Favoriting The Real Nitty Gritty with Real Nitty Gritty Tania and Thomas Torment: Playlist from November 1, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting November 1, 2015: Good Gravy Baby

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Lay it on thick
Thee Headcoats  All My Feelings Denied   Favoriting 0:03:28 (Pop-up)
Myrchents  Indefinite Inhibition   Favoriting 0:05:19 (Pop-up)
The Electras  Dirty Old Man   Favoriting 0:08:14 (Pop-up)
Cherry Slush  I Cannot Stop You   Favoriting 0:10:41 (Pop-up)
The Cords  Ghost Power   Favoriting 0:13:23 (Pop-up)
  Stay tuned at 8 tonight after the Real Nitty Gritty for the debut episode of The Whig Out! Flip it, baby!
Bubba Ford  Wiggling Blond   Favoriting 0:17:08 (Pop-up)
Hasil Adkins  Save Me Some Loving   Favoriting 0:19:45 (Pop-up)
Bracey Everett  The Lover's Curse   Favoriting 0:21:19 (Pop-up)
Mel McGonnigle  Rattle Shakin Mama   Favoriting 0:23:29 (Pop-up)
Rodney and the Blazers  Warpaint   Favoriting 0:25:50 (Pop-up)
Slim Harpo  I Need Money   Favoriting 0:28:16 (Pop-up)
Lightnin' Hopkins  Had a Gal Called Sal   Favoriting 0:30:25 (Pop-up)
Varetta Dillard  Good Gravy Baby   Favoriting 0:32:42 (Pop-up)
Jerry McCain and His Upstarts  A Cutie Named Judy   Favoriting 0:35:10 (Pop-up)
The "5" Royales  The Slummer The Slum   Favoriting 0:37:13 (Pop-up)
Eugene Fox  Sinners Dream   Favoriting 0:39:28 (Pop-up)
King Coleman  The Boo Boo Song (Part 1)   Favoriting 0:43:37 (Pop-up)
Joe Simon and the Eugene Blacknells Band  Just Like Yesterday   Favoriting 0:46:41 (Pop-up)
Booker T. & The MGs  Chinese Checkers   Favoriting 0:49:02 (Pop-up)
The Drivers  Mr. Astronaut   Favoriting 0:51:24 (Pop-up)
Geminis  U Put A Hurting On Me   Favoriting 0:54:27 (Pop-up)
Louis Jones  The Birds Are Coming   Favoriting 0:56:49 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 7:04pm

Sounding mighty fine!
Avatar 7:05pm
Thomas Torment:

Thanks Julea!
Avatar 7:05pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

hi Julea!
Avatar 7:08pm
Melissa Jean:

hay hay erryone!
Avatar 7:08pm

Howdy! Heading out to get some indian food, but I'll be grooving along on my phone in the car. :)
Avatar 7:08pm
Thomas Torment:

How-deeeeeee Melissa Jean!
Avatar 7:09pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

yummm Julea, enjoy!
Heyy MJ!
Avatar 7:09pm
Thomas Torment:

Bring Tania and I some food back, Julea. : )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

I love the annunciation on Di-R-T-Y..
Avatar 7:11pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Glynis, yes, it's all in the details, isn't it?

hell ooooooooooooo
Avatar 7:11pm
Thomas Torment:

Hi Glynis!
Avatar 7:11pm
Thomas Torment:

Hi Karl!

hi everyone!!!
Avatar 7:12pm

I've always liked this song....EVEN with the horns.

LIVE!!!! hell yeah!
Avatar 7:13pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Karl, Richard, HI!
Avatar 7:13pm
Thomas Torment:

Well Richard - I cannot stop you.
Avatar 7:14pm

usually the horns do though!!
Avatar 7:14pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Karl are you joining us from Brighton or LA LA Land?

i'm still in LA, just waiting to go for my intoxitard tattoo!!!
Avatar 7:17pm
pacific standard simon:

Just got back from the grocery, and boy are my arms tired!
Avatar 7:17pm
Thomas Torment:

Whiggling Blond
Avatar 7:17pm
Thomas Torment:

Hi Simon!
Avatar 7:18pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Karl, the mark of the beast woohoo!
Hey SImon!
Avatar 7:18pm

Hey, thanks for the plug!!
Avatar 7:18pm

whigglin indeed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

I'm WHIGGLING! You guys are super sweet (hearts flowers)
Avatar 7:20pm
pacific standard simon:

Bubba Ford. the man who fell in love with the hula doll on his dashboard.
Avatar 7:20pm
pacific standard simon:

Or what, Hasil? You gonna cut her head off?
Avatar 7:21pm
Thomas Torment:

And put it on his wall.
Avatar 7:21pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

cut off the hot dog supply too. harsh.
Avatar 7:22pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:23pm
pacific standard simon:

Life without hot dogs would not be worth living.
Avatar 7:23pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:24pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

those are some flexible verses there, Mel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Gaylord Fields:

What about Not Dogs for us vegetarians? Hasil never made a definitive statement about my dietary choices.
Avatar 7:25pm
Thomas Torment:

Whoops Mel!
Avatar 7:25pm
pacific standard simon:

Just got a new package of Hebrew National 1/4 pounders.
Avatar 7:25pm
Debbie D.:

It's always Halloween on Ichiban.
Avatar 7:26pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:26pm
pacific standard simon:

Avatar 7:26pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

true, TT and Gaylord, that's a pretty definitive statement!
Avatar 7:26pm
Thomas Torment:

You got that right Debbie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Thomas Torment: Double negative! That means I'm free to chow down!
Avatar 7:27pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:27pm
pacific standard simon:

Just pile on the condiments, Gaylord.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

I tried marinading carrots to taste like hotdogs so they wouldn't be full of processed soy. Pretty yummy. More like hot dogs than not dogs. They are like not not dogs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Gaylord Fields:

@pacific standard simon: Precisely. Tofu dogs are essentially just condiment delivery systems.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Glynis: Carrot frank party at your new pad!
Avatar 7:32pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

so much party potential at Glynis and Richard's new pad!
Avatar 7:32pm
pacific standard simon:

Bet a small zucchini would work, too.
Avatar 7:33pm
Thomas Torment:

And gravy on everything.
Avatar 7:33pm
pacific standard simon:

Mmm, gravy.
Avatar 7:35pm
pacific standard simon:

Nice biscuits, baby.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

A zuccini might be ever better..... mmm, Grit Gravy. The Grit in Athens makes the BEST vegan gravy. MMMMM!
Avatar 7:36pm

we can have the annual Ichiban retreat at the new Chez Whig - yer all invited!
Avatar 7:37pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Richard.Whig: I'll be there! I am not kidding.
Avatar 7:37pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Same with us. Totally there.
Avatar 7:38pm

c'mon Gaylord! you're not allergic to cats are you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Richard.Whig: Have you met Kathleen?!
Avatar 7:39pm

yeah TT - we will take a break from the pool to hit the Bali Hai
Avatar 7:39pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:40pm
pacific standard simon:

This is SPOOKY!
Avatar 7:40pm

yes, I have - just funnin' Gaylord. we have 6 of the little wee beasties ourselves!
Avatar 7:41pm

how does Feb sometime sound?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Richard.Whig: Oh, I can feel my leg being pulled. She would be in Kitty Paradise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm
Gaylord Fields:

February is as cold as a witch's fridge where we live, so that's my answer.
Avatar 7:44pm
Thomas Torment:

Same for us.
Avatar 7:44pm

right on!
Avatar 7:44pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

My thought exactly, Gaylord.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Winter is 72 in San Diego. EVERY DAY is 72 in San Diego!
Avatar 7:49pm
pacific standard simon:

@Richard.Whig - Don't feel snubbed if I don't show up for your debut, tonight; the World Series comes but once a year.
Avatar 7:50pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

who are you pulling for, Simon?
Avatar 7:52pm

being from DC, it's in my blood to root against all NY teams! (unless one is playing that Dallas football team)
Avatar 7:52pm
pacific standard simon:

Kansas City. Usually I'm a National League guy, but I feel sorry for them after they got womped by my Giants last year.
Avatar 7:53pm

The Drivers!!!
Avatar 7:53pm

I am an NL guy too. But not when the Mets are playing!
Avatar 7:54pm

what? we're talking music???
Avatar 7:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Talking about music is like dancing about baseball, isn't that how the saying goes? :p
Avatar 7:57pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:58pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

I love the birds in the background of this song so much I could just kiss the record.
Avatar 7:58pm
pacific standard simon:

Where do you find these things?!
Avatar 7:58pm

tania, wait til it stops spinning!
Avatar 7:59pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Safety first, Richard!
Avatar 7:59pm

Avatar 7:59pm

I've got a few records I could kiss.
Avatar 7:59pm

great show as always....catchya on thee flyp sude
Avatar 8:00pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Thank you everybody for another fun filled hour! Stay tuned for the Whig Out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Avatar 8:00pm

Great show, enjoyed it very much!
Avatar 8:01pm
pacific standard simon:

Richard, you stepped on Tania's toes!
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