Favoriting Marty McSorley: Playlist from March 11, 2016 Favoriting

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Dishin' out the hits!

Saturday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 11, 2016: Marathon Week One with Meghan. Pledge at 800-989-9368 or wfmu.org/pledge

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images New Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:






Check out the sick throw back Jersey - T Angora Peaks drew up for my premium!!! you can get yours by making a pledge of $75 to support the station!!! This is front and the . Its a replica jersey like they give away for promos at sports. on the back its stays McSorley across the shoulders and has the jersey # as 91.1 



0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bruce Springsteen  Dream Baby Dream   Favoriting Split 10" w/ Suicide's '76 Demo Version  blastfirstpetite  2008  12"        0:01:48 (Pop-up)
Desmond Dekker  Israelites   Favoriting The King Kong Compilation: Historic Reggae Recordings 1968-1970  Mango  1968  LP        0:06:57 (Pop-up)
Marlena Shaw  Woman of the Ghetto   Favoriting The Spice of Life  Cadet    LP        0:09:12 (Pop-up)
De La Soul  Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey) - Radio Decision   Favoriting 12"  Tommy Boy  1991  12"   
  0:14:53 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Above The Law 

Black Superman (Inst)   Favoriting








0:18:48 (Pop-up)
Peanut Butter Wolf & Dam-Funk  45 Minutes of Funk   Favoriting 45 Minutes of Funk    2015  Cassette  PLEase $20 or more and get in the running to win this ltd ed mixtape 
*   0:25:34 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Transmission   Favoriting Substance  Rhino    2LP  $20 or more pledge gets you in the running to win this 2 LP!!! 
  0:40:35 (Pop-up)
Maximum Joy  Stretch   Favoriting 12"  99 Records    12"        0:44:16 (Pop-up)
In Aeternam Vale  Money   Favoriting In Aeternam Vale  Minimal Wave    LP        0:50:08 (Pop-up)
Tribe Called Quest  Can I Kick It?   Favoriting People's Instinctive Travels And The Paths Of Rhythm  Legacy    CD  $20 pledge gets you in the running to win this CD + Nas' Illlmatic!!! 
  1:06:23 (Pop-up)
montel jordan  This Is How We Do It (funkmaster Flex Radio Mix)   Favoriting 12"  Rush Associated Labels     12"        1:09:56 (Pop-up)
Nas  It Ain't Hard To Tell   Favoriting Illmatic XX  Sony    CD  $20 plege gets you in the running to win this CD + Tribe Called Quest's People's Instinctive Travels And The Paths Of Rhythm 
  1:13:42 (Pop-up)
Suicidal Tendencies  Institutionalized   Favoriting Suicidal Tendencies  Frontier  1983  LP        1:24:02 (Pop-up)
The Misfits  Last Caress   Favoriting Collection  Caroline  1995  LP        1:27:19 (Pop-up)
El Sexteto Miramar  Pachanga Miramar   Favoriting The Afrosound Of Colombia, Vol. 2  Vampisoul    CD  $20 pledge gets you in the running to win this sick comp!! 
  1:39:32 (Pop-up)
Orquestra Zodiac  El Adios   Favoriting El Adios  Horoscopes    LP        1:42:21 (Pop-up)
Ray Barretto  Together   Favoriting Together  Fania    LP        1:46:03 (Pop-up)
A.R. & Machines  Come On, People   Favoriting Die Grüne Reise - The Green Journey  Polydor     LP        1:48:36 (Pop-up)
The Latin Brothers  Dale Al Bombo   Favoriting The Afrosound Of Colombia, Vol. 2  Vampisoul    CD  $20 pledge gets you in the running to win this sick comp!! 
  1:51:21 (Pop-up)
Slant 6  Rebel Rebel, Bat Cat   Favoriting split 7" w/ Make up  Time Bomb Records    7"  $20 pledge gets you in the running to win their Soda Pop Rip Off LP from Discord!! 
  2:04:33 (Pop-up)
Suburban Lawns  Janitor   Favoriting 7"  Suburban Industrial    45        2:06:52 (Pop-up)
Delta 5  You   Favoriting 45  Rough Trade    45        2:09:21 (Pop-up)
Slant 6  Don't Cencor Me   Favoriting Soda Pop Rip Off  Dischord Records    LP  $20 pledge gets you in the running to win this LP!! 
  2:13:12 (Pop-up)
Irom maiden  Hallowed Be My Name   Favoriting Number of the Beast  Harvest    LP        2:15:22 (Pop-up)
            win this quasimoto ltd talkin shit pic disc 7" that is too hot for radio play 
  2:29:20 (Pop-up)
Krupt  Ride With Us (Radio)   Favoriting 12"              2:30:52 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:






win this quasimoto ltd talkin shit pic disc 7" that is too hot for radio play 



2:34:05 (Pop-up)
Esso Trinidad Steel Band  I Want You Back   Favoriting Esso Trinidad Steel Band  Warner Bros.     LP        2:34:15 (Pop-up)
Amral's Trinidad Cavaliers Steel Orchestra  90% of Me Is You   Favoriting Heat  Calypan  1975  LP        2:36:25 (Pop-up)
Doctor Mix And The Remix  No Fun   Favoriting Wall of Noise  Rough Trade  1979  LP        2:39:58 (Pop-up)
Hawkwind  Silver Machine   Favoriting 45  United Artists  1972  45        2:44:01 (Pop-up)
Ca$hflow  Spending Money   Favoriting Ca$hflow         
  2:49:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:05am
Marcel M:

Great opener for a marathon show!

Sup Marty!! Meghan!!
Avatar 9:05am
Wild Neil:

@Marty et al-Good Morning! Peace be unto you all! Now get out there and PLEDGE PLEDGE PLEDGE!
Avatar 🥊 Swag For Life Member 9:06am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Yay and good morning! The home page ape is getting upright and has acquired a simple tool of some sort.
Avatar 9:07am
It's just Bob now.:

Avatar 🥊 Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bob no longer does things?
Avatar 9:09am
It's just Bob now.:

@ken fromHP- nah.. I have to be honest with myself and to the wfmu comments boards.
Avatar 9:10am
Marcel M:

The funny thing about an ape evolving into a WFMU DJ is that he/she would smell even worse after the evolution.

ZING! Sorry.. my inner Andy Breckman forces his way out sometimes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

The ape has acquired a bone. Here's hoping it doesn't bash another ape's head in a la "2001: A Space Odyssey".
Avatar 9:10am
Wild Neil:

This was in The Harder They Come movie soundtrack. Used to listen to that a lot in the 90's...Cool tune!
Avatar 9:11am
Marcel M:

Good lord that premium shirt is... AMAZING!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

good morning all!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am

It's a problem that this song just reminds me of a tv ad.

On another note, that jersey sounds awesome and is now must-have swag!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

De La!!!
Avatar 9:20am
Adam from Philly:

De La Soul, from the soul...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

what you are listening to is up for grabs for a pledge of $20 or more!!!
Avatar 9:36am
Marcel M:

I have a new friend who moved here from Santa Cruz who does the pound after we shake/five. Caught me off guard at first but now I know to do it when we meet haha.
Avatar 9:38am
Marcel M:

Man.... I can't wait for the first spring/summer cookout ...

Mm I kind of like that ambrosia salad
Avatar 9:46am
Marty McSorley:

what you bringing to the WFMU cookout?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am

Joy Division Substance double LP up for grabs! $20 or more to be in the running!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Guido from Cologne:

Hello Meghan, Marty, People!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am

Guten tag Guido!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am

Man, it takes some time to type all the info for a pledge. Here's hoping the pledge makes it to the drawing.
Avatar 9:54am
Marcel M:

@Caryn: I know! I wish there was a one click pledge button for chronic pledgers.
Avatar 🥊 Swag For Life Member 9:56am

Wow to the Money cover. I thought the mike was dropped with the Flying Lizards version.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Guido from Cologne:

Cover of the cover.
Avatar 9:59am

evidently the Scots grill salmon.

Cover of the cover of the cover.
Avatar 10:00am
Marcel M:

Wonjo in K Town in Manhattan is like that. Super tight space and Korean ladies fly by you with flaming hot coals in metal things. I thought my hair was gonna light on fire.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am

Haggis is pretty versatile. Heck, you can make lasagne with it. But I suspect the Scottish love of deep frying would beat grilling in general.
Avatar 10:03am

the Scots invented the deep-fried Twinkie, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am

Twinkies, Mars bars, M&Ms, pizza... you name it, the Scots have fried it. Although I think the deep-fried cheesecake and deep-fried butter remain strictly American delicacies.
Avatar 10:08am

Even the Scots might be awed by the foodstuffs at the Iowa State Fair.

Carl’s Jr.

Carl’s Jr. founder Carl Karcher, who died in 2008, had been a supporter of anti-abortion causes for decades. In particular, Karcher was fond of funding the anti-choice group Operation Rescue. He also had a mean anti-gay streak as well. From the AP story that followed his death:

He was reviled by abortion rights activists for his contributions to anti-abortion groups and his oft-repeated story about talking a Carl’s Jr. employee out of an abortion. Gay rights groups dubbed his hamburgers “bigot burgers” after Karcher supported a 1978 proposition that would have allowed school boards to fire teachers who were gay or advocated homosexuality.
Avatar 10:13am
Marcel M:

Isn't it funny they don't even mention that he sold pitchers of beer in Downton LA in his obituary?
Avatar 10:13am
Marty McSorley:

yeah im just saying they have beer at a fast food spot. and i never seen that before or any anywhere else. and i like beer
Avatar 10:15am

Dammit, I'm sorry I was sick and missed out on Drag Race fantasy league. I woulda picked Kim Chi. And she won week 1.
Avatar 10:17am

g'ahead baby
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am

Over here, all Burger Kings sell beer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am

$20 or more puts you in the running for a 2 cd set! A Tribe Called Quest AND Nas! What what?!?!

Food and drink discussion is missing Travolta and Jackson.
Avatar 10:21am

Am I a special snowflake for not being the biggest Nas fan?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

good morning everyone.
Avatar 10:23am

pledge pledge pledge pledge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

Astoria/Queensbridge BABY...IN DA HOUSE!!!
Avatar 10:24am

That makes it the greatest restaurant ever. Giant food statues mean quality.
Avatar 10:27am

do you have a photo or image of this? I need to see this.
Avatar 10:29am

just one pepsi
It's sad that this song speaks to me as much as it did when I was 21.
Avatar 🥊 Swag For Life Member 10:29am

"Normal people don't act like that!"
Avatar 10:29am
Marty McSorley:

all i wanted was a pledge
Avatar 10:37am
Marcel M:

I can't stand cleaning up and having people over and finding cigarette butts in the beers... its like BRAH there's an ash tray on the table!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

you can nurse a keg for a month in a kegerator? holy crap, what the hell have I been thinking?
Avatar 10:39am

Marcel M, back in the day, I cleaned up a student union that had smoking and yuck.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am

Avatar 10:41am

the accents, and the slang are different, I'd bet.
Avatar 10:42am
Marcel M:

I feel you Marty... my wife is Spanish, when I go there I get a ton of shit (totally deserved) for not knowing it yet.. Also easier for me to understand mexicans/dominicans/puerto ricans than the Spaniards.
Avatar 10:43am

I learned Spanish from a lovely Puerto Rican lady. No lisping for us!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am

Holy! this is so good! $20 pledge can get you this! The Afrosound of Colombia, Vol 2
Avatar 10:46am
Marty McSorley:

67% w/ just over an hour left! help US reach our goal of $4000 by the end of the show.
Avatar 10:46am

ok, big question. What's with the mayo and potato chips/sticks on Colombian sandwiches?
Avatar 10:47am
Marty McSorley:

idk man i dont mess w/ mayo. ha. its like food lube. weirds me out.
Avatar 10:48am

I like it in tiny amounts, and in salads. But not slopping around everything. Oy.

Down here in Florida, it's all about the cuban sandwiches with mustard and mayo.
Avatar 10:52am

I'd get one with mustard. I'd love to have a real one someday.

It's worth the trip.
Avatar 10:56am

echa pa'lante!

no habla espanol
Avatar 🥊 Swag For Life Member 11:01am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Here's a copy of March's WFMU Blast of Hot Air newsletter, in case you're not signed up for the email. us1.campaign-archive2.com... Marathon info found there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am

I can't stand mayo, but I did have a really nice chicken baguette with mayo in a 70s dance club in Edinburgh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am

Slant 6 Soda Pop Rip off! $20 or more gets you in the running! www.google.com...
Avatar 11:09am

it has its place, but a lot of people use it as a crutch.
Avatar 11:20am
Marcel M:

This song always reminds me of the Zero skateboard video Welcome To Hell. Jaimie Thomas rips to this song. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 11:21am
Marcel M:

Oh, Toy Machine, my bad.

Irom Maiden!
Avatar 11:37am

pledge for the drums of steel

Ooh is this the Esso Steel Band?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am

80%!!! come on!!!!
Avatar 🥊 11:41am

G'TZAG, Marty, Meghan and everybody! Thanks for dropping that "90% of Me Is You", straight fire!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

All Hail Marty and Meghan! Great show!!
Avatar 11:45am

Heya Marty & Meghan & you & you & you over there ....
Avatar 11:45am
Marty McSorley:

so close to the goal people. i believe we can make it happen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am

Hey all!!! Come on!!!! so damn close!!!
Avatar 11:46am

Hey, I swagged for life yesterday. Where's my goddamn radio thingie? Some service over here, huh?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am

Less than $700 to get to goal!!!! come on!!
Avatar 🥊 11:48am

Speaking of the radio: you no longer get a heart when you've donated to the pledge drive? I don't want to look like a deadbeat up in here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am

hmmmmm I'm not sure.... new pledging system....
Avatar 11:53am
Marty McSorley:

i want to spend it on your girl
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks much, guys!
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