Favoriting Bodega Pop with Gary Sullivan: Playlist from December 30, 2015 Favoriting

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Sounds ripped from cassettes & CDs found in immigrant-run mom & pop stores. Deconstructed icons. Field recordings. Sonic mayhem from the far corners of the internet.

Wednesday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Upcoming events:

Wed. Mar 12th, 7pm - 10pm: Gary Sullivan and his Co-Host Jeff Golick

Favoriting December 30, 2015: Best of 2015
2015 tracks that rocked our world, from Latina post-punk bands pounding out the jams in Buffalo, New York, to Syrian superstars ululating in exile in Cairo.

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:
Bodega Pop 

Intro   Favoriting

Bodega Pop Live 



Auburn Hills  WATs Gud   Favoriting Jordan Year  2015  USA  0:04:29 (Pop-up)
Joanna Wang  Everything Anything   Favoriting BOB Music  2015  USA / Taiwan  0:08:51 (Pop-up)
King Divano  Merd_@Nerd   Favoriting   2015  Italy  0:10:13 (Pop-up)
Basement Rat  La Cucaracha   Favoriting Pura Mujer  2015  USA (Buffalo, NY)  0:13:05 (Pop-up)
The Bedstars  Boozehound   Favoriting Wet Hearts & Dry Vomit  2015  China  0:15:33 (Pop-up)
Department of Selferadication  Life Is a Joke   Favoriting жизнь это прикол  2015  Russia  0:20:37 (Pop-up)
Rắn Cạp Đuôi  NEEUUUUU!!!   Favoriting In a Grass House  2015  Vietnam  0:27:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Rắn Cạp Đuôi 

A Kawaii Ohio   Favoriting

In a Grass House 



0:32:11 (Pop-up)
Sidibou ould Siyed  Seïni Karr (II)   Favoriting Nouakchott Wedding Songs  2015  Mauritania  0:41:22 (Pop-up)
Les Amis au Pakistan  M'a m'f   Favoriting Ô Canada  2015  Canada  0:46:36 (Pop-up)
Hussein Sherbini  Beng   Favoriting Electro Chaabi  2015  Egypt  0:50:24 (Pop-up)
Bulletproof Stockings  Tzama L'cha Nafshi   Favoriting Homeland Call Stomp  2015  USA (Brooklyn, NY) | To my knowledge the only all-women Hassidic rock band, at least in the US. Men aren't allowed at their concerts, so I sadly did not get to see them when they played a rare concert in Brooklyn recently  0:53:45 (Pop-up)
Nabeel Shuail  Elbadr Ektemal   Favoriting Mantiki  2015  Kuwait  0:57:34 (Pop-up)
Asala Nasri  Manazal   Favoriting 60 De'ei'a Hayah  2015  Syria / Egypt  1:01:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Détruire   Favoriting

This isn't even my final form 



1:07:42 (Pop-up)
Skinners  Bandida   Favoriting Mumbatão Barato  2015  Brazil  1:15:47 (Pop-up)
Mauro Telefunksoul e Lurdez da Luz  Ba$$dauê   Favoriting Bahia Bass Vol. 3  2015  Brazil  1:19:14 (Pop-up)
Protoje  Criminal   Favoriting Ancient Future  2015  Jamaica  1:23:00 (Pop-up)
CipedRAPskuad  Dwa Serca   Favoriting All Girls Rap  2015  Poland  1:26:48 (Pop-up)
Wunmi  Emergency   Favoriting The Birthday Release: Don't Look Away/EMERGENCY  2015  Nigeria  1:30:17 (Pop-up)
Rzabka  Euforia x TSK   Favoriting Frankenrzab EP  2015  Poland  1:35:41 (Pop-up)
Zoe Zac  Honeybee   Favoriting Honeybee  2015  Australia  1:38:48 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Howie Lee 

Dontknowers   Favoriting

Mù Chè Shān Chū by Howie Lee 



1:42:17 (Pop-up)
Teenage Riot  The Revenge   Favoriting The Revenge 鳩之報恩  2015  Hong Kong  1:49:29 (Pop-up)
My Little Airport  月映之審判者 (Judge Reflect the Month)   Favoriting 適婚的年齡 (Marriageable Age)  2015  Hong Kong  1:52:22 (Pop-up)
Animal Pharma  If You Couldn't Pardon Me   Favoriting Apocrypharmaceuticals: Volume Three  2015  Australia  1:55:42 (Pop-up)
Yozoh and Eric You  Lucy   Favoriting Lucy  2015  South Korea  1:59:05 (Pop-up)
Stinky Picnic  Donna Buang   Favoriting Hamster World  2015  Australia | You simply must -- MUST, I say -- own this album ... free! https://stinkypicnic.bandcamp.com/album/hamster-world  2:02:56 (Pop-up)
Sylva Balassanian  Chinar   Favoriting Lady Sylva  2015  Canada / Armenia  2:11:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Baron Rétif & Concepcion Perez 

Superman   Favoriting

disque d'or 



2:15:45 (Pop-up)
Cássio Sá  Bill Murray   Favoriting   2015  I am guessing Brazil?  2:22:13 (Pop-up)
Télédétente 666  Mr Marcaille Is Watching You   Favoriting Karen  2015  France  2:25:36 (Pop-up)
Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her  No Talk   Favoriting Eternal Adolesence  2015  Japan  2:29:14 (Pop-up)
Burgh  Cult Pop   Favoriting All About Techno Narcisse  2015  Japan  2:31:13 (Pop-up)
Clamor Inexorable  Pobre Patria   Favoriting Anti Demigogia  2015  Mexico  2:34:33 (Pop-up)
Electric Hermano Trio  Pelo Bem, Pelo Rock`n`Roll   Favoriting Demo Tracks  2015  Mexico, perhaps? Although, gosh, sounds Brazilian more ... anyone know?  2:36:48 (Pop-up)
Pauline Drand  Emilie Sait   Favoriting MicroMostlaCultures Tape  2015  France  2:39:04 (Pop-up)
2024  2024   Favoriting Mostla Tape 2024  2015  France  2:40:40 (Pop-up)
Ladyboy  Ma prestigieuse   Favoriting MicroMostlaCultures Tape  2015  France  2:44:24 (Pop-up)
Nimbes  Chips Adventure   Favoriting Des Kiwis Pour Ma Fiancée  2015  Fah-rahn-sey  2:47:06 (Pop-up)
Clara Clara  Écran noir   Favoriting   2015  France  2:49:50 (Pop-up)
Camille Bénâtre  La sibylle   Favoriting Nos rendez-vous manqués  2015  France  2:56:36 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Catrina Paslaru 

Hei La Bodega   Favoriting

Hei La Bodega - Carnaval! 



2:59:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:03pm

evening Gary and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

Howdy, Bob!

Happy almost
New Year, gents
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

Happy Eve Before New Year's Eve, David!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

I like how he got Bram Stoker in there
Avatar 7:16pm

yep - and any rat group is worth hearing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

After Bedstars we're going to hear one of the first Soviet punk bands (formed in 1982), but who only played their first live show in Russia together last year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm
David L. B. = RR1163:

...it's Davids all the way down...
This DoS is great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

RevRab! I'll be playing all Russian punk & post-punk next week ... discovered this band doing research for that show
DJ Papa Gentle:

Sahel Sounds had a nice run this year. Dug the new Mdou Moctar too. Great cover art!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

DJ PG! Nice to see you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

Are you gonna do a Best Of tonight as well?
DJ Papa Gentle:

It was either that or tribute to Om Kalthoum, given it's her birthday. So I'm going with the latter, with a deep bow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Ahhh, nice -- I'll tune in. But -- you know that Virginia Danielson has evidence (or something approaching evidence, something evidence-y) that her birthday was May 4, 1904

That Russian cassette swapping thing is very interesting. In the mid '80s my ex-wife exchanged homemade cassettes with a girl in what was then Soviet Estonia. She taped some really cool Estonian bands. She learned a lot from listening to Finnish radio, actually introduced me to Shonen Knife.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Whoa, that's amazing, David. How great would it be to hear those Estonian tapes now?
DJ Papa Gentle:

She was never born, she just lives perpetually in all directions!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Y'all can catch DJ Papa Gentle tonight at 11 PM ET (8 PM PT) on KXLU: www.kxlu.com ... not archived, so if you want to hear the Oum Kalthoum show, tune in!
Avatar 8:00pm

excellent show Gary - time to go
happy new year everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Happy New Year, Bob!
DJ Papa Gentle:

This Kuwaiti cut rocks.

Forgive slow replies.. am listening to two African shows simultaneously with "Bodega Pop."
Yeah, I assume the ex took those old cassettes to Arizona when she moved out. I recorded a ton of Indian classical music from local college radio in the '80s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

I lost all my tapes I'm sad to admit. I had great stuff. That said, I just picked up some incredible Algerian or Moroccan tapes from Steinway Street while hanging out with Peter "Monrakplengthai" Doolan a few weeks ago -- they're amazing enough that I'm going to burn them and either share on the blog or play here

Would love to go to New York City just once to check the ethnic record shops. Rarely buy music these days.. did just order the new ℃-ute album. I collect exclusively on this Japanese girl group. Their latest stuff very good.
Avatar 8:22pm

it's all so new
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm

Welcome to the present, Hyde!
Avatar 8:25pm

Good evening, Gary and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm


まゆこちゃん、I am eager to hear your program.

hey Gary and friends
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm

Avatar 8:36pm

Wow, こちらこそよろしく, David san! Would be happy to have you tuned in, although there is almost 0% Japanese cutesy girls-pop on my show. haha!

That's fine, ma'am. I love the old stuff. First listened to Yumi Matsutoya, Mariya Takeuchi, Shizuoka Kudo back in the late '80s. I'd love to see Seiko Matsuda on tomorrow's 紅白.

Shizuka! I have about ten
of her records
Avatar 8:55pm

@David You're hardcore! I've never watched 紅白 my entire life, that's probably why I didn't fit in there and had to leave my motherland, haha. I've played Mariya's husband's band from the 70's, but that's how far I can get! I should play Seiko sometime in future though, she's got great songs.

Tんank you ma'am..
Nice show, Mr. Gary. Such variety.
I'll stop talking now. Nice world
music program on KPOO
San Francisco at 11pm tonight,
everyone. Goodnight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

Night, David!
Avatar 9:17pm

Yaye, I tune in w/ time to spare!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:22pm

Ha ha! There's something you don't hear on the Jersey City-based shows. Ted Leonard the labradoodle doesn't try to shut the shows down when he goes to say hi to the DJs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Doug Schulkind:

Back home in Pittsburgh. Still some Gary left. Yay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm

Ike! NGH! Doug!
Avatar 9:26pm

Yah like you said (if I heard you correctly - I'm cleaning my room) that My Little Airport song could be "the *right* age to marry", just assuming from the east Asian culture in general. In Japan at least that word comes with this feeling of pressure from the society, as if there's such thing as "right age" that applies every single person.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

I seem to recall something about a "Christmas Cake" and being 24?
Avatar 9:30pm

i think the producer set everything to "harsh" for this one (sounds good)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

That whole album ("Karen") is thrill-packed, Hyde!
Avatar 9:37pm

@Gary haha, yah exactly! although seems like the limit of woman's "marketing value" has been pushed up to probably 27, 8 yr old in the recent couple of years. But still if you're female and not married in your 30's then you're a "loser". But maybe in China/Hong Kong this social pressure applies to men too, must be a bit different from Japanese.
Avatar 9:39pm

Haven't heard Clamor Inexorable, but most of my wife's friends are in Monterrey, Mexico City, Yucatan, or Tijuana. Most probably no longer hit hardcore shows any more. (well, I still hit an occasional hardcore show at least once a year over here.)
Avatar 9:45pm

The majority of my female friends got married in their mid to late 30s. My wife was 32 (after we'd been together for 7 years) and I had a 6.5 year lead on this race around curious bright orb in the sky.
Avatar 9:51pm

@northguineahills yah seriously I don't see why that is such a big deal. Usually things in Japan follow the US with like 10~20 years delay, so probably that will be the norm there too.

(love this dreamy Nimbes btw!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

All of the French stuff in this last set (with maybe one exception?) comes to us via the amazing La Souterraine, my new favorite label: souterraine.biz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

Mayuko, you can get the whole Nimbes album free here: souterraine.biz...
Avatar 9:57pm

wow, that's like late christmas present (and still valuable.) got em now! Thanks Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

Mais oui!
Avatar 10:01pm

thanks Gary!
Avatar 10:04pm

Thanks & happy new year, Gary! I'm so so happy that I got to know your show and all on the Drummer stream this year! Looking forward to 2016.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm

Night everyone, and we're very happy to have you part of this far-flung family, Mayuko!
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