Favoriting The Real Nitty Gritty with Real Nitty Gritty Tania and Thomas Torment: Playlist from August 16, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 16, 2015: The Devil Is Mad!!!

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Artist Track Approx. start time
The Triumphs  Surfside Date   Favoriting 0:03:25 (Pop-up)
The Banshees  Project Blue   Favoriting 0:05:10 (Pop-up)
The Clique  You've Been Unfair   Favoriting 0:07:42 (Pop-up)
The Tabbys  Hong Kong Baby   Favoriting 0:09:57 (Pop-up)
The Vistas  Moon Relay   Favoriting 0:11:53 (Pop-up)
Hidden Charms  The Hill   Favoriting 0:14:59 (Pop-up)
Al's Untouchables  Come On Baby   Favoriting 0:17:30 (Pop-up)
Mojo Watson  Love Blood Hound   Favoriting 0:19:30 (Pop-up)
Hot Shot Love  Wolf Call Boogie   Favoriting 0:22:04 (Pop-up)
The Lost Boys  Wolf Pack   Favoriting 0:24:30 (Pop-up)
Bunker Hill w/ Link Wray and the Raymen  The Girl Can't Dance   Favoriting 0:27:13 (Pop-up)
Mighty, Mighty Clouds of Joy  None But The Righteous   Favoriting 0:29:07 (Pop-up)
Dorothea Fleming  The Devil Is Mad   Favoriting 0:31:13 (Pop-up)
The Coasters  I'm A Hog For You Baby   Favoriting 0:33:09 (Pop-up)
Mr P.T. and The Party Timers  Aunt Susie   Favoriting 0:35:04 (Pop-up)
The Epics  Humpty Dumpty   Favoriting 0:37:10 (Pop-up)
The Valentines  That's It Man   Favoriting 0:41:41 (Pop-up)
Baby Huey & the Babysitters  Monkey Man   Favoriting 0:45:01 (Pop-up)
James Brown and the Famous Flames  Mashed Potatoes USA   Favoriting 0:47:32 (Pop-up)
The Diamond Uprisers  New Kind Of Jerk   Favoriting 0:50:22 (Pop-up)
Tommy Dark  Wobble Legs   Favoriting 0:52:47 (Pop-up)
Willie Tomlin  Check Me Baby   Favoriting 0:55:15 (Pop-up)
    0:57:45 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 7:04pm
Thomas Torment:


hey, goodevening Tania & Thomas!
Avatar 7:04pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

freakout horn
Avatar 7:05pm
Thomas Torment:

Hi Cheri
Avatar 7:05pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Hi Cheri!
Avatar 7:08pm
pacific standard simon:

Get down! (off the sofa)
Avatar 7:09pm
Thomas Torment:

Hi Simon!
Avatar 7:09pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

hey Simon!

so, Tania & Thomas what's up? I can't stand this heatwave, can you?
Avatar 7:10pm
Thomas Torment:

The only heat we want is what's coming off the records!
Avatar 7:12pm
pacific standard simon:

Hey gang. Perfect weather for an egg-salad taco (flour tortilla, Japanese mayo).
Avatar 7:12pm
Thomas Torment:

Straight to the moon!
Avatar 7:12pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Simon and Cheri, are you enjoying any refreshments this evening with your Nitty Gritty?
Avatar 7:13pm
pacific standard simon:

Virgil's Root Beer, Tania. Saving the martinis for later.
Avatar 7:14pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Simon, I guess our tacos were BBQ flavor today...on a bun. cheers to Virgil's RB!

Tania, Thomas i'm having some pizza and diet coke right now.
Avatar 7:17pm
Thomas Torment:

Pizza and Tacos! Yum!
Avatar 7:17pm
pacific standard simon:

Thomas & Tania, your audience's culinary choices seem suspiciously teenage.
Avatar 7:18pm
Thomas Torment:

Rock & Roll keeps ya young!
Avatar 7:19pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

haha yes. Left to our own devices we would eat a bowl of cereal and pop rocks for dinner

Thomas, Tania also the nitty gritty keeps you alive!
Avatar 7:20pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

canine set!
Avatar 7:22pm
pacific standard simon:

I thought I told that dog to get down from there.

Thomas,tania as joan jett would say, I love rock and roll, and also I enjoy the blues as well!
Avatar 7:25pm
Thomas Torment:


anyone here enjoy the blues too?
Avatar 7:29pm
Thomas Torment:

Of course!
Avatar 7:30pm
Debbie D.:

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans for the win!!
Avatar 7:31pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:31pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

in a taco shell!

that's cool Thomas ,the blues is cool and soothing music, hello Debbie! don't forget the cornbread, Debbie.
Avatar 7:33pm
pacific standard simon:

Mad like angry, or mad like daddy?
Avatar 7:34pm
Thomas Torment:

Simon - YES
Avatar 7:34pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

or Mad like Mike
Avatar 7:35pm
Debbie D.:

We had biscuits, Cheri. Cornbread would be good too. With some black-eyed peas.
Avatar 7:36pm
Thomas Torment:

One o my fave guitar solos!
Avatar 7:39pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Debbie do you fry your own chicken?

well Tania,thomas and Debbie, i'm afraid I must take my leave now, see you all next week! have a wonderful week.
Avatar 7:40pm
Debbie D.:

Actually, John did. My Mom's recipe!
Avatar 7:41pm
Debbie D.:

Bye, Cheri!
Avatar 7:41pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:


thank you all!
Avatar 7:41pm
Thomas Torment:

Bye Cheri!
Avatar 7:41pm
Thomas Torment:

Now I want fried chicken!
Avatar 7:41pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Bye Cheri!
Avatar 7:42pm
Thomas Torment:

AND collard greens
Avatar 7:42pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Simon, Humpty Dumpty provided the egg for your tacos
Avatar 7:44pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Avatar 7:44pm
Thomas Torment:

That's it baybeee
Avatar 7:45pm
pacific standard simon:

That's doing nothing for my appetite, Tania!
Avatar 7:46pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

I always seem to ruin the taco ingredients somehow
Avatar 7:47pm
Thomas Torment:

More mashed potatoes for Debbie
Avatar 7:48pm
Debbie D.:

That's right!
Avatar 7:49pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

I wonder does the Mashed Potato vary regionally like BBQ?
Avatar 7:52pm
Thomas Torment:

Tania had two helpings of mashed potatoes earlier today! It's a mashed potato Sunday! And tacos...
Avatar 7:52pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

it's hard to do this new kind of Jerk on my Wobble Legs
Avatar 7:55pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Mashed Potato love
Avatar 7:57pm
Thomas Torment:

I'm one cat that's clean!
Avatar 7:57pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

like, CHECK me, baby
Avatar 7:58pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

gnight, all, thanks for listening and yakking with us!
Avatar 7:59pm
Thomas Torment:

Thank you all! Nighty!!!
Avatar 7:59pm
CeCe Noir:

Loving it!
Avatar 7:59pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:59pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Hi CeCe!
Avatar 7:59pm
Debbie D.:

Thanks for another Sunday shindig.
Avatar 8:01pm
CeCe Noir:

Hey doll!
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