Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from March 10, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 10, 2016: Marathon Week One with Matt Garbagetime.

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Artist Track Album
Hawkwind  Brainstorm (Jam)   Favoriting Greasy Truckers Party 
KARP  Bacon Industry   Favoriting  
Ufomammut  Plouton   Favoriting  
AFX  Serge Fenix Rendered 2   Favoriting  
Project Pat  Flexington   Favoriting  
Blanck Mass  Dead Format   Favoriting  
The Jesus And Mary Chain  Just Like Honey (Live)   Favoriting  
The Germs  No God   Favoriting  
The Germs  Communist Eyes   Favoriting  
The Gun Club  Sex Beat   Favoriting  
Melvins  Okie From Muskogee   Favoriting  
Doug Sahm  It's Gonna Be Easy   Favoriting  
Comets On Fire  Let's Take It All the Way Down   Favoriting  
Oblivians  Pinball King   Favoriting  
Melvins  Zodiac   Favoriting  
Inutili  A1   Favoriting Elves, Red Sprites, Blue Jets 
Unwound  You Bite My Tongue   Favoriting  
Steel Pole Bath Tub  Surrender   Favoriting  
Killdozer  The Pig Was Cool   Favoriting  
Melvins  Anaconda   Favoriting  
Doug Sahm  It's Gonna Be Easy   Favoriting  
Earth  Divine And Bright   Favoriting  
Faces  Ooh La La   Favoriting  
The Who  Odorono   Favoriting  

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:01am
Marcel M:

Awesome opening!!! YO!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Greg from ZONE 5:


Get In!!!
Avatar 9:03am
Chris M.:

yoyoyoyoyo let's do this
Avatar 9:05am
Wild Neil:

Good morning Chris~!EPIC opening track from a rate album! COOL. GOOD Morning Chris et al, Peace be unto you all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am

This sounds great coming over FM, TuneIn, and my iPhone WFMU app at all the same three times!
Avatar 9:08am
Marcel M:

Dang Stepchild.. I can imagine it does!
Avatar 9:10am
Wild Neil:

@Stepchild-I envy you that you can pick it up. May I ask your location?: I used be able to pick it up near Frelinghuysen Township NJ not to far from the Delaware Water Gap.
Avatar 9:11am

KARP, fuck yeah! And oh yeah, good TZAG Chris and 'urbody, let's get that paper for WFMU!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

Metuchen. Indoors I gotta go mono.
Marcel M:

I can pull the FM signal in in Bushwick, but its spotty. Literally will cut out at a red light and I'll inch half a foot forward and it comes in. Comes in loud and clear in downtown Brooklyn tho.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

Give til it pains!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Matt ww:

800-989-9369 Call now and listen to me take your pledge with a mouth full of donut!
Avatar 9:14am
Wild Neil:

I wanna put an FM antenna in my crawlspace type attic near Buffalo so I can pick up an awesome Jazz station from Toronto better...I have a Tivoli Stereo system which has an AWESOME built in antenna for FM....but I wanna do better...
Avatar 9:15am
Marcel M:

Damn.. sick set so far.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Andrew Waterloo:

Avatar 9:16am
Marcel M:

This rules.
Avatar 9:16am
Wild Neil:

HEAVY music...awesome!
Avatar 9:18am
Marcel M:

Dave in Vermont on the phone:

Hey Chris. I don't want to try to split my pledge up and there would be too many anyway. But I just want to me my favorite DJs know who they are. Thanks for a great show every Thursday. And I never knew I would have gotten into music as heavy as you play sometimes. Thanks for opening my ears. Have a great marathon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Sean from Bridgeport:

Can we hear something from Chris M sings? Please...
Avatar 9:23am
Listener 108581:

I second Sean from B's request.
Avatar 9:26am
Chris M.:

thanks, Dave!
Avatar 9:27am
Marcel M:

Def an imaginary gateway drug show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am

This is the show that got me into gateways
Avatar 9:28am
Marcel M:

OMG I forgot about Flexington! I love this song.
Avatar 9:28am

Hot damn—great show so far!

G'Morning, Gentlemen!
Avatar 9:37am
Chris M.:

get in the running for this!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am

Chris, if you want to play Gordon Ramsay, you always have to call everything "the most beautiful" and "stunning". Once he started doing Masterchef, he's gotten really repetitive with his adjectives.

"Glasgow, New Jersey" is because the online form won't even let me put "default" as my state, ha ha
Avatar 9:38am

Can't believe I missed Flexington.
Avatar 9:39am

Surely the US must have got sick of Gordon Ramsey by now?
Avatar 9:42am

We have not, davej...We love when people yell at us on our teevees.
Avatar 9:42am

I'm as surprised at you, davej.
Avatar 9:43am
Chris M.:

pledge or i'll yell at you
Avatar 9:43am
Wild Neil:

Hey Cecile!
Avatar 9:43am

hey, neil.
Avatar 9:44am
Marcel M:

I thought JMC was amazing this last tour.
Avatar 9:44am

Pledge, you donkey!
Avatar 9:45am

I liked it when he'd be a tough but fair mentor to people. But I'm sick of the screaming Hell's Kitchen/Bastard Chef stuff.
Avatar 9:46am

I told you to pledge you ****!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am
Andrew Waterloo:

Oh, the Lawnmower Man wants to donate!
Avatar 9:48am

At least while he is annoying you lot he is leaving us alone :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Andrew Waterloo:

yay me for me!
Avatar 9:53am

I'd still prefer him to Tony Bourdain. Him, you can have. This is coming from a person who once hung on his every word, and has an autographed copy of Kitchen Confidential.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am

Whenever Ramsay starts annoying me, I do one of two things:
1) think of the Mitchell & Webb sketch mocking Kitchen Nightmares, or
2) say to the tv, "oh please, 'Mr. Tough Guy', Marco Pierre White made you cry".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am

Worth every dollar there Matt
Avatar 9:56am
Listener 108581:

gosh the Germs were great...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am

just pledged. Great show!
Avatar 9:58am

I am also sick of the words regarding food:
____________________ comfort food
pork belly
Avatar 9:59am

Avatar 10:00am
Listener 108581:

gosh the Gun Club were the best..
Avatar 10:00am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-my wife told me that almost all the corn we eat is GMO and it doesn't have to be labeled...
Avatar 10:00am

Is the pledge form supposed to say "Thanks we're working on it" forever? Is that the joke?
Avatar 10:00am

oh, and:
and clean.
Avatar 10:02am

I hear "lardons," and I run the other direction.
Avatar 10:03am
Wild Neil:

@Brian-we buy bacon grease at the Ukrainian store...it browns food like nothing else when it cooks...it is awesome!
Avatar 10:05am

If you want to get your lardon, do it in the privacy or your own home, I say.
Avatar 10:05am

I love all kinds of food, but I'm so tired of it being fetishized by people who don't really like it that much.
Avatar 10:06am

Chris, I pledged, my card was charged, but the form never got to the confirmation - just hangs. Don't know what to do...
Avatar 10:06am

Also, Ukrainian delis are amazing.
Avatar 10:07am

The best Easter eggs, for sure!

Thanks, Chris's mom!
Avatar 10:07am
Wild Neil:

@Brian-its unfiltered so it has chunks of bacon still in it....
@Cecile-oh yeah, especially the Polish Solidarnosc candy also Wedel candy....we like a cold cut called Krakowska....
Avatar 10:08am

I was lead to believe we were listening to lossless files, Chris.
Avatar 10:08am
Marcel M:

That voice was great haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am

I agree with Cecile's word list. I'm also going to add the use of the word "pulled" in front of any protein. Pulled pork, pulled beef, pulled turkey...

They've now invented a new vegetarian protein (akin to soy, quorn and the like) made from oat, beans and peas. So far so good. But then they had to go call it "pulled oat" and they pissed me off royally.
Avatar 10:10am

Pulled tendon soup, even.
Avatar 10:11am

Quorn is really good. Plus it makes me feel like I'm inside one of Asimov's Foundation books.
Avatar 10:12am
Wild Neil:

@Brian-yuk! Flaki! Made from intestines...
@Caryn-How about "Jerk"?

Avatar 10:13am

On Wisconsin Public Radio, they ask for your "subbort."
Avatar 10:13am
Listener 108581:

Caryn: what's the new veggie protein?? Is it really called pulled oat?
Avatar 10:14am

Pulled Pork!!! I suddenly feel infantile
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am

@Wild Neil: all "pulled" and "jerk" things are mostly reserved in this household for wanking jokes. But for now, I'm letting it slide, since it's not such a huge buzzword over here yet. The minute every magazine is blathering about jerk this and jerk that, I'll start fuming.

after that all Melvins show the revenooers are still look for yuh!
Avatar 10:14am

"Choked chicken?"
Avatar 10:14am

love the dj combo there: chris and matt should do more shows together
Avatar 10:15am

Caryn. You had the same infantile thoughts.
Avatar 10:15am
Listener 108581:

You know what bugs me? people who say Arrranj instead of orange. LOOKING AT YOU EVERY FMU DJ!

arranj you glad you didn't say "jerk"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am

@Listener 108581: It's a recent Finnish invention (I think by a female food scientist). I don't know if it even has an official English name, but the direct translation is "pulled oat". I'm just hoping that the English title they come up with (or have come up with) is not pulling-related.
Avatar 10:17am
Listener 108581:

I actually hate the entire "foodie" world. Especially people who talk about "authentic" food. There's no such thing on earth as authentic anything.

what vegetable protein is that dude on the left?
Avatar 10:18am
Listener 108581:

@Caryn: ah, thanks. I figured. Sticking with seitan for now...cuz I can say HALE SEITAN!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am

I love food and I love music, and food snobs and music snobs can both go take a long walk off a short pier.
Avatar 10:18am

I really hate farmers. Like anyone needs them!
Avatar 10:18am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-please don't play this for twenty minutes straight again!

time for a break ...
Avatar 10:19am
Chris M.:

i want everybody on the comments to pledge right now! think about how much you use this feature. we have to pay the bills here folks.
Avatar 10:19am

Authentical food is a thing, though. Simple food, lovingly cooked, "goulûment" eaten. Mmm.
Avatar 10:19am
Listener 108581:

Oh I don't mind a music snob. I'm not one because I are dumb. But people that know what they're talking about can be snobby in my book.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Whatever, dude. I never use the comments.
Avatar 10:20am

@Chris M: done!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am

I really don't care much for soy or seitan (apart from the punning opportunities with the latter). I like quorn, but can't afford it. I'm kinda hoping the "pulled oat" will be cheaper. And change its name.
Avatar 10:21am

Not <3 though as it was a phone pledge.

OMG I remember Chris you playing this song like 7 times in a row the monday after last year's marathon. It was one of my favorite sets ever bc of that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am
Andrew Waterloo:

Snobs are OK. Prudes that turn their nose up to anything that doesn't fit in their narrow comfort zone are not.
Avatar 10:22am

Yes, Caryn, Quorn is a total splurge item. It's like filet mignon in our house.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

ok...imagine this world with out this amazing station....the 'sucko-shite-o meter" would really be pinned in the red!!!! LET'S ALL THINK ABOUT THAT ...
Avatar 10:24am

I've had mì căng in Vietnamese restaurants. (Seitan, essentially.) It was fantastic!
Avatar 10:24am

Wild Neil, not only does my deli have krakowska, but you can buy a tee shirt with its name on the back!
Avatar 10:25am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-in Cyrillic or English?
Avatar 10:26am
Listener 108581:

seitan rules the universe. I make a grilled seitan satay and it's drugs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am

I'd like to try Vietnamese food some day. Or Korean. I sometimes dream of pho... One of these days, it'll happen.
Avatar 10:27am

Speaking of food fashion, I recently made the mistake of buying bulk quinoa. Four servings cost about $15. I'm done with that.
Avatar 10:27am

in English, but still.

My new food hero is this short order guy at a 14 seat diner who turns Sysco Systems bacon and eggs into magic.
Avatar 10:27am
Listener 108581:

I agree with Chris M's assessment of Fire of Love. Brilliant.
Avatar 10:28am
Listener 108581:

oh man but I LOVE quinoa. I don't remember it being that expensive.
Avatar 10:28am
Wild Neil:

My five year old loves Cous Couse and it has some fiber so it makes him Poo Poo...better than rice, anyway...
@Cecile-I LOVE diners, especially ones with the console juke boxes....

Is quinoa supposed to be hard like gravel?
Avatar 10:29am

I have a terrible barley habit. I try not to cook it too much because it will be all gone in a flash, and then, oh...no...
Avatar 10:30am
Listener 108581:

@Neil: gotta be whole wheat though, which is easy when it comes to couscous. I mix brown rice with white rice and the kids don't even notice.

@bill: no but it takes longer to cook than they say usually.
Avatar 10:30am

I've maybe had quinoa cooked right once. I don't know what it is about it. Haven't had it so I love it, and I usually love whole grains.
Avatar 10:31am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-We eat a lot of Russian brand Buckwheat ...it has a nice husk for texture....

Hi. Please call me stupid, but on the pledge page, for the $15 a month, it says "Pledge $180 or $15/mo and you’ll get everything above...". What is everything above? The Devo style tee? Or also the bumper sticker and membership card? And also the $50 tee? Please clarify. Many thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am

The quinoa I buy seems to have lots of gravel in it. I never manage to rinse it enough to get the dirt out and end up chewing gravel, so I've kinda given up. I'll stick to rice, couscous and barley.
Avatar 10:31am

Bulgur is also great, and cooks up in a second.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

this place rocks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

I've wanted to try freekeh, if for no other reason than for the excuse to yell "freekeh!"

Thanks Listener 108581. I used to get hard-as-sand quinoa at this otherwise great salad bar until I couldn't stand it anymore.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am

Yes also the $50 tee. But not the DEVO tee, which is only if you do SwagForLife.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Andrew Waterloo:

He's not wrong about it being different.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am

what's a matter...yous don't got ESP!!!!
Avatar 10:33am

I very much prefer whole grains, too. I have white rice and cous-cous, from time to time just because. But I don't really think of it as real food.

Oh yeah, hadn't read that bit, thanks Stepchild. $50 tee and 3 DJ premiums at $15 a month? Sounds perfect!

man this is the most asskickin part of the show since chris was reading!!!
Avatar 10:35am
Wild Neil:

Speaking of grains, when I was a kid I would hock a lugie into my sandbox and eat that. Great texture....hope I don't have cysts in my digestive tract...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am

Whole grain is where it's at. With pasta, I also like the rye variety. (Our school used to have rye pasta tuna casserole, and it was great.)
Avatar 10:36am

Music to get punched in the face to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am

like the old daze in da pit!!!
Avatar 10:37am

I was once told by Auto-correct that I needed to make a couscous decision.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

@Brian: maybe you really did?
Avatar 10:39am

White rice is good for:
-soaking up the wonderful disgusting brown sauce on all Chinese takeout

Avatar 10:40am

I'm more of a genmai guy. Short-grain.
Avatar 10:40am
Marcel M:


kuh LASS ick
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am

Ooh, the list of foodie hate words must also include all new meal combo words. "Brunch" is fine, it's established and has a function. But don't start with your "brinners", "luppers" and "dunches". I don't need the excuse of a dumb Frankenstein word to have eggs in the evening.

Brian: Couscous decisions are hard to make. I'm not a fan of Israeli couscous. It's just noodle balls. Might as well use Orzo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am
Matt ww:

Everyone loving this right now should be on the phone pledging!!! 800-989-9368
Avatar 10:42am

Israeli couscous feels like eating a science experiment. Maybe I'm cooking it wrong.
Avatar 10:43am
Wild Neil:

@Caryn-WOW Rye pasta sounds good, I wonder if there is sourdough?!
@Matt & Chris-I pledged. It was easier than eating sand!
Avatar 10:43am

Having worked many a brunch, I cannot no longer participate in any capacity. The very word connotes fatigue and poverty. So it goes.

hear hear, caryn. linner, ugh!
Avatar 10:44am

Pledging is both easier and feels better than eating sand.

@chrissy: You are cooking it wrong. You should just use it as filling for beanbags that make children happy.
Avatar 10:45am

Ugh. I forgot to say in my pledge comment that Chris M has the best bed music!
Avatar 10:45am
Wild Neil:

Avatar 10:46am
Listener 108581:

I'll let him know, chissy. Hey Chris M! You have the best bed music according to chrissy.
Avatar 10:46am

@JakeGould: Maybe toasting it until it's brittle and eating it like granola may work.

@chrissy: Pigeons eat all kinds of grain. So maybe they would enjoy it.
Avatar 10:47am

I pledged to your show yesterday Matt. well worth it for ad-free, sponsor-free wall to wall sounds.
Avatar 10:48am
Chris M.:

thanks to everybody for your pledges and nice comments

I'm in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Matt ww:

Thanks dave!!

Also, kids are clumsy and pigeons need food. Make the bean bags for the kids and they can play with them. And then if a beanbag breaks open, the child's loss becomes a pigeon feast.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

My technique for cooking Spam is my general technique for cooking any inedible foodstuff: deep fry the hell out of it, smother it in ketchup, and it'll be edible. I suspect this won't work for Israeli couscous, but who knows...
Avatar 10:55am

@Jake: v efficient!
Avatar 10:56am

Wish I could pledge more. Trying to spread the love around within my means. Once my number comes in, you're all getting working CD players!
Avatar 10:56am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-I LOVE WFMU, and I REALLY like your show Chris...I first listened to it on my 1979 Chevy Nova's stereo....thanks to my friend Pete who also turned me onto King Crimson...
Avatar 10:57am
Wild Neil:

Listened in a hay field...in the car...

Pledge already! where else would you learn that Israeli couscous beanbags can double as pigeon pinatas?
Avatar 10:58am

Pledge, everyone—or WFMU will end up like WBAI.
Avatar 10:59am
Wild Neil:

@Chrissy-what happened to BAI?
Avatar 11:00am
Wild Neil:

I have very very very very very little money and I PLEDGED! You should too...
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I like Israeli couscous, but you gotta cook it long enough.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am
Wynford Eagle:

Hey I wanna pledge over here from UK - but i don't do credit cards, can i use paypal? ta
Avatar 11:01am

@Wild Neil: They're just a general mess. Not to knock the volunteers there, but you see what a severe lack of funds does to independent radio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

@Wynford: paypal is an option on the payment page, so go for it!
Avatar 11:02am

Yeah, you can use Paypal, Just don't do a monthly pledge - it really doesn't translate well to the 'pal.
Avatar 11:02am

Wynford Eagle. Yes, I think you can Paypal. Just go through the pledge page and you get the chance to specify Paypal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am
Andrew Waterloo:

Wynford. I use Paypal with WFMU
Avatar 11:05am
Chris M.:

please help me reach my goal - under an hour to go!
Avatar 11:08am
Wild Neil:

Steel Pole Bathtub clicky star! COOL!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Wynford Eagle:

@caryn - no paypal option on Per Month, Swag For Life.....
Avatar 11:10am

Yes. Swag for life doesn't play well with paypal - personal experience. You may want to contact Joe McGasko to see if he can help you out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am
Andrew Waterloo:

If you pick the Bill Me they will give you a chance to pick all your prizes, up your pledge, etc, and then you can setup a subscription on paypal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am
Wynford Eagle:

hey peeps can see no paypal option when I've chosen 'Per Month, Swag For Life - why not? Credit cards are evil, don't do them...pls advise
Avatar 11:12am
Wild Neil:

Steel Pole Bathtub clicky star! COOL!
Avatar 11:12am
Chris M.:

we're stuck?
pledge for bath tub!
pledge for killdozer!
Avatar 11:12am
Listener 108581:

Speaking of "authentic food," think I'll go for tofu banh mi today..
Avatar 11:12am

I pledge for Killdozer.
Avatar 11:13am
Listener 108581:

GAWD Killdozer is great.
Avatar 11:13am
Wild Neil:

Korean BBQ is awesome, but I am too lazy to cook my own in a restaurant....
Avatar 11:13am

Killdozer makes me feel proud to be an American.
Avatar 11:15am
Wild Neil:

Trying to grok Kildozer.
bill me:

the pig was cool! those were the daze
Avatar 11:16am
Listener 108581:

Same here Cecile, killdozer made me pledge. By the way, I do NOT see a Paypal option when I select pay by credit card. What the living Freak?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am

I was able to do a monthly Swag for Life pledge w/Paypal last year, but if you want to change it at all (e.g. increase the amount or anything), you have to cancel it on the Paypal site yourself and start over again. Paypal won't let FMU touch it after you set it up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am

@Wynford: if you wanna do monthly S4L but with paypal, choose the bill option, then email Joe McGasko on how best to set up the paypal.
Avatar 11:16am

everyone. talk to Joe. The pledge form has been weird.
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Listener 108581:

yeah, not pre-populating is a drag.
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Listener 108581:

Cecile: I'm going to use your quote as soon as possible "Killdozer makes me proud to be an American"
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Neil, Killdozer is like the growly subconscious of every too smart loser kid in the upper Midwest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am

Killdozer is always telling us about the glory of our animal friends, be they dogs or pigs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19am

If you do "bill me" you'll get an email confirmation. That confirm says that you'll get a bill soon. I believe, as last year, that bill will have a PayPal link in it. I hope it'll work that way, anyhow.
bill me:

and cops
Avatar 11:19am

When Obama won the election the first time, Killdozer was the live band on Brian Turner's show. It was the most patriotic thing ever.
Avatar 11:19am
Listener 108581:

I'm with that guy. I HATE metal but I just pledged and I pledge to Diane K's show too. Because all the other stuff makes up for it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am
Rich in Washington:

@Cecile: I need to hear that. That sounds cool!
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I love metal and punk and both make me happy.
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Wild Neil:

@Chris-could you, would you, play Water Deep the wobbly sounding Christian Rock band?
@Listener-I used to dislike metal, but King Crimson then Motorhead got me to like it more....
Avatar 11:21am

it's on the archives. The set is ridiculously tight and awesome.
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Wild Neil:

@Cecile-I like punk when its in a minor key more...major keys like C really not a lot...
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Masters of the Universe
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Wild Neil:

I am a multi-trillionaire who is very cheap...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am
Rich in Washington:

Saved it for later. Thanks!
What a crazy night that was..
Avatar 11:22am
Listener 108581:

it's just so freaking phony and I can't get into the campyness of it. Oh well, I don't like donuts either. I LOVE Death Metal Vegan Chef. THAT I get.
Avatar 11:22am

me too, neil. Happy punk pop with no edge makes me sleepy.
Avatar 11:23am
Listener 108581:

WHAT? No Buzzcocks?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Rich in Washington:

The night Obama won, I was on the streets of Portland doing vox pop interviews with people w/a KBOO news reporter and it was like VJ day, people partying in the street, pretty insane.
Avatar 11:23am

Pat, as I've said, metal is the most human of music. It takes the most serious issues on earth and translates them in to the most silly and ridiculous way possible.
bill me:

Good ol Masters of the Universe
Avatar 11:24am

I'm on the fence about the Buzzcocks. Some of their songs are the best. Some are not so much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

People who don't listen to fmu have No Idea how many genres there are to loathe!
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Listener 108581:

Wait..serious issues like Satan and medieval warriors? I'm just messin'. You're probably right and that means I should like it. Maybe some day.
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Wild Neil:

@Stepchild-I have heard some Japanese commercials music on WFMU and INSTANTLY and INTENSELY disliked it and turned it off. Yuk!
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Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Ike: For Paypal subscriptions that began before March 2016, i.e. those created in KenzoDB, WFMU can indeed send you a special link that lets you adjust your Paypal monthly amount or make a cancellation.
(The KDB admin interface provides these links for sending to pledgers.) You click the link and wind up in your Paypal account where you have to authorize the change.
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The Pink Fairies eat Rollins for brunch (and linner).
bill me:

finally some metal!
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Clicky star!
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Listener 108581:

I'll say one thing, I've learned a hell of a lot about metal since I started listening to WFMU, and YOU can too.

This is cracking me up!
Avatar 11:27am

You don't have to. Took me a long time to warm up to people like Dio, but now I think he's the greatest.
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Rich in Washington:

circular breathing
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How an I supposed to get ready for work when I'm dancing so hard?
James in montclair:

Chris, you're the best!
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Holy moly!
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Listener 108581:

This is Rollins?? He grew up about 2 blocks from my house.
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Matt ww:

If you dont pledge for that i feel bad for you
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Inward singing. It makes non-stop rocking possible.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am

do it!
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Marcel M:

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And my friends wonder why I listen to this marathon...
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Listener 108581:

See? I have to listen to more Rollins. Kind of stopped at Slip It In.

Rollins grew up? Who knew?
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Listener 108581:

That was great.
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Holy Goddamn that was funny.
bill me:

He was also in Oklahoma
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Wynford Eagle:

@kenzo - why can't i pay using paypal when i option swag 4 life, monthly $20? it is not an option on the billing page....neither is the 'bill me' option.....
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you should play something from Nixon's mixtape
bill me:

pledge for the starship connection!

@bill me: I would pay Broadway prices to see Rollins perform in Oklahoma!

so what rollins song was that??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am

Hmm, if someone told Chris that they'd pledge 5 grand to WFMU if Chris played a Beatles track, what would happen?
Senator Bernie:

Wall Street called. They said they can't pledge because Hillary got all their dollars.
bill me:

PJ who wouldn't!
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Wild Neil:

@?-it was "Do It" I think...
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Listener 108581:

Dang it! Do the drawing--I gotta go get banh mi before a 12pm meeting.
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Rich in Washington:

uh oh

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Greg from ZONE 5:

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I think pledges would start pouring in if we got a nice taster of Chris's premium.
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Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Wynford Eagle: Sorry, I was just speaking to Ike's point about pre-existing S4L's. I can't speak to how new pledges work in the new system.
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Doug Sahm with my new favorite song!
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Listener 108581:

Chris M: I know you'll never play a Beatles song, BUT if you did, which one would it be?

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Listener 108581:

Matt's starting to sound like Krusty.
bill me:

caryn he would say it was somebody else, melvins frinstance
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But if Chris doesn't play The Beatles who will??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am

I'd put the money I would've paid to see John Lydon be Pontius Pilate in Jesus Christ Superstar into seeing Rollins in Oklahoma.
Senator Bernie:

@listener 108581 You never give me your money. Obviously.

PLEDGE PEOPLE PLEDGE!!! Or the man wins.
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I keep sneaking off to Radio BoredCast. God, I'm a sucker for rainstorms.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

You can't fool me, THAT'S DADDY GARBAGE!
bill me:

you know my name look up the # obvs
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5k for Her Majesty.
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@bill me: I suppose he could play it backwards or slowed down. No rules against that.
bill me:

caryn true!
bill me:

caryn did that jc superstar play anywhere?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am

Thanks Kenzo. I didn't know that so I cancelled the old one and started over as was recommended.

The new system is not Kenzo-related, eh? Hmm. HMMMMMMMMMM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am

I'm now hoping that the person who pledged 3,300 bucks to JM in the AM would call in with a "5 grand for a Beatles song" pledge...
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@bill me: no, the production was cancelled. Hence the availability of unused "unexpected singer in a Broadway musical" money for Rollins.
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Listener 108581 (dc pat):

CRAP. Alright, I'm outta here. Good luck, Chris M.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am

Next week, Chris will give the winners' names as anagrams, and play the Countdown clock as his fellow DJ attempts to unscramble the name of the winner in 30 seconds.
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Matt ww:

Senator Bernie:

I do hope listener 108581 didn't think my 'you never give me your money' post was directly commenting on them. I was just suggesting which Beatles song Chris should play.

But people should be pledging. The total is awfully low for this stage of the marathon.
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ooh la la

I gave til it hurt so good.

No Beatles, but this crap song? Oh Chris M. Your ways are strange and inscrutable.
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Matt ww:

Peoples opinions of crap differ
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Mr. Davidson never rang!
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Ooh La La Odorono
bill me:

that was Faces?

Shoulda used Odorono, I love The Who Sell Out.
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Listener 108581:

No prob Bernie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Wynford Eagle:

ok so no paypal for monthly pledge
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, dudes!
Avatar 2:23pm

High five!
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