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Friday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
May 2, 2015
Favoriting May 2, 2015 Broadcasting from the WFMU Record Fair with live music from Danny Kroha
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Live from the WFMU Record Fair 

Listener comments!

Avatar 1:28pm pacific standard simon:

Better late than never.
Avatar 1:30pm Sean B.:

These live shows are priceless...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm Sem Chumbo:

...but better never late. I used to hate my Grade 2 teacher for saying that. Hiya, Rex, and fools around the world.
Avatar 1:31pm pacific standard simon:

It's a fun-raiser.
Avatar 1:33pm Mary Wing:

I'm here at the station, minding the board, so I put up Rex's playlist for him. I hope he doesn't mind! It's my fault, Rex!
  1:34pm Brez:

Thanks for the invite down to the rec fair, Rex, but I'm content to keep things the way they are -- you buy the records and I do the listening! I think you'd agree it's a classic win-win situation!!
Avatar 1:34pm pacific standard simon:

Thanks, Mary. Unless Rex DOES mind, in which case, "Dammit, Mary!" :)
Avatar 1:35pm Melissa Jean:

LOVE THE SHOW! wish I was buyin rekkids!
Avatar 1:37pm Sean B.:

@PSSimon THAT'S For damn sure man!. @MaryWing You are forgiven & GOD I WISH I WAS THERE....ARGGGHHH!; Even managed to chat with Dave Spazz for a min during his show and he really wanted to meet me there and I was honored to even have him say that to me!. Rock and Roll....Brothers And Sisters!.
Avatar 1:38pm nicky the skootch:

well, i'm a little late ... but at least i made it home in time to catch some of the foolishness!
Avatar 1:39pm Mary Wing:

I was at the Fair yesterday and it was super-fun. And yes, I bought records, even though I said I wouldn't--it's a sickness, I tell you!
Avatar 1:41pm pacific standard simon:

I really should get a cheap plane ticket one of these years and attend the fair. Right AFTER I buy a record player.
Avatar 1:43pm Mary Wing:

You wouldn't believe how many people had portable record players with them, testing the 45s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm Mike East:

what up, fools! Thanks for minding the board, Mary...very important task.
Avatar 1:44pm Sean B.:

@MaryWing My lord, so true. When I could afford to collect I would not head down to Metro Central to buy unless I had at LEAST $300 to spend!. Luckily I still have a lot of gems left....
Avatar 1:45pm pacific standard simon:

A live feed of people testing 45s would be interesting to hear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

((((4O5)))) ...yeeeess...nice one...
Avatar 1:49pm Mary Wing:

Simon, perhaps Clay Pigeon could tape that for his show!
Avatar 1:49pm Sean B.:

Hey @RevRab! Happy Spring man!. Nice shot of you playing!.
Avatar 1:50pm Sean B.:

Clay would too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:51pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thx SeanB! - don't like my pic taken much...adjusting...
Avatar 1:51pm pacific standard simon:

Perfect. Mary -- that does sound like something Clay would do.
Avatar 1:52pm Sean B.:

@RevRab Your pretty close to me man, you should come over some time and play some music with me brother. Just a thought.
Avatar 1:53pm nicky the skootch:

Any Chicago folk out there? I'm headed there tomorrow and could use some suggestions for spots to hit for records and anything baseball (other than Wrigley)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@SeanB: hit me on faceborg!
Avatar 1:59pm Sean B.:

@I don't facebook, ALTHOUGH I did e-mail you (I believe a track of mine at one time or another).I will hit you up through this thinguemeebob (or you can me)...and I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring weather....this great music providing the soundtrack is a plus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

This program is like Gawd's jukebox. Just crazy.
  2:05pm SB:

True THAT man
  2:08pm stanley suds subway shelter:

This once mighty obsolete memorial playlist has derailed !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- he's @ the Record Fair.
Avatar 2:09pm pacific standard simon:

@Mary - Are you just Rex's personal board operator, or are you behind the machines for other remote broadcasts?
  2:11pm Irish Mash:

Love the raw music on the show today. As we say in England - this is PROPER!
  2:14pm SB:

@EVERYONE! ... NOT to be a BUMMER but my mother told me that BEN E. KING just passed...I saddens me; One of the greatest soul, Doo-Wop and R&B singers of ALL time!. Looking forward, however, a few of FMU's DJ's tribute to him.
Avatar 2:16pm pacific standard simon:

Yup, and B.B. King is in hospice.
  2:16pm Shawn Garrett:

LINK WRAY's birthday today
Avatar 2:17pm Mary Wing:

Simon, I board op occasionally, if the live remote falls on a Saturday. I'll probably be here for the Primavera Festival broadcast later in the month.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm fred:

With Jack Ely's passing, that's the traditional third shoe dropping for Kings
Avatar 2:20pm pacific standard simon:

Board ops: The unsung heroes of radio!
Avatar 2:20pm Mary Wing:

I think Joe "King" Carrasco is still with us, though.
Avatar 2:23pm pacific standard simon:

I believe Dave The Spazz did some sort of tribute to Ely on Thursday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm fred:

@Mary: he should be safe now. I miss your show, but not to the point of waking up for it. Archives are there, but there are so many shows to catch up with
Avatar 2:24pm pacific standard simon:

King Kong
Long Gone
Avatar 2:29pm Mary Wing:

Aw, thanks, fred! Perhaps one day I'll be in a time slot that's during your waking hours...
  2:31pm JakeGould:

I'm at the fair if anyone here cares. Care?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm fred:

Don't get me wrong: your show was great live, I'm not sure I'd like it as much on archives. There's something about live radio that's hard to preserve in archives
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I agree fred - but then I listen to podcasts - & I realized it's pretty much the same thing...
- Great performer here!
  2:44pm SB:

Incredible guitar player,also!. Nice slide playing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45pm fred:

@Mary: I remember that bell, a hint that I should get going, often ignored. Still, that wouldn't work the same in an archive. And as Glen Jones said, playlists ruin the surprise, though in your case the surprise factor is a real thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Danny Kroha - Thx !
Avatar 2:48pm Mary Wing:

Fred, a couple of people have mentioned "ruining the surprise," which I don't really get. If you want to be surprised, just click on the pop-up player from the archive page without looking at the playlist. :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:48pm Mike East:

certain shows translate to archive better than others, imo.
  2:48pm Julie:

wow this color scheme is killing me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- his fb: www.facebook.com...
Avatar 2:51pm pacific standard simon:

@Julie - I had the same problem, so I installed a Firefox add-on that allows me to control the colors and sizes of background and text.
  2:52pm Julie:

nice, PSS
  2:52pm Julie:

hey a little marc bolan singing there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm fred:

@Mary: the surprise wasn't really in not knowing what was next, more in the interaction with listeners. The way it could turn the show in a different direction, but with you firmly in control. You can accept suggestions or reject them, I love this
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 2:54pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, fools. I'm lucky to have seen B.B. King live. It was at The Chance in Poughkeepsie.
Avatar 2:56pm Sean B.:

@RevRab Thanks man. Bookmarked that. Guy is amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Santana: 'We're all sons of B.B. King.'
Avatar 2:59pm Sean B.:

Funny, in that main picture he looks a little like Stephen Malkmus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm Mike East:

a client just walked in wearing a wfmu tee shirt...we shared regrets about not being able to get to the record fair.
Avatar 3:09pm Sean B.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm fred:

@Mike East: you must be doing something right
  8:47pm Two Stone:

another great saturday tradition..thanks Rex...
  8:47pm Two Stone:

another great saturday tradition..thanks Rex...
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