Centennial Songs - The Antique Phonograph Music Program with Mac Favoriting

Playlist for October 27, 2015 Favoriting
20 Year Anniversary Show!

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Congratulations, MAC, for twenty years on the air. If it's possible to post some pictures or video of the Monty Hall show at some point, that would be great.
Avatar 8:32pm map:

panty dropper right there
Avatar 8:33pm slugluv1313:

Avatar 8:33pm Jeff:

Video from the Monty Hall is being streamed live... see the WFMU homepage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Blah...thanks for mentioning that, Jeff. I didn't refresh.
Avatar 8:35pm Jeff:

If we'd been sufficiently clever, we'd have made it show up on this playlist as well.
  8:37pm JakeGhould:

@Jeff: Me no see no video on the homepage. Just a big empty space. Tested in Firefox 41.0.2 and Safari 9.0.1 in Mac OS X 10.9.5.
Avatar 8:37pm slugluv1313:

oh bummer! totally spaced on the live streaming! (probably b/c i was supposed to BE there!)
  8:37pm JakeGhould:

Can see it here. www.ustream.tv...
  8:43pm JakeGhould:

Thanks to the Internet old tech can get a new life with tons of new people learning and sharing info. Irony!
Avatar 8:45pm Jeff:

Glad you found that Ustream link.

Odd! The homepage video is showing up fine for me in Firefox 41.0.1, Chrome 46.0.2490.80, and Safari 9.0.1 on Mac OS 10.10.5...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Firefox ESR 38.3.0 on Windows 7 is showing live video for me.
  8:46pm JakeGhould:

@Jeff: Dunno. I guess I made the computer angry with some of my work today. But makes no sense why the Ustream link works?
Avatar 8:51pm Jeff:

Computers suck.
  8:52pm JakeGhould:

@Jeff: Fixed! Upgraded Flash to version 19. Had version 18 previously when it didn’t work. So now I can see it right from the WFMU homepage. But very odd why it was working on Ustream and not on the WFMU homepage?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm Mike East:

what great fun this was!
  8:53pm JakeGhould:

@MikeEast: What do you mean WAS? This is a TWO HOUR show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm Ken From Hyde Park:

The festivities continue until 10PM, but aren't aired. Maybe the whole thing will appear in the video archives later on.
Avatar 8:59pm Jeff:

The video stream should continue, but the main WFMU audio stream will switch to Irene's show at 9.
  9:00pm Listener Robert:

I met Rich Conaty at Gerald Pulice's July 4 party in 1981 or 1982.
Avatar 9:00pm Bloody Mary Wing:

The article on Mac in the NY Times:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm Ken From Hyde Park:

OK, yes. I see that now. Cool!
  9:04pm Kimzilla:

Actually Irene was kind enough to offer up an hour more airtime to MAC, so listen on!
Avatar 9:09pm Jeff:

What Kimzilla said! I was befuddled.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Good gravy! Edison is going to mess up that elephant!
Avatar 9:17pm slugluv1313:

@ Ken From Hyde Park -- yup, Edison was the one who actually "invented" the contraption that executed poor TOPSY :(
Avatar 9:28pm slugluv1313:

awww man YES WE HAVE NO BANANAS! so bummed i could not make it!!!
  9:33pm Listener Robert:

Wow, we did this at a Fleischer retrospective at the Museum of the Moving Image around the turn of the century. Not this one though, it was the Oldsmobile one. And I thought, what a coup, they've got us singing a goddamn commercial, ages after it was made!
  9:34pm Listener Robert:

Ach! Now you put that one on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm Ken From Hyde Park:

The old codger!
Avatar 10:00pm Marcel M:

That was great! Gongratz Mac and thanks! Great show.
Avatar 10:01pm slugluv1313:

WONDERFUL! Congratulations, Mac!
  10:06pm Listener Robert:

Codger nearly choked on his costume!

But Yay!
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