Frank O'Toole's playlist
May 25, 2015 ![]()
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Track Artist Album / Format Approx. start time Get Happy / MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Mr. Lucky
Jane Horrocks / Henry Mancini fxo (CD-R) Hallogallo
Neu "Neu #1" Lp (CD) Collide-a-scope
Todd Rundgren Moonmen Chill remix (CD-R) Casey Jones
Grateful Dead The Golden Pony remix (MP3) 0:20:50 Pop-up) Greasy Spoon
Tim Buckley HN Edit (CD-R) 0:25:19 Pop-up) JDB's Message / Impudique Est La Prudence
X Ray Pop "Absolutely Nice" Lp (CD) * 0:32:22 Pop-up) Albatross
Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac "BC Mixers-Dim Sum Loops-fxo 2012 marathon mix" Lp (CD-R) 0:36:46 Pop-up) Whiskey
Kitty, Daisy & Lewis "The Third" Lp (CD) * 0:39:35 Pop-up) Texting Feist
Giant Sand "Heartbreak Pass" Lp (CD) * 0:43:32 Pop-up) Across This Antheap
XTC "Oranges & Lemons" Lp (CD) 0:48:10 Pop-up) I'll Be Seeing You
Cassandra Wilson "Coming Forth By Day" Lp (CD) * 0:52:10 Pop-up) Angel
The Gil Evans Orchestra "Plays The Music of Jimi Hendrix" Lp (Vinyl) 0:59:46 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Here It Comes
Freddy Fresh 12" (Vinyl) 1:02:15 Pop-up) Section IV
Steve Reich (with Ensemble Signal) "Music For 18 Musicians" Lp (CD) * 1:10:48 Pop-up) I Stand Alone
Theophilus London "Timez Are Weird These Days" Lp (CD) 1:20:44 Pop-up) Commander Kabukiman
Per Byhring "Beats Bastards & Basses" compil. Lp (CD-R) 1:22:34 Pop-up) Martin Denny-Miserlou Vs. Code 9
Terry Snyder "Beats Bastards & Basses" compil. Lp (CD-R) 1:25:41 Pop-up) Sunshine Of Your Love
Cee-Roo (faeturing Ella Fitzgerald) Cee-Roo remix (MP3) 1:28:32 Pop-up) Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Charles Mingus "Atlantic Jazz Legends, Vol. 1" compil. Lp (CD) 1:34:12 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Wuddup, Bro
R Stevie Moore R S Moore mix (CD-R) 1:42:27 Pop-up) 55.555 Lords
Janis Joplin & Andhim Daniel Riff rework (MP3) 1:43:50 Pop-up) I Want Your Love
Chic (Horns and Vibes Version) Jogerkoppers remix (MP3) 1:49:28 Pop-up) Clouds (Snorlax remix)
Daedelus "Nidhogg" Lp (CD-R) 1:53:51 Pop-up) Only-Girl-In-The-World
Rihanna for Orchestra version (CD-R) 2:01:42 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Why?... and We Repeat
Taj Mahal "Music Keeps Me Together" Lp (Vinyl) 2:03:03 Pop-up) Wrong Crowd
Young Guv "Ripe 4 Luv" Lp (CD) * 2:08:54 Pop-up) Afghan Farmer Driving Cattle / Animal Animaux
The Mothmen "Pay Attention!" Lp (CD) * 2:14:56 Pop-up) The Web
Able 'Available' Baker "Popcorn Exotica" compil. Lp (CD) * 2:23:50 Pop-up) Zazou (Sweet Sue)
The Hot Sardines "The Hot Sardines" Lp (CD) * 2:24:56 Pop-up) Hero
Frank Ocean & Diplo (with Mick Jones) "Three Artists. One Song (CD-R) 2:26:43 Pop-up) I Was A Teen-Age Malt Shop/ The Birth of Captain Beefheart/ Metal Man Has Won His Wings
Frank Zappa "Mystery Disc" Lp (CD) 2:31:04 Pop-up) fxo mixes
Aural Correspondence fxo mashup (CD-R) 2:34:54 Pop-up) Swinglargo
People Like Us "Abridged Too Far" FMU-Free Music Archive (CD-R) 2:37:48 Pop-up) Live And Let Live
Timothy Leary "You Can Be Anyone This Time Around" Lp (CD) 2:42:30 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Dance Macabre
The Westminster Philharmonic Orchestra "The Bride of Frankenstein-Franz Waxman's Score" Lp (CD)
Listener comments!
6:11am : morning campers. Doin' my webcast, as well as doin' a broadcast, for the next 3 hours, or so.6:13am : ...or afternoon, depending on the time zone.![]()
♥ 6:14am :
mornin over here in dorset uk. lets go....♥ 6:15am : Isn't this also Ken's interval music?6:17am : goob morgan, Wynford & Robert.6:23am : Greetings and welcome back once again to the airwaves, DJ fxo.6:24am : interval? or Internal?![]()
♥ 6:26am :
Good morning Frank and guten TZAG fellow listeners6:28am : P-90, welcome aboard.
guten TZAG, fred and to everybody else.6:29am : "Ken's internal music"- an intriguing concept![]()
♥ 7:05am :
♥ 7:06am :
! Good morning (o:![]()
♥ 7:07am :
Important question for everyone, for everyone please to answer: what is your favorite flour?7:10am : I X-Key!: hallo
Sunflower?7:10am : Good Morning from Staten Island! I hear you on the radio.![]()
♥ 7:11am :
rmg sunflower flour![]()
♥ 7:13am :
Good morning FXO and all![]()
♥ 7:16am :
Sunflower seeds go fibonnaci! The way the seeds grow in the flower is actually a fibonacci spiral
♥ 7:16am :
18 is my fave Reich work. Seeing what Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker did with it changed the way I hear it![]()
♥ 7:17am :
I love Music for 18 Musicians & have however many recordings of it & am going to have this new one!7:17am : Goob Morgan, Duke, fred, & you fredr.![]()
♥ 7:20am :
! That was the first time anyone has answered 'sunflower'![]()
♥ 7:21am :
@! I X Key !: Serendipity right there: De Keersmaeker has often used fibonacci spirals![]()
♥ 7:22am :
♥ 7:22am :
serendipity7:28am : Listening but half asleep. Perfect musical accompaniment. Hi fx7:29am : Hey Jude, get down!![]()
♥ 7:30am :
Good morning this is great.![]()
♥ 7:38am :
Mingus Seed: Better Get It in Your Soil
- ey-oop All.7:38am : thanks, dave.![]()
♥ 7:38am :
Mingus knows how to wake things up7:39am : This is the perfect soundtrack for this ride on the number 1 bus through Dublin thanks !!7:43am : thanks BillyD, and congrats.7:48am : guten TZAG, RevRab. how's bayou?![]()
♥ 7:51am :
Yesterday the kind of day we dream of all year in NewHampshuh - w/ lilacs on top. Today overcast but being taken to see an Irish fiddler. Carry on...7:55am : THANK YOU ! OH WE NEED YOU GUYS SO BAD EXPONENTIALLY MORE EVERY MINUTE and you are keeping up !!!![]()
♥ 8:03am :
♥ 8:04am :
I love that bus in Dublin
I have family there, Dublin![]()
♥ 8:06am :
This isolated guitar track of Jimi, '3rd Stone' made me think of you & is astonishing:![]()
♥ 8:10am :
I loiter in the lilac's canal8:15am : Top o' the mornin' to ya, and the rest of the day to meself..8:16am : J D? kewl.![]()
♥ 8:19am :
!8:31am : Good holiday morning. Almost missed you, fxo and momenteers.8:33am : yo, Cooh John.![]()
8:43am : just missed it all!8:48am : The archive will be up, in a few hours, 24/7.
mauri, you check it out.
Thanks all, I'll be doing a new webcast, next Monday. Have a nice peaceful day.![]()
♥ 8:49am :
- Thx to thee Msr. fxo.![]()
8:55am : peace to you too fxo![]()
♥ 8:57am :
Great set, Frank, thx.10:11pm : merci!!
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