatar 1:45pm
Tony Coulter:

Nope ... but the title of the record does refer to video screens.

The Buggles?
Avatar 1:47pm
Tony Coulter:

Nah -- it's sort of an obscure record ... though it's very good. It's French.

Les Buggles?
Avatar 1:51pm
Tony Coulter:

So close ... but no croissant. It's this: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 1:52pm

Gomez kisses your arm.
Avatar 2:01pm
Tony Coulter:

As you can see here,
Reportaż has a whole buncha releases, incluing two LPs and some CDs: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 2:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 2:15pm
Tony Coulter:

I've got a silly idea for a show that I may actually go through with: nothing but music by bands and musicians whose names begin with
'Z.' Any suggestions?
Avatar 2:15pm
Tony Coulter:

I'm talking a non-Tape Hiss show, of course.
Avatar 2:19pm
Tony Coulter:

Oops jumped the gun with the track title -- this is "Nurt" now.
Avatar 2:22pm
V Priceless:

all I got is Zolar X, TC

My favoritest band in the world: Zeke. Gotta play Zeke. Zappa? ZZ Top? Zemlinsky (classical, but what the hey), Denny Zeitlin, Michael Zerang, Carlos Zingaro, Joe Zawinul, Florian Zenker, James Zollar, Attila Zoller, Zeros, John Zorn, Zoviet France, Zygoma Disposal... Never heard that last one.
Avatar 2:26pm
Tony Coulter:

@ V Priceless: Yeah, Zolar X would definitely be in there. Plus, Zappa, Zao, Zoo, ZNR, Zarathustra -- maybe Zeus B. Held. I'm sure there a quite a few....
Avatar 2:27pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Dean! You mentioned some I hadn't thought of (or heard of).
Avatar 2:28pm
Tony Coulter:

Indeed, I've never heard of Zeke....

Zeitlin did soundtrack music, recall, and some of his early keyboard stuff is kinda freaky, before he went all Bill Evans on us.
Avatar 2:30pm
V Priceless:


Not to be confused with rap musician Zeke. I'm talking the Seattle-based speed punk band featuring Donny Paycheck and Blind Marky Felchtone. Play "T-500," "Twisted," or "Arkansas Man." Or you pick.
Avatar 2:33pm
Tony Coulter:

Don't think I've ever heard Zebra either, actually! I picture big hair and lots of striped spandex.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:33pm

The Denny Zeitlin LP that I have is not freaky keyboard stuff. *Sigh* It's a straight ahead jazz lp, not bad.

I love later Zeitlin. Saw him solo at a piano store in Oakland where he plays from time to time. His trio recordings are super, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Rich in Washington:

been in 2 stinking meetings since 9 this morning. PHOOEY!

Zed Zeppelin, The Zolling Stones, Zotley Crue, Zatfield & the North, Zink Floyd...
Avatar 2:37pm
V Priceless:

does the soundtrack from 'Zabriskie Point' count?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Rich in Washington:

I'll bet pre-agricultural humans didn't have meetings. We weren't meant to live this way.
Avatar 2:39pm
Tony Coulter:

@ VP: Nah, album and song titles don't count.
Avatar 2:39pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Rich: Meeting in the main cave at sunrise to plan how we can kill Gor.
Avatar 2:41pm
V Priceless:

whoa...why do I remember the name Za Zu Zaz?

@VP: Because it's a palindrome?
Avatar 2:43pm
Tony Coulter:

Plus, it reminded me of something I would play: the Zasu Pitts Memorial Orchestra.
Avatar 2:46pm
V Priceless:

I think they were (and maybe still are) a band from NY/NJ area from decades ago that had some regional success...and also what you's guys said.

The Zoo, Los Angeles Doorsy outfit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TL3dOvcPnE
Avatar 2:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Fortunately, many of my albums are alphabetized, even if they are broken into separate sections -- so it won't be hard to pull together a big ole pile of Zs.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

thanks for the tapes today, Tony! i enjoyed the show.
Avatar 2:57pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks for showing up, JtotheK!
Avatar 3:00pm

And bring a few zeds for the folks across the pond.
Avatar 3:00pm

great show today tony!!
Avatar 3:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Annie!

Apologies for the subpar live tracklisting during this last tape.
Avatar 3:02pm
Tony Coulter:

... which is just about to end.....
Avatar 3:04pm
V Priceless:

cheers, Tony! Thanx
Avatar 3:04pm
Tony Coulter:

See you in two weeks, everyone!!
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