Favoriting Blurred and Obscured with Jonathan Herweg: Playlist from January 31, 2016 Favoriting

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An underground journey through the history of psychedelic rock, modern music, shimmering noise, free jazz, punk, funk, children's records played at the wrong speed, tape cut-up, static, the composition of decomposition, and subversive spoken word.

Sunday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 31, 2016: You Don't Know, And You Don't Want To Know!

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
  Absolutely Real/Adult Entertainment/Transmission Begins       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
  Poetry Will Be Made By Everyone     Sounds From The Chris Marker Film "Sans Soleil  0:03:06 (Pop-up)
Cranioclast  ..And Still The World Exists   Favoriting Never Say When    0:04:34 (Pop-up)
Robert Wyatt  Chairman Mao   Favoriting 1982 Pieces    0:06:23 (Pop-up)
Dolphin Tears  ReSpawn Heaven (Exceprt)   Favoriting ReSpawn Heaven    0:13:20 (Pop-up)
Robert Turman  Firey Cock Dub   Favoriting Macro    0:15:02 (Pop-up)
Kahil El'Zabar's the Ritual  The Opening   Favoriting Another Kind Of Groove    0:17:56 (Pop-up)
Opening Needle Progress  Dirt   Favoriting     0:22:49 (Pop-up)
Galifardeu Atomic  Cadaques   Favoriting Mediterricola    0:25:59 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:




0:30:01 (Pop-up)
Thomas Leer  Private Plane   Favoriting Cease And Desist Music From The Post Punk Era 1978-82    0:38:04 (Pop-up)
Sprung Aus Den Wolken  Gegen Den Storm   Favoriting Early Recordings    0:41:25 (Pop-up)
  Sans Soleil Clip (Subway Sumo)       0:45:39 (Pop-up)
Billy Bao  Side A Excerpt   Favoriting Lagos Sessions    0:50:47 (Pop-up)
Cranioclast  L.K.A. Sonar Kit   Favoriting     0:53:59 (Pop-up)
Yosuke Yamashita & Yasutaku Tsutsui  Tsuski   Favoriting     0:59:28 (Pop-up)
  Junkopia (Chris Marker)       1:11:58 (Pop-up)
Public Image Ltd.  Theme   Favoriting First Issue    1:17:44 (Pop-up)
Androids Of Mu  Pretty Nun   Favoriting Blood Robots    1:26:36 (Pop-up)
Elias Hulk  We Can Fly   Favoriting Unchained    1:31:33 (Pop-up)
Tools You Can Trust  Working And Shopping   Favoriting     1:38:19 (Pop-up)
Third Door From The Left  It's Not Us   Favoriting Face The Firing Squad    1:48:12 (Pop-up)
Eugene Mirman  Digital Drugs (Amoxicillian)   Favoriting I'm Sorry (You're Welcome)    1:51:17 (Pop-up)
Mouse Sluts  Mouse Sluts   Favoriting Mouse Sluts    1:53:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:




2:03:38 (Pop-up)
Tolerance  Gig's Tape In 3's   Favoriting Divin    2:04:26 (Pop-up)
Neel  Post Landing   Favoriting Phobos    2:06:46 (Pop-up)
John Bender  27B4   Favoriting I Don't Remember Now    2:14:16 (Pop-up)
Ron Morelli  Desert Ocean   Favoriting A Gathering Together    2:18:54 (Pop-up)
Robert Turman And Aaron Diloway  Blizzard 1   Favoriting Blizzard    2:25:31 (Pop-up)
Dasha Rush  Evidencia   Favoriting     2:34:29 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Tatyana Makharadze & G. Bugadze 

Lale   Favoriting

Excavated Shellac: Strings - Guitar, Oud, Tar, Violin, And More From The 78 RPM Era 


2:44:46 (Pop-up)
Don Cherry  Part 1   Favoriting Live in Stockholm    2:46:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

nezurak poo:

is this 200% whateves?
Avatar 3:04am
Simon P:

Made it for the intro...morning

Hi jonathan, welcome back.
bummpy grumples:

im feeling good about this radio show.
Avatar 3:07am

Hey gang!!
Avatar 3:10am
pacific standard simon:

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Me who?

Avatar 3:11am

good morning!
Avatar 3:12am
Simon P:

Robert Wyatt will save the world!
Avatar 3:12am

Wow, Dueling Simon's.....and Sr. Blanco,,,,A new comer...

Thanks for this wyatt red beauty
Avatar 3:16am
pacific standard simon:

Brian Eno's Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) was built from Robert Wyatt showing Eno a commie Chinese book.
Avatar 3:18am
Simon P:

The Simons
Rudi Vanmarcke:

... you make my sunday mornings sound great here in Bruges (Belgium)
Avatar 3:19am

Simon and Simon. Remember that show?
Avatar 3:20am
pacific standard simon:

It could be like The Simpsons, but more-or-less disfunctional.
Avatar 3:23am
pacific standard simon:

I bet Belgium is beautiful in the morning sunlight.
Avatar 3:28am

I didn't expect a song in catalán!
Avatar 3:29am

This song is sort of out o character for the show but I liked it so I thought I'd play it.
tinkle bear:

In USA, TV watches you!
Avatar 3:36am

I really liked the song. Thanks. I was surprised by the language spoken in the song, one of my country's languages.
Avatar 3:38am
Simon P:

I'm well into reading these days trying to stave off complete brain death


Listening from London

you exist!!!
Avatar 3:39am

I sure do!
Avatar 3:40am
Simon P:

wow I love this Private Plane - have the 45 somewhere
Avatar 3:41am
Simon P:

78-82 four of the best music years ever
tinkle bear:

with you on that, Simon P.
Avatar 3:42am

I feel like I just played this on the show 2 weeks ago? I can't remember , anyhow I love that cease and desist comp..
Listener Schned:

The secret of the misery of daily life is the real state secret- cf. Guy Debord et al.
Avatar 3:43am
pacific standard simon:

I'm in the midst of reading everything written by Ray Bradbury.
Avatar 3:43am
Simon P:

think it was Robert Rental you played
Avatar 3:43am

Who cares if I do repeat moves as long as it's worth hearing right?
Avatar 3:43am
Simon P:

a coupla weeks back ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44am

Talking about non-readers, you've got me thinking about the bill hicks sketch- "looks like we've got ourselves a reader!"
Avatar 3:44am

Fahrenheit 451. is one of my favorite books ever...
Avatar 3:45am

I should read it again.
Avatar 3:45am
pacific standard simon:

@kraftwerk22 - you know that's ironic, yeah?
tinkle bear:

secret de polichinelle: the thing everyone knows, but is not recognised as generally known.
Avatar 3:48am

Ray Bradbury was good friends with Rod Serling.. imagine those two hanging out and what they talked about?
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 3:52am

I think i read everything Bradbury wrote when i was in high school after being forced to read one of his short stories by an english teacher.

And i don't care who knows.... I have read books since i graduated.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53am

hello Jonathan and others
Avatar 3:54am
Simon P:

Jon, just got myself a copy of A Ayler 'Spiritual Unity' anniversary ed
Avatar 3:56am
pacific standard simon:

@Jherweg - They began as friends, but Bradbury inevitably had to write a "don't contact me again" letter to Serling because Serling couldn't manage his tendency to "borrow" ideas for stories from others.
Avatar 3:57am

Sweet......love that record!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58am

@pacificstandard Simon er, yes! Unless I've dramatically misread bill hicks and he was an anti-drugs, military industrial complex corporate shill. I really hope not
Avatar 4:01am
pacific standard simon:

I bought a set of bookends that was carved out of the ceiling joists from Ray Bradbury's house. Love 'em.
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 4:04am

I hope that wasn't a load bearing ceiling.
tinkle bear:

pacific standard simon: now i wish i hadn't spent all my money on that pap smear of madonna's. totally non-functional, it turns out.
oh well.
Avatar 4:07am
pacific standard simon:

The house was demolished. The Ray Bradbury collection will be preserved.

The Veldt was my favourite probably
Avatar 4:10am
Simon P:

C'mon Bernie!!!
Avatar 4:12am
pacific standard simon:

I've never given money to a political candidate; I'm waiting for one of them to deliver what they promise, eh?


Hi JH loving the show just think positive man unlock the real you and get famous don't be a loser like me
Avatar 4:15am

The last thing I want to be is famous.....
Avatar 4:16am

How are things Down Under Dallas, saw all your favorite BG extras on Law and Order SVU the other day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17am

i would not give money to any of them. but i have given time. i made phone calls for Mondale/ Ferraro.

You're famous in Tasmania
Avatar 4:21am

I am?? Good to know!
Avatar 4:21am

I'm expecting MEGA donations from AUS this year for the fundraiser!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22am

it's true . i saw a picture of you wearing speedos,drinking cosmopolitans in the tasmanian enquirerer er.
Avatar 4:22am
pacific standard simon:

Eh, Bernie is my George McGovern, Hillary is my Hubert Humphrey. I could vote for either of them, but I might be more interested in the lost cause of Rand Paul.
Avatar 4:25am
pacific standard simon:

John Lydon recently attained the age of 60. I'd bet you he lives past the age of 90.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29am

maybe...in a home with constant nursing care.
- he sounds senile already.
...then again, maybe that's just another of his lies.
tinkle bear:

'Mega' donations from Australia? Sure you aren't thinking of New Zealand?
Maybe if you ask the US DOJ nicely they'll share some of the money they stole from Kim Dotcom...
Avatar 4:33am

Yeah or the mega upload guy?
tinkle bear:

yep, that's the one.

My fave Ray Bradbury book would have to be "Dandelion Wine"... his description of the smell of cut lawns in summer still resonates...
tinkle bear:

greysquad-- that book is on the reading shelf in our bathroom.
tinkle bear:

...too bad the cut-lawn smell doesn't permeate the room...

"our bathroom"? tinkle bear, tell your friend poo bear to eat less meat...

Junkopia? sorry I missed that! great movie!

There's an amazing people like us Peel session, which she released as a download, and it has short tracks made up of Peel just saying 'er' and 'um'. His style definitely added a huge amount to his appeal
Avatar 4:47am
Simon P:

I have a big box full of cassettes of Peel shows which i edited live so hardly any have his voice on!
tinkle bear:

greysquad-- good advice. i will pass it on. (not that he'll listen.)

What a waste Simon! The tapes must be awesome, but you miss out on his 'I'm not sure of that was the right speed' general joyous incompetence
Avatar 4:56am
Simon P:

yeah well y'know in the excitement of the moment and all that....I do have a few snippets of the man
Avatar 4:56am

Always the same..always different.
Avatar 4:57am

I feel like I've been on the air for fucking 6 hours already can I go home yet? jesus Christ!!!
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 4:58am

@ jimbo - speaking of People Like Us and ers and ums, there's also this:
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 5:03am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I got a second wind and started doing my taxes. The web site just went off-line for maintenance, so I guess I'll try to drift off to sleep now. Stupid taxes!

Thanks @cklequ ! That's great, I'd forgotten about that. Here's the peel session with all the mumblings http://freemusicarchive.org/music/People_Like_Us/John_Peel_Session_2003/
tinkle bear:

Jherweg-- no, you cannot go home already.
not until you play an hour's worth of dulcet tones so that Ken from Hyde Park (and, maybe, coelacanth?) can drift peacefully onto the astral plane.
Avatar 5:16am

What about my peaceful sleep though?

oh yez... got my ticket for the march 28th faUSt show... actually more looking forward to the jowehead opener...
tinkle bear:

that is what public transportation is for.

should be a great combo/show... too bad john bender couldn't get booked..
Avatar 5:21am

Is John Bender even alive?
Avatar 5:21am

I'm convinced that John Hughes named the Breakfast Club Character After John Bender?
Avatar 5:26am
Simon P:

Ron Morelli !!

discogs doesn't mention that he's croaked (yet). Jherweg, if you're at that show (which I'm sure you'll be), you gotta get BT to play that John Bender take on "Rainy day", before they play... It'll be epic!
Avatar 5:28am
Simon P:

Jon, maybe you should do a show called The Final Hour
Avatar 5:29am

I would prefer a 2 hour format......3 hours is a little much.....
tinkle bear:

split the shift with nat roe, maybe?
buy him a bag of chips, or something, to sweeten the deal?
Avatar 5:42am
Simon P:

a least you're not an enigma wrapped in a box..or however it goes

thanks, great show! and I'm gonna check out breakfast club again to see the bender/bender comparison... but I'm guessing that the real "Bender" would be the Ally Sheedy character....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48am

Peace and love? Jon, you are an enigma. Thanks for another cool show!

How about reading the "Decline And Fall Of the Roman Empire"?

Or "War And Peace"?
Avatar 5:53am
Simon P:

thanks for show
tinkle bear:

sleep well, jonathan "enigma" herweg.
Avatar 9:45pm
Hiram Mesa:

I'm listening in the future! Good show.

Drifting into sleep. Bananas.
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