Favoriting Explorers Room with Flash Strap: Playlist from October 15, 2015 Favoriting

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This is where all of culture and all of time are collapsed into one seductive portal and viewed through the panoramic lens of the exotic. Come and embark on an armchair-travel virtual-voyage to the heart of timeless darkness and beyond; embrace the numinous monolith of the exotic immensity. Let us find that place where hybridization meets its destiny as pure fantasy. Let us become observers observing those others who are ourselves. You wear your mask and I'll wear mine.

Thursday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 15, 2015: Irmin Schmidt, Jaki Liebezeit, Michael Karoli, & Damo Suzuki (Can Members, Post-Can, Pt. 2)

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Artist Track Album Year Comments
Irmin Schmidt  Der Tote Bin Ich (solo)   Favoriting Filmmusik  1980  with Bruno Spoerri (sax) 

Music behind DJ:
Irmin Schmidt 

Messer im Kopf (titelmusik)   Favoriting



Irmin Schmidt  Dreambite   Favoriting Impossible Holidays  1991  Lyrics by Duncan Fallowell 
Irmin Schmidt  Le Weekend   Favoriting Impossible Holidays    Karoli on guitar, Liebezeit on drums 
Irmin Schmidt  Roll On, Euphrates   Favoriting Musk at Dusk  1987   
Irmin Schmidt  Love   Favoriting Musk at Dusk     
Irmin Schmidt  Gormenghast Drift   Favoriting Impossible Holidays     
Irmin Schmidt  Alcool   Favoriting Musk at Dusk    with Manfred Schoof on Flugelhorn 

Music behind DJ:
Irmin Schmidt & Kumo 

Gentle into that Night (Ghormenghast Drift V. 5.2)   Favoriting

Masters of Confusion 


Irmin Schmidt  Messer im Kopf (koto)   Favoriting Filmmusik     
Irmin Schmidt & Bruno Spoerri  The Seven Game   Favoriting Toy Planet  1981   
Irmin Schmidt & Bruno Spoerri  When the Waters Came to Life   Favoriting Toy Planet     
Michael Karoli & Polly Eltes  Deluge (The River)   Favoriting Deluge  1984   
Michael Karoli & Polly Eltes  One Thing (Or The Other)   Favoriting Deluge     
Jacky Horn  Mr. Psychologist   Favoriting Off the Record, Vol.1: Stollwerk Sampler  1985  Liebezeit on drums 
Phantom Band  Absolutely Straight   Favoriting Phantom Band  1980  Liebezeit's band, sort of. Mixed by Czukay. With Roscoe Gee. 
Drums Off Chaos  Drums Off Chaos   Favoriting Off the Record, Vol.1: Stollwerk Sampler  1985  Liebezeit on drums 

Music behind DJ:
Irmin Schmidt & Bruno Spoerri 

Springlight Rite   Favoriting

Toy Planet 


Phantom Band  Mind Probe   Favoriting Nowhere  1984   
Phantom Band  This is the Rule   Favoriting Nowhere     
Pascal Comelade / Pierre Bastien / Jac Berrocal / Jaki Liebezeit  Rock'n'Roll Station   Favoriting Oblique Sessions  1997   
Pascal Comelade / Pierre Bastien / Jac Berrocal / Jaki Liebezeit  Shikaku Maru Ten   Favoriting Oblique Sessions    orig. by Can 
Phew  Ocean   Favoriting Our Likeness  1992  Liebezeit on drums 
Friedman & Liebezeit  204-07   Favoriting Secret Rhythms 4  2011   
Friedman & Liebezeit  128-05   Favoriting Secret Rhythms 4     
Manfred Schoof Quintet  Roots and Collage   Favoriting Voices  1966  Liebezeit on drums 
Michael Rother  Feuerland   Favoriting Flammende Herzen  1977  Liebezeit on drums 

Music behind DJ:
Irmin Schmidt 

Im Herzen Des Hurrican (no. 5)   Favoriting



Bit's  2nd Byte   Favoriting Bit's EP  1982  Produced by Karoli 
Dunkelziffer  Give Me Your Soul   Favoriting Dunkelziffer III    Damo Suzuki on vocals 
Dunkelziffer  Trailer II   Favoriting Dunkelziffer III    Damo Suzuki on vocals 
Dunkelziffer  Coffeehouse   Favoriting Dunkelziffer Live  1985  Damo Suzuki on vocals 
Irmin Schmidt  Der Tote Bin Ich (titelmusik)   Favoriting Filmmusik     

Music behind DJ:
Irmin Schmidt & Bruno Spoerri 

Toy Planet   Favoriting

Toy Planet 


Dunkelziffer  Akino Aruhini   Favoriting Dunkelziffer III     

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:59pm

evening Evan and everyone!
Avatar 7:01pm
Flash Strap:

Evening Bob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Greetings, humans!
Avatar 7:03pm
Flash Strap:

Melinda! Ike! Welcome welcome!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

Avatar 7:04pm
Flash Strap:

One more Can show!
Avatar 7:04pm
Flash Strap:

Howdy Gary!
Avatar 7:05pm

i think i can, i think i can
Avatar 7:05pm
Flash Strap:

Do y'all mind goin' one more night around with the Can boys?
Avatar 7:05pm
Flash Strap:

Hey Hyde!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

I'll take another Can show.
Avatar 7:11pm

i'm here and fine with even more Can. but wow, is my internet weird tonight. i think there must be dns problems in the wind, because some sites are really not loading well for me. if i don't say anything it's because the stupid page won't load!
Avatar 7:15pm
Flash Strap:

The vocals on these records are Irmin, except here. it's fallowell talking
Avatar 7:17pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks Melinda!
I'll cut you some slack then, Hyde! By the way, you've contributed to tonight's playlist, so again I thank you
Avatar 7:18pm

ha, no trouble. it was nice to give you something for a change after grabbing so many treasures at your site over the years. plus now i have an ocean of Kalma.
Avatar 7:19pm
Flash Strap:

Avatar 7:19pm
Flash Strap:

That's Karoli on guitar, Liebezeit on drums, btw
Avatar 7:22pm
Flash Strap:

Gerd Dudek on sax here
Avatar 7:23pm

good ol' gerd dudek
Avatar 7:26pm
Flash Strap:

I mean, am I crazy, or are there alternate dimension Bowie/Bryan Ferry vibes on this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm
Doug Schulkind:

Schmidt happens!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

There are
Avatar 7:28pm
Flash Strap:

DOUG the MERCILESS, opposing all pun control legislation! Hello crusader!
Avatar 7:28pm
Flash Strap:

T'anks, Gary. Put my mind at ease
Avatar 7:31pm
Flash Strap:

I think this piece ended up being developed out into a 3-part opera, based on the Gormenghast novels? Never heard much about them. OR heard the Schmidt opera. Anybody got more wisdom on this?
Avatar 7:34pm
Flash Strap:

"Gormenghast is a remote and reclusive earldom dominated by the huge Castle Gormenghast at its centre, and ruled by the noble family of Groan since time immemorial. The kingdom derives its name from Gormenghast Mountain, and is isolated from the outside world by inhospitable regions on each side of it."
Avatar 7:35pm

I read the first Gormenghast novel - but haven't heard of the opera
Avatar 7:36pm

i think i tried to read that first Gormenghast novel many years ago, but couln't get into it
Avatar 7:36pm
Flash Strap:

How was the book?
Avatar 7:37pm

Not interesting enough to make me want to read more - I just remember a huge castle and lots of rain
Avatar 7:38pm
Flash Strap:

yeah, that's how it sounds
Avatar 7:38pm
Flash Strap:

The "Groan Family", geez
Avatar 7:39pm

yep - Titus Groan
Avatar 7:49pm
Flash Strap:

This record is so cool. Such a prehistoric sound
Avatar 7:50pm

i need someone in Chicago to go to this Renaissance Society exhibition of Wadada Leo Smith's works on paper (including his score for The Bell from Braxton's Three Compositions!) and tell me that it's as cool as it looks: www.renaissancesociety.org...
Avatar 7:51pm
Flash Strap:

wow that looks amazing. I could maybe swing that, actually
Avatar 🥁 7:52pm

OMG, I think my brain just leaked out of my ears looking at the Leo Smith scores!.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Doug Schulkind:

Oh wow, hyde. That is wonderful. As is this Seven Game track. So great!
Avatar 7:53pm
Flash Strap:

I know, they look SO crazy good. what a way to annotate
Avatar 7:57pm
Flash Strap:

i love how the tracks on this album really flow and build without stable presence or loudness in the mix. they're constantly arriving
Avatar 7:57pm

i guess the Golden Quartet (which if it is still Smith-Anthony Davis-Pheeroan Aklaff-John Lindberg is a *monster*) is performing a bunch of the scores from the exhibition on the 24th of Oct there, fwiw
Avatar 7:58pm

excellent first hour Evan! catch the rest on the archive as always
Avatar 7:58pm
Flash Strap:

DL in LA:

Loving the show today. Thanks!
Avatar 8:00pm
Flash Strap:

Hi there, DL in LA. Thank YOU, you know?
Avatar 8:00pm

Damn! I was still immersed in LAST week's show and thus late for this one. Thankful for the archive.
Avatar 8:01pm
Flash Strap:

Polly Eltes is Karoli's wife, right? I'm pretty sure but don't want to be wrong. and google doesn't seem to care
Avatar 8:02pm
Flash Strap:

Hey Wilbo! Thanks for listening. Glad to have you here at any time, especially if you've been doing your homework
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hey over here.
Avatar 8:06pm
Flash Strap:

Hey Revolutionary! Happy you're here
Avatar 8:07pm
Flash Strap:

Man this Karoli album is so thrown-together
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
Doug Schulkind:

Now would be as good a time as any to show your appreciation to WFMU, which brings you the Drummer Stream which brings you Flash Strap's miraculous radio show! Show your appreciation by tossing some change into the Explorers Room violin case atop the playlist page. ( You can also click this link to pledge directly in honor of this show here: www.wfmu.org... )

This is the first time anyone has had a chance to pledge to Explorers Room! What a spectacular addition to humanity... and Give the Drummer Radio!
Avatar 8:12pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks Doug! Couldn't say it better.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm

buenas noches Flash and Explorers
Avatar 8:16pm
Flash Strap:

Hey coelacanth! How are you, good fella
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

pretty good and gettin' better. howzabout you?
...show's sounding fine and i missed some amazingness too,i see!
Avatar 8:25pm

near as I can tell, Michael Karoli was married to Shirley Argwings-Kodhek, not Polly Eltes
Avatar 8:31pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks for the correction, Hyde. And the contribution, you wonderful soul. Give a smooch to Satu, provided it is not a snapping turtle
Avatar 8:33pm

no problem, worth every penny. also luckily Satu is just the one eyed cat that is my avatar, not a snapping turtle...
Avatar 8:33pm
Flash Strap:

Once again, thank you deeply and with feeling to Corbin, Edward, and Hyde. Take a bow, gents
Avatar 8:34pm
Flash Strap:

sounds like a cool cat
Avatar 8:35pm

Polly Eltes side note: she is apparently now a photographer of innocuous interiors: www.pollyeltes.com
Avatar 8:36pm
Flash Strap:

I saw that too, and wondered if it was really her! I do not like those photos!
Avatar 8:39pm

Hello hello! I'm late. Sad!
Avatar 8:39pm
Flash Strap:

Mayuko! Hello!
Avatar 8:40pm
Flash Strap:

you actually made it just in time for some Japanese language stuff (right after this, and then more in the next set), so there's that consolation, if it is any
Avatar 8:41pm

ok, I'm ready!
Avatar 8:43pm

the photos are terrible. I actually think that is her, too, because the profile page says she was a model turned photog, though it omits any mention of film and music.
Avatar 8:44pm
Flash Strap:

Phew seems so cool to me, but I don't know that much about her outside her krautrock alliances
Avatar 8:45pm
Flash Strap:

@Hyde: it is compelling I have to agree. Might really be her. I'm sorry that she sucks at making pictures, but she does. Whoever she is
Avatar 8:45pm

You can go anywhere like wind, everything you see is the cluster of you, cluster of things coming out of you. You are like wind, you're like ocean, and I'm looking at you. Something like that.
Avatar 8:46pm
Flash Strap:

that's what it sounds like!
Avatar 8:47pm
Flash Strap:

thanks, by the way, it's always cool when you illuminate us
Avatar 8:48pm

it's the librarian in me
Avatar 8:48pm

@Mayuko i love getting the real time translation!
Avatar 8:49pm
Flash Strap:

I was actually thanking Mayuko, but it doubles just as well to include you, Hyde! are you a librarian? I am trying to work at a library, myself. And generally consider it one of the higher callings of humanity
Avatar 8:52pm

heh, yeah i was taking Mayuko's credit! typical. but yes, I have an MLS and have worked as a librarian in the past--though these days i'm more of a digital image manager/collections assistant.
Avatar 8:54pm
Flash Strap:

That's cool. I think that that is cool
Avatar 8:54pm

That song of her you played was relatively easy to catch what she's saying, even though I couldn't really follow everything. It was very beautiful, but there was somewhat spooky feeling too in her word choices. Which was hard to translate (in real time anyway) but that too was delivered just by her voice anyway, I guess!
Avatar 8:55pm
Flash Strap:

this one comes to us courtesy of Hyde!
Avatar 8:56pm
Flash Strap:

@Mayuko: yeah, her intonation is so evocative.
Avatar 8:58pm

really more courtesy of the treasure trove that is the Requests and Contributions threads at A Darker Shade of Blue: Revisit
Avatar 9:02pm
Flash Strap:

We got Liebezeit sitting in Dinger's seat here, basically. Neu! without Neu!
Avatar 9:02pm

this one is cool. i don't really know this record, sounds great.
Avatar 9:05pm
Flash Strap:

Right after Neu!, Rother made a handful of LPs that were like a less experimental Neu!–just straight pastoral motorik (whereas Dinger went off and did the same thing with the somewhat more anarchic La Dusseldorf). Anyway, Liebezeit took over Dinger's spot as the generator of the "Apache beat"
Avatar 9:07pm

I need to check out that Flammende Herzen too!!
Avatar 9:20pm
Flash Strap:

All those albums are pretty good. I can help you both out, send me a message about it
Avatar 9:22pm

may just take you up on that
Avatar 9:23pm
Flash Strap:

This is one of my favorite tracks of the night. this whole set is some of the best stuff of the night, i think
Avatar 9:23pm
Flash Strap:

@hyde: go for it
Avatar 9:32pm

"Lost stars back to shine again", and maybe "You lost yourself but you can come back to yourself again", but that was so vague maybe I misheard.
Avatar 9:34pm
Flash Strap:

there's just no translating Damo Suzuki, even when you understand the language he's singing in
Avatar 9:40pm
Flash Strap:

Has anybody heard the fairly similar track by the Damo Suzuki Band, off V.E.R.N.I.S.S.A.G.E.? With Liebezeit on drums?
Avatar 9:43pm

no sir
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Doug Schulkind:

Avatar 9:44pm
Flash Strap:

it's just ok, actually. some story that turned out to be
Avatar 9:45pm
Flash Strap:

I mention it cause it's cool to hear Liebezeit revisiting Halleluwah, but also a little bit of a letdown
Avatar 🥁 9:46pm

This has been great cleaning music. Thanks Flash!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

I like the unusual combination of sounds in these pieces. Nice show.
Avatar 9:51pm

haha, it's the end of the show.....OR IS IT?

also, i forgot all about singles goin' steady week. i *love* singles goin' steady week! see you then. thanks!
Avatar 9:52pm

Glad I got to listen to this extended hour! Thanks Flash Strap!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

Thanks Evan i shall certainly revisit this one!
ciao peeps.
Avatar 9:56pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks everyone! Explorer Melinda! Explorer Hyde! Explorer Mayuko! Explorer Coelacanth!

next week will be oodles of fun, can't wait to listen to all those 45s with you!

And thanks again to all the contributors!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Doug Schulkind:

This extra hour of Explorers Room is such a sweet gift. As if the Universe cleaves itself open and reaches in to give us a lovely morsel.
Avatar 9:58pm

You picked this because it is titled "One Autumn Day"? Great job! (Although the lyrics sound pretty depressing! haha.) See you next week!
Avatar 9:59pm
Flash Strap:

I had no idea what it said! wow that's cool
Avatar 10:00pm
Flash Strap:

kind words from a kind man, Doug! the universe has given ME the gift, of room for such an extra hour. Or was it you? are you the universe?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Doug there's something about the non-strictness...non-conformist, in the air ending-time that makes it that much more special than even a definite 3-hour show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09pm
Doug Schulkind:

I totally agree, coelacanth.
Avatar 10:10pm
Flash Strap:

that's really nice to hear, guys
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