Saturday 1 - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Friday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
March 19, 2016
Favoriting March 19, 2016 2016 WFMU Fundraising Marathon, Week 2! LAST CHANCE!! PLEDGE NOW!!
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 photo laff1_zpshhb2mdbj.jpg  photo laff2_zps5olf7yeq.jpg
Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
The Flames  Favoriting The Bird     Cuca    0:00:00 Pop-up)  
The Goofers  Favoriting Scotch On The Rocks         0:06:12 Pop-up)  
        Remember to Pledge to Fool's Paradise before 3pm. Get in the running for some great prizes ahead! Pledges of $75 or more will get you Laughin' to Keep From Cryin', Fool's Paradise premium.  0:07:12 Pop-up)  
Horace Heller  Favoriting Hello World   Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands, Volume 1    First Prize - pledge $20 and up, up, up now to get in the running  photo twistedtales__zpsird4dubx.jpg  0:10:47 Pop-up)  
H.E. Ferrell & His No. 1 Boys  Favoriting She Giggles   Laughin' To Keep From Cryin'    DJ Premium - Pledge $75 or more and this can be yours!!!  photo laff1_zpshhb2mdbj.jpg  0:14:08 Pop-up)  
Jack Cook  Favoriting My Evil Mind   Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands, Volume 1    Pledge and get in the running to win this weird and wild CD. Dig the audio phase!  0:19:49 Pop-up)  
Sonny Burgess  Favoriting Red Headed Woman   The Man Who Invented Rock 'n Roll  Yep Roc   photo sam_zpsi8lwtk33.jpg GRAND PRIZE - Peter Guralnick's Book (Signed Copy), "Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n Roll" and Double CD with Sonny Burgess' "Red Headed Woman" that is "Perfectly Imperfect" that you are listening to right now. You can call at 800-939-9368 or pledge online to get in the running.  0:26:39 Pop-up)  
Link Wray  Favoriting Bo Diddley   Norton Records - 45 Three Pack  Norton Records  The greatest rock 'n roll record label - Norton Records! Pledge now and get in the running for this 3-pack prize.  0:35:08 Pop-up)  
B.J. Berg  Favoriting The Laughing Song   Laughin' To Keep From Cryin'    Fool's Paradise 2016 Premium CD for pledges $75 or more. 10 soggy sobbers and 10 giggly gigglers.  photo laff2_zps5olf7yeq.jpg  0:42:48 Pop-up)  
Eddie Williams  Favoriting Ain't Nothing Shaking (But Leaves On The Tree   Rhythm n' Bluesin' by the Bayou  Ace Records  Another prize giveaway....pledge now.  photo rhythm_zpsci1zftdp.jpg  0:49:26 Pop-up)  
Mad Dog Sheffield  Favoriting Mad Dog   Rhythm n' Bluesin' by the Bayou  Ace Records  You can get this prize unless you pledge NOW and get in the runnin'. Your name could be selected from the stack of other listeners pledging nonstop. We want to hear from you, the Fool's Paradise Faithful.  0:50:48 Pop-up)  
The Golden Tones  Favoriting Cryin' The Blues (She's Gone)   Laughin' To Keep From Cryin'    Each song from this DJ premium CD was carefully selected through many tears by Rex himself from thousands of unalphabetized 45s from Rex's personal collection. Pledge $75 or more and this will be added to your perhaps unalphabetized CD collection.  0:54:08 Pop-up)  
Jolly Green Giants  Favoriting Busy Body   Norton Records - 45 Three Pack  Norton Records  Pledge immediately and perhaps this pack could be yours. No time to waste!  1:02:03 Pop-up)  
Lester Robertson and the Upsetters  Favoriting Hoo Wee Pretty Baby   Rhythm n' Bluesin' by the Bayou  Ace Records  Remember, this is a giveaway. They are calling out the winner very very soon. Wait no longer; call or pledge right this very minute.  1:05:09 Pop-up)  
Ginger Davis & Snaps  Favoriting Laughin'   Laughin' To Keep From Cryin'    $75 or more gets you this CD and gets you in the running for lots and lots of super cool prizes.  1:06:23 Pop-up)  
    Laughin' To Keep From Cryin'     photo laff1_zpshhb2mdbj.jpg  1:08:43 Pop-up)  
Nick and The Jaguars  Favoriting Ichi-I-Bon #1     Tamla / Third Man   photo ThirdMan-Tamla_zpslxcdjvg4.jpg Pledge right away to get in the running for this pack of 45s.  1:12:53 Pop-up)  
Carol Fran  Favoriting Knock Knock   Rhythm n' Bluesin' by the Bayou    Yes, this is a prize that will be given away soon to a lucky winner who pledged during this hour of the Fool's Paradise Show.  1:15:33 Pop-up)  
Howlin' Wolf  Favoriting Mr. Highway Man (Cadillac Man)   Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll  Sun Records  600+ pages and 2-CD pack - GRAND PRIZE- only 40 minutes left to get in the running.  1:21:07 Pop-up)  
Nick and The Jaguars  Favoriting Cool and Crazy     Tamla / Third Man  Part of the giveaway 4 pack of 45s!!  1:24:17 Pop-up)  
    Laughin' To Keep From Cryin'     photo laff1_zpshhb2mdbj.jpg This is Rex's Fools Paradise premium, yours for a pledge of $75! Or more! A mere bag of shells!!  1:26:11 Pop-up)  
Joey C and the Aspects  Favoriting Chicken Back   Whiplash! Crude Unissued Jersey Rock & Roll  Norton Records  Win it now (fingers crossed) for a pledge of ANY AMOUNT but more is better!  photo whiplash_zpsfzkckgow.jpg  1:30:50 Pop-up)  
         photo sam_zpsi8lwtk33.jpg Get in the running for this amazing prize, folks! Comes with a double CD - wow! For a pledge of $75, or more!  1:36:09 Pop-up)  
The Velairs  Favoriting Tension   Whiplash! Crude Unissued Jersey Rock & Roll  Norton Records  Whiplash! LP available at the fabulous new Norton Records record store! Or win it here, perchance...!  1:37:42 Pop-up)  
The Symbols  Favoriting Do The Zombie   Mostly Ghostly  Ace Records   photo MostlyGhostlyMoreHor_zps2eybu546.jpg Dracula, caves, Zombies  1:43:45 Pop-up)  
Terry Teen  Favoriting The Hearse   Mostly Ghostly    Teeth fall out, ooze comes out, and me without a spoon! Giving this away soon -- pledge now!  1:46:45 Pop-up)  
Jerry Dodd and the Demons  Favoriting Bald Headed Daisy   Whiplash! Crude Unissued Jersey Rock & Roll  Norton Records  Giving this away in a few minutes -- get in the running for this fab slab!  1:51:55 Pop-up)  
Rod Willis  Favoriting The Cat   Mostly Ghostly    Nobrow central!  1:53:56 Pop-up)  
          1:59:24 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

  1:11pm pottybear:

Donate Fools!
Avatar 1:11pm Juke Joint Jonny:

I believe in your mission, O Great One.
  1:12pm pottybear:

RIP Joe Santos.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm Caryn:

I like the mammoth that has appeared with out caveman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm Caryn:

*our*... sheesh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm fred:

@Caryn: did you move to Florida and did you select a state even though you didn't have to?
Avatar 1:23pm Melissa Jean:

hay fools!
  1:24pm pottybear:

RIP Lee Andrews.
Avatar 🌮 1:24pm Mailman Tom:

I inadvertently had my $75 pledge credited to Vocal Fry. I beg your forgiveness for this bonehead error, Rex !
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:25pm Ken From Hyde Park:

I was trying to figure out if the creature is a mammoth or a mastodon. skywalker.cochise.edu... I still can't tell, but it's not a big deal, really.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25pm Caryn:

@fred: nope, but it's become entertaining to see how often I'm apparently from Florida. Wish that the country abbreviation could be confused for a less loony state, though. I also suspect that was Berlin, DEutchland, not Delaware, but the new system seems to cause issues like this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm fred:

@Caryn: and a very belated happy birthday, I know it was just over a week ago, but I couldn't wish it on that day (blame crappy Apple hardware at work that cut me off for well over a month)
  1:32pm ScottC:

I really believe that the post- war period thur the late 60's were a high watermark for creative American Individuality. Of course this period was only possible because of the Jazz Age, Be Bop etc. America changed human civilization for the better right up until The Carpenters. Not that they are evil or "bad" - it's that the original culture of creativity was diluted by market forces...45's were the media for change...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm Caryn:

Aw, thanks, fred! It was a very pleasant birthday, spent listening to the Marathon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm Caryn:

That almost sounded like Margaret Dumont.
  1:38pm anndal:

@caryn, my first thought was margaret dumont as well. an unmistakable voice and intonation.
Avatar 1:45pm marc15:

Is "Little Brown Jug" by Harold Morrison on the Premium?
Avatar 2:02pm Lopez:

This faux accent saying "Noo Yawk" is an affront to the Late Great Joe Santos!
Avatar 2:03pm Tidepoolbay:

Bill Kelly getting angry!
Avatar 2:16pm Marcel M:

  2:29pm rob steffens:

vic tripp!
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 2:32pm Artie Haywire:

  2:32pm P-90:

"The Catalog of Cool" is a CLASSIC! they should do an updated reissue... Their radio show in LA in the eighties was awesome too, they could revive that as a podcast. Or on WFMU!
  2:36pm rob steffens:

Gene Sculatti and Ronn Spencer from Cool & the Crazy are still associated with luxuriamusic.com from time to time.
  2:59pm danomatika:

What was the artist & name for the No Brow single? Emma dig it!
  3:06pm Shawn M. Garrett:

Danomatika - it's a sample of Joe E. Ross put over some unidentified sample of a steel drum groove!
  3:06pm ooh ooh:

no brow was "Car 54 Where Are You?" 's Officer Toody, Joe E. Ross
  3:08pm danomatika:

thanks! I was looking for "Joey Ross" hah
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