Favoriting Explorers Room with Flash Strap: Playlist from March 26, 2015 Favoriting

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This is where all of culture and all of time are collapsed into one seductive portal and viewed through the panoramic lens of the exotic. Come and embark on an armchair-travel virtual-voyage to the heart of timeless darkness and beyond; embrace the numinous monolith of the exotic immensity. Let us find that place where hybridization meets its destiny as pure fantasy. Let us become observers observing those others who are ourselves. You wear your mask and I'll wear mine.

Thursday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting March 26, 2015: Adventurer's Club: Safari

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Artist Track Album Comments
World Adventurer's Club  Episode 13: The Elephant's Graveyard   Favoriting   from the 1932 radio serial. available on The Internet Archive 

Music behind DJ:
Les Baxter 

Taboo, Out of This World   Favoriting

Caribbean Moonlight 

Edmond de Luca  Port Pangani   Favoriting Safari   
Edmond de Luca  Bantu Village   Favoriting Safari   
Edmond de Luca  Mt. Kilimanjaro   Favoriting Safari   
Edmond de Luca  The Trek   Favoriting Safari   
Edmond de Luca  The Chase and kill   Favoriting Safari   
Edmond de Luca  The Trek Back   Favoriting Safari   

Music behind DJ:
Syntonic Research Inc. 

Caribbean Lagoon   Favoriting

Environments 9 

Miriam Burton  Rites of Passage Parts 1-3   Favoriting African Lament   
Miriam Burton  Kalahari Bushman   Favoriting African Lament   
Miriam Burton  Apartheid   Favoriting African Lament   

Music behind DJ:
Perez Prado 

Midnight in Jamaica   Favoriting

Exotic Suite of the Americas 

Perez Prado  Voodoo Suite   Favoriting Voodoo Suite   
Masaru Satoh  Big Trouble   Favoriting Yojimbo (soundtrack)   
Masaru Satoh  Yojimbo Main Titles   Favoriting Yojimbo (soundtrack)   
Masaru Satoh  Final Problem   Favoriting Yojimbo (soundtrack)   

Music behind DJ:
Paris Theatre Orchestra 



Chick Vekters  Overture   Favoriting Travelogue   
Chick Vekters  Cold Cut Sanwich Islands   Favoriting Travelogue   
Chick Vekters  Bahia Nocturne   Favoriting Travelogue   
Chick Vekters  Yokohama Yodel   Favoriting Travelogue   
Chick Vekters  Sayonara   Favoriting Travelogue  https://soundcloud.com/chick-vekters 
Kava Kon  Palace of the Tiger Women   Favoriting Tiki for the Atomic Age   
Kava Kon  Pacifica 66   Favoriting Tiki for the Atomic Age   
Kava Kon  Zero Gravity Lounge   Favoriting Tiki for the Atomic Age   
Kava Kon  Journey Home   Favoriting Tiki for the Atomic Age   
Tropical Hi-Fi  Oceanic Mythology   Favoriting Oceanic Mythology  http://tropicalhi-fi.bandcamp.com/ 

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:59pm

Heya Flash and everyone!
Avatar 7:00pm
Flash Strap:

Heya, bob!
Avatar 7:01pm

i like the price sticker.
Avatar 7:02pm

Heya Glenn!
Avatar 7:03pm

Avatar 7:03pm
Flash Strap:

Heh. Yeah. Not my best cover shot.
Avatar 7:04pm
Flash Strap:

anyway, hello Glenn, you old stickler for stickers you!
Avatar 7:07pm

i stickle because i love.
Avatar 7:21pm
Flash Strap:

Just the three of us tonight, eh? How cozy
Avatar 7:24pm

march madness.
Avatar 7:25pm
Flash Strap:

ah, yes. Sprrts.
Avatar 7:41pm

very cozy:)
Avatar 7:45pm
Flash Strap:

Well, gentlemen, Explorers Room is happy to have you. Let us draw our chairs closer to each other, and speak frankly as one may do only in a small group. I shall break out the finer spirits which I ordinarily would not wish to share in a larger soiree.
Avatar 7:46pm

indeed Flash
Avatar 7:54pm

oh goody. do you have root beer?
Avatar 7:56pm
Flash Strap:

Ah, let's see: I have the finest aged sasparilla. I suppose that will have to do. I trust you're less of a Mug man?
Avatar 7:56pm

i like a&w and dad's.
Avatar 7:58pm

excellent first hour Flash - catch the rest on the archive
Avatar 8:06pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks for tuning in Bob, see you on the archival plains.

Wow, those really were exquisite liner notes...

Were these types of exotic suite pieces ever performed outside of the studio?
Avatar 8:10pm
Flash Strap:

I agree, there's a lot going on there. Much more straightforward-informative than your usual exotica notes, more in the vein of a jazz record. Though it certainly straddles the two worlds.
Avatar 8:11pm
Flash Strap:

Oh, I don't know about this one. Certainly Prado performed quite often, but this might not have been in his smaller group's repertoire.

I thought they seemed rather artistically alluring but also educational...like letting the reader in on some secret ways to enjoy the music to its fullest extent.
Avatar 8:20pm
Flash Strap:

Yeah, exactly. This was definitely a period where a little scholarly (or wholly faux-scholarly) explanation was a welcomed part of music, and it makes for an interesting dimension, a useful primary-source text by which to analyze the work. Though sometimes the bullshit is dense enough it's little more than historical hilarity.
Avatar 8:22pm
Flash Strap:

This may go without saying for any of you out there, but it may be worth pointing out: Prado's signature "UGH!" is actually a very forceful expectoration of the word "Dilo!"
Avatar 8:24pm
Flash Strap:

This part almost sounds like Dr. John's Gris Gris
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm
Doug Schulkind:

Helloooo Flash "Little Trouble" Strap!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
Little Danny:

Whoa this Satoh is great. And completely new to me.
Avatar 8:32pm
Flash Strap:

Hello Doug! Hello Danny!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm
Doug Schulkind:

I have a copy of that De Luca record, too. With a half-removed price tag, too.

Well gosh, that's so interesting; what does "dilo!" mean?
Avatar 8:41pm
Flash Strap:

Yeah, I was blown away by that Satoh too, sort of shocked I'd never really listened to it before.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Uncle Michael:

Good evening, Evan and discerning listeners.
Avatar 8:42pm
Flash Strap:

That's awesome, Doug. I have three, actually, the result of always seeing it and picking it up thinking, it's so rare, despite all evidence to the contrary. Good record though.
Avatar 8:42pm
Flash Strap:

I think it means, Say It!, Yellow Bird.
Avatar 8:43pm
Flash Strap:

Hey there, Uncle Michael!
Avatar 8:43pm

Hey, Mr. Flash Strap, catching the end of the show
Avatar 8:44pm

I've changed from sloth representative to space hippie commander
Avatar 8:44pm
Flash Strap:

hello doca!
Avatar 8:44pm

I'm with doca. Just barely in under the wire. can't wait to go back to hear what i missed....
Avatar 8:45pm
Flash Strap:

Well, I think I'l be a little long tonight, so there is that consolation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Doug Schulkind:

I have purchased records I already own (and downloaded records I have already downloaded) too many times to count. And not for any reason other than my Swiss-cheese brain.
Avatar 8:46pm

I missed a lot of the fun-athon shows, including Flash Strap's. I have a lot of archive digging to do.
Avatar 8:47pm

lots of cheese talk on the comment boards tonight.
Avatar 8:47pm
Flash Strap:

Doca, I'm conflicted. I miss the sloth, like the space hippie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
Doug Schulkind:

There will be no Give the Drummer Some show at 9am (ET) tomorrow morning on the stream. Jeff Golick and his fine show, The Magic Hour, will be filling in. Uncle Michael's Hinky Dinky Time will splash across the streamwaves at noon (ET) as usual.
Avatar 8:48pm

@Doug heh, me too. and the other night I watched a movie on Turner Classic and it took me twenty minutes to realize I watched it last fall...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Doug Schulkind:

Hi, glenn, havarti?
Avatar 8:49pm
Holly in NC:

Hi Flash & everyone! Wow, a lot of us late to the party tonight. Yay archives!

@Doug - Why I have THREE Deviants Ptoof! lps is beyond me. All purchased & paid for.

On the other hand, I have, oh maybe 8 versions of Raw Power on purpose.
Avatar 8:49pm

In time I'll change to a tribble, which is the combination of a sloth with a space hippie and everything will be fine, guaranteed
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Doug Schulkind:

Howdy, hyde! Hippee-yi-yay, Holly!
Avatar 8:50pm
Flash Strap:

Precisely excellent solution, Doca.
Avatar 8:50pm

Hi, @Holly, long time no see
Avatar 8:51pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Holly! A delight! Charmed, I am.
Avatar 8:51pm
Holly in NC:

Hi Doca! Anxiously awaiting your tribble avatar!
Avatar 8:51pm

i'm gouda. you?
Avatar 8:53pm
Holly in NC:

@Flash - so pleased to be here. Don't often have Thursday nights free :-( In fact, I am cheddaring with delight!
Avatar 8:53pm
Flash Strap:

Hope things are not too rough in your world Doug. I know we'll all miss you in our mornings tomorrow, Golick or no Golick
Avatar 8:54pm
Holly in NC:

Any more muensterous puns?
Avatar 8:54pm

@Flash: you should do a show of space exotica, if you haven't already. Lots of tribbles could go in it.
Avatar 8:54pm
Flash Strap:

Planning on it!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Uncle Michael:

Havarti and prosciutto on a plain bagel with stone ground mustard, heated. Trust me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Doug Schulkind:

You can take it to 9am (ET) tomorrow, Flash. Just saying.
Avatar 8:58pm

@Holly: any new odd job stories?
Avatar 8:59pm

12 more hours! 12 more hours!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Doug Schulkind:

Why, Uncle Michael, am I not surprised that you would endorse heated mustard?!
Avatar 9:02pm
Flash Strap:

One day, Doug. One day we will go all night: I will play Les Batxer's Quiet Village slowed down so much that it takes 12 hours
Avatar 9:04pm

@Flash ha, that sounds awesome.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
Uncle Michael:

I suggest heating the entire sandwich, not just the mustard.
Avatar 9:06pm
Holly in NC:

@Doca, no, I am in the midst of mainly caring for very old and /or very ill animals, so more tears than laughter. Need some puppies and kittens in my life!

But, it is rewarding to carry a 100+ lb German Shepherd around via a really cool back leg harness system so he can do his business in a dignified fashion, without said harness system he'd have needed to be put down already (Gunny has neurological issues as well as dysplasia so he's in NO pain, I hasten to add)
Avatar 9:09pm
Flash Strap:

Sounds like saintly deeds to be sure, Holly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
Doug Schulkind:

Oh Uncle Michael, you're among friends. If you can't share your obsession with heated mustard with us, who can you share it with?!
Avatar 9:11pm

I agree with Flash, @Holly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
Doug Schulkind:

I agree with doca, Holly.
Avatar 9:14pm
Holly in NC:

@Flash - Not at all. Gunny is a special, special guy. I adore him. He is lucky to have kind, exceptionally intelligent and wealthy human parents with access to many resources who will do everything they can to keep him in good physical and mental shape for as long as possible. And then they will let him go. Which will be sooner rather than later and we all be sobbing balls.
Avatar 9:16pm
Holly in NC:

Re heated mustard - are we talking POULTICES ?!
Avatar 9:16pm
Flash Strap:

Ah, man. Having a dog is a daunting covenant with large Emotions.
Avatar 9:18pm

this Tropical Hi-Fi is really pretty stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Doug Schulkind:

And with a large dog, I concur big-time.
Avatar 9:20pm
Holly in NC:

@Doug - I'd really love if you & Lincoln dressed Luna up as a giant skittering spider for halloween ;-)
Avatar 9:21pm

Are you fucking crazy?
Avatar 9:23pm
Holly in NC:

@Luna -
Can't help it, this makes me laugh so hard (feel free to go to very end to see costume in daylight):
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Doug Schulkind:

You can't be the real Luna. It is way past her bedtime.
Avatar 9:27pm
Holly in NC:

BTW, this Tropical Hi-Fi is great!
Avatar 9:28pm
Holly in NC:

Dear lord Doug, what time to you go for morning walkies? TOO EARLY.
Avatar 9:28pm

I agree with Holly. This is right nice!
Avatar 9:28pm
Flash Strap:

It IS pretty great. It's really grown on me. The sort of audio-collage I can really get down with, and super-weird
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm
Doug Schulkind:

Luna has ridiculously good bladder control. She waits until we're up and around before giving us a hint. (Scintillating conversation, I realize. We should go back to cheese talk.)
Avatar 9:31pm

You'll never know, biped.
Avatar 9:31pm
Flash Strap:

All right, we're winding to a close here. I'm so glad you all showed up.
Avatar 9:32pm
Holly in NC:

Thank you for staying late and playing great music, Flash!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Doug Schulkind:

Wonderful show, FS!
Avatar 9:32pm

cheers :)
Avatar 9:33pm
Flash Strap:

So glad you all showed up and invigorated the discussion with your pontifications on old dogs, aged bladders, and various flatulence-inducing condiments
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Uncle Michael:

Thanks for the music, Flash.
Avatar 9:33pm
Flash Strap:

thanks for the ears, friends. See you in the morning, or soon anyway.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
Uncle Michael:

Sitting here working on tomorrow's show....
Avatar 9:34pm
Flash Strap:

I'll be there if I can, hopefully I'll be done workin' by then.

you guys are great. nighty night.

Hi great shows! is it somehow possible to download the show afterwards for later playback
salut & greetings
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