Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from July 13, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 13, 2015

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Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
Debashish Bhattacharya  Roshni (The Light)   Favoriting Slide Guitar Ragas From Dusk Till Dawn  2015  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bill Withers  Use Me   Favoriting Bill Withers Live At Carnegie Hall  1973  0:17:25 (Pop-up)
The Band  Tears Of Rage (Alternate Take)   Favoriting Capitol Rarities 1968-1977  2015  0:26:13 (Pop-up)
James Brown  I Guess I'll Have To Cry, Cry, Cry   Favoriting Say It Live and Loud: Live in Dallas 08.26.68  1998  0:31:38 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Angie   Favoriting The Brussels Affair  2015  0:35:50 (Pop-up)
Spencer Moody And The Anzalones  Bird On A Wire   Favoriting Spencer Moody + The Anzalones  2015  0:40:31 (Pop-up)
Bill Orcutt  Tupac Tattoo (III)   Favoriting Tupac Tattoo  2015  0:43:02 (Pop-up)
Ricked Wicky  Map And Key   Favoriting King Heavy Metal  2015  0:45:34 (Pop-up)
Voodoom  Wisi Mang (Feat. Scapu Lox)   Favoriting Voodoom  2015  0:59:01 (Pop-up)
AFX  Serge Fenix Rendered 2   Favoriting Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-2008  2015  1:04:44 (Pop-up)
Meat Beat Manifesto  Nocebo   Favoriting 2.2  2015  1:08:03 (Pop-up)
Czarface  Red Alert   Favoriting Every Hero Needs A Villain  2015  1:13:29 (Pop-up)
L'Engoulevent  Je Me Demande   Favoriting L'Ile Ou Vivent Les Loups  1977  1:17:16 (Pop-up)
The Flying Burrito Brothers  Cody, Cody   Favoriting Burrito Deluxe  1970  1:20:57 (Pop-up)
The Who  The Good's Gone   Favoriting BBC Sessions  1999  1:23:44 (Pop-up)
The Wedding Present  What Have I Said Now?   Favoriting Saturnalia  2014  1:26:37 (Pop-up)
Fogg  You Are Welcome   Favoriting High Testament  2015  1:37:25 (Pop-up)
Earthless  Come On (Let The Good Times Roll)   Favoriting Electric Ladyland [Redux]  2015  1:40:46 (Pop-up)
Bog Oak  Holy Mountain   Favoriting Sleep's Holy Mountain: The CVLT Nation Sessions  2015  1:45:43 (Pop-up)
Elder  Dead Roots Stirring   Favoriting Dead Roots Stirring  2011  2:00:04 (Pop-up)
Sol  And The Mouth Of Death Is Open   Favoriting And The Mouth Of Time Is Open  2013  2:11:36 (Pop-up)
Coffins  Stairway To Torment   Favoriting Craving To Eternal Slumber  2015  2:19:01 (Pop-up)
Hunchback  Chiaroscuro   Favoriting Hunch EP  2015  2:23:25 (Pop-up)
Aegrus  Devotion For The Devil   Favoriting Devotion For The Devil  2015  2:28:38 (Pop-up)
William English  Seaweed   Favoriting Basic Human Error  2015  2:35:28 (Pop-up)
The Marshall Tucker Band  Can't You See   Favoriting The Marshall Tucker Band  1973  2:42:04 (Pop-up)
The Doors  You're Lost Little Girl   Favoriting Strange Days  1967  2:48:08 (Pop-up)
Mazzy Star  Give You My Lovin' (Live at The Metro, Chicago, 11/12/1994)   Favoriting Ghost Highway  2015  2:51:06 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

John Arthur:

I'm like really into this
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Marcel M:


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Chris M.:

hey good morning. is this a holiday or something?
Avatar 9:26am
Marcel M:

No, but I didn't move my van so I've been looking out the window to make sure I don't get a ticket. So its kind of like a holiday, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am

Shaping up just swell here.
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goodmorning.. boy am i dead..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Doing my part by listening today.
r i s k y:

I've been pretty emotional Chris, thanks for these tear jerkers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Artie Haywire:

All the time in the world, and everything's looking up.

@ChrisM: It is Bastille Day Eve, duh!
Avatar 9:43am

sweet! orcutt!

sure sounds like GBV
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Morning, gang!
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morning! just tuned in for a ear massage
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Ach. Missed Bill Withers!
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I know I know I know I know how you feel, Brian. :)
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awwww thanks chris.. I've been working out.
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Zank you, Doctor.
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nice! was hoping to hear some of this new aphex
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Greetings, humans.
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hi fleep

You ain’t got no celiac disease.
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Marcel M:

Hahhaha. That celiac line was amazing.
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nice set today!
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Chris M.:

thanks @thedunkel!

"Jolie...jolie...jolie..." Hi Chris, tip-top show today.
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Chris M.:

thanks @P-90!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the 'orrible WH♂
...weaker than the album version, actually...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am
Greg from Bloomfield:

I hope this song is 43 mins long.
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Chris M.:

@Greg from Bloomfield: i guess i could loop it for the rest of my show. let's put it to a vote.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

goin into a trance
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Marcel M:

Sounds good to me Chris/Greg
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Assenting to the loop-garou.
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Chris M.:

if i only played one song you wouldn't get to hear all this other great music. this is why voting is stupid.
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Marcel M:

So true. I think it was Stalin said that, right?
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best loop would be a great FMA contest! like best few-seconds loop you can listen to on repeat for hours.
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Marcel M:

Kinda like Lets Build A Pussy. I think thats like a second or less clip spread to an hour
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am
Mike East:

@steve - I like that idea
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DJ's should get to feel like dictators. DJ's dictate what shall be heard! "DJ Dictator and his Sonic Regime".. that'd be my fmu show.
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My WFMU show would be named "The Inconvenience Store."
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Original by Earl King
- smokin' - they do the whole album huh?
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I could even pretend my name is Richard Tator... call me dick though. Dick Tator.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

bob & sphere: great !
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Chris M.:

everyone post the titles for your wfmu shows. mine would be Please Be Quiet, Caller. it would be a phone in show but there would be music blasting in the background so everyone would have to yell.
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Chris M.:

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63: it's a comp
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Greg from Bloomfield:

I often thought of doing a competitive show where 2 DJs square off in a song-for-song battle every week, and the commenters/callers vote for who wins. I don't have a name though. Maybe "BattleBots".
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Three Hours of B Flat with Steve
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Marcel M:

Sounds like the Clay vs Fabio battles a bit Greg. I like it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I would play only comps & 'OverCompensating'
- so @ least I wouldn't be over-commenting...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am

mine would be called sound hole...play everything through delay
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am
Greg from Bloomfield:

@Marcel: Just thought of that after I typed it! But my friends and I used to do it with mix tapes in college...
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Marcel M:

Mine would be Unimaginative Radio, and I'd play Top 40
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Andrew Waterloo:

I wouldn't know how to play Top 40
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

When I was a little kid I made Vol.s of cassette tapes of collage of whatever - w/ covers & all - called 'The Everything That's Nothing to Anyone but Me Show' - so that...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Greg from Bloomfield:

I would seriously listen to that, Marcel! If once a week I could get caught up on what's popular, WITHOUT commercials, I'd totally do it.
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Marcel M:

@Greg: haha. I could probably just do it live from a Bodega with their speakers miked.

This show is beyond archival! (L'Engoulevent?!) It is archaeological!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Greg from Bloomfield:

NOW we're talking. Week 1: Live from the Willowbrook Mall. Week 2: Live from a gas station...

Woah... That Bog Oak track was an eye-opener. Czarface was way cool too.
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Chris M.:

Sleep's Holy Mountain one of the greatest metal albums of all time
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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@chris m - I concur!
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Ooo, is this bio-dome where you're broadcasting from today, Chris? It looks pretty snazzy.
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Greg from Bloomfield:

@Cheyenne: If you look closely you can see Pauly Shore cavorting about!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am

hee, greg

@Marcel: Greg from Bloomfield is right, you really hit on something there: there really just might be a place on FMU for something like a one-hour show of actual Top Forty. A DJ with just the right touch could keep us up on what's actually popular, play what's at the top of the charts, and maybe contextualize by discussing some background on each artist, maybe play a previous track by same artist or a related track.
Call it "These Darned Kids Today...!" or something.
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Chris M.:

@Cheyenne @Greg from Bloomfield: i just re-watched Bio-Dome a few weeks ago and let me tell you it is NO LAUGHING MATTER.
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Marcel M:

@P-90: I don't know if I could handle the burden of listening to it though.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Get Off My Lawn'
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Greg from Bloomfield:

I actually think this could be a thing! Stashu did a Top 40 show recently and it was super great.
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Chris M.:

@Marcel M @P-90: it does sound like a nightmare
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Andrew Waterloo:

For mainstream what would be interesting is a <3 minute show. That covers 1 song, but mostly talks over it.
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DJ Stashu and friends recently did a Top 40 countdown. it was good, and merciful, because mostly they'd stop the songs after like 30 seconds.
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Andrew Waterloo:

...and the commentary is all music-nerdy biography and industry related stuff.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Nat Roe to just go off on them...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Not Your Daughter's Pop40'
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Chris from DC:

Oh yes!
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Security Blanket Radio - All Covers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am

The Jim Price show, with Detroit Tigers broadcaster and former player Jim Price. One minute to ramble or make up a song about the art of pitching - it would be every bit as avant garde and confusing as WFMU's Jim Price.
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A call-out talk show, where I call people randomly instead of waiting around for them to call me.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- yeah, cold-calling - w/ trashy local bands covering the current Top40 disgracefully. Cold Covers.

"...the burden of listening to it" Hahaha!
Perfectly put, Marcel, I agree. In theory, though, like I said, a DJ with just the right sense of the audience she/he is breaking this bad news to, and the right, humorous way of trying to interpret its appeal and exploring how awful so much of it is and why, just might find the formula to pull it off. I heard Stashu's top forty show, and yeah, you can get away with just playing "excerpts" of some songs. Pseu Braun also deserves mention, on her Friday night show she would play some of the arguably "better" new songs, nestled amidst more "freeform-friendly" fare.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'The Burden of Listening' - w/ Nat Roe - Bending everything...because...
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what the hell is this guy bitchin' about?
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Andrew Waterloo:

It could be very humorous to have a bunch of 40 something culture-nerds trying to explain to other 40 something culture-nerds what their adolescent children are listening to, and trying to explain the appeal and relevance without being dismissive or snarky.
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MenfussMike - Fjords. They hate 'em.

Another approach might be to play some current "hot" tracks, each followed by one or more tracks that were at the top of the charts in the same week in another decade: the 50's, 60's, 70s, 80s. Invite listeners to cal and discuss why the older songs were so much less crappy, and whether rock/pop wil ever make a comeback. "The Decline and Fall of Top Forty".
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Fleep...are you sure it's not Churches?
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Chris M.:

9 more comments to 100
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that makes me.. 92?
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Chris from DC:

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@P-90: *That* would be 'Get Off My Lawn'.
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Chris M.:

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Churches and fjords. Also vindaloo that isn't hot enough.
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hot 97
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Chris from DC:

Good beat, easy to dance to. I give it a 98.
paula pc:

OH YES!!!!

Anyone here going to the weenie roast meetup?

@RRN63: yep, "GOML" sums it up perfectly. Someone like like Scharpling, for instance, could make it work. Maybe a pointless observation, he could make most anything work...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

My show's name: Back Door to Nowhere.
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p-90 wins!!
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Chris M.:

@P-90 you win! 100th comment
paula pc:

i just heard this yesterday and was thinking about the Who-esque-ness of it for the first time (or vice versa)

Mwah ha-ha-ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am

Man, haven't heard this in soooo long, Southern Rock with flute!
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Chris from DC:

I just favorited Marshal Tucker. It felt a little weird.
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paul b:

Curious. I woke up this morning with the song Amie by the Pure Prarrie League stuck in my head -- after breakfast I dialed it up on the YouTube. Which helpfully suggested I might want to listen to the Marshall Tucker Band next. This song in fact. Mmm good song I thought maybe later. It's always later than you think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@paula: Yes - Townshend deffo does 'Country' licks. That means this Southern band sounds like an English band doing Country Blues pastiche.
@Chris D.C.: I know but no Punk yet.
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im hungry.. gonna get an early lunch.. thanks Chris! fun show as always.
paula pc:

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63 - exactly right, and that's so great!!!
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Chris M.:

thanks everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

I'm not interesting in top X, whatever the period. WFMU does a good job of keeping up with new bands. I love that because I can see them live in small venue (cheap ones too, that matters)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

There is/was some YouTube type show two Classical Brooklyn hipsters wryly analyzed Pop40 in technical musical terms...
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I'm sneaking over to the Drummer stream:
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Andrew Waterloo:

@fred, I tend to agree. my line on mainstream music has always been that it just doesn't interest me, and when it does I'm usually not aware that it's mainstream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

I'll pass on the sausage ..

Thanks, Chris. This is one of those shows that's always good, and always seems to be getting better. Have a beach-blanket week for yourself!
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