Ken's first-ever show T-Shirt, yours for a pledge of $75 or more. Make a pledge above, why doncha?
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Today's Grand Prize, an un-clownified black velvet painting of Donald Trump, ready for remix and defacement.
Pledge $30 per month Swag for Life to get in the running!
Hey everybody I really need your help this morning.. not only your pledges, but also, I need anybody who is listening to 91.1 fm to let us know right here if and when the transmitter pops off the air. It has happened three times in the last two hours, and when it gets knocked off, it is also knocking off the automated alerts that call and tell me that it's off. SO as usual, you are our front line of defense - if you hear the vocal stylings of Cokie Roberts and Nina Totenberg suddenly over 91.1, please please please let us know RIGHT HERE immediately.
Coincidentally, I'm having a colonoscopy on Friday. I'm dedicating my preparation activities to Donald Trump. I hope the pictures look as good as the impLOG GIF does.
Please pledge. I am FLAT BROKE but I pledged-and so can you!
@Ken-can you share just for information what is the cause of going off the air? It would be interesting to know....
Hey, I am a right wing Catholic who is seriously voting for Donald Trump. If I can pledge, so can you!! Hurry up! If you are reading , please pledge now!
You are doing the Lord's work Wild Neil. Donald Trump is an angel sent from heaven to destroy the Republican party. And thank you also for pledging to WFMU!
Been on the stream since John Allen's show, but switching over to FM now to enjoy the flickering transmitter. Probably sabotaged by anti-Trump forces!!
@Ken you may be right but not in the way you think....or maybe you are,...either way the result is the same if he gets in...also, I honestly think he may simply be telling right wingers what we want to hear, then making a hard turn to the left....anonymous released phone messages from him to the mainstream media showing he is in bed with the NY Times et al....
I just wondered, if you pledge, do you get contacted later for shipping charges, or is it all inclusive? I live in the UK, so a package containing a bunch of premiums would be quite costly to mail here. Do we get charged extra?
Well, since Trump has said he only cares about making sure his face is in the media, and secondly winning (or whining if he doesn't win), if he should win, he'll have reached his only goal and might then lose all interest. Unless he after a while then decides to do some ridiculous stuff to get his face in the media again. I don't know if he even wants to be president, he just wants to win and get publicity.
Not for nothing, but the 90.1 signal is kinda funky today.
Hey pledgers - if you go over a certain level you can Adopt various objects and DJs on the WFMU adoption page! I've grabbed the volume knob again!
@Caryn-wow, the AM radio guy I listen to never put forward that theory. He is quite smart actually, so I give your theory about a 5% chance of being true...I mean, who goes that far then goes-eh, who wants this anyway? I kinda doubt it....but thanks for the nice comment that does not attack me ad hominem...
@garetjgoape: it's all inclusive, but they try to do the shipping so that it'll be as inexpensive as possible. Some people throw in a little extra pledge for no swag to offset shipping charges (in a carbon-offset kinda way).
@Wild Neil: it's actually a theory put forth by a political theorist. Interesting thought, and some of Trump's comments back it up, but I don't exactly believe it. Still, it's interesting to think about different approaches to the situation.
Polifact judged that 41% of Trump's poitical statements were flat-out lies, and that 17% of them were mostly false. In fact, they gave Trump's collective statements the 2015 Lie of The Year award.
good fundraising greets from Berlin!
Marcel M:
Neil, is your radio man as smart as that mechanic who tells you the conspiracy theories?
@Marcel-and that "mechanic" is smarter than some of the engineers I have run, you must hang on my every word to recall that fact, huh? And he was not a mechanic, he was a shop instructor for mechanical engineers...and also testified as an expert in a court you look down on mechanics as inferior? That reveals a lot.
@Sphere, once, in a political argument with Irwin, I brought up something from Politifact or another reliable fact-checking site. He said he doesn't believe in fact-checking sites and linked to a right-wing article about how fact-checking sites are a mainstream media scam! So, basic facts aren't real now. So that happened.
i disagree, Neil. every time I get a splinter, i am reminded that there is an objective reality. the loudest voice doesn't define the world.
Marcel M:
Just messing with you Neil. Almost nothing I say on this board is serious. I just thought it was funny, a few weeks back, when you cited someone who works in a shop, only citing that they worked in a shop.
Gotta credit Trump for speaking idiot so eloquently...i'm scared
Looks like 90% sure it's Trump vs Clinton, Trump doesn't lie more than the other Republicans, he's just more blatantly obvious (has Obamacare really been a "job killer"? Not according to all the measurements. But it's Republican dogma). He's not more mean spirited than the other Republicans, just more clear about it.
Which of the WFMU Dj's can we expect to meet at Primavera this year? Hope to see you there again Scott. I'm hoping Ken will join you as well, but I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up. Anyhoo... Good luck with the marathon!
Only people who blindly follow those loud liberal voices believe the real unemployment rate isn't 30, 32% ("great economists" say so, though) -- "I've heard 42%."
@Neil: I'm just genuinely curious why someone who just identified himself as a "right-wing Catholic" chose out of all the GOP candidates to back the pro-choice, pro-contraception Trump when there would be plenty of less socially liberal alternatives? Or does the "right-wing" refer to other types of social or economic conservatism?
Alois Shicklegruber:
That painting will be worth shitloads when Trump becomes President.
@Caryn-Is Trump truly Pro-Life? He says he I just want somebody who can actually beat Hillary Clinton. Trump is not very vocal about his Christianity and this worries me...and he has cheated on his wives in the past...still, Solomon had hundreds of wives and King David cheated on his wife....
@Marcel: I'm not trying to start anything. I'm just curious. Some "right-wing Catholics" would say their main reason for choosing a particular candidate is their views on abortion and contraception, while for others those are private affairs of no concern, and they choose their candidate based on economic policy, foreign policy, etc.
@All-well, lets have a cease-fire then? I propose we talk about how we learned about WFMU? I first heard about WFMU in a hay field in rural NJ from a friend and listened on my 1979 Chevy Nova car radio (mono)...
@Neil: interesting, since the general GOP strategy since 2012 has been that they can't win against Hillary without appealing more to the latino vote, which Trump has basically handed to the Dems. But he certainly has more personality and face recognition than Bush, Rubio or Cruz, even if that personality is grating.
I'd like to dream that the painter of the black velvet painting is a distant relative of Spain's famed fresco-"restorer" Cecilia Jimenez. (you know, from this story: )
@sphere: now there's a question. Even the radios were glitchy a week ago and not showing correctly. Maybe the hearts will reappear, maybe not. We need an official answer to all this.
My parents put a black velvet painting of a panda bear in my bedroom when I was toddler, it gave me nightmares my entire childhood. I don't think I want one of the Orange One.
My uneducated speculation is that the comments boards will be switching to Audience Engine code at some point soon and at that time, the hearts will appear.
@Roberto: I'm glad you loved wasting your time on the marathon map! That one was a fun project, from conception (for it to be impressive it had to fill up with points automatically, so it had to be tied in to pledges, even mailed-in ones, had to start out approximate for privacy, and then subsequently let pledgers attach comments to their points),
to build (incl. designing my own point clusterer since Google didn't yet provide one, so that thousands of points while zoomed out wouldn't jam up the browser; piecing together a Geocoding system from various sources since Google also didn't yet provide that, and then rebuilding the whole thing twice when Google kept rewriting their whole API).
A listener recently posted a link to the one full of dots from last year:
It'd be trivially easy to API-ify it if the station ever wants to use it with the Audience Engine pledge pages. But they've still gotta start using the API I provided for hearts and S4L badge control, and for pre-filling name/address from your profile; so, they've got a lot to do first!
Hmm, I just tried to pledge and it said "You’ve done a marvelous thing, undefined undefined. You pledged $. Your pledge number is ." ....I think it didn't go through....
@Cliff: Usually yr CC gets charged right away, take a look.
@Ken , sucks the transmitter sure picked a fine time to go bad. Sheesh talk about stress. Thanks for all you do man. When this is all over, maybe get everyone together, have a singalong and get drunk as fuck.
These things are tubed? And running at full power constantly? Damn... I'm amazed they last that long. I guess there are backups that kick in so not constant?
i went to sleep a few minutes into Garbage Time on the FM radio and woke up to pure static. makes sense now. thought maybe it was an encore presentation of My Castle of Quiet or something.
You're getting this from the person primarily responsible for having gotten Howard Stern to seek the Libertarian Party nomination for governor. Trump may well do what Stern said he wanted to do: accomplish a couple things in office, then resign & let his lieutenant (VP in Trump's case) take over. However, Trump's not going to say that in advance; instead he'll make up some story about Congress's not having recognized his true genius & cooperated, so he's quitting to do other things where he'll get more cooper'n & appreciation.
2nd Wed. AM of the Marathon is typical: Nachum's all cool & making it sound easy, then Ken comes on & the fretfulness comes thru in both the left & right channels. We're all pulling for you, Ken!
Excellent news: Now you're having streaming issues! Or maybe it's on my workplace's end? Did anyone hear skips and pauses in that song on the 128k MP3 stream? I'm switching back to 91.1 FM.
Thief... one of my favorite songs of all time. This whole record as well. I've said it before here, but I"ll say it again, I saw Malcom Mooney perform this last summer... it was incredible.
BTW, Ken, I suspect there's a bunch of people who are renewing Swag For Life pledges and then crediting them to different shows via small pledges throughout the Marathon. Some of them are sure to have Swag For Life pledges that total Y3K or higher. Are they also up for that Stairway to Stardom prize, or is that reserved for new or credited-at-once Y3K pledges? (Heck, I'd imagine Bas alone has pledges several grand by now.)
Let's just say that in Schlammpeitziger, the a is pronounced like the o in "mom", the ei is pronounced like the i in, well, I, the i is pronounced like the i in "tit", and the e is pronounced like the u in "duh".
When I used to work for tech support me and a couple other guys would sometimes call a modem or fax machine and transfer it to someone else in the call center.... the best result I got was from the guy who always used headphones with the volume turned up. He didn't go deaf but he didn't like me too much for a few days afterwards
More like 5 Minutes IN HEAVEN With Danne D am I right?
Trump is the only non-establishment candidate. Bernie is gone, Hillary is pure evil, and Cruz wants to let Jesus take the wheel. Trump is the best choice.
Sailing By!!
Hey FLIPPER! I was in a band with Bruce right after Flipper broke up the first time - 85? We did 25 shows and a demo at Tom Mallon's studio in SF. ( The original Wicked Games was recorded there I think ) Fun times. I went on to an illustrious career in commercial art culminating in my creation of - Ken's Kick Ass tee! All things are connected!