Favoriting Stan: Playlist from May 8, 2015 Favoriting

A musical journey through the lands of rock, pop, jazz and soul on the spaceship of time.

(A complete playlist will be added after the show is posted to the archives; please check back in a few days.)

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Favoriting May 8, 2015

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:19am

20 mins and no comments. best say hello so you know folks are listening, Stan! well, they are in Australia

Stan knows folks is listening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30am

Lovely sounds.
Avatar 3:30am
! I X Key !:

! This has been beautiful & lovely to listen to (o:

Just checking in. Enjoying it. Thank you.

the sound from korea. thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16am

Great set! Roughly transcribing what Stan just said, in chronological order:
- Robert Aiki, Aubrey Lowe & Ariel Kalma
- J.D. Emmanuel
- 3 from V/A: "i am the center (private issue new age music in america, 1950-1990)"
- Florian Fricke
- Agitation Free

"Suite for Prepared Piano and Electronics"
Track #1"
by: 1/2 of Matmos

I'm listening here while coding in the middle of the UK
Avatar 4:38am

i'd be coding to get out of the UK if you're going to have another 5 years of conservatives, followed by Boris Johnson

Stan longtime listened of WFMU (1980,s) just moved to Dublin from JC,NJ in the fall and one of the great benefits of the new time zone is your show on Friday mornings. thanks!
Avatar 4:41am

@ausmanx Tell me about it. Turkeys voting for Christmas
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Lots of time zones checking in tonight. I'm north of NYC, so same as WFMU itself. Always a pleasure to catch part of Stan's show.

mornin' y'all outta the flatlands. morning ausmanx. the clever ones tend to emigrate
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00am
Sem Chumbo:

Good morning, Stan, and those scattered across the free form world. Also, those in the merry(?) olde UK.
Avatar 5:02am

very merry!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullo! Who we hearing now you think?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

(...somebody good...)

what is this lovely tune playing now?
Avatar 12:40pm

1st set:
- Magic Creek by Robert Aiki, Aubrey Lowe & Ariel Kalma on "We Know Each Other Somehow"
- Visions of Life by J.D. Emmanuel on "Rain Forest Music"
- Two Souls Dance by Larkin from "I Am the Center: Private Issue New Age Music in America, 1950-1990"
- Seventh Chakra Keynote B (Violet) by Steven Halpern from "I Am the Center: Private Issue New Age Music in America, 1950-1990"
- Li Sun by Judith Tripp from "I Am the Center: Private Issue New Age Music in America, 1950-1990"
- West Tibet - Land of the Nomads by Florian Fricke (Popol Vuh) on "Kailash: Pilgrimage to the Throne of Gods"
- First Communication by Agitation Free from "2nd"

2nd set:
- Track #1 by M.C. Schmidt on "Batu Malablab: Suite for Prepared Piano, Flute, and Electronics"
- Stormy by Sebastian Argole on "Music for Relaxation Meditation and Concentration Vol. II"
- Katmandu by Danny Ben-Israel on "The Katmandu Sessions"
- The Evan Walker Presidential Inauguration March by F/I on "Helioscopium"
- Los Graciosos son Niños by Nonac on "Nonac"

3rd set:
- Stratosfear by Tangerine Dream on "Stratosfear"
- Niemand Lacht Rückwärts by Ash Ra Tempel on "Best of the Private Tapes"
- Part One by David Borden and Mother Mallard's Portable Materpiece Company on "The Continuing Story of Counterpoint"
- New Persuasion by Arp on "Pulsars y Quasars"
- Presidents 2 by Gaby Lita Bembo and Orchestre Stukas du Zaire on "Kita Mata ABC"

Great show, Stan. And thanks for the playlist track posts folks!
Avatar 9:15pm

@tahomajohn: You're welcome.
Correction: 1st song's title is "Magick Creek."
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