Favoriting Explorers Room with Flash Strap: Playlist from July 23, 2015 Favoriting

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This is where all of culture and all of time are collapsed into one seductive portal and viewed through the panoramic lens of the exotic. Come and embark on an armchair-travel virtual-voyage to the heart of timeless darkness and beyond; embrace the numinous monolith of the exotic immensity. Let us find that place where hybridization meets its destiny as pure fantasy. Let us become observers observing those others who are ourselves. You wear your mask and I'll wear mine.

Thursday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting July 23, 2015: Sugar Life: Beach Trip (with Moebius)

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments
Donn Preston with Shirley Bolt  Honolulu   Favoriting Music for the BIG Scene – Sounds in Contrast  Contrast Recordings  1966?   
Dennis Wilson  River Song   Favoriting Pacific Ocean Blue    1977   

Music behind DJ:
Syntonic Research Series 

The Psychologically Ultimate Seashore   Favoriting

Environments: New Concepts in Stereo Sound • Disc 1 



Alessi Brothers  Do You Feel It?   Favoriting Alessi    1976   
Alessi Brothers  Driftin'   Favoriting Driftin'    1978   
Beach Boys  Til I Die (Desper Mix)   Favoriting Landlocked    1970   
The Sandals  Wild as the Sea   Favoriting Endless Summer    1964   
The Sandals  Trailing   Favoriting Endless Summer       
The Sandals  Jet Black   Favoriting Endless Summer       
Spike  Strange Age   Favoriting Orange Cloud Nine       
Santo & Johnny  Reflections   Favoriting Hawaii    1961   
Spike  Crazy Lazy   Favoriting Orange Cloud Nine       
Paradise Island Trio  Pagan Love Song   Favoriting Paradise Island       

Music behind DJ:
Lalo Schifrin 

Jaws   Favoriting




(Flash Strap Pink Widow edit) 
Monte Moya & the Surfers  Summer Time   Favoriting Percussionata       
Dennis Wilson  Time   Favoriting Pacific Ocean Blue    1977   
Dennis Wilson  Pacific Ocean Blues   Favoriting Pacific Ocean Blue    1977   
Ashra  Nights in Sweat   Favoriting Tropical Heat    1991   

Music behind DJ:
Ash Ra 

Monsoon   Favoriting

Tropical Heat 



Harmonia  Kekse   Favoriting Deluxe    1975   
Cluster  Umleitung   Favoriting Sowiesoso    1976   
Moebius & Plank  Rastakraut Pasta   Favoriting Rastakraut Pasta    1980   
Moebius & Plank  Conditionierer   Favoriting Material    1981   
Moebius & Plank  Missi Cacadou   Favoriting Rastakraut Pasta    1980  with Holger Czukay on bass 
Moebius & Plank  Two Oldtimers   Favoriting Rastakraut Pasta      again with Holger Czukay on bass 

Music behind DJ:
Bud Tutmarc 


Sacred Hawaiian Melodies 



Cluster  Hollywood   Favoriting Zuckerzeit    1974   
Cluster  Caramel   Favoriting Zuckerzeit       
Cluster  Rote-Riki   Favoriting Zuckerzeit       
Cluster  Isodea   Favoriting Grosses Wasser    1979   
Cluster  Fotschi Tong   Favoriting Zuckerzeit       
Cluster  James   Favoriting Zuckerzeit       
Moebius  Contramio   Favoriting Tonspuren    1983   

Music behind DJ:
Santo & Johnny 





Moebius  Transport   Favoriting Tonspuren    1983   
Moebius  Etwas   Favoriting Tonspuren       
Moebius & Plank  Landebahn   Favoriting Rastakraut Pasta       
Alessi Brothers  Seabird   Favoriting Alessi    1976   
Spike  E_S_Rever   Favoriting Orange Cloud Nine       

Music behind DJ:
Syntonic Research Series 

The Psychologically Ultimate Seashore   Favoriting

Environments: New Concepts in Stereo Sound • Disc 1 




Listener comments!

Avatar 7:00pm

beach party tonight!
Avatar 7:01pm

Hey Explorers, glad to be tuned in live for once.
Avatar 7:02pm
Flash Strap:

Hyde, e12! old face, new face, lovely to see you both
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Hello all!
Avatar 7:04pm
Flash Strap:

Hello Melinda!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

I'm strapped in
Avatar 7:04pm
Flash Strap:

SeeeeeeeeeeeeeanG, welcome to the beach
Avatar 7:06pm
Flash Strap:

This song is one of my favorite things, beyond all reason
Avatar 7:09pm

evening Evan and everyone!
Avatar 7:10pm

on a not really related note, i see a&p has filed chapter 11 again.
Avatar 7:10pm
Flash Strap:

hello bob, have some okolehau
Avatar 7:11pm

the Pacific Ocean Blue LP is generally pretty good for a non Brian Wilson Beach Boy solo outing
Avatar 7:11pm
Flash Strap:

hi glenn!
Avatar 7:13pm

howdy all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

steam is outta sorts
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

it's back
Avatar 🥁 7:15pm

I have the whole series of Environments: New Concepts in Stereo Sound LPs (I got four of them from my grandparents).
Avatar 7:15pm

i'm getting some dropouts here on the stream. is that just me?
Avatar 7:15pm

yep seems to be back now
Avatar 7:15pm

@ngh whoa, nice! i only have gentle rain in a pine forest on vinyl.
Avatar 7:19pm
Flash Strap:

Stream doin all right foe everybody?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

YES! feeling it!
Avatar 7:19pm

yeah, seems ok now
Avatar 7:21pm
Flash Strap:

@Hyde: I really think Pacific Ocean Blue is tremendous stuff. Dennis' stuff on the 70's Beach Boys albums is pretty consistently great too
Avatar 7:22pm
Flash Strap:

ngh: jealous of your set, man
Avatar 7:23pm
Flash Strap:

really feel like the Alessi Bros have a sneakily mature songwriting style
Avatar 🥁 7:25pm

I found the rest at random thrift and record stores, I really love them for some reason.
Avatar 🥁 7:27pm

There are 11 in all.
Avatar 7:28pm
Flash Strap:

yeah, I only have a few, most pretty wrecked. They're sublime somehow. I love that you can play some of them at two different speeds
Avatar 7:29pm
Flash Strap:

one of the best Beach Boys songs, right here
Avatar 7:30pm

songbird vs raptor drama in my yard right now as a broad tailed hawk gets harassed by freaked out robins and catbirds
Avatar 7:31pm

"nature red in tooth and claw"
Avatar 7:31pm
Flash Strap:

Perfect scene for a surf soundtrack
Avatar 7:32pm
Flash Strap:

I like this record so much, I'm gonna let it play a few more
Avatar 7:33pm

i could cut my own environments lp if i wasn't listening to this
Avatar 7:34pm
Flash Strap:

just watched the movie for the first time since i was a kid, anybody seen Endless Summer? pretty good right?
Avatar 7:36pm

i've seen the summer of '42. does that count?
Avatar 7:36pm

photography in that flick is great. it really makes you just want to grab a board and hit the waves.
Avatar 7:36pm
Flash Strap:

no kiddin'. it makes you understand surfing, somehow
Avatar 7:38pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Good evening Flash and all the listeners.
Avatar 7:39pm
Flash Strap:

Good evening Richard!
Avatar 7:45pm
Richard from Venezuela:

First time listening this show. Very enjoyable.
Avatar 7:45pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks, new friend
Avatar 7:52pm

I'm gonna have to call it a night. Thanks though for a great time as always.
Avatar 7:54pm
Flash Strap:

hate to see you go e12
Avatar 7:58pm
Flash Strap:

love the take 5-ness of this
Avatar 8:00pm

right Evan _"Till I Die" is a fave
Avatar 8:01pm

and time to go - catch the rest on the archive!
Avatar 8:01pm

thinking about Endless Summer made me remember that Christian Fennesz record. I think I need to listen to that this weekend.

see ya, ndb.
Avatar 8:02pm
Flash Strap:

it's my weekly heartbreak, watching you walk outta my world
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm

I like this Ashra.
Avatar 8:11pm
Flash Strap:

me too! more than a lot of "better" Ashra even. it's like a great mix of trashy early-90's sounds and Holger Czukay's "Movies" album. plus, very exotic
Avatar 🥁 8:15pm

Thanks Flash, gotta skadoodle! See ya!
Avatar 8:22pm
Flash Strap:

adios ngh, have a good one
Avatar 8:23pm

love this record!
Avatar 8:24pm
Flash Strap:

me too! oh god how i love it!
Avatar 8:25pm
Flash Strap:

these frog bog sounds? que exotico!
Avatar 8:30pm
Flash Strap:

I mean, seriously, try putting this stuff on at your next beach/pool/whatever party. It'll do the trick, and as an added bonus, nothing will feel normal about it. Somebody else would just drop Jimmy Buffett and turn the souls of the world into cold golf balls
Avatar 8:35pm

the production on this one is just super cool, too
Avatar 8:36pm
Flash Strap:

Avatar 8:41pm
Flash Strap:

Are you a dude of krautrock, Hyde?
Avatar 8:43pm
Flash Strap:

I'm curious to know what would go on your personal krautrocksampler, so to speak
Avatar 8:52pm

I have dabbled in Krautrock, though I'm no expert. I like Ash Ra Tempel, Neu and Faust a lot, and I'm a big fan of the sort of deeper psychedelic early Can LP's like Tago Mago. I also have a whole slew of Popul Vuh, though some of those records I like more than others.

ANd then there's Tangerine dream, of course. I was fixated on Phaedra in high school. Really love a lot of the soundtracks too (Sorcerer, especially).

I'm probably leaving lots of stuff out.
Avatar 8:53pm
Flash Strap:

This track has top-tier composition, I think. I marvel at it's construction, the elegant beauty, the minimalist overlapping and intertwining
Avatar 8:54pm
Flash Strap:

Can up through Landed is some of my favorite art or music ever made, and then I love Czukay's solo stuff too. Neu is great.
Avatar 8:55pm
Flash Strap:

And then, there's the astonishing Zuckerzeit, which we'll hear in a moment
Avatar 8:56pm
Flash Strap:

And I agree, Popol Vuh is sort of hit and miss for me too. Usually miss, loath as I am to admit it. Same for Amon Duul, which I never really understood the love for
Avatar 9:02pm

Can thru Future Days is the stuff I know best. Those LPs are almost all amazing. After that I don't know the records all that well....i just found Soon Over Babaluma the other day and listened to it just once so far. It didn't totally grab me, but I'll try again.

I also really like that Cosmic Jokers first LP. And I do also admit that I dig Amon Duul II a lot, myself. (I also left out Cluster since you were already playing it, but Cluster is great.)
Avatar 9:08pm
Flash Strap:

Soon Over Babaluma is the best post-Damo record, and one of their best records, period, in my opinion. Landed is also really grand, though its starts to show some weariness. After that it's tough until the spli, when they all did cool solo stuff. Definitely give Babaluma another deep listen or two, side two has some cosmic mysteries
Avatar 9:11pm
Flash Strap:

I've never really given the Cosmic Jokers records a fair shake, since they're such notorious criminal enterprises, but I really should. As for Amon Duul, it is MY shame that I don't like them very much, not yours that you do.
Avatar 9:11pm

yeah, i won't give up on it even though i didn't really dig it at first. i'll give it a few more spins and see how it settles.
Avatar 9:12pm
Flash Strap:

you won't regret it, I'll wager. We got any other krautrock lovers in this virtual space?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm

Heino is god! :-)
Avatar 9:23pm

on another semi-related note, this morning before work I was playing those Peru records that you posted a long time back on your blog. Constellations especially I like a *lot*. Continents is cool too.
Avatar 9:25pm
Flash Strap:

Oh good! Yeah, those are a lot of fun. Macchu Picchu has grown on me too.
Avatar 9:27pm

do you know anything about them? there doesn't seem to be much english language info about them that i could find in a cursory search. seems like they are Dutch, maybe?
Avatar 9:30pm
Flash Strap:

Not much, I can't remember where they're from now... I know they are also the band Nova, pretty much, which was pretty popular in parts of Europe. Peru was the less commercial-oriented project
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

Nice Moebius.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm

long live moebius
Avatar 9:35pm
Flash Strap:

Long Live Moebius
Avatar 9:36pm
Flash Strap:

They are Dutch, Hyde, you were right about that.
Avatar 9:39pm
Flash Strap:

Some of Nova's stuff is pretty good, too, but not as good or as Berlin-school as Peru
Avatar 9:43pm

with the Nova clue I found a little bit more. Apparently one of those Nova songs was a #1 hit in the Netherlands, which seems weird. I guess also one of the members (Rob Papen) is today a big software/hardware guy, he invented some sort of digital/analog hybrid synth called the Waldorf Microwave that has seemingly been used by some big names like Vangelis.
Avatar 9:45pm
Flash Strap:

That's cool. I knew that had some hits – I think "Africa" was a hit too – but I had no idea about the microwave. Cool that Vangelis used one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

never heard these bros before, but diggin' the Alessi Brothers!
Avatar 9:46pm
Flash Strap:

They're great Sean. Check out the whole first LP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

Thanks Flash
Avatar 9:49pm

Ok, man, have fun at the beach + et cetera. See you in September. (See you, when the summer's done.)
Avatar 9:51pm
Flash Strap:

The summer won't be done yet, if I have anything to say about it! August is still beastly
Avatar 9:51pm
Flash Strap:

Thank you Sean!
Avatar 9:51pm
Flash Strap:

And thanks to everyone else. Good night and see you later.
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