Favoriting Seven Second Delay with Andy and Ken: Playlist from April 22, 2015 Favoriting

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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 22, 2015: Join Ken and Andy in a Google Hangout!

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Ken & Andy  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


I emailed you Ken, didn't hear back though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
amanda c:

@Luke, me too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

I wondered about participating, but I couldn't handle the hassle of trying to download and install the frigging apps involved.
Avatar 6:03pm
Marcel M:

Haha.. of to a good start!

@Caryn: I had the same feeling.. also, have stuff to do in the house.
Avatar 6:03pm
Marcel M:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

like the busy singal
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm watching myself type!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

I didn't even know GH was a thing until the 7SD newsletter. I'm not particularly up on modern tech.
Avatar 6:07pm
Marcel M:

I use it as an app on my phone to talk to g chatters on my telephone. But didn't know you could use it to hang online.
Dave Z:

Worst show ever.
Avatar 6:08pm
Marcel M:

Man the fidelity of this show is worse than the 90s reruns
Avatar 6:09pm
Marcel M:

What the hell is that sound?!!?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

ah, technology.
Avatar 6:09pm
Marcel M:

Noo its back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Mike East:

someone's making copies, Marcel. Lots of copies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

@Marcel: I have an old-timey phone that I got used from a relative, so anything smart phone-y is not part of my life.
Listener Robert:

This is worse than our Skype conferences on Idea Connection.
Avatar 6:10pm

haha. shouldnt this be a video show??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

@steve: definitely
Avatar 6:11pm
Marcel M:

@Mike East: It does sound like that!

@Caryn: Ah I see. Keep it old school

Can just Ken and Andy talk?
Listener Robert:

I used to teach Biology courses by video conference. Results were not encouraging.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

@caryn: same here! sort a. wish my phone was an old timey one.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

i don't think i'd want to hang out in someone else's masturbatorium unless seat cozies were provided.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

@common: I suspect that should I ever end up getting a new phone, I'll do my damnedest to get an old-timey one. If nothing else is available, I'll probably end up with one of those large-buttoned phones meant for senior citizens.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

@caryn: yea! i want an old, black old timey metal phone. or a powder blue plastic one!
Avatar 6:17pm

I have one of those, Caryn. You can turn the ringer REALLY LOUD!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

My laptop is in a bad state. The disk is spinning like crazy. Will try to fix things here.
Listener Robert:

One problem with the video conferencing for teaching groups of students at different locations was that sound originating from a location controlled the video. Most of the time we didn't use split screen, but whoever made the [loudest] sound, that video came thru -- with a little lag.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

@Fredericks: that'll come in handy. Bad hearing runs in the family.
Avatar 6:21pm
Dan B From Upstate:

You can smell yourself up to a certain point.

Once you can no longer smell yourself, well, that's when the trouble starts.
Avatar 6:21pm

@Caryn: Dumbphones are apparently the latest thing. Kind of like the way that obsession with fixed-gear bicycles developed a few years ago.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
amanda c:

that doorbell sound keeps sending my dog into a barking frenzy

Video Call is Full....damn

Avatar 6:24pm

lets not forget about the NoPhone www.kickstarter.com...
Avatar 6:24pm

Caryn, your hearing might improve if you didn't listen to so much horrible Hippie noise. BDWYW.

Andy sounds like he's talking through a rolled-up towel.

You're able to invite as many attendees as you'd like, but Hangout Video Chat limit is 10 participants (the first 10 in), unless you have a Google Apps for Business or Google Apps for EDU account, in which case it's increased to 15 participants.
Avatar 6:26pm

hey andy, why dont we just skype?
john from ontario:

aw man, the invite went to spam and I tried to join just now and all full.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

Yeah, I looked GH up when trying to decide whether to participate. 10 is the limit.
Avatar 6:27pm
Marcel M:

What was Veronica's reaction to this idea?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:27pm
Lizardner Dave:

"This video call is full". Oh well.
Avatar 6:28pm

Ken, please get some screen captures for those of us who can not see, please.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'll duck out and make room for another.

eating dinner with the kid but shut out from the GoogHang.
Avatar 6:29pm

Perhaps, if you turn off the video feature you can
get more people in there. That happens with Skype.

https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2356cblnlrhn4apczuol4kaqea come to my hangout
Avatar 6:30pm

Worse idea? Mad Libs!
Svaldbard Seed Vault:

We should create a new call for the overflow callers to talk about the fact that we are not in the main call.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

oh man, we could watch so much porn and order so much chinese food with those numbers.
Listener Robert:

Roadside tug of war was about as low as you could go.
Avatar 6:37pm

This is making me feel pretty good about Mike's Skype Thing. Andy can't afford a better phone?

kid wasnt having it. sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Avatar 6:47pm

Every time I hear the screen capture sound, I say thank you, Ken.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

does andy wear his robe open at home?
Avatar 6:49pm

I have a working princess phone in my house. A real conversation-starter.
Avatar 6:51pm

This is kind of a mess. I am riveted.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

i have several old dial phones, western electric heavy ones and some cheaper plastic bell systems. i jumped into a dumpster to get a couple of them.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

mis-dialing a dial phone really wears the skin off your index digit.
Listener Robert:

Heck, I was willing to believe Andy & Ken really had a family amusement center business.
Avatar 7:00pm
Marcel M:

I'm so going to try that with the letter!

Bye all!
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