Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from June 25, 2015 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 25, 2015: B

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
William Tyler  Country of Illusion   Favoriting Impossible Truth  Merge  2013  CD      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
dbh  Revelation Drift   Favoriting Mood  Thread Recordings  2015  MP3    *   0:11:08 (Pop-up)
Dean McPhee  Solar Crown   Favoriting Fatima's Hand  Hoodfaire  2015  CD    *   0:15:35 (Pop-up)
Özüm İtez  Sari Kantaron   Favoriting Tyro  Inverted Spectrum  2015  MP3    *   0:21:37 (Pop-up)
Bryce Dessner/Sō Percussion  Music for Wood & Strings: Section 5   Favoriting Music for Wood & Strings  Brassland  2015  CD    *   0:27:12 (Pop-up)
Serter Bagcan  Nalina da Vur Mihina Da   Favoriting Psych Funk A' La Turkish  Turk-a-Disk  2012  LP  From 1986; thanks to Liz B.!    0:42:42 (Pop-up)
Kamuran Akkor  Kim Ne Derse Desin   Favoriting Kamuran Akkor  Pharaway Sounds  2015  CD    *   0:45:26 (Pop-up)
NATO  Je T'Apprendrai a Faire L'Amour   Favoriting Wizzz! Volume 3: French Psychodrama 1967-1970  Born Bad  2015  LP  From 1970  *   0:49:01 (Pop-up)
Reverberi  Improvviso Fantasia op. 66   Favoriting Timer  Pausa  1976  LP      0:51:40 (Pop-up)
Dobie  Stan Lee Was a Friend of Mine   Favoriting We Will Not Harm You  Big Dada  2013  CD      1:00:26 (Pop-up)
Silver Apples  I Have Known Love   Favoriting Contact  MCA  1997  CD  From 1969    1:04:57 (Pop-up)
Damaged Bug  The Mirror   Favoriting Cold Hot Plumbs  Castle Face  2015  CD    *   1:08:22 (Pop-up)
Moggi  Danza Galattica   Favoriting Tra Scienza e Fantascienza  We Release Whatever the Fuck We Want  2015  LP  From 1980  *   1:11:25 (Pop-up)
Mort Garson  Plantasia   Favoriting Mother Earth's Plantasia  Fifth Dimension  2015  CD  From 1976: "warm earth music for plants and the people who love them"  *   1:15:21 (Pop-up)
Karl Peinkofer Percussion Ensemble  Vier Stucke fur Xylophon 1   Favoriting Orff-Schulwerk, Volume One: Musica Poetica  Celestial Harmonies  1995  CD      1:18:41 (Pop-up)
Death by Chocolate  A, B & C   Favoriting Death by Chocolate  Jet Set  2001  CD      1:21:42 (Pop-up)
The Sesame Street Beetles  Letter B   Favoriting Born to Add  Sesame Street  1983  LP      1:26:41 (Pop-up)
Single File: a half-hour or so of small records with big holes
Denise LaSalle  Man Sized Job   Favoriting single  Westbound  1972  45      1:35:24 (Pop-up)
Racey  Lay Your Love on Me   Favoriting single  Infinity  1978  45      1:37:51 (Pop-up)
The Arbors  Lovin' Tonight (Maybe Tonight)   Favoriting single  Date  1969  45      1:41:07 (Pop-up)
The Fleetwoods  They Tell Me It's Summer   Favoriting single  Dolton  1962  45      1:44:19 (Pop-up)
Poly Styrene  Talk in Toytown   Favoriting single  United Artists  1980  45      1:46:43 (Pop-up)
Ernest Tubb  A Good Year for the Wine   Favoriting single  Decca  1970  45      1:50:08 (Pop-up)
McKendree Spring  Down by the River   Favoriting single  Decca  1972  45      1:52:42 (Pop-up)
Four Seasons  Who Loves You   Favoriting single  Warner Bros.  1975  45  "Disco Version"    1:58:32 (Pop-up)
Sonny Knight and the Lakers  Get Up and Dance   Favoriting Do It Live  Secret Stash  2015  CD    *   2:13:28 (Pop-up)
The Minors  Funky Fingers   Favoriting Richard Marks: Never Satisfied  Now-Again  2015  CD  From 1969  *   2:18:50 (Pop-up)
Richard Marks  Pretty Woman Pass On By   Favoriting Richard Marks: Never Satisfied  Now-Again  2015  CD  From 1975  *   2:20:59 (Pop-up)
Donnell Pitman  Burning Up   Favoriting single  The Numero Group  2014  45      2:24:00 (Pop-up)
Kevin Dunn  Burning Love '81   Favoriting Tanzfeld  Press  1985  LP  From 1981    2:28:21 (Pop-up)
B.O.F. Brigade Mondaine I  Striptease   Favoriting The Best of Cerrone Productions  Because Music  2014  CD  From 1978    2:31:15 (Pop-up)
DEVO  Girl U Want   Favoriting Freedom of Choice  Warner Bros.  1980  LP      2:34:27 (Pop-up)
Arthur Russell  Corn   Favoriting Corn  Audika  2015  CD  1982-3  *   2:37:22 (Pop-up)
Prinzhorn Dance School  Clean   Favoriting Home Economics  DFA  2015  CD    *   2:39:56 (Pop-up)
Jimi Tenor & Umo  Blue Ural   Favoriting Mysterium Magnum  Herakles  2015  CD    *   2:43:42 (Pop-up)
Morphine  The Other Side   Favoriting Good  Accurate/Distortion  1992  CD      2:48:47 (Pop-up)
Mamie Perry  I'm Hurted   Favoriting Ain't Gonna Hush: The Queens of Rhythm & Blues  Fantastic Voyage  2015  CD  From 1958  *   2:52:37 (Pop-up)
Dan Penn  Hurt Me, I Don't Cry   Favoriting   No Label  ?  MP3  undated demo    2:55:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Yip yip yip yip yip

hi, for some reason my username and PW failed.. hhmm. anyway.. that opeing bit always gives the chuckles!!! morning joe!

Hi Joe, looking forward to the show!
Avatar 9:05am

Good morning, Joe! Happy Thursday. (◠‿◠)

Yo, good people!
Avatar 9:05am
Cheri Pi:

Cooh John:

Nice to be hear at the start of the show, Joe


Someone help thaw my brain freeze: last schedule who was the DJ on before Bryce on fridays?
Avatar 9:06am
V Priceless:

Mornin' Mr. Joe and citizens!
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Cheri Pi:

Chris M?

Cheri, no not CM...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

@?: Thomas Storck
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Joe McG:

Hello, all my happy friends. @?: It was Thomas of Dangerous for the Brain fame.
Avatar 9:08am

ok, i'm in now
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@? - www.wfmu.org... Thomas Storck was the late morning DJ.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Joe McG:

Hi, Annie! Hope you enjoy the program today.

Yes, fred and joe: Thomas. Thanks! That was driving me nuts, looking through the archives... Does he currently have a show?
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Good Morning Joe! Good Morning Fellow McGaskoites!

Oooh, the Tyler is dreamy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Joe McG:

@?: He took the summer off for work stuff. I'm sure he'll return in the future!
Avatar 9:10am

Rockin' it mellow this morning. Nice.

Thanks joe, good to know.
Avatar 9:11am
Cheri Pi:

Oh taht's right, Our brains won't be in danger this Summer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Joe McG:

@Roberto: Yes, we're easing in this morning to keep our brains out of danger so early. Hi, CP!
Avatar 9:14am

just followed you on twitter, joe, now get typing, yo! using my alias, btw
Avatar 9:15am

Ohayo Joe. This music is pretty good to start a day with.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

who has carrot cake?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Joe McG:

@annie: Ha ha! I haven't twitted in quite awhile. I have to get twitting. @Mayuko: Mellow in, mellow out! :)
Avatar 9:16am

your last twit was july of last year, it seems. happy anniversary!!
Avatar 9:17am

oooh, carrot cake.. i have the best CC baker ever. he's making two for my birthday in a couple weeks..this cake is so moist and fluid!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Joe McG:

@annie: Ha! The world is waiting for my next Twit.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

@RTD: Did you see the kickstarter for the film about a Magma tour in China? In case you launch a side project, one of the perks is having Vander give you a Kobaïan name.
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I just joined the twitmaker last week myself! Getting the hang of it, slowly but surely...
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hi all. this Dean McPhee is gorgeous!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Joe McG:

@Claw!: I will have to follow your twits.
Avatar 9:23am

Joe, we shall go Twit for Twa...

Twit. Twit for twit. Yep.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am
Joe McG:

@Claw!: I don't know if I can out-Twit you!
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good morning
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Joe McG:

@fred: What's your Kobaian handle?
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Avatar 9:27am

It's not a competition, Joe! It's an avenue for witty banter. We shall bant together.

Digging this chill vibe, btw. I hope you have some disco for me later... ;-)

Forgive the interruption, but I'm digging this Ozum Itez

Sweet sounds Mr Joe. I'm totally getting with the program!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am

@Joe: I don't have one, it's too expensive. Actually I don't even like Magma that much, but I know the director of that film
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am
Joe McG:

@Claw!: I had put aside a Stephanie Mills and an AKB 12" for that purpose, but I, uh....forgot 'em! :( :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Joe McG:

@bp: No way to interrupt this program! Glad you dug it. Hey, Brendan!
Avatar 9:33am

Oh, Joe. Joey, Joey, Joe.
<<shakes fist>>

Oh, who am I kidding? I can't get mad at you.
Avatar 9:34am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@fred 9:19 -- HA, that's amazing. And hilarious. IT MUST a naming ceremony high atop a rocky mountain against a blood-red sky, with Kobaian choirs and swords and cannons and eagles of terrible grace....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am

@RTD: I'm afraid that's not included, but instead you can also get a cooking lesson with Christian Vander: www.kickstarter.com...
Avatar 9:37am

Add crank calling and I'm in.
Avatar 9:37am

I look forward to the farts.
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@Roberto - Don't we all?? ◔‿◔
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Those zoo-type shows always have some buffoon with insipid laughter that thinks every syllable out of the host is just so funny. Yarf!
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Michael Shelley:

If you do the Zoo - you also need a female that says things like "oh, that's horrible" & "you guys are so outrageous!"
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Morning Rampage with Booger and The Moose. The part of The Moose to be played by Andy Breckman.
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Greg from Bloomfield:

Morning, Joe & all! <toilet flush>
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Ooh! Turkish funk! Play it, Joe! Play it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am
Joe McG:

@Michael: Totally right!
Avatar 9:48am

<<bobs rhythmically in chair>>
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Brian in UK:

Hey Joe.
No carrot cake, just had a coconut, pineapple & lime lolly.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...finished off 'Mexican' Mac & Chee from local co-op : it had cumin. Yummy!
Kewl set happening...
Avatar 9:52am

I like this already
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Brian in UK:

Talking Turkish. It is a year since Selim Sesler passed away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Joe McG:

@Brian: Time do fly in the most unappealing way.
Avatar 9:55am
V Priceless:

Let there be clavinet!
Avatar 9:56am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Joe McG:

@mauri: It's like that Dana Carvey song: Chopin Rhuberi!
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Brian in UK:

mauri my wife just made a lovely rhubarb & vanilla jam .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am

olá Joe and Noisettes
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Brian in UK:

mauri, how are you doing?
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Brian in UK:

At the end of July there will be a Leap second to adjust time.
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Greetings, Joe and aerobes.
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omg, Joe, I started up a sing-a-long of "Choppin Broccoli" at work the other day! Love it!
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Brian in UK:

Sorry end of June we will add one second to the atomic clocks.
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the romance of this song is just too much. italians in afros on a boat shining and somehow rhubarbs are there.

Brian I'm doing good. exhausted from work and running. I'm trying to get a ride to a statuepark where I have a soundman gig.
How are you Brain?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:04am
Brian in UK:

I am busy, lots of vegetable weeding to do. There is very little rain here so the ground needs much watering. Not enough time to ride my motorcycle.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am

hey there Bear!!
Avatar 10:06am

Ah! Isn't Silver Apples playing in NYC soon? Or is it already over??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am

my life will be one second out of time with most of the world, starting in july.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Joe McG:

@Mayuko: Really? I thought Simeon was retired now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am

...and his partner died,no?
Avatar 10:08am

I was surprised too, Joe.

@Brian 'We interrupt your regularly scheduled life to add 1 second'
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MC Hell's Vegetables. I planted some kale. Looks like we get a fair amount of millberries this summer too. jee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am

this damaged bug stuff is killer

Or 'Hey, got a second?' ...'Sure here ya go'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am

the verse sounds like "lady godiva's operation".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...in four years, do they add a 2nd second?...
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Planet is slowing down due to wind resistance from billboards and Arby's signs.
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Brian in UK:

I think the last add-on was in 2012. I'm off, I have no time for this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& - Donald Trump.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am

...but that's balanced out by the absence of trees.
Avatar 10:15am

hello all. what does wfmu stand for?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so - it's the 2nd 2nd second.

dog cow
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Joe McG:

@Malcolm: Freedom!
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free-form radio!
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Brian in UK:

'Now the moment of great decision,
The doctor makes his first incision'

If i recall its because the Earth is slowing in its rotation .. And all that 'mean solar day' length stuff. Its fine with me .. this crazy world needs to slow down anyway .. anyway... Who wants some lemonade... Hey you kids get off my lawn
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:17am
Brian in UK:

It was the most recent one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Reminds me of the "True Romance" soundtrack.

Sounds like Enya's gonna start singing
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Once the moon spirals away, we won't have to add leap seconds anymore. I'm going to miss that moon someday.
Avatar 10:22am

@Brendan You're right, but that also means that the Moon will keep moving further and further away. So wanting more time is wanting less romance...

death by chocolate!
Avatar 10:23am

So, Fish - you likely won't catch me on the boards later unless I get drunk and pop in. We are sending off a dear friend and colleague from the shop tonight by making a group excursion to Prince George's County's finest all-nude establishment. I have a nice stack of $2 bills handy. Shit's about to get stupid! ┌( ◉‿◉)┘
Avatar 10:24am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Good lord -- a nudie establishment in PG... I'd be a-skeer'd.
Avatar 10:25am

Rev, it's aaalll good. It ain't our first rodeo at this spot. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The tilt of our orbital axis that creates the fixed Seasons is kept steady by our ☽Moon. This isn't true for ♂Mars...
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Brian in UK:

Here's Adolf Hitler on vibes.
Avatar 10:28am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Claw!: My time in th'county was mid-late 1970s, so I still picture it being all skinny white junkies with feathered hair & Lynrd Skynrd (sp?) t-shirts with marlboro packs rolled into a sleeve. Although now there's a certain "charm" in that... maybe...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@Claw! - Sounds like a good chance to gain some followers if you send Twit-pics tonight.

Letter B! I love that skit.
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@Cken - Hah! I'm about to post a pic of my stack of $2s. ;)
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I'm still in beta, myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yes - the Fabs took it down...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am

Hey everyone!!! Hi Joe! Got here late and missed the Silver Apples song which I love!
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V Priceless:

is this Innes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am

I want to hear this song in the style of the Ramones or DK's!!!
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funny, my mother is a B word
a listener:

I'm willing to bet Macca got his grubby mits on the royalties for this.
Avatar 10:30am

Holy shit! I used to have an old Sesame Street VHS with this song on it! it also had "Around the Clock" and a couple others. Haven't heard this in YEARS. Thanks, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am

Now I wanna say letter B!!!
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$2 bills ... because $1's look cheap and $5's blow the budget too quickly...
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Now I want all the letters to BE!!!

did he just accuse Liverpudlians of stealing ? terrible.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

All the kids say letter B!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

Bear! sometimes we just have to buckle down and bear!(bare!) our responsibilities. if you have to go to a nudey bar there's no way around it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

All the kids they wanna BE!!!
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@Rev - Ah, I understand. Well, I can't say I've seen much of that the last few times I've been. Progress?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

doesn't sound crazy!
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V Priceless:

is that Stan Lee the guitarist or the Marvel guy?
Avatar 10:37am

Good TZAG, Joe and everybody! This Denise LaSalle *had* to come out after "Respect Yourself", right? Lots of similarities in groove and lyrics...
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Hah, Fish. Yes... they are absolutely *dragging* me there. Kicking and screaming. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Avatar 10:38am

Killer cut, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Joe McG:

@PKNY: Hmm, you may be right! I wish I had that single, Stax used to print the month and year on 'em!
Avatar 10:42am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

[most of the above insensitive stereotyping is based on observations @ Laurel's main-street festival, circa 1978]
Avatar 10:43am

Jeez, Rev. Way to make broad, sweeping generalizations...

Chapel Hillian:

Is this Lettermen-lite?

quality of the programming has escalated since the introduction of the 7" bin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Joe McG:

@Chapel: Yes, except they're singing about BAD things! @jointhee: Maybe when I croak I can donate my 45 collection to WFMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

Rev., parts of nj were the same scene back in the day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Joe McG:

Hi, Michele! (Very late....)
a listener:

Poly! So sad...
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

heh, coelacanth: Naturally, i was one of them (minus the cigarettes)
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Kurt Gottschalk:

hey, i have this poly s 7"!
Avatar 10:50am

Rev, is your hair still feathered? Because if it is, I like you even more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am
Joe McG:

Hi, Kurt!!

gold after gold after gold right now
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V Priceless:

yo KG
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What a great song
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Kurt Gottschalk:

heya veep
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I think late-era Ernest Tubb is underrated.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

Rev,i straddled several lines as a teen. i was accepted by that crew because of my long hair, but i quietly loathed 'skynard and the outlaws,etc.!
Avatar 10:54am

Woah, some epic strings on this version of "Down by the River"!
a listener:

these 7"'s are always brilliant. Always.

Hi DJ Joe McG and everyone. Fine show this morning.
@Claw!: Looking forward to your twits!

Mellotron alert!
Avatar 10:55am

A half-hour of bummers in a row...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

then when punk rock hit the sides were chosen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

Single File so good today Joe!
Avatar 10:55am

oh hey.. comments board.. My amp died on me last night.. after over a decade of service. Anyone got any recommendations on a good small (1x12") tube combo?
Chapel Hillian:

OMG, the first band I ever saw in concert, opener for John B. Sebastian circa 1973. They never amounted to much
Avatar 10:56am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Claw: if i stopped hacking it off all the time, it would naturally be the total '70s middle-part swinger look, but with more self-loathing.

@bobdoes: there are a plethora of options. How loud? A small gigging amp, or mainly for practica and recording? Fender-, Vox-, or Marshall- style? Or other? What was the original amp, were you happy with sound/performance? Are you sure you don't want to just fix that one?
Avatar 11:00am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

HOLY CRAP, speaking of that time period, this FOUR SEASONS "disco version" was one of the first records I bought with my own money. Good grief.

Laurel had an xrated drive in movie theater off rte 1 well into the 1980s it was semi visible to ( ahem) non paying customers under a certain age who were willing to drive an old car full of likeminded 'interested' cinema goers of the teenage persuasion into a precarious situation requiring a four wheel drive mentality and a can do attitude
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Had no idea this was the Four Seasons—it makes me hate them slightly less!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

...because of this instrumental bit...
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V Priceless:

this just in: Trump calls Young a "total hypocrite"

@bobdoes - explore the Vox line...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Merry Half Christmas!
a listener:

I'm starting to think this board consists of extras from Dazed and Confused today...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am

trump=free entertainment.
Avatar 11:03am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@Brendan: yep, that drive-in was one of the Sidney Lust's franchise (the name made it infinitely better) ... quite the local landmark for a bit there.
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V Priceless:

@ Ken FHP: Happy HOT SUMMER! : )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am

the italian / irish wedding version ...
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@p-90.. oh yeah.. just realized how loaded this question is.. I got a lot to consider.. and nahh.. sorta wanted it to die.. It use to make a loud hum and if I punched the top like the fonz it would stop and work fine.. well I fonz'd it for the last time last night.. a LOUD low hum, a bright flash of light/sparks in the ventilation area and all the lights dimmed and died.. and I jsut stared blankly and sadly..
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This version kicks ass

Telly Savalas ever cover this song?
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but now I get to research amps and go amp shopping!!
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This a *really* long take of "Who Loves You" for a 45...what's the running time? Was this before they started releasing disco records on 12 inch, hence the 45 version?
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Update: Health care survives GOP court challenge."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am

Brendan that would be incredible!
Avatar 11:06am
V Priceless:

what Fish said!
Velvet Frog:

@bobdoesthings Gear questions are always loaded and opinions so often make it worse. So here's my opinions. It somehow seems pedestrian, but I swear by my Blues Jr. Nice clean sound with a pretty broad sonic range. I'm mostly a rhythm player.I've got a friend who made miraculous sounds out of a Vox ACT4TV. it's a 1x10 He's a more aggressive player than me and it worked perfectly for him. More mid-range than the fender.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Years ago, I caught a band in Miami Beach that also used a violin on that.
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Ew, fuck Randy Newman.

@bobdoes: what make/model was it? there are some great bang-for-buck budget 12' amps these days, if you really want to do it right there is also a brisk trade in used "boutique" amps built by hand in small shops.
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@velvet -ahh thanks. i think I was looking at that vox last night.. gotta narrow down to a few and go out and play a bunch of them to really figure it out

@bob. Look for one that has an 11 volume setting.
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V Priceless:

Yay Hugh!!
a listener:

Poly's last release was in 2011. The year she died. Got quite a bit of play on BBC6Music, I seem to remember.
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@p-90 - the amp I had was alright.. but I want more.. It was a marshall valvestate 2000 avt50.. I think one of those "half tube/half solid" amps..?
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@Brendan - That is very sound advice.
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Joe, did you just say DISCO????

Good morning Joe McG! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am

Oh yeah, local boy Sonny Knight!
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Joe McG:

@Claw!: somebody said that, wasn't me! @BriJet: Good morning to YOU!
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This will work! Uptempo, all the way.
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Props to Sonny Knight to giving the drummer a whole *lot* on this!

Not entirely fond of the valvestate amp sounds flat/ boxy even with reverb up... Not a natural sounding reverb .
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listener monica:

jeez that down by the river was so much better than neil's.

@bob: Oh, you can do much better than that!!!
Like you say, just as well, it's a chance to trade up to something much better. I suggest you start by looking at the wide field of 15-30 watt "Vox-style" amps that are available, there are even a number of the that switch from 15 or even 8-10 watts up to 30. Great for getting big all-tube tone at low volumes. Do look around for what's for sale "used", too.

Joe - git down with your bad self

@bob: there's also a zillion small "Fender-style" amps.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am

hey,P-90,any suggestions on brands for those "vox style" amps?
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@p-90 , yeah for sure.. I got some exploration to do for sure! Thanks for all the help.

OMG these last 2 tracks, some of the funkiest music I've ever heard!
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this is a nice rip of "Piece of my Heart"
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Joe McG:

@Eric: This new Richard Marks anthology is my RECORD OF THE WEEK! Great stuff.
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V Priceless:

@ Fish - yeah, Vox!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Vox for the aggressive guitarist? Interesting.
I've recently become acquainted w/ the Marshall valvestate - & understand these estimations you give...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...despite life-long dreams of Marshall-dom...yerknow...
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V Priceless:

hear lotsa good stuff about Orange, too, but no first-hand experience.

@bob - its also good to verify that your dealing with good salespeople who wont fly off the handle. A good test is walk into the establishment early - when then unlock the door--go directly to the largest nastiest looking amp and turn it to 10 and really explore the sound space.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am

yeah V that's what a google search is trying to tell me!...but keep in mind that i'm really a soundscape person and probably shouldn't spend too much money on something a skilled guitarist would make good use of!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ooh - Orange - beloved of Stoner Metallers. Different sizes?
Wish Marcel M in on this amp chat maybe?
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I appreciate the idea of this cover, but I don't feel it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Sounds like Steve Martin - which appeals to me...
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Yeah Steve Martin backed by Devo...
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A Better Me:

Yes. I came to the playlist the see if it was Steve Martin
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V Priceless:

@ Fish - tiny Vox tube amp - great if you don't need big power, plus it looks cool: www.voxamps.com...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Looks class - but 4 Watts won't get far w/ a drummer...
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joe great people good thursday
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Mike East:

Orange are sweet...way too expensive though. Fender Hotrod Deluxe 1x12 is a nice little amp.
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YES. Where's DCP?
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Greg from Bloomfield:

Morning, common!
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V Priceless:

nope, Rev - strictly practice, home studio app

hey common!
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greg, vp
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Large yay.
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that would be a great facebook status: "sending out an aroma of undefined love"
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Greg from Bloomfield:

DEVO. Flawless victory.

looks like I tuned in a just the right moment....the DEVO moment.
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V Priceless:

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V -ha! i was just looking at the ac4. it may be perfect for me. (since the only drummer i'm playing with cannot play drums simultaneously!)
...i just want a different sound to compliment the small "Mars all" bass amp.
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@brendan - it's also helpful to play the most loud, dissonant, and angressive riffs I know too right?
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I think Arthur Russell faked his own death, because there is a new CD almost every month by him.
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I say this with all due respect. He's more prolific than most living artists.
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Joe McG:

@Cecile: Eventually they'll run out of archives, but it's nice that they keep finding worthwhile material.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Everybody's got a Fender amp. Because reasonable & not bad. Interesting these amps that switch Wattage depending on whether practice or noise competition mode...
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it's very true, Joe!

@amp shoppers:
there's a lot of articles/webpages like these, you can read a bunch of them toget a sense of what's out there. BUT you gotta play through the amp yourself of course, before you buy. Again, it really pays to see what's used in your area.



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@p-90 - nice, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah Thx P-90.

@bob depends on the sales associate . You can ask if the like decaf or regular, that should give you a feel for the soundscape you are going for.

Because they wont be needing the coffee
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am

i want an orange hey this sounds like the columbo episode i saw last eve great!
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it's time to get out. those weeds wont wack themselves!
Thanks Joe! Thanks for amp discussion!
have fun tonight Bear!!
later on animals.

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V Priceless:

god, I miss these guys..
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Mike East:

we're gonna have to subrent a couple orange amps in a week or so and I'm hoping my availability to jam in the studio overlaps with when they are in house.

@bpdun88: zackly what I exclaimed....oh hai @V Priceless
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V Priceless:

catch you later, Fish

“I’m Hurted” is the wrong type of grammar.
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Greg from Bloomfield:

@Jake: I would argue that it is right, and everybody else is wrong.

Love the silent movie piano tone
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Joe McG:

Thanks for keeping me company this morning, folks! Have a great weekend and see you next time.
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one of the great things of my life was seeing Dan Penn and Spooner Oldham opening for Nick Lowe
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thanks joe!!!
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V Priceless:

swell show, Joe! Thanx!
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Greg from Bloomfield:

Likewise, Joe!

We love Joe! Yeah!!!!
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Great show, Joe, thanks!
Catch you on the Twit Machine?
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wasn't Jimi Tenor a drum and bass guy for a while?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Six more months and we get our presents! See you next week!
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