Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from April 22, 2015 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting April 22, 2015: Live Show: Grandma Phyllis Gives Strokes

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Andrea & Jim the Poet 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

My grandfather had a stroke just before Christmas one year. He recovered pretty well and lived another 5 or 6 years (died at age 95). Best wishes for Grandma Phillis to make a good recovery.
Avatar 7:23pm
Cheri Pi:

Raccoon grooms kitten youtu.be...
Listener Robert:

I was 14, near 15 when Mother died. I was never told she was dying, but had inferred it for months. I did not want to see her & did not ask to see her during that time, nor did Daddy suggest it.
Listener Robert:

Merci, Cheri, needed that furry friends vid to take the edge off this subject.
Avatar 7:37pm

This show is both horrifying and resonant. I love Grandma Phyllis. I am covering her with white light!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

my partner died after 2 years in the hospital. i hear you guys. fairly eye-mind opening.
Svaldbard Seed Vault:

This slow loris will fix everything.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

That Pseu bit you mentioned from the other night about little animals vs. little humans really spoke to me. Are you saying it speaks to guys too? Just curious....
Avatar 7:54pm
Nick the Bard:

The Rockcats - Electric Avenue
Avatar 7:54pm

I understand where you're at Andrea. I'd call in but I am afraid I'd cry.
Svaldbard Seed Vault:

Actually, I feel like this is the one that will solve everything. This has to be it: https://youtu.be/ySURk6yw9rE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

I've read some things about Ambien (mainly the sleep-eating, etc. stuff) that suggest that kind of thing can happen with HEALTHY people on Ambien! That shit is quite possibly bonkers. (Please don't sue me, evil pharma company!)
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