Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from May 24, 2015 Favoriting

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Favoriting May 24, 2015

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
David Rosenboom  Given the Senses the Real Pregeometry   Favoriting Zones of Influence  Pogus  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
André Stordeur  Aphrodisiac   Favoriting Complete Analog and Digital Electronic Works 1978-2000  Sub Rosa  0:08:44 (Pop-up)
Alexander Von Schlippenbach  Straight Up and Down   Favoriting Broomriding  Emanem  0:16:00 (Pop-up)
Cleve Pozar  Cosmic Piece   Favoriting Solo Percussion  CSP  0:25:54 (Pop-up)
Ross Bolleter  Axis   Favoriting Secret Sandhills and Satellites  Emanem  0:32:52 (Pop-up)
Voafose  Splintech   Favoriting Voafose  Rephlex  0:39:45 (Pop-up)
Kinks  Ape Man (demo)   Favoriting Lola versus Powerman and the Moneygoround  Essential / Castle Music  0:43:57 (Pop-up)
Kenneth Higney  Nothing Will Change   Favoriting American Dirt  Kebrutney  0:47:11 (Pop-up)
Thomas Leer  Private Plane   Favoriting Private Plane  Dark Entries  0:58:29 (Pop-up)
Odessey & Oracle  2016   Favoriting And the Casiotone Orchestra  Carton  1:03:40 (Pop-up)
Royhka Ja Ratto Ja Lehtisalo  Kesäinen Polku   Favoriting Hiekkarantaa  Ektro  1:07:37 (Pop-up)
Edison Electric Band  Ship of the Future   Favoriting Bless You, Dr. Woodward  Water  1:12:35 (Pop-up)
Ecstatic Sunshine  Beetle   Favoriting Freckle Wars  Carpark  1:13:35 (Pop-up)
C. W. Vrtacek  Fly/Wave   Favoriting Silent Heaven  Cuneiform Records  1:15:55 (Pop-up)
Sir Richard Bishop/Bill Orcutt  A Genealogy of Dysfunction   Favoriting Road Stories  Unrock  1:29:53 (Pop-up)
Saint-Saens  Thème Varié   Favoriting The Complete Etudes  Hyperion  1:32:51 (Pop-up)
Ahmad Jamal  Effendi   Favoriting Freeflight  Impulse!  1:39:36 (Pop-up)
Bob Bucko Jr.  Rule of the Pennsylvania Line   Favoriting Blast the Past  Personal Archives  1:50:56 (Pop-up)
Gardening by Moonlight  Strange Clues   Favoriting V/A: Sherwood at the Controls Volume 1: 1979-1984  On-U Sound  1:58:50 (Pop-up)
Boduf Songs  Claimant Reclaimed   Favoriting Boduf Songs  Kranky  2:02:30 (Pop-up)
BMX Bandits  Disco Girl (i)   Favoriting C86/Plus  Vinyl Japan  2:08:41 (Pop-up)
Liimanarina  Huomautus...   Favoriting Dokauschwitz  Stupido  2:10:53 (Pop-up)
Circuit des Yeux  Do the Dishes   Favoriting In Plain Speech  Thrill Jockey  2:12:09 (Pop-up)
Asmus Tietchens  Troglodyten   Favoriting 4K7+  Vinyl on Demand  2:21:02 (Pop-up)
Michael Beil  Und Sechs   Favoriting V/A: Noise Of Cologne 1  Noise of Cologne/Stadt Koln  2:26:08 (Pop-up)
Graham Lambkin / Michael Pisaro  Zerbrochene Münder   Favoriting Schwarze Riesenfalter  Erstwhile  2:31:30 (Pop-up)
Papal Bull  The Essential Forms of Temperance   Favoriting Argot of Incomprehension  Singing Knives/Discombobulate  2:50:46 (Pop-up)
Boards of Canada  Sixtyniner   Favoriting Twoism  Warp  2:53:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, amigos.

Hi Dave
Avatar 9:05pm
Dave Mandl:

Hi Jimmy.

good evening dave, it's a pleasure to be here and looking forward to a lot of great tunes tonight!

RIP Anne Meara. She and Jerry are NYC royalty. I don't give a fuck if the rest of our stupid Walmart and Facebook country remembers her or not.
Avatar 9:08pm
Dave Mandl:

Hi cheri.
Avatar 9:09pm
Dave Mandl:

@Jimmy: Yeah, she was a real legend. A giant of NY comedy.

well i'll be back later, I got to listen to the show, see you all a little later.
Avatar 9:13pm

Hi DM! Been a while. :)
Avatar 9:14pm
Dave Mandl:

@cheri: OK, see ya.
@Holly: How's it going? Long time no see.
Avatar 9:14pm
pacific standard simon:

Anne Meara? Damn. Guess we all gotta go eventually.

ohh dave, please tell us you'll be back on the new schedule!

Please tell us that you'll be back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm

Good evening.
Avatar 9:19pm
Dave Mandl:

It's in God's hands now. Playing the role of God will be Station Manager Ken.
Avatar 9:19pm
pacific standard simon:

If Frank Zappa had ever tried to cover Monk, it probably would have sounded like this.
Avatar 9:20pm
Dave Mandl:

Von Schlippenbach covering Dolphy. Same difference.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- this is way kewl.
- Hiya.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm

Good thing I don't find WFMU schedule-drama fascinating.
Avatar 9:23pm
pacific standard simon:

Gotta go eat goulash in a minute -- back shortly.
Avatar 9:30pm

okay, time for a smoke and drink to end the week. hi all
Avatar 9:30pm
Dave Mandl:

Yeah, it's not that fascinating, really. People sometimes have to sit out a season. You never know till the big unveiling of the schedule, which we'll see on Tuesday, I think.
Avatar 9:31pm
Dave Mandl:

And a good evening to you, Ike, pss, RRN63, BLCKDGRD, cory.
Avatar 9:31pm

I'll be pre-emptive and starting complaining now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...a schedule (season) does seem to go by faster once you've lived thru a few...
Avatar 9:33pm

i can't wait to hear the new shows
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm

Ah, it's a relief to see some (relatively) sane commenters interested in this topic, instead of just unregistered free-floating personality disorders.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...by which I mean a chnage gets less dramatic...I think...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Uncle Michael:

It's become my expectation to always be sad to see some shows go of the schedule or change times and to be excited about some of the new shows. It's a little bit like life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...you can't put the N before the A! It will ruin my life...
Avatar 9:43pm

By the way, Echotonians, I got an advance copy of DM's tweet book DJ premium from the pledge drive. And. it. is. awesome!! :D
Avatar 9:44pm
Dave Mandl:

@Holly: Awww.

Beep beep, honnnk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

Aww Anne Meara. RIP. Condolences to Mr Stiller and family. 85, she had a good run.

I hope Bolleter is still making music

Hello all. Anne Meara passing away is sad, but such is life. Old school NYC is fading away. But at least some of us go to experience it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Stillers always seemed such appealing people.

Look at how young Anne Meara and Jerry Stillier are in this “What’s My Line?” clip. youtu.be...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

Indeed, RRn63.
Avatar 9:54pm
pacific standard simon:

What Uncle Michael said about the schedule. Just wish some of my old favorites would reappear. I still miss Greasy Kid's Stuff. Bless the archives.
Avatar 9:56pm
pacific standard simon:

@HollyT - No spoilers please -- I'm getting it too!

I look at shows on WFMU like children. And I appreciate how there is a cycling in and out of talent. If it stayed the same for all shows, this station would be no different than any other “independent” station.
Avatar 9:58pm
steve portland:

music rocks
Avatar 9:59pm

PSS: I would never. :)
Avatar 10:00pm
pacific standard simon:

I'm enjoying my final week and a half of unemployment before starting my new job.
Avatar 10:00pm
steve portland:

man i can't wait to listen to some music
Lonely Planet Boy:

anyone besides me ever have problems with security certificate warnings when trying to sign in on PC?
Avatar 10:02pm
steve portland:

if it's happening on IE try a diff browser
Avatar 10:02pm
Dave Mandl:

@steve: All things come to those who wait.
Avatar 10:03pm
steve portland:

oh yeah this song is real good
Avatar 10:03pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: Condolences.
Lonely Planet Boy:

I have same issue with Chrome.
Avatar 10:06pm
steve portland:

i'm using chrome on win 7 43.0.2357.65 m and not giving security errors. i'd try maybe seeing what your web security settings are
Avatar 10:07pm

Man, there is nothing like banjo used well. It gives an automatically plaintive feel to any song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm

@PSS@9:54, last I heard, GKS was on some station in Portland now.
Avatar 10:08pm
pacific standard simon:

Oh, I'm excited about the job. But watching baseball and playing with LEGO all day IS fun.

Here's a search to try, LPB: "how to fix security certificate errors."
Avatar 10:10pm
pacific standard simon:

I heard something like that, too, Ike, but I'm so spoiled by FMU and the listen-whenever-you-like archives.
Avatar 10:10pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: You need to find a job working for Lego.
Avatar 10:12pm
pacific standard simon:

It's sure too late to find a job playing baseball, that's for certain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm

Howdy Dave and Echoes

This is an amazing show
Avatar 10:18pm
pacific standard simon:

We speak Echolalia.
Avatar 10:18pm
Dave Mandl:

@FTT: Why, thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm

@PSS@10:10, looks like the 2 most recent are archived now -- see xray.fm...
...but I know what you mean -- Mike Lupica is now on WPRB. I keep missing his shows lately and he's not archived.
Avatar 10:19pm
Dave Mandl:

Greetings coelacanth, FTT, trs, LPB, Jake, maestroso. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Avatar 10:23pm

hi Dave... great show tonight!
Avatar 10:23pm

loving everything in this particular order
Avatar 10:26pm

I freaking LOVED that Odyssey&Oracle song. I'm gonna go check out all their stuff now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26pm

Yes, what Bryce said ^^^

Odessey to Оде́са ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm

thank you dave
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm

i might have to pop-start the old cassette recorder for that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

'archive it my damn self!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm

i see you bryce
Avatar 10:35pm
Dave Mandl:

@steve: Thanks.
Avatar 10:36pm
Dave Mandl:

@bryce: As you know, getting the order exactly right is the hard part.
Avatar 10:36pm
pacific standard simon:

Thanks for the heads-up, Ike.
Avatar 10:36pm
Dave Mandl:

@Holly: It's very good.

@PSS: Do you do computer tech work? For me tech work feels like a tour of duty.

I;m back,dave and please don't think i'm being corny when I say that your shows are filled with joy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Welcome, hockey fans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm

"No one man can, for any considerable time, wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true one." --Hawthorne
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ah - were thinking Tyner.

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns = sahn-son

Wow, this is the Twitter bio for Hyperion Records: An independent British classical label presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the 12th to the 21st century

dave, thnx for all the great tunes tonight, night.
Avatar 11:02pm
Dave Mandl:

Night, cheri.
Avatar 11:03pm
Dave Mandl:

@marc; That's one of my favorite periods, 12th-21st century.

it's always a weekly treat listening to you,dave!
Avatar 11:06pm

i'm goin clock out too. thanks for the awesome tunes dave. nini
Avatar 11:08pm
Dave Mandl:

Night, cory.

How’s everyone dealing with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen not participating in the “Full House” reunion?

Just kidding.

ohh dave I forgot to add that I hope your having a great weekend so far, goodnight for real!
Avatar 11:28pm
pacific standard simon:

@JakeGould@10:43 - I'm a mad baker -- I create dead bread from living yeast! AhHaHaHa...
Avatar 11:29pm
pacific standard simon:

Sorry for the delay, I'm LEGOing to the music.

PSS Baker? Can you tell me what I should have also altered with my pizza dough when I swapped in 1 C of light rye flour for white? Water?
Avatar 11:36pm
pacific standard simon:

@trs - Why would you do that? What % of the total flour is 1 cup? And what kind of wheat flour did you use for the rest of the flour. Your pizza dough is certainly going to be harder to work and tougher once baked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36pm

Dave there's something else that needs my undivided aural attention; so i bid you adieu a bit early. Thanks!
ciao y'all.
Avatar 11:39pm
Dave Mandl:

@coelacanth: Night!

Yeah, flour chemistry, eh? Why would I do that? Heh, because I like light rye! And well, it's worked well enough with baguettes. Pizza's fine grain, huh.

And thanks! It was a crusty eat. Texture was all wrong. Tasty, though.
Avatar 11:47pm
pacific standard simon:

Well, bread, you want more structure. Pizza needs to stay fairly soft and delicate and not over worked. If you want some rye in there, keep it less than than a quarter of the total flour, add a little more yeast and a pinch of sugar, and let it rise a little more. If it doesn't want to stretch out, let it rest some more, then try again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Having to eat 'white bread' is the only part of pizza I don't like. In California, they had no problem w/ whole grains - but it's a little harder north of Boston & NY to get them to go w/ it I think. The trick is to not have a whole grain crust all dry, no?
Avatar 11:49pm

good evening, Dave and WFMU-land! wonderful show for a lovely (and relatively quiet!) holiday weekend evening!
Avatar 11:53pm
Dave Mandl:

@sl1313: Evening!

I use two parts white to one part wheat in my pizza dough here in California.

Avatar 11:57pm
pacific standard simon:

You could try making a rye sourdough starter and using that in the dough. Bet that would be good.

Much respect to your baking expertise, PSS. I did 1/6 (saved dough for later) and had good yeasties. Maybe should have let rise longer. Cornmeal is good easy grain in a dough. Or oh, wheat or sourdough. I'll try again.

I’m no expert baker, but I do know that going 100% of a grain like rye is not a good idea. Keep it simple, Sir.
Avatar 12:00am
Dave Mandl:

Night, all!
Avatar 12:00am
pacific standard simon:

Boogie on, Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Thx DM !

another good one, Dave, always a treat
have a great holiday
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