Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from November 19, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting November 19, 2015

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Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
Fuzz  Let It Live   Favoriting II  2015  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Queen  White Queen (As It Began)   Favoriting A Night At The Odeon  2015  0:04:44 (Pop-up)
Motörhead  The Hammer   Favoriting No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith  1981  0:10:05 (Pop-up)
Extreme Noise Terror  No One Is Innocent   Favoriting Extreme Noise Terror  2015  0:13:05 (Pop-up)
Obnox  Cynthia Piper At The Gates Of Dawn   Favoriting Boogalou Reed  2015  0:16:38 (Pop-up)
Fleabite  Seconds   Favoriting TTYL  2014  0:19:14 (Pop-up)
Melkbelly  Bathroom At The Beach   Favoriting Bathroom At The Beach  2015  0:20:40 (Pop-up)
Circus Devils  Cold Joker   Favoriting Stomping Grounds  2015  0:22:54 (Pop-up)
Bill Orcutt & Jacob Felix Heule  About The Author   Favoriting Colonial Donuts  2015  0:25:02 (Pop-up)
Kurt Cobain  And I Love Her   Favoriting Montage of Heck - The Home Recordings  2015  0:27:35 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground  Love Makes You Feel Ten Feet Tall (Demo Remix)   Favoriting Loaded: Re-Loaded 45th Anniversary Edition  2015  0:29:36 (Pop-up)
Tesco Bombers  Break The Ice At Parties   Favoriting [Cease & Desist] DIY (Cult Classics from the Post-Punk Era 1978-82)  2015  0:33:46 (Pop-up)
Snakefinger  Picnic In The Jungle   Favoriting Live In Melbourne 1981  2015  0:35:37 (Pop-up)
Volcano The Bear  The Following Him   Favoriting Commencing  2015  0:39:20 (Pop-up)
E. A. Sellin  Tysslingevalsen; Hopparvalsen   Favoriting     0:44:31 (Pop-up)
Bixiga 70  Machado   Favoriting III  2015  0:47:28 (Pop-up)
Yellowman & Fathead  Come When I Call You   Favoriting Bad Boy Skanking  1982  1:01:11 (Pop-up)
Buju Banton  Love Me Brownin'   Favoriting Mr. Mention  1992  1:04:30 (Pop-up)
John Steele  Selassie On His White Horse   Favoriting Reggae Anthology: King Jammy's Roots, Reality and Sleng Teng  2015  1:08:08 (Pop-up)
Asher D & Daddy Freddy  Ragamuffin Hip Hop   Favoriting Ragamuffin Hip Hop  1988  1:11:13 (Pop-up)
Louchie Lou & Michie One  Rich Girl (Hip Hop Mix)   Favoriting     1:15:22 (Pop-up)
Ari-Up  Me Done   Favoriting Dread More Dan Dead  2005  1:18:54 (Pop-up)
Roundhead  High Grade A Do It (Remix)   Favoriting     1:22:07 (Pop-up)
Capleton  Alms House (Ragga Hip-Hop Remix)   Favoriting Alms House  1993  1:26:00 (Pop-up)
Cutty Ranks  A Who Seh Me Dun (Dynamik Duo Remix)   Favoriting Six Million Ways To Die  1996  1:29:32 (Pop-up)
Buju Banton  Champion (Remix)   Favoriting     1:33:20 (Pop-up)
6Blocc  Arriginal   Favoriting Full Ah Kulture EP  2015  1:37:25 (Pop-up)
Sister Nancy  A What A Bam Bam (RCola Remix)   Favoriting A What A Bam Bam  2007  1:42:37 (Pop-up)
Modeselektor feat. Paul St. Hilaire  Trees   Favoriting Trees / 50 Trees  2015  1:49:29 (Pop-up)
Roots Manuva  Don't Breathe Out   Favoriting Bleeds  2015  2:02:43 (Pop-up)
Breach Feat. Kelis  The Key (Vocal)   Favoriting   2015  2:05:45 (Pop-up)
Black Moth Super Rainbow  Since You've Seen Her   Favoriting SeeFu Lilac  2016  2:08:30 (Pop-up)
Ciara  Paint It, Black   Favoriting   2015  2:10:31 (Pop-up)
The Necks  Vertigo (Excerpt)   Favoriting Vertigo  2015  2:14:18 (Pop-up)
The Body & Krieg  The Final Nail   Favoriting The Body & Krieg  2015  2:29:26 (Pop-up)
The Osedax  Son Of The Sea   Favoriting Titans Lament  2015  2:35:12 (Pop-up)
Dragged Into Sunlight and Gnaw Their Tongues  Alchemy In The Subyear   Favoriting N.V.  2015  2:45:42 (Pop-up)
Shinichi Mori  Fuyu No Riviera   Favoriting     2:52:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, everyone. Is it my imagination or does "Let It Live" have some parts that are like "Pictures of Matchstick Men" from Staus Quo?
Avatar 9:05am

@Ken - I was thinking the same thing...couldn't put my finger on what/who the vocals reminded me of, and you nailed it.
Benny P:

Howdy people. Howdy Chris.
Avatar 9:08am

dammit, where is my lighter? :) good morning.
Pete L:

later Status Quo is vastly under-rated, also - great rock and roll
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am

Avatar 9:09am

I am woefully ignorant of most of Queen's album cuts. From the sound of this, I need to get more familiar, epic stuff!

+1 to the never having heard this Queen number. Gonna have to hunt out this live album i think
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Avatar 9:11am
Chris M.:

good morning everybody!
Avatar 9:11am

Well now I'm awake.
Pete L:

jeezuz no kiddin I been listening to too much Hawkwind
Avatar 9:13am
Howard F:

Good morning.
Avatar 9:14am
Sue P.:

@ Pete L - no such thing as too much Hawkwind.
Pete L:

I realized that when I was previewing my comment
Pete L:

definitely such thing as too little Motorhead. GREAT rock show today Chris M
Avatar 9:23am
Marcel M:

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Chris M.:

thanx Pete L
Avatar 9:24am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

got here just in time to raise my sword on the side of NEVER too much Hawkwind.
....i have spoken.
Avatar 9:24am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Ditto Motörhead. But HW comes first in Rev-Town.
Avatar 9:26am
Chris M.:

what about Sam Gopal?
Avatar 9:28am
Marcel M:

Knew it must've been Bill but kind of a different style than I've heard from him in a duo setting. Cool.
Avatar 9:30am

Man, I didn't know "And I Love Her" could sound so depressing.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Heard about Sam G for ages but never came across the material...
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@Sphere: I was thinking the same thing.
Avatar 9:33am
Chris M.:

@Rev. Turnip Druid: they played live on my show a while back. check the archives!
Avatar 9:34am
Howard F:

wow, this sounds fantastic. never heard this track, and i've been listening to loaded for years.
Avatar 9:36am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Wow, that wasn't The Slits?
Avatar 9:37am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

YAY. Thanks CM.
Will consider streaming that archive while streaming live (don't want to miss anything further) -- will that lead to schizophrenia? Or a peptic ulcer? Eye floaties?
Avatar 9:44am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

digging this.
Avatar 9:46am

Is that a Hardanger fiddle I hear?
Avatar 10:02am
Cheri Pi:

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good morning dearest christopher m and all listeners wherever you may be. peace and blessing
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buju will be freed 2019.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Rude boy from Zone 5 SEEN!
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"Rich Girl" has cellphone rings embedded in it and they are driving me nuts.
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Chris M.:

man this is a weird show
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not to be confused with the Hall and Oats number
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@chris m - got any The Bug queued up?
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Chris M.:

@bobdoesthings: as much as i love the bug wouldn't quite fit right now
Avatar 10:25am

all good my man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I wonder if the Breckmans sing "Rich Girl" before or after "Tradition" at their Thanksgiving feast?

ya got my booty shaking
Avatar 10:32am

Man, loving this set, rarely hear late 80s-early 90s ragga.
Avatar 10:34am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Death to meetings! Back!
Pi! NGH! SG! KfHP! CM!
Avatar 10:36am

this stuff is improved by playing Drew Droge's Chloe Sevigny impression videos over it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am

I do prefer the original champion.
Avatar 10:39am

@whosondephone - chris m played a different remix awhile back.. I think "soul edit remix" or something.. that one is my favorite "champion"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am

Thanks for the heads up.

My Monday mornings miss Imaginary Radio, but now my radio thursdays are PERFECT. Like thursday night teevee when I was a kid.
Avatar 10:44am

@whosondephone - found when chris played the version im talking about: wfmu.org...
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noveau jungle (well, the original jungle was in the 90s)

Oh snap, the new workplace even has good wifi in the men's room. Here I am, everybody. Har har.
Avatar 10:45am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Blinda: true enough. Thursday in the current schedule is bloody perfect, says I.
Avatar 10:47am

so you have a new job, Ike? Is it going well?

Oh shit it's like I'm back in the Wetlands on jungle night

Yeah, it's lovely. Much much bigger than previous employers. I won't say which company but you'd recognize the name. It's bit of a commute on various trains, but the perks, like healthy snacks, make it worthwhile.
Avatar 10:52am

modeselecktor! Yay!

Hey, luvving this song! And, quel image! Saw PIL last night--they were fantastic.
Avatar 10:52am

I am glad to hear that Ike. Change can be good.

What other perks have they Ike? I work for a small company and am considering jumping ship for bigger...I like anti corporate environments but larger companies tend to have better benefits...
Avatar 10:54am

marie, great to hear that.
Avatar 10:56am

Yeah, this Modeslektor is dope....
Avatar 11:00am

where to get started with modeselektor?
Avatar 11:04am
Chris M.:

@Cecile: you just got started!

I'll have to get back to you on that @Blinda... content management calls....
Avatar 11:07am

I mean, I'd like to purchase an album or compact disc or MP3 with songs in a large quantity.
Avatar 11:07am

It's nice to hear Kelis on a weird song, even if she's kind of muted.

Hi Cecile, I am guessing that you have seen PIL. Did you see them "back in the day"?

Am I alone in thinking this is a dumb song, and never needs to be covered by anyone? It's OK if I am, I'm just wondering.
Avatar 11:14am

no, never did, I'm sorry to day. Closest thing was seeing the Golden Palominos - some of those guys were in PIL Mark 2

I like this song, but I'm on the fence about this cover.

Yeah, I could see why a band would want to cover it--talking about the darkness within and all, but I know I have a high bar for covers.

Am I alone in thinking the Rolling Stones are overrated?
Avatar 11:17am

I don't think I appreciated the Stones until I was in my mid 20s. Overrated, yeah, but I still dig quite a bit of their stuff.

@ Marie, I don't think so. But maybe when a band lasts so long they eventually have to disappoint you a bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am
Rich in Washington:

Am I alone in thinking that vocal fry thing female singers have been doing since the late 90s needs to stop?
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yeah, a little is good, but too much is tiring.

@ Rich in Washington: if you are a middle aged man, you are definitely not alone in thinking that.
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Sue P.:

@Marie - I think the Beatles are overrated.
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Sue P.:

(taking cover now)

@NGH--yeah that is about where I stand. And, I must admit, I'm not sure I have given their early albums full listens. They have really fit into the marketing of a "real" "rock and roll" band.

@ Sue P-- I have thought the same thing at times; right now I don't :>)

I think the Who are overrated. I loved them so much when I was 12.
Avatar 11:24am

I think it all started with Toni Braxton, and "unbreak my heart". Usually people would only throw a little bit in there in RnB songs, for a change up or contrast. But she sang it at the lowest range of her voice, which to me sounded kind of good. And I guess it sounded even better to everyone else. It's the case where a vocal mannerism turned into a whole widespread tic.

I love the Stones, but not everything they do. Still, Beggars Banquet is dang near perfect in my book.
Avatar 11:24am

I meant to say "sang the whole song"
Avatar 11:25am

and I never quite got the Who. I do really like "Odds and Sods" for some reason though.
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I'm good with the Stones for the most part, but I only like pre-Tommy Who and the psychedelic Beatles.
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Sue P.:

This "overrated" discussion could easily descend into petty arguments and ridiculous music geekery, so I'm gonna forego further comment. (The Who are one of my all-time faves.)
Avatar 11:26am

Sue P, it look me a long time to re-appreciate the Beatles. I'm no die-hard fan, but Rubber Soul and Revolver are still pretty spotless in my book.
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I think I had issues because our radio stations would play their worst songs over and over. And I cleaned out chicken fryers to "Magical Mystery Tour" for a summer.
Avatar 11:27am
Sue P.:

absolutely, i think the Beatles are a really, really good band. even with that, they are overrated becuz ppl see them as the "ultimate" or something. so...yeah, that's all i'm saying.
Avatar 11:28am
Chris M.:

i hate the beatles.
Avatar 11:29am
Sue P.:

love you to death, Chris M.

Hey, have the Stones done any Pepsi commercials yet? Who sponsors their "tours"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Ken From Hyde Park:

One of my dormmates in college played the Beatles album with "Number 9" all the time. I didn't understand the attraction.
Avatar 11:31am

There are maybe 3 or 4 Who songs I like, but I never understood the hoopla.

Thanks Chris, gotta hop and skip out of here.
Avatar 11:33am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Somehow managed to reach my late 40s without knowing jack about stones or who. I was introduced to underground weird stuff way too young, & bypassed a lot of that RAWK history.

I have the misfortune of not having died before I got old, and I grew up not getting The Who. Beginning just a handful of years ago I get them. Not sure why. The Beatles have a ton of baggage, for sure. But I think if we could strip it all away, we would be left with a truly sui generis phenomenon. Not "ultimate" in the sense of "best," but quite special. They were in the right place at the right time and they ran with it in ways nobody could have predicted. When I listen to, say, recitals by Nikhil Banerjee, I realize that we have The Beatles to thank for helping to import classical Indian music to our Western pop sensibilities. It's pretty remarkable.

The Beatles White Album often wins over Beatle naysayers...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am
Mike East:

I agree Beatles and Stones are overrated for the reasons Sue P mentioned. I love them both, but its only rock n roll. Still I try not to let other peoples overly high regard affect my enjoyment of them or anyone else for that matter.
Avatar 11:39am

Sounds like Neurosedax

My old bf and I used to talk about the difference in musical taste between folks who went through a "classic rock" phase and those who didn't. Surprisingly telling in some ways.
Avatar 11:40am

i can hear chris gritting his teeth
up here on the 3rd floor

I want to ask, "Overrated as compared to what?" In his autobiography, Bill Bruford writes about his self-doubts as a musician. He views every day of his 40 years as a drummer as part of a process of development and refinement. But then he looks at the current lot of young drummers, whom he regards as having surpassed him technically in seemingly no time at all. In this respect, is he overrated? Took him decades to do what a new kid can crank out in a year or so? Is there more to it?

In my opinion, if you like pop, the Beatles are undeniably great.
Avatar 11:51am

I think one of the Circle Jerks put it best in American Hardcore - "Fleetwood Mac were a great band, but there were other great bands beside them. But the radio stations only played them. So we got sick of it."
Ice in Brooklyn:

Thanks for the last coupla hours. Def helped my day go by.
Avatar 11:52am
Sue P.:

@Mike East, thank you. I think we are on the same wavelength.

...which tells me FM is overrated.

@SueP.: For a second I thought you were doing a fill in!

thank you Chris M. for kicking ass every week
Avatar 11:53am
Chris M.:

thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Ken From Hyde Park:

From the land of "If it's free, take two," I'm now standing in line out the door for complimentary lunch at my workplace. I may hit up the other cafeteria later if I don't fill up here.

No question, though: Shinichi Mori is overrated, too.
Avatar 11:55am
Sue P.:

Chris M., though, is underrated. For sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Chris!
Avatar 11:55am
Rev. Turnip Druid:



The fuck?!
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Chris M.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Maybe frozen carrots would go over better.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

That was a weird show.
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