Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from January 22, 2016 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 22, 2016: Put The Needle on The Larry Davis, Larry David, Tone Tank, Flint Water, Immaculate Styles Pre-Storm Mix

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
The Dayton Family  Flint Town (edit)   Favoriting     1993    teeny excerpt from Flint MI nineties gangsta rap crew - rapping bout drinking beer (but do not drink the water)     
PTNOTRemix  Flint Michigan (Dirty Water)   Favoriting     2016    contains samples of The Standells "Dirty Water" + BBC News report on Flint + US TV network news report  *    
Tone Tank  Cop/Boost (featuring Serengeti, produced by J Howells Werthman)   Favoriting ONE-OFFs & ONE-UPMANSHIPs  Modern Shark  2015  Cassette    *   0:01:50 (Pop-up)
Tone Tank  Didn't Tone Treat You Right? (featuring Kool AD - produced by J. Howells Werthman   Favoriting ONE-OFFs & ONE-UPMANSHIPs  Modern Shark  2015  Cassette    *   0:06:02 (Pop-up)
Tone Tank  Bazooka Rap (Edan Medley)   Favoriting ONE-OFFs & ONE-UPMANSHIPs  Modern Shark  2015  Cassette  alternate mix from one played before - of same song - found on dope new Tone Tank album    0:09:24 (Pop-up)
Kimzilla  Show ID into Immaculate Styles WFMU mix   Favoriting     2016    Kimzilla (today's engineer) talks over Loop looped track he did for Dirty Joe off his 2015 album C*n't is a 4-letter word (Dirtle Wax)  *   0:13:23 (Pop-up)
Immaculate Styles  WFMU freestyle mix Jan 2016   Favoriting     2016    SoCal DJ/producer who contributed to the summer 2015 series of this show with a mix -returns with this brand new 7 minute mix he laced up late last night - upon request.  *   0:13:39 (Pop-up)
DJ Anubus  The Dude Mix (excerpt/edit)   Favoriting from Put The Needle on the 3 Guest DJs - PTNOTR WFMU archives    2015    5 minute excerpt from his 20 minute (WFMU exclusive) mix from a year ago that the SoCal DJ did for this show - in archives for Jan 25 2015 - along with mixes by both DJ ALF and Loop Skywalker    0:21:14 (Pop-up)
Ghostface Killah & Doom  Chinatown Wars (produced by Oh No)   Favoriting GTA chinatown wars    2009        0:26:33 (Pop-up)
PTNOTrump  China (they love me)   Favoriting Trump Button Blues    2016    "Hott 2 Deff" instrumental by Lyrics Born + that guy… Trump whose "China" samples are culled from a wonderfully researched/compiles mix from few months ago via YouTube member HuffPost Movie Mashups - part of Huff Post - incredible considering that no two sound bites by Trump were used. The reason I chose Trump is that his voice and range of vocal sounds is so musical. I had another piece of Sarah Palin and Trump that I was going to use but it depressed me so much I trashed it.  *   0:30:09 (Pop-up)
Run-D.M.C.  Wake Up   Favoriting Run-D.M.C.  Profile Records  1984  LP  love how the lyrics are as relevant as ever - if not more so - 32 years later    0:33:24 (Pop-up)
DJaculate/Jimmy Penguin  You got it (feat cuts by Jimmy P)   Favoriting Turbo Gangster Sandwich    2015    scratching from da emerald isle    0:38:48 (Pop-up)
Harry Moschops  live rap from Dublin for WFMU   Favoriting     2012    UK born, Dublin based hip-hop talent (DJ and MC and producer) Harry Moschops - aka DJ Moschops    0:41:43 (Pop-up)
DJ Moschops  Educated Flesh Mix Part Two   Favoriting     2015    second half of killer new mix that played first part of on the Jan 1st show three weeks ago  *   0:42:27 (Pop-up)
MEGA RAN & STORYVILLE  artiliary   Favoriting     2015    another 2015 release did not fit into the best of 2015 show  *   0:51:33 (Pop-up)
Reks  Bitch Slap (feat R.A. The Rugged Man)   Favoriting The Greatest X    2016    sneak peak from forthcoming 2016 album from Reks  *   0:55:04 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:57pm

Taggin up early. Got my bleezies. Got my heem. Ready to get toe up till the snow show up. Big Ups Billy Jam, big ups spidermank, big ups ADA, big ups everybody doing it without ruining it or abusin it, cant spell unity without unit, move with the movement
Harry Grant Jr:

heard u gonna be playing my boy today - thanks
Avatar 7:00pm

"Exercising daily to stay healthy, and I never drink water out the tap cuz its FILTHY" - Stic,man, Dead Prez
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

Billy Jam! NoName! Need this.
Avatar 7:04pm

Hell yeah chris! this track goin so tough right now
Avatar 7:05pm
Studio B Ben:

Damn. So tight.
Avatar 7:05pm
Marcel M:

Tone Tank is sick.
Avatar 7:06pm

i just got here in time for Cop/Boost.......YESSSSSSSSS,,,, got my Tone Tank Tape this week,fuckin awsome,, i iz a happy man .. eyup TRWNN, you always lay some wax lyrical cool .eyup chris and all Billy Jammers and Billy Jam yergoodself sir. i feckin love this Tone Tank.

Avatar 7:07pm
Billy Jam:

3 in a row by Tone Tank off his dope new album = as I promised him when he was guest here on show few weeks ago = also playing some other tracks (best of 2015) that id not work into the Jan 1st show…..plus a brand new short mix by DJ Immaculate Styles in LA who laced it up last night
Avatar 7:07pm
Marcel M:

I'm gonna buy this shit.

effing great. hey billy. hey yall
Avatar 7:08pm

Big ups Studio B Ben, big ups Marcel M, big ups SeanG, super gigantic ups Tone Tank, so tough
Avatar 7:10pm
Studio B Ben:

Back at you, TRWNN!
Avatar 7:11pm
Marcel M:

One love.
Avatar 7:12pm

Stay-Puft and TMNT in one rhyme? *flips table*
Avatar 7:13pm

you wont regret buying it Marcel M. Its inspiring as fuck and the tape ....ahhh that analoguey warmth so fuckin lush, wikkid good album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Big Ups!
Avatar 7:15pm

peace, tuning in now. Good positive vibes, I need it. One love to WFMUNIVERSE and beyond.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I must ditch now and head over to the store for winter provisions. See ya later!
Avatar 7:16pm
Billy Jam:

"cos he jus made the muthafucka up last night" - props to LA DJ Immaculate Styles for doing (upon last minute request) this quick mix for today's show - the first of many productions for this season of PTNOTR -Hey thanks to YOU for listening today - especially SeanG, TRWNN, Spidey, Studio B Ben, Marcel M, Jon, Chris, Harry and ADA
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

Avatar 7:16pm

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

making my fuckin week!
Avatar 7:19pm

Immaculate Styles is shakin my house right now ,feckin ace...feels strong the love..... Shout something crazy Billy ..you know you want to :) .... feels good to be here ...
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

hey, thanks, kimzilla, for workin' the boards to bring the show to our ear holes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

also fuck cancer!
Avatar 7:21pm
Billy Jam:

today the show goes a little out from pure hip-hop -but all good -real good…..thanks to these great DJs

Loving the show today billy!
rob steffens:

me too!
Avatar 7:22pm

Billy is a straight MONSTER
Avatar 7:23pm

Its my pleasure, I have this turned WAY up in the studio, I suggest the same.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Mike East:

diggin' the jams, Billy! Happy Friday, all! Cheers!
Avatar 7:23pm

If 'percolator' comes on i might have a heart attack
Harry Grant Jr:

killin it my dude.....amazing music!
Avatar 7:26pm

gutter gutter gutter gutter gutter
Avatar 7:30pm
Marcel M:

OMFG CHINA CHINA! SHYNA!!! hahah.. this is making my night.
Avatar 7:31pm
Billy Jam:


Go Billy Jam! Bowie it up.
Avatar 7:32pm

I love your music comments Billy Jam!

Billy you should do a SUW vs Trump mix

Shayna? China? Shayna? China? Shayna? China? Shayna? China?

Maybe the fake call would inspire a real one.
Avatar 7:34pm
Billy Jam:

@robyn - good idea - will look into that one….thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

YES, got this turned up LOUDD
Avatar 7:34pm

Bill in a China shop. Rokkin my sox off this show is
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

just a dream
Avatar 7:35pm
Billy Jam:

okay now is time to spark up -
Avatar 7:35pm

Billy Jam for president
mike east:

Was just thinking that billy

@BillyJam: Everyone in my building seems to be panic smoking before the storm already. One floor just incense. The next? Just weed.
Avatar 7:36pm
Billy Jam:

hey mike east and JakeGould - glad u guys are tuned in today
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

shout out to death star indica!

@billy jam I look forward to hearing trump and the girls get into a "squirmish."
Avatar 7:37pm
Marcel M:

@Jake: People in yr building need the Storm excuse to smoke? Or its just extra smokey cuz of the storm?? Smoke clouds be flying either way in my apt. ;-)
rob steffens:

that's what i was doing

@BillyJam: Thundersnow! www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

man, never noticed all the crazy background sounds on this track

@MarcelM: I smell it every now and then, but I just ran out for something and it was like everyone smoking up at once.
Avatar 7:39pm
Marcel M:

I love how you can hear new shit in well produced songs after years and years of listening.
Avatar 7:39pm
Marcel M:

@Jake: Better to be high as fuck when tha thunda hitz.
Avatar 7:39pm

Big Ups DNA Genetics, CookieFam and Hennessey. Tangie and sherbert in the wrap with a chase of hennessey cognac
Avatar 7:39pm
Marcel M:

My wife loves the Trump China vid as well and she got home whilst it was playing and we both just started dancing haha.

@MarcelM: 8" of snow and I assure you the pizzas will still get delivered on bikes in this snow.
Avatar 7:40pm

Avatar 7:41pm
Marcel M:

@Jake: Yeah I agree its prolly gonna be nothing. I got nothing going on this w/e though and I'd like a big storm! Wanna chill and watch it happen.

@MarcelM: “I love how you can hear new shit in well produced songs after years and years of listening.” That’s what art is. Every stare at a Van Gogh for a while. Mind blowing stuff.

@TheRapperWithNoName: Guys on beater bikes with plastic bags on the handlebars wearing beauty Nothrface gear delivering pizza in the snow. Always.

Ack! “beatup Northface gear”
Avatar 7:44pm

I believe it.JakeGould! that was a lowkey shout out to any PTNOTR listeners who might also be Mommies. Keep those jeans high and tight.
Avatar 7:44pm
Marcel M:

@Jake: Indeed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

@Marcel M Totally. New sounds on old tracks!
Avatar 7:46pm

jet powered snowboard pizza deliveries maybe?
groovy as feck this set Billy ,every track is quality, love it.

@spidermank: Amazon drones would be grounded in this snow. No pizza.
Avatar 7:47pm

has anyone fuct with those 'superleaf' wraps yet? a non tobacco dutch replacement. 2016 GET HEALTHY
Avatar 7:47pm

need to order a pack and see if they can step to the corona de luxe
Avatar 7:48pm
Marcel M:

Non tobacco ? WTF is it? I gotta say I havn't smoked blunts in years and a friend and I rolled up a Dutch for old times sake the other day. Oh momma heavy hitters.
rob steffens:

i've tried super leaf thru my son. their nice
Avatar 7:49pm
Billy Jam:

today was our deadline here at WFMU for regular DJs to submit their WFMU 2016 Marathon Mix - premium CD ideas - mine will be "God Told Me What Hip-Hop To Play (2016 mix) with the Rev Billy Jam" - but besides God am open to listener suggestions too - So if there is ANY one artist who HAS to be on the mix post your suggestion here NOW - thank YOU
Avatar 7:50pm

Well, Billy, you know, KRS indeed, but you got that covered. Guru. Kool Keith. Nas, Aesop Rock, Mac Dre, etc etc. and the list goes on.
Avatar 7:51pm

@JakeGould, the pizza must get thru.
=Snowboarding with Jet Engines

Wow! Like a robot!
Avatar 7:52pm

Avatar 7:53pm

The Deacon, KDz!
Avatar 7:54pm

This is based on human awesomeness + talent, but I nominate Loop Skywalker. Loved what Frane did on your show, DJ ALF, these live mixes are amazing too.

Read up on Ghostface Killah’s opinion of Martin Shkreli, “Yeah, that shithead. I don’t even know him, but when I heard what he did with the AIDS [medication] like that, that’s not right.” www.factmag.com...
Avatar 7:54pm
Billy Jam:

side note - Frangry is friends with R.A. The Rugged Man - gotta get him on this show
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

Be sure to bring that PTNOTrump mix to the attention of Station Mgr. Ken. He'll enjoy that for sure.
Avatar 7:55pm
Billy Jam:

thanks for listening - we know you can fly any airline but you chose us -AIR FMU - takin U higher
Avatar 7:56pm

Tommy KD. Tone Tank. Jimmy Penguin .Dj Alf . loop. ADA and etc, all the greats Billy
Avatar 7:56pm

Del the Funkee Homosapien, Billy Woods, E-40 aka E-Feasible

Anyone do a “Benghazi” mix? A lot of links saying Benghazi would be something.

Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

oh thanks for that note Ike - good idea - will do- Ken's Weds show is among my faves on WFMU
Avatar 7:57pm
Marcel M:

I love how his diss back is that GHost is a "non-profit rapper" lol
Avatar 7:57pm

ace show , cant wait to play it again . thanks Billy , WFMU and kimzilla... sparkem up everyone
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

Spidermank - I like your list of ideas - was planning on most of them already

Screw Shrekli!
Avatar 7:58pm

Avatar 8:00pm
Marcel M:

Great show, Thanks Billy! Just bought that Tone Tank.. BOOM!
Avatar 8:04pm

@Marcel M. You did good with your money ;) . Its a fuckin excellent album
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