Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from May 8, 2015 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 8, 2015: Put The Needle On The Rap Cypher - live from Local Project (LP) NYC

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Artist Track Comments Approx. start time
Intro over Nas instrumental       
Nas  Halftime   Favoriting   0:02:15 (Pop-up)
Kimzilla interivews Carolina Penafiel      0:07:59 (Pop-up)
Billy Jam interviews Jose Castillo      0:13:58 (Pop-up)
WFMU Cypher feat various NYC emcees  live on WFMU from Local Project in Long Island City   Favoriting   0:15:52 (Pop-up)
WFMU Cypher feat various NYC emcees    mic contributors include Hollywood Ysa, Karma P, Meek Jaffe, Ohene Corneliius, Jaleel, Quintun, Paco The G Train Bandit, I.R.A., Reddd Az, Ron Terry, Enzo  0:28:54 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:37pm
Billy Jam:

For this week's live remote show WFMU returns to Long Island City arts space LP (Local Project) where this time I've invited an emcee cypher curated by Jose Castillo aka Jon Doesociety who in turn has invited a ton of what he considers to be some of the best of the best rhyme spitters in New York City including Ren Ima, Ronnie Brown, Jaleel J-brook Wright, Bruce David, Joaquin Punch Linez Martin, Paco Hanlon, Wes Block, DaHomie ConPlex, Ohene Cornelius, Kay Anthony B, Red D Daz, Meek Jaffe, Ira Nation, Butta Cool, Ronald Teri, and Frederick Pdot Aldeco (previous guest on WFMU). Additionally since the five day LIC ARTS OPEN festival is about to opens (next week on Wednesday May 13th) LP's Carolina PeƱafiel will talk to new show member (already a listener) Kimzilla about the former 5Pointz site where the independent arts space LP was once located. In addition to new PTNTR member Kimzilla will be another new crew member (already a volunteer @ WFMU) - Gabe who loves skratch music. Meanwhile back over in the WFMU Jersey City (NJ) studios engineering today is another new show member Carol. Thanks to all of these new PTNOTR crew members and to YOU for listening today. Speaking of today's show - had assigned about 25 minutes for the freestyle/cypher session but looking at the number of great emcees that Jose has assembled am have a feeling it may be go a lot longer and take up most of today's show - the most important thing is remind each guest that it's live radio governed by the FCC and hence no curses. If you are in the NYC area come thru today. And note that following the broadcast at 8pm I will switch over to Mr Fine Wine's show and play it loud here in the gallery. Then for the final hour -9pm to 10pm I will play (not on the air) a set of hip-hop.
Avatar 7:01pm

vintage already classic every fridayjamday night

Get on UP!
Studio B Ben:

Billy Jam live and kicking! Sounds fantastic!
Avatar 7:06pm

Hallo fellow WFMuuers!! Hello Billy Jam!!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

billy jam! all!
Avatar 7:09pm

Welcome back Kimzilla!!

Beersies Common!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

beersies indeed, SeanG!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Look out for the spooky WFMU ghost. It's been haunting the studio tonight.
Avatar 7:20pm
Billy Jam:

how we sounding?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

Sounds mighty fine. Drop it hard, Billy Jam.

Sounds GREAT! Way to go Billy Jam & Kimzilla!!!!!
Avatar 7:44pm

Lovin the cypher session. BIG UPS BILLY JAM
Avatar 7:44pm

Avatar 7:56pm

top sesh
Avatar 7:57pm

fuck the curses
Avatar 11:11am
loop skywalker:

Due to my work life im checking this out on the archives again...always sounding good WFMU people.
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