Favoriting Bronwyn C.: Playlist from June 1, 2015 Favoriting

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Bronwyn C, The Iowa Firecracker talks pigs and takes your calls on pig-related matters.

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Favoriting June 1, 2015: Ambient hiss noise! NHL Sportsy Brackets update! SPECIAL GUEST: SPORTSWRITER JEFF LAUGHLIN on why we should care about the NBA playoffs. (Why?) Also: Florida looks like a penis? EXTRA INNIINGS! Dr. Gameshow's fill-in didn't show up!

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Otis Redding  Boston Monkey!   Favoriting
Guantanamo Baywatch  Beat has changed   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02pm
Danne D:

Yay Sportsytalk :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, sportsy fans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Otis. Otis. Otis.
('Boston Monkey'...this could be a popular tune up here in NewHampshuh...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Kat in Chicago:

Welcome back!
Listener Robert:

So are either of you guys going to join the National Youth Sports Coaching Ass'n & taking the test in one or more sports? I think it's still $20, & would be a great investigative piece for either of you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

NHL hockey final is set: Tampa Bay Lightning vs. Anaheim Mighty Ducks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Kat in Chicago:

I'm happy, I'm happy, PUNCH! I love that song
Listener Robert:

Did you get the AC sound off SoundCloud?
Avatar 6:06pm
Danne D:

Brain Teaser for You:

Q: What do you call a King with no crowns?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bah....no, wait. Ducks lost. Tampa vs. Chicago Blackhawks. Sorry.
Studio B Ben:

Spooooooortsy taaaaaaaalk
Avatar 6:07pm
Danne D:

A: Henrik!
Avatar 6:09pm

Q: who wear red sweaters and play golf in may?
Avatar 6:09pm
Danne D:

The Silver Lining is that the Rangers lost.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

Come on Bronwyn, my mind isn't very much in the gutter & even *I* think FL looks like a penis.
Listener Robert:

Raccoons wash their hands before and/or after handling food too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

I wasn't complaining about your dirty mind! We all love your dirty mind. I was just saying Florida is VERY obviously a big penis.

Seabiscuit didn't enter any Triple Crown races, which are for three-year-olds. Seabiscuit didn't get good until he was four.

Hello all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

i agree ike. i've been there.
Hot Bar:

I'm pretty sure the Hawks owner outed himself after the clippers sale because they sold for so much. It was a racist sellers market.

winnipeg is in manitoba

Anyone who listened to Billy Graham's weekly radio show knows that Winnipeg is in Manitoba.
Avatar 6:23pm
Danne D:

Francis Ford Behrle :)

Hey BriJet!
Avatar 6:24pm
Danne D:

Illini are off to the NCAA Super-Regionals :) Will take on Vandy.

How about that goal that Messi made in the Copa del Rey final?
Avatar 6:25pm
Danne D:

Do they put the (L) next to A-Rod to indicate if he's on Lasix?
Avatar 6:26pm
Danne D:

Sepp Wins.

In related news, the USA has been awarded the 4026 World Cup.
Avatar 6:26pm
Marcel M:

Avatar 6:27pm
Danne D:

Yes Lasix is used if a horse has respiratory bleeding.
Listener Robert:

Hey, I'm on Lasix now.
Avatar 6:27pm
Danne D:

Ironically, I think it's not allowed in NY.

Is Lasix still illegal in NY?

Illini golf advanced today too!
Avatar 6:28pm
Danne D:

Though they mighta changed that for A-Rod
Listener Robert:

Fortunately I'm not a racehorse. Unfortunately I'm retaining water & sodium.
Clean X:

No more bleeding horse talk for a while guys
Avatar 6:32pm
Danne D:

Thanks Chalmers :)
You still in PAR?

(That is a dorm, not golf reference folks)

No, Six-Pack :) (also a dorm, not a beverage, reference).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Ex-FIFA official notes that the World Cup will be held in the US in 2015. The catch? He was quoting from The Onion - www.nytimes.com...
Avatar 6:34pm
Danne D:

Mookie Blaylock is in jail right now...
Avatar 6:34pm
Danne D:

I moved out of Six Pack after year 1.
Avatar 6:36pm
Danne D:

The Celtics won 8 titles in a row, Jim

Smart move, I stayed two because it was convenient to PGU.
Avatar 6:38pm
Danne D:

and made the finals 10 in a row.

Ahhh, the rare University Station that is actually not owned by the University.

Leon "The Show" Powe was awesome
Hot Bar:

You guys should set up a sting on Sepp Blatter live on sportsy talk.
Avatar 6:47pm
Danne D:

I gotta head out :)
Sorry I did not make a call this week :( Totally wanted to dance on the grave of the Rangers and then talk about the ridiculousness of FIFA.

Side note though - that Zuccarello injury is scary scary stuff - the NHL needs to find better helmets to give these guys! As much as a Devils fan I am, I do wish him well.

Take care guys :D
Avatar 6:48pm
Danne D:


They also won the 1947 BAA title - which recognized as the first NBA title.
Avatar 6:49pm
Danne D:

Okay last last note - LeBron could take the WFMU intramural team to the NBA Finals.

I hope the Warriors before they move away to San Francisco (similar to what the Nets have done by abandoning NJ)
Avatar 6:49pm
Danne D:

(Now I really am gone) :)
bye :)

Bye Danne D!

See ya Danne D!

Dr. Gameshow is not on the air tonight.

Lydia Lunch for attorney general.

like a flea--la pulga
Avatar 6:58pm

Actually, It was the Swiss investigation that led to the FIFA arrests. The US investigation centered on Concacaf as their headquarters are in Miami.

Pseu soon? Yay!
Avatar 7:08pm

whats happpeninnnng????

This is fun

@Liz: Pseu next week. Hang in there!

Talk about Caitlyn Jenner! The gender-switched human formerly known as Bruce Jenner!

Oh, sorry. I didn’t know Pseu was filling in for “Night People.” I assumed you meant the schedule change.
Avatar 7:17pm
Jude in Brooklyn:

Just checked Pseu's FB page... she posted this earlier today: "Kids, I'll be doing a one-hour fill in TONIGHT (Monday) at 8PM ET... smell u on
the radio!"
Avatar 7:18pm

You're on the air.
Avatar 7:19pm

Saw the pic of Caitlyn, had brain cell lesioned immediately.

@fleep: Support Caitlin/Bruce. But how much plastic surgery has the Jenner/Kardashian collectively had? Think about it. Nuts.

tell the night people to stay home
Listener Robert:

This is so hard to advise. I don't want to phone in, because I don't want to postpone things further. But I wonder whether the recorded Sophisticated Boom Boom should run in its entirety, so we get more of the new lady, or give Pseu Braun a full hr. because she's good & actually there.
Jim the Poet:

It's On!
Avatar 7:52pm

Kudos to Bronwyn & Jim! Consummate professionals in the clutch!

I think Listener Robert has a point: Pseu and Dave Hill get along. Dave has a 3 hour show. Pseu is doing a fill in. I believe that Sheila B. show should go on for the full hour, Pseu goes on at 8:30 and then hangs with Dave. And if I have no clue what I am saying, I’m just saying cutting off a show a 1/2 in seems cold and unfair since the DJ didn’t cause the issue. So I shut up now.
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