Favoriting Dark Night of the Soul with Julie: Playlist from February 9, 2016 Favoriting

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Familiar & forgotten gems from 50-plus years of music on the darker side, shoegaze, synthpop, goth, psychedelia, darkwave, with unapologetic detours into 70s pop. In a dark night of the soul, it's always 3 o'clock in the morning.

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Tuesday 3 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting February 9, 2016: A New You -- Fill-in for Jesse Jarnow

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
AC/DC  Back in Black   Favoriting Back in Black    1980    I'm back..and I'm wearing black    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Arc Waves  Transmission   Favoriting Transmission    2015        0:03:41 (Pop-up)
Jennie Vee  Lips Like Sugar   Favoriting Die Alone EP    2015        0:07:03 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  The Man Who Sold the World   Favoriting The Man Who Sold the World    1970        0:11:26 (Pop-up)
Garbage  Milk   Favoriting Garbage    1995        0:16:11 (Pop-up)
Ashrae Fax  Dynamite Dust   Favoriting Static Crash    2003        0:19:08 (Pop-up)
Hannah Fury  Not Sad   Favoriting     2015    read this later http://noplaceonearth.blogspot.com/    0:22:51 (Pop-up)
Syntherbelle  Don't Go   Favoriting     2016      *   0:25:21 (Pop-up)
Abbey Death  The Outside   Favoriting Realignment    2016    featuring Valerie Gentile and Abbey Nex  *   0:28:10 (Pop-up)
PJ Harvey  Meet Za Monsta   Favoriting To Bring You My Love    1995        0:32:02 (Pop-up)
Chelsea Wolfe  Grey Days   Favoriting Abyss    2015        0:35:31 (Pop-up)
Tori Amos  Hotel   Favoriting From The Choirgirl Hotel    1998        0:40:30 (Pop-up)
Jasmine Golestaneh  Bad Times   Favoriting Bad Times (Single)    2016    Jasmine from Tempers    0:45:45 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nanase Hikaru 

jibrille-silent mourning   Favoriting

Angel Sanctuary OST 






0:49:21 (Pop-up)
Leonard Cohen  I'm Your Man   Favoriting I'm Your Man    1988        1:01:21 (Pop-up)
Eliza Rickman  Lark of my Heart   Favoriting Lark of my Heart  Charmingly Befuddled Music  2015        1:05:48 (Pop-up)
Mephisto Odyssey featuring Angelcat  I Breathe You   Favoriting The Deep Red Connection  Warner Brothers  2000        1:09:39 (Pop-up)
Jenn Vix featuring John Ashton  Weirdo   Favoriting Strange Buildings EP    2015        1:13:13 (Pop-up)
Sombear  Incredibly Still   Favoriting Love You in the Dark    2013        1:17:14 (Pop-up)
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness  Ghost   Favoriting Fear is on Our Side    2006        1:21:24 (Pop-up)
Winkie  Paper Tiger   Favoriting Come To My Party    2016      *   1:26:41 (Pop-up)
Soko  Visions   Favoriting My Dreams Dictate My Reality    2015        1:31:47 (Pop-up)
Paul Kantner & Grace Slick  Silver Spoon   Favoriting Sunfighter    1971        1:35:44 (Pop-up)
Black Ice  Signals   Favoriting Myopia    2006        1:41:17 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Corporal Clegg   Favoriting A Saucerful of Secrets    1968        1:46:37 (Pop-up)
The Legendary Pink Dots  Key to Heaven   Favoriting Shadow Weaver    1992        1:51:10 (Pop-up)
The Anchoress  What Goes Around   Favoriting What Goes Around (Single)    2014        1:56:26 (Pop-up)
Austra  Reconcile   Favoriting Olympia    2013        2:00:44 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Cocteau Twins 

Oomingmak (instrumental)   Favoriting







2:04:25 (Pop-up)
Night Club  Need You Tonight   Favoriting     2014        2:13:35 (Pop-up)
The Scars  They Came and Took Her   Favoriting Peel Sessions    1980        2:16:22 (Pop-up)
Cocteau Twins  Hazel   Favoriting Peppermint Pig    1983        2:19:39 (Pop-up)
Vowws  Holy Youth   Favoriting The Great Sun    2015        2:22:23 (Pop-up)
Francoise Hardy  Zero Partout   Favoriting Le Danger    1996        2:25:45 (Pop-up)
Pooka  One in A Million   Favoriting Fools Give Birth to Angels    2001        2:29:47 (Pop-up)
The Monkees  Daily Nightly   Favoriting Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd.    1967        2:33:36 (Pop-up)
Should  Own Two Feet   Favoriting A Folding Sieve    1995        2:36:01 (Pop-up)
Lush  Undertow   Favoriting Split    1994        2:40:15 (Pop-up)
Jules Marie  Shadows   Favoriting Raised in Captivity    2013        2:45:24 (Pop-up)
Sunflower Bean  Easier Said   Favoriting     2016      *   2:47:45 (Pop-up)
Pixies  Where Is My Mind?   Favoriting Surfer Rosa    1988  LP      2:51:11 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Syd Barrett 

Gigolo Aunt (loop)   Favoriting







2:55:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:02am
Matt from Springfield:

First you're black - now you're BACK!! \m/

Hi Julie and Upside-Down Bats!

Hi Julie!

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Avatar 12:05am

Logan's Run?
Avatar 12:06am

hulloo all! hope you are well
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Matt from Springfield:

Arc Waves!
Avatar 🦇 12:08am

Logan's run indeed! Hey folks!

@slugluv: yes, Farah Fawcett and Michael York, as Logan and some made-up character who wasn't in the book
Triumvirate Member:

Coming straight out of the chute on fire with the AC/DC! Good to hear you.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:09am
Matt from Springfield:

Less than 24 hours until "Goth Christmas"!
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Matt from Springfield:

Hey there, unnamed Triumvirate Member! ;)
Avatar 🦇 12:11am

wow triumvirate, haven't heard that in a while!
Triumvirate Member:

Avatar 🦇 12:11am

good to be here, triumvirate member

...and farewell to George Clayton Johnson, "Logan's Run" co-author and science fiction legend, who left the planet on Christmas Day.
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Matt from Springfield:

We haven't forgotten, Julie. It'd be mighty awesome to come on with them sometime :)

The Triumvirate Lives!
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Matt from Springfield:

Great title track from a great 1970 album - trippy in-between Space Oddity and Ziggy Stardust.
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fill your request in triplicate for the triumvirate
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Matt from Springfield:

And tying up Fabio, if necessary! :)
Clay Pigeon:

Yes, Fabio is the Axl Rose of the Triumvirate reunion possibilities. Then again, I hear GnR is getting back together!
Clay Pigeon:

Man, the Bowie/loss/pain just lingers and flares up over and over. Miss that man. The only silver-lining is all of the fantastic reading and visual material about him that's surfaced since his passing. Curious about those final post-Blackstar tracks, too. Ooooh Shirley Manson. Underrated. w/Butch Vig ...
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Matt from Springfield:

Have to wait on the inevitable posthumous studio anthology, to hear some of this post-Blackstar material.
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:21am
Matt from Springfield:

Oooooooohhh YESSSS! Unmistakable 4AD sound coming in here! :D
Clay Pigeon:

Julie, do you like anything from Marilyn Manson's "Pale Emperor" release? I love "Deep Six." Not sure where you stand w/him.

Any Stone Roses tonight? or The Church?
Clay Pigeon:

I go now ... back into the woodwork ... listening ...
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Clay, I don't really care for Marilyn Manson. thanks for visiting, CP!
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Hipster, sorry hadn't planned on it.
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Matt from Springfield:

Stone Roses :) The Church :-)
Not really "black metal", but fine bands both!
Mind Blown...:

...by the thought of Fabio as "The Axl Rose" of ANYthing
Avatar 🦇 12:27am

my Stone Roses knowledge is even less than my Church knowledge

Yeah guilty pleasures, don't tell my Black Metal Friends I like this music or I will lose my "cred"
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Syntherbelle and Glockabelle should do something together

“The Stone Roses” had one good album. A very good album. But just one good album. There.
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Matt from Springfield:

Your secrets are safe with us!
Secrets thrive in the Dark, you know ;)
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Matt from Springfield:

@Julie: Mos def, Julie!

New School of Seven Bells this month.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31am

Some people often compared Garbage unfavorably to Curve back in the 90s, but even as a fan of Curve, I didn't hear it or understand the comparison.

And yes that new School of 7 Bells is good.

For Bowie tributes, read James Wolcott's elegy.

"-Belle & -Belle"! There's a concept

The Rolling Stone pieces on Bowie and Cameron Crowe's Glenn Frey tribute are well-done.

@Ike: Hey! Was in studio for “Dr. Gameshow” this past night.

Always thought Garbage was underrated. And they did a bitchin' James Bond movie theme, one of the all-time best, for "The World is Not Enough"
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:36am
Matt from Springfield:

Awesome Jake! How was it? Intend to be a regular guest now?
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that IS a good bond theme

@Matt: Me and BobDoesThings were invited in as special guests. It was fun. And my voice sounds tons better on a real microphone instead of my iPhone. So much clearer. www.wfmu.org...

I am tuning in Julie. :)

Enya vs. Basia ... who wins?

Loving it
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:42am
Matt from Springfield:

Nothin' tops a Studio A mic for that smooooooooth voice!
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thanks Tommy! Welcome, Pete!
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Matt from Springfield:

K8 vibes to this one.

@MattfromSpringfield: It would be great to be on again., but hey… I always have the phone. Also this episode was pretty great since Hannah and Lilly called in as well as deep-voiced Alex from Brooklyn and reviled Harry Gensmer of “Werewolf Elton John” fame.
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Matt from Springfield:

"Reviled" regulars :)

"Reviled": possible good band name
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:48am
Matt from Springfield:

"Jasmine Golestaneh" - Persian!
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Matt from Springfield:

@P-90: Or tack it onto something, like the "Reviled Souls" or "Reviled Kind".

aaah, those familiar music-box tones... too infrequently heard these days...
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 12:57am
Matt from Springfield:

Oooof, hope Hannah recovers in no time.
Danne D:

Hi Julie Dark and everyone! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Glad to hear you on the air but bummed I didn't get to see ya at the station (I usually screen for Dave on Mondays). Anyway continue to have a great show :) And have a good night everyone!
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heya Danne! Thanks!
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Matt from Springfield:

Thanks "Danne Dark"!
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Danne Darko?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 1:07am
Matt from Springfield:

That would be appropos for this show :)

Eliza! Catchy melody, is this a cover I wonder?
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nope this is one of her originals. She plays it live with just her and autoharp.
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Matt from Springfield:

Wonderful tune! Like starting from Stephen Foster and going all the way into next century! Past present and future put together!
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for your eye candy, Natasha in Antibirth exclaim.ca...
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Matt from Springfield:

Now that is a Bowie-esque photo shoot! :)

She just went "boy crazy" with Carrie in Portlandia. And she has some of the best lines in Detroit Rock City.
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i was sad she was in so little of the last Orange is the New Black season

The only regret I have? I didn’t do my Kermit the Frog singing voice doing “This Night Has Opened My Eyes.” I can do Kermit and Gonzo singing that song.

And Julie… I like this “Dark Night of the Year of the Monkey” show.
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thanks Jake!
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Listener Ike turned me onto these folks
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Matt from Springfield:

@Hipster: Oh! Natasha was "Christine" the disco girl! I didn't realize, it's been years since I've seen that film!

@Jake: Did Kermit and Gonzo ever perform that song? Or is that your active imagination? ;)
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or I guess more like this guy
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 1:23am
Matt from Springfield:

Dark Soul of the Ike - suitable sound for this show! Thanks Ike!

@Jake: Fire Monkey year, lighting up and enlivening the Dark Nights.


Even better: this time 'round it's the Year of the Flaming Monkey. So "Dark Night of The Flaming Monkey"
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 1:25am
Matt from Springfield:

Genghis Khan-like torture: Expect the Unexpected!

I'll remember you at marathon time
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Thanks Tommy but I won't have a show. Look for me as a co-host though!
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Matt from Springfield:

"Paper tiger" - or, as I call it nowadays, a "PowerPoint tiger"...
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this is quite a dark-ish show tonight but I guess that's where my head was.
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Matt from Springfield:

It fits well, Jules :)
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winter and all that. it was supposed to be snowing but it doesn't look like much

Any other stories from sundance? Did you see or bump into any celebs/directors?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 1:39am
Matt from Springfield:

Good one with Paul and Grace.
RIP Paul Kantner... and Signe Anderson, the first female singer w/ JA, same day Jan 28! How freaky is that...

@Matt: “Did Kermit and Gonzo ever perform that song? Or is that your active imagination? ;)” My active imagination, an awareness of my vocal range when doing impressions and then realizing a few “Smiths” songs work well with it.

Big snowstorm, but it all passed just North and East of NJ and NY. Even Long. Island, just East of here , got heavy snowfall. Weatherman said we got lucky, but I was disappointed.
Avatar 🦇 1:39am

I saw a lot of people didn't actually SPEAK to any of them though. THere is a great film called Between Sea and Land from Colombia, oddly enough another Muscular distrophy story but a much more serious one. Beautiful visuals too, they lived on a swamp.
Avatar 🦇 1:40am

Yeah Matt that was super weird. this is a great song, there is something very Tommy/Who about it.
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there were a lot of music movies and I saw only the one about X (Japan) which was pretty cool. The Miles Davis pic by Don Cheadle is supposed to be really good too.
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Matt from Springfield:

@Jake: Nice, I love active imagination myself. Use it :)

"Tommy" like structure to this, yes!
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Matt from Springfield:

@P-90: They'll be disappointed in NH as well--it's already Primary Day and they'll only have 9 inches of snow to travel through..but I know they'll make do.
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man I love how well JA (ish) fits in seamlessly with a contemporary song.

No snow in NY/NJ this time around.
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I saw some ice like precipitation several hours ago
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Matt from Springfield:

Cpl. Clegg!
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this show needed some kazoo
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Matt from Springfield:

Live a little, people--add some kazoo to your life.

I love me some X, def going to check that out. Yoshiki is a hero of mine.
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pacific standard simon:

Dear Julie, pleased to meet you. Last night, I made a search of the FMU playlists to finf out if any DJ had ever played anything by John And Mary. You were the only one.
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wow that's surprising!
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Matt from Springfield:

John And Mary? Tell us more.
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pacific standard simon:

John Lombardo and Mary Ramsey, formerly of 10,000 Maniacs. Their first two (and best) albums were on Rykodisc in the early 90s, predating the WFMU playlists.
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I think I'm airdrumming to a drum machine
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Matt from Springfield:

What can I say, "WFMU: We won't neglect ANY part of the 10,000 Maniacs family" :)
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that was my ryko catalog phase..them and Hex were good ryko artists

@Julie: “Ice like precipitation?” Did you have to file a police report about the weather in your vicinity?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning & Happy Mardi Gras!
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Matt from Springfield:

HEX! Steve Kilbey (The Church) and Donnette Thayer! :)
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pacific standard simon:

I was a Ryko addict because the Zappa catalog was licensed to them.
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Matt from Springfield:

@Ken HP: And that means it's almost time for Ash Wednesday, or, Goth Christmas! (see 12:09)
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@Jake that's need to know only
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it seems to me Ryko was also (re)releasing a lot of Hitchcock & Sandy Denny stuff too

@Julie: I will respect the cone of silence surrounding the investigation of the ice like conditions.

"Air drum machining"? Hmm...
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Hey it's better than air triangle
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pacific standard simon:

What a wonderful label, for a time. Didn't the Bowie catalog get re-issued by them?
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Matt from Springfield:

@Julie ...which, I have done sometimes before ;)
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pacific standard simon:

To be fair, the drums themselves might have been live. The cymbals, however...
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Matt from Springfield:

Ahhhh, "Oomingmak" :)

And I had no idea that two of the 10,000 Manics had formed a new band. I liked that track.
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pacific standard simon:

@Julie - I prefer "all over the place".

Hi Pete! Any radio pal of Julie's is a radio pal of mine.
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Matt from Springfield:

Pete's show on WPRB was good, more solidly Goth as Julie described, somewhat of an electronica edge too.

@Julie: you can say Signe as "Sig-ee"', or "See-noo" like in the original Danish.
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pacific standard simon:


Oops, "Sig-nee", not Sig-ee
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Matt from Springfield:

The female DJs do their own things, but we tend to remember them longer: there's fewer of them then males, and when we really love their shows it hurts when the schedule changes. (Like Maria Levitsky! Betsy Nicholls! AR'd...)
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Pete says he'll be back on in June :) Are we having a taco party? YUM
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Matt from Springfield:

Robotic-soul take on program I.N.X.S.
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this is just a silly fun bit of pop I found
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Matt from Springfield:

And you can sing "Taco Party" along to the Black Flag song "TV Party".
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pacific standard simon:

It's the opposite of a sausage party. ;)
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oh dear..I take back the yum part ;)
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pacific standard simon:

Sorry, I just hadda...
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Matt from Springfield:

CTs! "Hazel"! w/ their friend Gordon Sharpe on vocals :D

Watch for my new Marvel comic mini-series "The League of Lady DJs". They be spinnin' tasty beats and fightin' crime in Jersey City...
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uh oh I better get out my Emma Peelers
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pacific standard simon:

@P-90 - You read Ms. Marvel lately?
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Matt from Springfield:

Hmm, maybe Gordon only is on the BBC Sessions??

@P-90: Like I said long ago, Julie's a superhero: DJ by night, fighting crime and musical mediocrity by day!

The comic will be interactively integrated with Audience Engine, if I ever finally figure out what that is...

All of the women DJs at WFMU play the exact same music all the time right?
Avatar 🦇 2:26am

yes and we do it in bikinis

And late to comment, but I forgot that Farrah Fawcet was in “Logan’s Run.” Thanks for the reminder. youtu.be...

@Julie: The WFMU charity bikini car wash is always a real event.

@pacific standard simon: Shh! The League/Ms. Marvel crossover is supposed to be a surprise!
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pacific standard simon:

The current Ms. Marvel is Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American born in Jersey City after her parents moved from Karachi, Pakistan. She fights crime in Jersey City. And I cannot lie.
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@Jake it was for a while but when Jonesy & X-Ray joined in we were asked to put a stop to it

@Julie: Yeah, I remember the children saying, “Hey! Please give us more cancer if those guys are going to do that. Give us all the cancer.”
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pacific standard simon:

Still waiting for the Ms. Marvel/WFMU crossover.
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oh man jake you just made me laugh/cough
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we need to send marvel some FMU shirts..we have an old FMU guy at DC but not at marvel
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pacific standard simon:

Maybe the station can get some graphic novels for marathon prizes.

Marvel will be donating 500 "League of Lady DJs" bikinis to the next marathon to be offered as swag. There will be several styles, but tops and bottoms will be mix-n-match. Collect 'em all!
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there should BE an FMU graphic novel, we got enough artists on staff
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The 7SD marathon premium this year is going to be a graphic novel. Each page illustrated by a different WFMU listener.
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Matt from Springfield:

I support a/many WFMU graphic novel/s!
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pacific standard simon:

@Julie - YO!

@P-90 - on the Frangry & Michele show, no doubt.
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@Ken oh yes that's right! I've heard that. I know someone doing a page.
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Matt from Springfield:

@Ken HP: Which means it will never be completed--just what we expect from a 7SD premium ;)

"Daily Nightly", sounds like a Carole King composition. Lemme check...
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pacific standard simon:

Preach it, Mickey!
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Matt from Springfield:

Nope! Penned by Michael Nesmith! But he's certainly learned from Carole's style over the years!
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oh I think we all learned from Carole

AmEdeo is "an old guy" now?
Also, I heard Mr. Friedman say it was the Jersey City Police who pulled the plug on Glenn and X-Ray at the car wash. He said something about "breaking the rules by going topless". He also said the event would be difficult to interactively integrate with Audience Engine, whatever that is...

@KenFromHydePark: Each story in that graphic novel ends in bear rape. Great idea!
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amedeo is timeless
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pacific standard simon:

Mickey Dolenz should have been waxing Don Kirshner's sausage for all the times he was given the lead vocals on someone else's song.
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listener mark:

Thank you Julie! I was listening on the long slow crawl home from work.

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glad you're enjoying it Mark!
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enjoy this Lush they battled Gary Numan to get on the air just now

Now that is a battle I wish there were pictures for!
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Matt from Springfield:

Lush sounds prevail over disconnecting robotics.
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LOL right???
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aww I love me some Gary

Lush: 1
Numan: 0
stay tuned for updated scores
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Matt from Springfield:

As do I, just referencing his title I love "Me I Disconnect From You" :)
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pacific standard simon:

Cam Newton: -1
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Matt from Springfield:

...and, Jules Marie, your secret side project :)
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LOL we are friends on twitter and she will say something and I'll see it later and go I don't remember tweeting that

Miki and Emma from Lush would handily dispatch Gary Numan in any real-life battle, so art imitates life once again.

So who wins in a competition against non-hardcore fans: Devo or Toni Basil with Devo as her backing band doing her stuff and a few Devo covers? Tough choice if you really have to think about it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullo Julie! Pleasure to hear you ; it's not too late to Make Insomnia Great Again...
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:50am
Matt from Springfield:

Wowie Wow WOW!! New Dreampoppy music, LOVING this Sunflower Bean!
Avatar 🦇 2:51am

heya RR! yeahhh good stuff. I think they're from NY too
Avatar 2:51am
pacific standard simon:

Sunflower Bean actually sounds quite a lot like John And Mary, without the viola.
Avatar 🦇 2:51am

oh dear I'm approaching my last song
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:52am
Matt from Springfield:

Insomnia is fun with stuff like this on!
Hullo RevRab! Got enough snow to walk to the Primaries in?
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:52am
Matt from Springfield:

@PSS: Useful description! I'll look into John & Mary then.
Avatar 🦇 2:53am

thanks everyone for listening! see you....somewhere sometime!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:54am
Matt from Springfield:

The ride's coming to an end, but so glad you could stop by Julie! Thanks! For tunes classic and modern, expected and unexpected!

So do I understand correctly: Julie's show will actually end tonight just when it's supposed to begin?! Am I in the Twilight Zone, or what?
Avatar 🦇 2:55am

LOL yep
Avatar 2:55am
pacific standard simon:

@Matt - Victory Gardens, and The Weedkiller's Daughter.

Thanks for the show Julie!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I dozed off during Martha's show. Glad that I awoke in tome to catch some DNotS. Take care, Julie!
Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:56am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Avatar 🦇 Swag For Life Member 2:57am
Matt from Springfield:

Have a good night everyone!
Have a great..MARDI (gras)!
Avatar 2:57am
pacific standard simon:

@Matt - Contact me if you need assistance.
Avatar 2:59am
pacific standard simon:


It was dark, but "dark and lovely"
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pacific standard simon:

Avatar 12:44pm
Van in DC:

Oh my. Just look at this beautiful playlist.
Avatar 12:51pm
Van in DC:

So just getting to this!

Just a great first set!
Avatar 1:24pm
Van in DC:

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