Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from June 25, 2015 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting June 25, 2015: Charleston Church Shootings - Racism - Confederate Flags

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Neil Young  Southern Man   Favoriting After The Gold Rush  Reprise  1970  LP    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Interview with a Young Homeless Man in Union Square Park
Kareem Raps and Sings + Shamu
Al Green  Let's Stay Together   Favoriting Let's Stay Together  London  1972  MP3    0:11:29 (Pop-up)
Eric in Union Square Park by the Subway Entrance
The pretty piano music in the background - Douglas Trowbridge - The Farewell - Meadowlark Sampler - 1985
Lynyrd Skynyrd  Saturday Night Special   Favoriting Nuthin' Fancy  MCA  1975  MP3    0:15:58 (Pop-up)
Gang of Guys in the Park
Mahavishnu Orchestra  Can't Stand Your Funk   Favoriting Visions of the Emerald Beyond  Columbia  1975  LP  Funk in Background   
Kid Rock audio clip courtesy of News 8 WTNH.com
Shamu Blunt
Gown  Taylor's Jam   Favoriting For The Maples  Three Lobed Recordings  2008?  LP  Music behind Shamu Blunt   
Adam and the Ants  Antmusic   Favoriting Kings of the Wild Frontier  Epic  1980  LP    0:27:15 (Pop-up)
Gang II + Mahavishnu
  Regret saying "dumb ass."
Mitt Romney Sample
More Neil!
More with Eric by the Subway Entrance
Gang III + MAhavishnu
Australian Man Weighs In
More with Kareem Randall plus Guest Women who Wander By
Young Homeless Man Has More to Say
Poco  Crazy Eyes   Favoriting Crazy Eyes  Epic  1973  MP3  Richie Furay song. Love it.  0:54:31 (Pop-up)
  Thanks for listening. The news cycle has been evolving so rapidly in the past couple of weeks that it's been tough staying up-to-date. Trade Deals, Gay Marriage, and of course, the Charleston shootings. I intended for this show to focus on Charleston and the Confederate flag, but it veered into many other areas, as often happens with TDS. I was happy that Neil Young and Poco worked (at least to my ears) so effectively in this context. Skynyrd and the others, too.

Some discourse on the Accu about the microcassette recorder and the "brassy" or "tinny" sound quality of the show, and whether it's annoying or too cutting over time and produces audio fatigue. I feel that it kind of does and it's a bummer, as I've been doing it this way since '98! I struggle with digital field recording as I feel my thin voice gets lost in the ether and has no distinguishing characteristics. Still, it might be better than the high-hiss microcassette sound. Not sure if you're enjoying these pre-produced shows. They don't have the immediacy of live, or the unpredictability, but I enjoy the editing and the control. Ah, heck. Same old questions. Issues. It never ends. Every week is a mad (but, usually fun) scramble to pull something together by showtime.

Filled in for Dave The Spazz on June 25th at 9pm. That link is available in the archives. Check it out if you would. I really had fun playing old records, taking calls, etc. Thanks to Dave the Spazz for allowing me to do that. He is a great guy and a good buddy to me. OK, it' Saturday night and I'm signing off to enjoy some weekend, although I seem to spend 50% of my "free" time putting records away. Ugh. Downloading grows more and more appealing to me.

Take care, have a fun summer, and keep checking in. I appreciate your listening. Always remember. CP62715SOCRANR99S.O.

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Listener comments!

Gee Lampa:

Hello Clay and listeners.
V Priceless:

Hey Clay! Looking forward to your three-hour outing later!
Avatar 6:03pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hello! Gee!
Avatar 6:04pm
Marcel M:

Starting it off right with the Neil Young Clay! Gotta run, but I'll catch the archives <3
Avatar 6:04pm
Clay Pigeon:

VP! Good 2cu. Yeah ... looking forward to going live and playing some records. Been awhile! Hello MArcel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Dust-o-Rama tonight! Awesome!

Hi Clay and listeners!
Avatar 6:05pm
Marcel M:

Haha... 1 Euro is 10 bucks?!! Yeah fucking right!
Avatar 6:06pm
Clay Pigeon:

Iris and The Fuzz! Thanks for stopping by!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

i have no idea what this dude is saying.
Avatar 6:06pm
People Like Us:

I wish
Avatar 6:06pm
Clay Pigeon:

Dale! Vicki! Love to you both!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

SCOTUS handed the GOP a gift today, Clay. . .now they can continue to sit back and bitch, stir up the base, and not actually have to come up with their own plan.

Euro is worth a dollar twelve.
Avatar 6:07pm

hey Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

clay yooooos!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

you imperialists in the EU are taking over, vicki!
Avatar 6:07pm
Marcel M:

Dude was fun to listen to butt made 0 sense. Ok leaving now bye!
Avatar 6:07pm

i did not understand that first guy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

Howdy, all....
Gee Lampa:


It was just distracting from Benghazi, anyway!! ;)
Avatar 6:08pm
Marcel M:

and yes... butt. not but.
Avatar 6:09pm
Clay Pigeon:

Polyus, steve, Fredericks, red kayak. Pull up a beanbag.
Gee Lampa:

Hip hop flow has softened and devolved, IMHO.
Gee Lampa:

Everyone copy's that wack drawl-style.
Gee Lampa:

Avatar 6:10pm
Clay Pigeon:

Appreciate your patience with these "issues" shows. Was glad to see Obamacare get through the court today. Too bad about the trade deal. Still trying to comprehend it, but it doesn't sound good. At any rate, it's SUMMER!
Gee Lampa:

When I listen back to KRS and Guru, I can only shake my head @ the new school.
Gee Lampa:

Clay, take a pointer! You're not moaning enough in between verses!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

Al Green was pretty cool......even for us Midwesterners....
Avatar 6:13pm

i try but i honestly still cannot wrap my head around the TPP
Avatar 6:15pm

very happy to see Obamacare victory though... if the next president is a dem i wonder if we're heading towards universal health care
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

@steve Any deal that the GOP & the POTUS get behind so vigorously should be viewed w/ suspicion....IMHO

Bernie Sanders!
V Priceless:

Hey Clay just wanted to say I really dig the show notes you include with your podcasts - Very cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Evening, gang!
Avatar 6:21pm
Clay Pigeon:

I am down with Bernie! The whole unelectable thing is irritating to hear. Same for Elizabeth Warren. As if sanity is unelectable. Hey Greg! Sean!
Gee Lampa:

Hate 2 say it, but I don’t believe #berniesanders is ready 4 primetime. Dances around #BlackLivesMatter question on @NPR. Vague and combative.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

The government is trying to draw attention to racism? Is that the theory?
Gee Lampa:

When kindly asked to clarify his position, he sounded like an irritated Pat Cooper.

Had a dream that Jimmy Carl Black painted my house.
Avatar 6:23pm
Clay Pigeon:

Betty!! Love Geronimo Black!
Gee Lampa:

He's very vocal about the need for rigorous debate, but he talks over you like a Dutch Uncle.
Gee Lampa:

He's the Indian of the group!
V Priceless:

Warren should run. I'm down with her more than any of the others.
Gee Lampa:

I second Warren.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

I feel you, Clay. I'm grappling with the idea that I may miss my chance to cast a vote for our first female President because I'm going to throw my vote away for things I actually care about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

jefferson was black? george jefferson - yes.
Gee Lampa:

Is that "Gown", Clay?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

Al Franken and Jill Stein should get in the race --

Franken/Stein '16!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

@Betty - did he ask "Where's the beer and when do we get paid?"

Why won't Warren run? Did she ever give a reason? Shed get my vote too!
Gee Lampa:

Soundcloud's days are definitely numbered.
Avatar 6:27pm
People Like Us:

hi Kacy :))))
Avatar 6:27pm
Clay Pigeon:

I can't figure it our, Iris. That "she'll do more good where she is," argument is frustrating. We NEED her. Hillary seems like she'll be the same old story. I'll vote for her, though, before any of the 14 in the clown car.
Gee Lampa:

@Iris I think she wants to avoid "Nader'ing" Hillary.
Avatar 6:27pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hi Vicki!
Gee Lampa:

@Clay I should hope so!
V Priceless:

Nice one, fuzzy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

Ant Music For Sex People!
Gee Lampa:

@Polyus Beat My Guest.

@Polyus - Met him in Philly when he was playing with The Grandmothers. Patted him on the back and thanked him for getting me thru puberty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

@Iris: Perhaps she wants to avoid a Bobby Kennedy scenario.
Gee Lampa:

That last Adam Ant record was perplexing! No one knew how to digest it!
Avatar 6:31pm
Clay Pigeon:

Because I CRAM these interviews into one recording session, it's hit or miss how interesting people are. Still, I like including whomever I encounter. All worthwhile. Hey everyone. I'm filling in for SPAZZ tonight 9-12. Tune in! Maybe I'll take some calls.
Gee Lampa:

Many define "racism" as bigotry enacted from a position of power.
Avatar 6:33pm

these guys need to wiki Citizens United
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Oh HELL yeah. Beer, sketchbook, 3 hours of Pigeon.

Why don't we hear these voices on cable news? Thank you Clay for doing this.

Yay! Bonus Clay hours!
V Priceless:

Clay: stumbled on some crazy Dolores Telescope vid - big outdoor gig and the song features a mustachioed you getting all diabolical over some girl. Pretty neat!

Huh? This guy is too much!
Avatar 6:39pm
Clay Pigeon:

Yeah V. Not my favorite. It was the shock rock era. I have mellowed.
Avatar 6:39pm
Clay Pigeon:

Thanks for saying the Sally!
Avatar 6:40pm
Clay Pigeon:

I may have to go "digital" again. This micro-cassette footage is very bright and fatigues the ears. After 10 hours of mixing this stuff, I am almost deaf afterwards.
Avatar 6:40pm
Philthy woman:

As always, thank you Clay for being 'good media' n getting many voices on the air. Too much or whatever. One thing I love is that you do not overedit and you allow the wisdom and confusion to come out together. Cause damn none of us are tied up with a bow
V Priceless:

Ha. I hear you - been there too. It's all part of the evolution process, CP!
Avatar 6:42pm
Clay Pigeon:

True, Philthy. Interesting to hear how people think. People are loveable. :>) Appreciate your kind words.

Well said, Philthy Woman!
Avatar 6:42pm
Clay Pigeon:

TY V :>)
Avatar 6:43pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hey I need new Pigeonnaires members. Look it up on Farcebook! Twitter, too. YEah, I sold out. !

Do you tweet often, Clay?
V Priceless:

Right on, Philty! Well said!
Gee Lampa:

Twitter is an invaluable tool. Much more so than FB.
Avatar 6:45pm
Clay Pigeon:

iris ... I have an addictive personality, so Facebook, Twitter are dangerous. I can get sucked into the vortex. I have managed to moderate lately.
Avatar 6:47pm

Damn good work by Kareem...
Avatar 6:49pm
Philthy woman:

What you do CP is also what I really love about what Studs Terkel and Ana DeVere Smith have done (not sure if I spelled those names correctly-appologies if not) Don't know if your into them but they transmit
the voices in all their complication with out over editing. That is honorable and too rare in this place
Gee Lampa:

I've been working on my rhymes, too. Peep this:

I saw Adrian Belew eating a Goldenberg's Peanut Chew;
so what you want to do?

You know I'm gonna GET mine.
Sweeter than a root beer float on Oprah's pontoon boat...

...in the SPRANGTIME.

clay, i just read your comment regardig the sound....yes, you are right. in a way, it sounds beautiful but it really weras you out.
and man....honestly....fantastic stuff !!!
really inspiring.

Just followed you on Twitter Clay! Glad to know you're on there. I don't use Facebook. Too many relatives and people I'd rather avoid, gossiping and bickering.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

is there some wonderous truths in this dude's ramblings?

Studs Terkel is a perfect example of someone that used the medium to great effect!
Gee Lampa:

I saw someone sum it up:

On FB, you post about how you're at your beautiful niece's wedding.
On Twitter, you post about how you can't wait to get out of there!!

@Gee Har!
Avatar 6:53pm

Just followed you on Twitter, Clay, because I am easily suggestible during this time of day.
Avatar 6:53pm
Clay Pigeon:

Thanks for the input, Mick. Now I feel like I've blown it for 10 years with this cheap tape recorder! :>) I sound really lame digitally. Thin voice. Philthy ... yeah ... I edit the crap out of stuff, usually to try to get more in in a limited time. THANKS for listening you guys and gals. I really appreciate it. email wfmu.org Love to hear your ideas and thoughts. Tune in tonight at 9pm Eastern as I fill in for Spazz. Got a bunch of 45s and we'll hang out! Always remember ....
Avatar 6:54pm
Clay Pigeon:

ty fleep! you are a good person. :>)

Thanks Clay! Good times!

I'm speechless at the what I hear coming through in these interviews. Clay manages to do a kind of journalism that really outdoes anything in mainstream TV or radio. Class act, Clay!
V Priceless:

Thanks Clay! See u later! Woo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

See you in a bit, CP!

Yayy! Poco!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

rose of cimarron is one of my faves, despite the 70s fadeout.
Avatar 6:56pm
Clay Pigeon:

Thanks so much, P90. That feedback is nourishment for a volunteer DJ. Peace to you all. Enjoy the warmth of the sun.
Gee Lampa:

Nothing tops your ferguson / Times Square show.
Gee Lampa:

Aww.... Clay! You remembered!!
Avatar 6:57pm

richie's singing about gram parsons
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Hope I can make it back in time for the evening shift. Play some Heart, Clay.
Avatar 6:58pm
Clay Pigeon:

Until the next BIG event, Gee. They come with built-in excitement and people anxious to participate. Week to week is the challenge.
Gee Lampa:

Bruce Berry.

The President happens to be biracial Clay. You really thought his election meant that much?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

ban penises for rape? WOW - what a weird fuckin' observation!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Always remember ... Clay returns to the air in two hours.
V Priceless:

Did the Twitter thing, Clay! Yay!
Avatar 6:59pm
Philthy woman:

Lookin forward to 9:00 Clay! and every program betweem per usual, I LOVE thursday night on WFMU it anchors me so
Avatar 7:00pm
Clay Pigeon:

heyman ... i am learning like the rest sure wouldn't trade him for romney peace
Avatar 7:01pm
Clay Pigeon:

Ken! Thanks!
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