Favoriting Micah: Playlist from March 4, 2016 Favoriting

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Field recordings from the noosphere, music of mind control, self organizing feedback loops for singularitarians of all shapes and sizes.

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Favoriting March 4, 2016

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
alex keller  black out (excerpt)   Favoriting Black Out  mimeomeme  2015    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
alex stelzner  perspectives   Favoriting listen to the changes  century records  1968    0:15:05 (Pop-up)
mondo lava  ocean labyrinth/mermaids delight   Favoriting parrot head cartridge  hausu mountain  2014    0:17:41 (Pop-up)
yeh/ wesseltoft/ courtis/ lee  On Mercator's Projection   Favoriting cold/burn    2012    0:25:18 (Pop-up)
Pavlo V  a memory to forget   Favoriting         0:34:54 (Pop-up)
just friends  subway mystery   Favoriting s/t    1979    0:40:33 (Pop-up)
edward zimmerman  beach dance   Favoriting s/t        0:45:16 (Pop-up)
john simon  rain song   Favoriting john simons album    1970    0:48:32 (Pop-up)
providence  neptunes door   Favoriting ever sense the dawn    1977    0:52:07 (Pop-up)
windflower  you know it aint often   Favoriting s/t    1971    0:54:56 (Pop-up)
sourdeline  jeanne d'ayme   Favoriting         0:59:21 (Pop-up)
sal rachele/angelica mia margaret  celestial delights   Favoriting angels jewels of illumination        1:06:41 (Pop-up)
sal rachele/angelica mia margaret  heavenly visions   Favoriting angels jewels of illumination        1:09:57 (Pop-up)
johrei practitioners  untitled chanting   Favoriting         1:15:20 (Pop-up)
eddie watkins jr  when you believe   Favoriting       mile hi church  1:23:17 (Pop-up)
troy home  godlight   Favoriting       mile hi church  1:26:21 (Pop-up)
harsita and anamika  equinox union ceremony   Favoriting         1:33:38 (Pop-up)
sri darwin gross  flute of god   Favoriting soul speaks      eckankar  1:43:46 (Pop-up)
science of identity foundation  jaya radha shyam rock out   Favoriting         1:52:49 (Pop-up)
unknown  what Im tryin to say is   Favoriting       african theological archministry  1:59:34 (Pop-up)
Tetuzi Akiyama / Che Chen  Cold Soup (excerpt)   Favoriting cold soup        2:04:31 (Pop-up)
taylor kitchings  prelude-premonitions   Favoriting clean break    1972    2:11:25 (Pop-up)
tom pohlman  she knows me   Favoriting a prayer for john    1970    2:18:33 (Pop-up)
jackie lomax  when i miss you the most   Favoriting home is in my head        2:22:05 (Pop-up)
Thrower - Spillane - McFarland  your smile   Favoriting blue john    1973    2:24:59 (Pop-up)
bob gruber  shoah   Favoriting silent death of lee avenue    1970    2:28:24 (Pop-up)
matt davignon  Lepidoptera   Favoriting pink earth    2016    2:33:43 (Pop-up)
the 13th floor  the garden   Favoriting     1972    2:43:32 (Pop-up)
Marta Kubišová  its not unusual   Favoriting         2:46:37 (Pop-up)
pavlina filipskova & petr spaleny  to nebyl sen   Favoriting     1968    2:48:26 (Pop-up)
the G Men  il canto dei ragazzi   Favoriting     1969    2:51:59 (Pop-up)
chip fields  magnificent multiplication 9x   Favoriting         2:55:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01am

good morning, on time !! heading into some work, so i'll be lurking
Billy London:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02am

hello annie hello pierre
Billy London:

Ca va, mes amis?
Avatar 6:03am

oui, ca va.
have coffee, will listen
Billy London:

I'm moving to Montreal this summer so I'm practicing moi francais!
Avatar 6:04am

Avatar 6:05am

or maybe (ma)
Avatar 6:06am

i took high school french, it's a lovely language.
Billy London:

It's gonna be an uphill battle, that will be enjoyed by some but not all...
Avatar 6:08am

i'm sure they'll accomodate you to an extent..
Avatar 6:11am

my partner's parisienne so of course she thinks youse don't speak proper French in bloody Canada. good evening, all...
Billy London:

Loving this monologue, Micah.
Billy London:

Da best!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14am
holland oats:

This guy has the BEST psychics!
Billy London:

He knew you were going to say that! Amahzing!
Mark R.:

Dug that Mondo Lava track. "Parrot Head Cartridge" sounds like it was created by one of those random magnet word thingies.
Mark R.:

For what it's worth, I think your non-mind control sets are always really interesting and great. Usually someone I've never heard of who I discover I love and have to check out more. FMU and your show are great for turning listeners on to new stuff, even if it's old (it's still new to me!)
Billy London:

Agreed, Mark!
Avatar 6:40am

Bonjour Micah and all
Billy London:

Billy London:

Scooby and the gang checked out the mystery school I think, was that the episode with Cher?

oh yeah it was. How did you remember that'n?
Avatar 7:07am

my housemate is a serious advocate of The Course in Miracles.. makes for interesting conversations; very limited in scope. although, he finds satisfaction with its tenets, so ...

Agree with Mark R. and Billy L., this show is interesting and generally weird from start to finish. I never miss one. In the Top Ten on WFMU!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23am

thanks Will!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23am

and Mark!
Billy London:

Cmon guys!
Avatar 7:27am

why does this make me giggle?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am

cuz its just ridiculous
Avatar 7:31am

i'm afraid Micah's show is always like a horrific car crash for me; horrible but i just can't tear myself away
judy from croton:

Catchy tune though
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am

thx ausmanx. dont know if thats good or bad criticism , but I'll take it.
Cooh John:

In time to collect the debris from the crash.
Avatar 7:39am

i'm actually not sure either, micah! but i think in the youchoob age of the two-minute attention span, it's an achievement to produce something compelling!
judy from croton:

What do you think all of these cults have in common?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43am

uh. i dunno. bad music?
judy from croton:

Definitely. That explains why I am fascinated. People need rules? Community? Power?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05am

yes thats a big part of it judy. it appeals to a base psychological need. much like donald trump
Avatar 8:08am

does the donald have his own music of mind control? or does he just depend on the stupidity of the electorate? i am desperately hoping he gets elected...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am

dont know if he recorded anything. its doubtful but you never know
Avatar 8:15am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Trump has some little girls who sing songs about "freedom". Truly awful: www.vice.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am

oh right. yea that was beautiful

This is nice to wake up to. Heart-felt folky guitar strumming
Avatar 8:23am

ah, that says AMERIKKKA to me, wood-elf... sublime.
"If… the neoconservatives continue their migration towards Hillary, the end result will be a race in which the Republican candidate is running to the left of the Democratic candidate, at least in terms of the social base of his coalition and on foreign policy. This would amount to a major realignment in American politics, certainly one more dramatic than anything we’ve seen in the postwar era."
Avatar 8:24am
Wild Neil:

@Micah et al-good morning and Peace be unto you all...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am

hiya neil
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
Mike East:

been enjoying the musics this morning in and out since 6am.
Avatar 8:26am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

@micah: I'm curious to know what music you listen to when you're not preparing this show, i.e. just for pure musical enjoyment in your own personal time/space. Your shows are like fascinating documentaries, your feelings about the music itself clearly quite complex and varied.

Feel free to ignore the question if you wish to preserve the enigma : )
Avatar 8:27am
Wild Neil:

@Ausmanx-on radio commenter here believes with Mitt Romney's speech yesterday rolling out his candidacy will TEAR APART the Republican Party...and they would indeed choose Hilary over Trump because Hillary IS them in terms of corruption etc....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28am

good question canterbury. at home i mostly listen to indian classical and traditional japanese koto music , to be honest.
Avatar 8:29am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

i can totally see that. Nice. i offer you sincere thanks for subjecting yourself to all this other stuff for our benefit.

Christ, this Bob Gruber is gruesome!!

Bob Gruber doesn't pussyfoot around with his lyrics.
Avatar 8:31am

good morning. first time poster, but i totally agree with Canterbury. this Gruber track is devastating.
Avatar 8:35am
Marcel M:

Avatar 8:36am

(micah, your voice this morning is heavy; i hope you have a chance to unload some of that....unless i'm wrong...) this is a show i listen to religiously, i know i'm somewhat new to it, but it's a favorite, for sure. call me indoctrinated, then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

thanks annie. wasnt aware of my suspect timber...happy to have you as always
Avatar 8:39am
Wild Neil:

@Micah-I think you mean "Timbre" not "timber". Hope all is well in your world. Remember, you have the coolest job in the world-WFMU DJ!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am
Ken From Hyde Park:

The yips & yelps from Matt Davignon are like one of the Olga songs from Ken's show.

loving this Matt Davignon track and Bob Gruber thank you.

One of my favorite shows too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am

no i meant timber. meaning i have a wooden log stuck in my throat
Avatar 8:41am

i was wondering about that spelling, too.
Avatar 8:42am

morning, melinda

Hi Annie.
Avatar 8:44am
Wild Neil:

@Micah-well, I will therefore try to tend to the enormous plank in my eye first then...good luck with your log! It's log! It's log! It's big, its heavy it's wood...it's log ! it's log! It's better than bad, it's good!

the 13th floor nice this is a treat !
Avatar 8:47am

micah, you should ring up the Log Lady and ask her advice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am

cant. shes dead.
Avatar 8:49am

perhaps you could hold a seance.
Avatar 8:49am
Wild Neil:

@Micah-I cannot find ANY reference on the interweb for The 13th Floor....its not The 13th Floor Elevators, is it? I could see this being a really fringe rare band however....

Hi, I'm czech and for a second I was confused what radio station I'm tuned to. Thanks for these and the others too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am

not the 13FE just the 13F neil
Avatar 8:51am

Wild Neil, discogs seems to indicate that the 13th Floor only released one single in 1972 and that was it.
Avatar 8:51am
Wild Neil:

@R080-if you run into Cliff on one of these boards, he is going to move to the Czech Republic in a few months.....Prague actually...

I love that there is a lesser-known group called simply 13th Floor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am
Planet Tyler:

A Czech cover of Sand? Wow what a find. Meanwhile google translate says the title is "It Was Not A Dream"
Avatar 8:55am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

It's the multiplication cult!
Avatar 8:55am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

"Go forth and multiply."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Ken From Hyde Park:

For any number divisible by 9, you can add up the digits and the sum will be 9. Like 54 >>> 5 + 4 = 9.

13th Floor did one single this was the b side. On Susquehanna Records. they did a Lorne Green release too
Avatar 8:58am
Wild Neil:

@Avalonrick-one music guy in my office said he heard of them too...NOT 13th Floor Elevators....must be very obscure if they only had one single to their release history....
Avatar 8:59am
Wild Neil:

Cool show Micah!

there are two 13th Floor bands at least not the elevators
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44am
Cubicle Carl:

Surprisingly, the Darwin Gross track had some pretty good playing on it. I suspect that they aren't fellow Eck folk, but just old Jazz associates doing the friendly jazz thing. I make that assumption in the hope that most folk that skilled in playing won't make weird spiritual decisions. Of course, that didn't stop Chick Corea.
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