Favoriting Therese: Playlist from August 3, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 3, 2015: Well it seems so real I can see it...

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
The Buzzcocks  Why Can't I Touch It?   Favoriting Singles Going Steady  IRS    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
FFS  The Man without a Tan   Favoriting FFS  Domino  *   0:06:11 (Pop-up)
Electric Light Orchestra  Mr. Blue Sky   Favoriting Out of the Blue  United Artists    0:09:45 (Pop-up)
Yonatan Gat  Theme from a Dark Party   Favoriting Director  Joyful Noise  *   0:14:45 (Pop-up)
The Jean-Paul Sartre Experience  I Like Rain   Favoriting I Like Rain: The Story of the Jean-Paul Sartre Experience  Fire  *   0:16:27 (Pop-up)
They Might Be Giants  Starry Eyes   Favoriting Even More Super Hits of the Seventies  WFMU Premium 2015    0:20:49 (Pop-up)
Fat Creeps  Daydreaming   Favoriting Must Be Nice  Sophomore Lounge  *   0:24:01 (Pop-up)
Kinski  Powder   Favoriting 7 (or 8)  Kill Rock Stars  *   0:37:07 (Pop-up)
Dennis Most & Audiolove  Lucifer Sam   Favoriting Live at the El Cid, December 1976  Captain Trip  *   0:42:22 (Pop-up)
Goblin Rebirth  Book of Skulls   Favoriting Goblin Rebirth  Relapse  *   0:45:16 (Pop-up)
Kate Bush  Running up that Hill (A Deal With God)   Favoriting Hounds of Love  EMI    0:51:15 (Pop-up)
Little Wings  By Now   Favoriting Explains  Woodsist  *   0:56:16 (Pop-up)
Sly & the Family Stone  M'Lady   Favoriting Live at the Fillmore East - October 4th & 5th, 1968  Legacy / Epic  *   1:13:10 (Pop-up)
Lee Moore  You Can Bet I Can Get You Yet   Favoriting Groove with a Feeling: Sounds of Memphis Boogie, Soul and Funk 1975-1985  BGP / Ace  *   1:18:53 (Pop-up)
Giorgio Moroder  Tempted (Feat. Matthew Kona)   Favoriting Deja-Vu  RCA  *   1:24:40 (Pop-up)
Marie et les Garçons  Rien a Dire   Favoriting Marie et les Garçons  Feedback  *   1:30:15 (Pop-up)
Elli & Jacno  Les Tarots   Favoriting Des Jeunes Gens Mödernes: Post Punk, Cold Wave et Culture Novo en France 1978 - 1983: Volume 2  Born Bad  *   1:31:25 (Pop-up)
EZTV  Long Way to Go   Favoriting Calling Out  Captured Tracks  *   1:35:53 (Pop-up)
Yaz  Walk Away from Love   Favoriting You and Me Both  Mute / Sire    1:39:01 (Pop-up)
Easter and the Totem  Modern Romantic   Favoriting The Sum Is Greater than its Parts  Ss Records  *   1:43:06 (Pop-up)
Nun  Evoke the Sleep   Favoriting Nun  HoZac  *   1:56:33 (Pop-up)
Grave Babies  Something Awful   Favoriting Holographic Violence  Hardly Art  *   1:59:39 (Pop-up)
Primeval Genius  Queen of Space   Favoriting Machinist in the Underworld  Suitcase  *   2:03:08 (Pop-up)
Blanck Mass  Lung   Favoriting Dub Flesh  Sacred Bones  *   2:07:33 (Pop-up)
The Cocoon  Bag Lady   Favoriting While the Recording Engineer Sleeps  Staubgold  *   2:12:36 (Pop-up)
Spring  Superstar   Favoriting Spring  United Artists  *   2:17:47 (Pop-up)
Crystal Syphon  Sing to Me   Favoriting Elephant Ball  Roaratorio  *   2:21:40 (Pop-up)
Shawn David McMillen  Kick Off Your Shoes   Favoriting On the Clock w/ JJ and Mitch  12XU  *   2:30:23 (Pop-up)
Best Girl Athlete  Hills   Favoriting Carve Every Word  Minty Fresh  *   2:43:30 (Pop-up)
Kasey Chambers  Hell of a Way to Go   Favoriting Bittersweet  Sugar Hill  *   2:46:50 (Pop-up)
Those Pretty Wrongs  Fool of Myself   Favoriting Lucky Guy 7"  Burger Records  *   2:50:27 (Pop-up)
Jackson C. Frank  Blues Run the Game   Favoriting The Complete Recordings  Ba Da Bing!  *   2:53:57 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:03am

As soon as I heard that bass line I knew which song this was.

Good evening, Therese!

Hello hello

@BGZ: ha, same here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06am

greetings Therese and others
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06am

Hi everyone!!

Hello, Monday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12am

No, don't do it! Stop!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Where does the blue in the sky go when it gets dark?
Avatar 12:20am

I often prefer my quick-initial-glance misunderstandings of something written to the actual text I was supposed to have seen.

For instance, on first glance I thought the title of that Yonatan Gat song was "Theme from a Dork Party".

I like that. Maybe I'll have to write that one myself.

Hey Kids!

Jeff, when you have that dork party I'm invited, right?

KFHP I think it goes to the other side of the world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29am

nah,it comes right here, to this playlist.

greetings rw!
Avatar 12:31am

I still haven't received my swag from the 215 marathon. I've kinda given up on it arriving since it's been 1,800 years. Should I email Joe?
Avatar 12:35am
Mary Wing:

You were at the station last night and you didn't come and say hi to me? Damn, sister.
Avatar 12:35am

The first time I visited WFMU was to help mail swag out. I folded A LOT of t-shirts that afternoon.

I haven't gotten my swag yet either but since it is a mouse+ I figured that is usually the last to get sent out...

It takes a long time to stuff all those envelopes!!
Avatar 12:37am
Mary Wing:

I think that sound is coming from the computers under the table.

I don't hear a projector here. Unless it's really subtle.

OK to be sappy. I too am a sap for the freeform. It was nice meeting you tonight.
Avatar 12:39am

Should I turn one of my projectors on as a show of solidarity?
Avatar 12:39am
Mary Wing:

Specifically, DAW 1 is pretty noisy.

When premium CDs were in plastic cases with artwork for the front and back, ooo, that took forever...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40am

Oh, hi Stork! Good to see you made it to your destination. Yes, the sappiness was a result of our conversation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40am

Mary- the sound IS coming from the general area of DAW1...
Avatar 12:45am

Oh, wait - DAW1 has an intermittent thing where the fan blade ticks like it's hitting something. On my list to try to fix when nobody's using Studio A.

Think of it like having a playing card in your bicycle spokes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47am

I like that analogy, Jeff.

Saw some kid yesterday who crushed a plastic cup and stuck it near his back wheel so it could sound like a motor whir when he rode his bike. Most maddening sound ever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Mary. Remember yesterday when I mentioned I might reward myself with a Coke at some point. This has changed my mind - www.themarketbusiness.com... Maybe a bowl of cherries would be better.
Avatar 12:56am

When I was a kid I had a thing on my bicycle handlebar that made a motorcycle revving sound when I cranked it.
Avatar 12:58am

The thing was called Raw Power. I found the commercial on YouTube.


@KenFromHydePark: If you have constipation caused just having too much fiber/bulk in you a can of Coke is like Draino for your gut. www.telegraph.co.uk...
Avatar 12:59am
Mary Wing:

Well, cherries are a good choice. The Coke ain't killed me yet; although I drink a hell of a lot less of it now.

I like slushies/Slurpees™ as well as a few fancy/schmancy soda flavors.
Avatar 1:01am
Mary Wing:

I tried that green-label Coke the other day, it was not a pleasant taste at all.

@Mary: Stevia—which is what Coca-Cola Life is flavored with—tastes horrible. I think there are some people who hate cilantro and like stevia out there.
Avatar 1:06am

Roz Kelly was Pinky [Leather's older sister].
Avatar 1:07am
Mary Wing:

Meet Cathy, who's lived most everywhere,
from Zanzibar to Barclay Square.
But Patty's only seen the sights
a girl can see from Brooklyn Heights --
What a crazy pair!
Avatar 1:08am
Mary Wing:


Mary, was that from memory??

The Leather Tuscadero mention led me down a slight k-hole that lead me to… “Blanksky’s Beauties” the odd “Happy Days” spinoff with Nancy Walker. Blansky's Beauties
Avatar 1:09am
Mary Wing:

Yes, sorta. I sang it out loud, but then went and looked it up to copy and paste, heh.


Ooops, here is the “Blanksky’s Beauties” opening: www.youtube.com...
Avatar 1:11am
Mary Wing:

Yeah, considering I don't remember anything else about that show, at all. That song buried itself in my brain somehow.

FWIW, I have always remembered part of the theme of “Hello Larry” since it aired.
Avatar 1:13am

I'm fortunate to have a grocery store nearby that caters to the local Latin community. Whenever I need a soda fix I can go there and get pop made with real sugar from Mexico. They also carry a carbonated beverage from Holland called Nikoline Enjoy that's lemon, lime, and mint flavored. It's sort of like a non-alcoholic mojito.
Avatar 1:14am
Jon Solomon:

I didn't fall asleep! But now I will!

Hello Larry? Was that a spinoff of... Three's Company?

The Mexican market near my house occasionally has cucumber popsicles coated with cayenne powder.
Avatar 1:16am

Wasn't "Hello Larry" a McLean Stevenson show?

“Hello Larry” was a “Differ’nt Strokes” spin off about… a radio personality! “Hello Larry, you talk to people all day for a living. But all those easy answers you are giving. Are you really living your life that way? Portland is a long way from L.A.” www.youtube.com...

“While not a spin-off, Hello, Larry (1979–1980) had a connection to Strokes as it was established in a crossover episode that Philip Drummond and Larry Alder (McLean Stevenson) were old army buddies, and Mr. Drummond had bought the company that owned the radio station Larry worked at as a talk show host.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20am

Jon- the next time you are in Jersey City, please bring one me one of those cucumber popsicles.

Why isn’t there such a thing as a cucumber and watermelon slushie?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26am

That sounds like a refreshment overload!
Avatar 1:27am

Cucumber, watermelon, and mint!

Therese, they're pretty delicious but seem to be rare. I looked yesterday but didn't have any. They also have pecan popsicles which are more normally stocked.
Bob in DC and/or Virginia:

Hey Therese! I'm getting a late start listening to your show tonight because of my car dying. Looks like I missed a big "Hello Larry" discussion?
Avatar 1:29am

Down here you can get coconut frozen pops that are dipped in dark chocolate. They're pretty great.

@Bob: Not to mention “Blanksky’s Beauties.”
Avatar 1:33am

The next back-announce should be fun.

I just found out I don't have to work in the morning! Woo!

Coconut dipped in dark chocolate?!! I need one of those.
Avatar 1:38am

I thought this EZTV track was a Wings outtake.

This Yaz track... I'm imagining Therese rollerskating around the studio.
Avatar 1:47am

From the studio down into the record library.

Naps are nice!
Avatar 1:53am

Saint Therese - patron saint of naps

“Less than average…” So she was on OK Cupid? Only dating sites make people that judgey.
Avatar 1:56am

It would make sense to hear Supertramp while having breakfast in America, but not while having dinner in America.
Avatar 1:58am

I like NUN. I found out about them because they have a song called "Cronenberg."

@Therese: A few weeks back some of us on the playlist bonded over this one Brooklyn ice cream truck that plays, “Send in the Clowns” as their jingle music. What joy that song brings… NOT!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02am

There is a slight possibility that I imagined this, but I remember an ice cream truck in Jersey City that used the Godfather Theme as its jingle.

@Therese: Maybe you are mixing up ice cream truck jingles with the custom car horns that were a big thing in the 1980s. www.youtube.com...

Or as immortalized by Paulie in the Sopranos. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 2:05am

Did it sell chocolate-flavored pops shaped like a horse head?

"I'd like a Khartoum pop, please!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Oddly, "Superstar" was on my mind on Friday afternoon.
Avatar 2:30am
pacific standard simon:

Wow. I just spent 2 hours playing trivia in my local bar, and now I feel totally validated as a human being!
Avatar 2:30am

My parents had whichever Carpenters record had their version of "Superstar" on it. I think the parents of every kid born before 1977 had a copy of that Carpenters record. I bet hospitals gave copies of that record to new parents along with a copy of Dr. Spock's book.
Avatar 2:34am
pacific standard simon:

Why does this sound so much like Quicksilver Messenger Service? The Crystal Syphon, I mean. Shawn David McMillen sounds more like Hot Tuna.
Avatar 2:42am
pacific standard simon:

I killed 'em at United States Presidents trivia, BTW.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44am
! I X Key !:

Avatar 2:45am

Studioshambles is the name of my Pete Doherty tribute band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45am
! I X Key !:

This DJ is so important
& awesome for the multiverse

@pss: Nixon? Polk?
Avatar 2:46am
pacific standard simon:

Avatar 2:49am
pacific standard simon:

Polk was not involved, but Nixon was -- as a right answer, and a wrong answer, both. Historian pussies, sorry to say.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50am
! I X Key !:

! I always love to be immersed in a whirl of work all day (o:
Avatar 2:54am
pacific standard simon:

Then again, whenever they got into the last 15 years, I was totally lost.

@pss: It's amazing to me how even in 2015 Nixon is still considered the worst president. It's like him and Spiro Agnew are patsy's for political corruption that will never fade away.

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't comment earlier, but great show tonight, Therese! And I hope you have a lovely week. =)
Avatar 2:57am
pacific standard simon:

NOT Nick Drake? Huh.
Avatar 2:59am

Have a great week everyone! Especially you, Therese.

See you here next time.

@Jake & Simon: If you ask me, if anything, James K. Polk might just be the most overrated President of all time. I mean, sure, he was there when we bought the Southwest from Mexico, but if anything, he was mainly just in the right place at the right time.

And Nixon was a crook, but if you want my opinion, I'd think that Andrew Jackson was the worst President ever(incompetent, started the Trail of Tears, etc.), apart from maybe James Buchanan(coward, backed down in face of imminent Reb treason).
Avatar 2:59am

loved that jackson c frank man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Enjoy your week, Therese. Another fine show, as usual.
Avatar 3:05am
pacific standard simon:

@Steve-O - I hate Jackson, but Bush Jr and Buchanan are my candidates for for worst presidents ever.
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