Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from March 19, 2015 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 19, 2015: 2015 Marathon Show #2 with Special Co-host Liz Berg!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Boney M  Night Flight to Venus   Favoriting Outa Space, Outta Sight: Sci-Fi Soul, Funk, and Disco        from my premium for 2015! Can be yours for a pledge of $75 today!  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp  Tra La La   Favoriting           0:07:36 (Pop-up)
Pylon  Cool   Favoriting Gyrate          0:10:26 (Pop-up)
Tragedy  How Deep Is Your Love   Favoriting We Rock Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong          0:13:47 (Pop-up)
Sharon Prabhakar, Parvati Khan & Ursula  Tum Meri Nazar Se Dekho   Favoriting Bollywood Disco 2        This prize is now up for grabs for pledges of $20 or more!  0:22:06 (Pop-up)
Shocking Blue  Fireball of Love   Favoriting           0:27:11 (Pop-up)
Billy Preston  Outa Space   Favoriting Outa Space, Outta Sight: Sci-Fi Soul, Funk, and Disco        my premium!  0:39:32 (Pop-up)
Asha Bhosle  Jab Chaye   Favoriting Bombay Disco 2        We're about to give this one out!  0:47:00 (Pop-up)
Angel Olsen  Forgiven/Forgotten   Favoriting Burn Your Fire For No Witness        Up for grabs!  0:56:12 (Pop-up)
Sylvie Vartan  C'est un jour à rester couché (It's a Day to Stay in Bed)   Favoriting La Maritza        Stay in bed but take your phone with you and pledge to WFMU!  0:57:51 (Pop-up)
Claude Lombard  Le Coupe   Favoriting Claude Lombard          1:01:03 (Pop-up)
Angel Olsen  High Five   Favoriting           1:04:11 (Pop-up)
Kool and the Gang  A Place in Space   Favoriting Outa Space, Outta Sight: Sci-Fi Soul, Funk, and Disco          1:23:46 (Pop-up)
Le Pamplemousse  Gitcha Down   Favoriting           1:27:39 (Pop-up)
Daniela Casa  Grosse Cilindrate   Favoriting Sovrapposizione di Immagini        Next prize! $20 or more gets you in the running!  1:31:59 (Pop-up)
Mini Single File--pledge for 45s on WFMU!
Mo-Dettes  Tonight   Favoriting   Decca  1981  45    1:46:29 (Pop-up)
Millie Jackson  Sexercise   Favoriting   Spring  1984  45    1:49:33 (Pop-up)
Mitch Ryder  When You Were Mine   Favoriting   Riva  1983  45    1:53:24 (Pop-up)
Aztec Camera  Oblivious   Favoriting High Land, Hard Rain        Nice 2 CD reissue for pledges of $20 or more!  2:07:12 (Pop-up)
K. Leimer  Ceylon   Favoriting A Period of Review        Another prize going up now!!  2:10:08 (Pop-up)
Instant Funk  Dark Vader   Favoriting Outa Space, Outta Sight: Sci-Fi Soul, Funk, and Disco          2:25:46 (Pop-up)
Aztec Camera  Set the Killing Free   Favoriting High Land Hard Rain        single b-side on bonus disc--we're about to give it away!  2:28:20 (Pop-up)
Molly Hatchet  Flirtin' with Disaster   Favoriting           2:39:35 (Pop-up)
Gid Tanner and Friends  Possum Hunt on Stump House Mountain   Favoriting Lead Kindly Light        Get this Grand Prize!! Today!!  2:42:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am


Yesssss! So stoked for this Premium. :)
Good morning, Joe! Howdy, All!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Joe McG:

Welcome to my second marathon show! Today we raise money for WFMU. Join me and my wonderful co-host Liz Berg for 3 hours of fun and prizes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

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the Canterbury wood-elf:

Hey Joe...
...where you goin' with that sci-fi-themed disco compilation in your hand?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Get that $$$ Joe.
Avatar 9:05am

you and me both Claw!
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Holly in NC:

Absolutely getting your premium, Joe :-)
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Liz-asco! Great!
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Liz Berg:

Get your funky space money out and drop it on Joe's show today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Guido from Cologne:

Good morning Joe, Liz and TZAG everyone!
bongo armstrong:

i wan to drop the funky space monkey offa my back
Avatar 9:12am

yay, pylon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Joe McG:

Everything is cool, but could be cooler: Pledge, friends!
Avatar 9:14am
V Priceless:

Mornin' Joe, Liz + Noise-makers!
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Holly in NC:

Pylon +++. Need to remember to play more often!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Joe and Liz and Marathoners all.

There was a bar called Von Henmon's in my hometown where Pylon and REM played a couple of times before they became well-known. The story is that REM got paid in beer the first time they played.
Avatar 9:17am

Oh lookit, I starred this one last time you played it.
Avatar 9:17am

WFMU = money well spent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

Okay, this is definitely not the Tragedy I was thinking of when I saw that listed.
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is this the greatest album title ever?
Avatar 9:18am

i dunno. i think the replacements' "Stink" might still have it beat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Joe McG:

@Roberto: It's worthy of two clicky stars!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Liz Berg:

Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for this amazing "Bombay Disco 2" compilation!
Avatar 9:24am

ah damn, already won that one. could you take me out of the running?
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Marcel M:

Morning Joe and fellow pledgers
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Liz Berg:

will do Cory, I'll put you in the next drawing
Avatar 9:25am

Hey there Joe! I've been missing for a while but ready to support the radio! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Joe McG:

Wow, cory, you're a lucky one. Morning, Marcel and everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am

Okay, let's see if 5th time's the charm with Bombay Disco 2!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Joe McG:

Aw, thanks, Alessia!
Avatar 9:27am

lucky because i won that cd or because i found wfmu? ;)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Liz Berg:

Who can resist Shocking Blue?
Avatar 9:29am
Marcel M:

Fireball! Isn't that Scot Williams' daughter's hit song?
Avatar 9:35am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Nice pronunciation of "Oswestry", Liz!

Crowfunded radio is the best <3
Avatar 9:39am

We are a lot here in Europe! :) WFMU is deeply loved on the other side of the ocean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

Go Liz and Joe!
O.C. Stiggs:

Where can I acquire and or learn more about Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp? They seem to have a minimal web presence.
Avatar 9:40am
d¢ pät:

Hey JoeMcG and LizB, I've been sprinkling pledges all over the freakin place. How do I specify which swag items I want. I've done it in the past but haven't really done swag in the last few years so can't remember how it's done. This year, I WANT MY SWAG.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Liz Berg:

Please someone tell me how to say Hvidovre!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Liz Berg:

Hey DC Pat, we'll send you a bill via email after the Marathon and you can choose your swag and payment option then. If you've been paying off your pledges one by one, just e-mail Joe or myself with your swag choices.
Avatar 9:42am

goood morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am

damn that funky
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d¢ pät:

Ok, I'm all payed up so I'll email y'all once I'm done dropping cash. HANX.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Those appetizers at parties? I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "horz doovers." Rhymes with "movers."

Liz: Try going to this link and clicking on the speaker icon in the box on the left.
Avatar 9:50am

Yeah Montague is great, Unless you're a Capulet

It's pronounced, HĀV-RILL
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Dave the Spazz will have a video feed tonight.

I lived in Bahhhhhston and heard it pronounced that way.
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Sean B.:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:57am
Liz Berg:

Thanks for the help with Danish!
Avatar 9:57am

Do you need help with the doughnuts, too?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Liz Berg:

Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for the Angel Olsen CD!
andy the painter:

i'm already pledged out....up to a mouse!
but wanted to shout out to two very cool people:
hello, joe and liz!!
Avatar 9:59am
Sean B.:

Just renewed my Swag for life pledge!. I Feel better now. It's gonna be a fun Thurs here on 'FMU!. Thanks Joe!.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Liz Berg:

Thanks for your hard work, Andy! The phone room looks great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am
Guido from Cologne:

Bathetic Records provided a whole stack of Angel Olson to WFMU it seems.
Homer Simpson:


Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Liz Berg:

Wow, 2 great prizes up for grabs now:
Angel Olsen CD
Claude Lombard CD

pledge $20 or more to get in the running!
Avatar 10:03am
d¢ pät:

Hey Homer. My daughter is watching the Simpsons in Spanish IN SPAIN RIGHT NOW!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:03am
Liz Berg:

Doh, that's a Claude Lombard LP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am
Joe McG:

Hi, Andy! Thanks, Sean!
Avatar 10:04am

Ok, francophones. Crachez du pognon à la service du radio freeform.
Avatar 10:04am
V Priceless:

this is right up my alley! Great stuff, Joe! I need to rob a bank...
Avatar 10:06am

@VP: Leave the robbing to the banks.
Avatar 10:06am

It's really heartwarming to check out the marathon map :)
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I noticed in the closing credits the Spanish speaking version of Reverend Lovejoy is credited as Reverend Alegría. Lolz
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Je vais cracher mon pognon Brian, j'attend mon moment
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V Priceless:

@ Brian - that's the problem, they have no competition!
Avatar 10:09am

I know what you mean, Pierre. I made myself wait for the Drummer stream. That's a first for me.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Brian in UK:

Liz nicely mashed up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am

Wigan Casino is one of the places I really want to visit if I ever make it to the UK.
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Alessia <3 \o/
Avatar 10:13am

let's see if this year I can get the give away!
Avatar 10:14am

"Well it's easy to be nice" - Joe McGasko... Joe... will you teach me?!
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Joe does have the most optimistic of voices, to my ears. That messes with my NYC area stereotypes.
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V Priceless:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am

vp: let's go rob a bank!
Listener Alexandra:

way to pour salt in my wounds, Joe :-(
Avatar 10:16am
V Priceless:

let's do it, common!
Avatar 10:17am

Joe's story reminds me of an old NY'ker cartoon where two acquaintances cross paths on the street.
A: "Hey, Harry. How are you? You look great."
B: "Thanks, Bob. Here's twenty bucks."
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:20am
Brian in UK:

Psychoanalyst to patient: you are a schizophrenic, that will be twenty dollars each.

It was because of Norman Whitfield.
Avatar 10:23am

It was Sun Ra, Samuel L. Delany, and Olivia Butler, as well as a desire to get the hell off this planet and stop being abused.

Space funk is clearly evidence of early visitors to Mother Earth
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Joe McG:

@Claw: I think you got something there! @Alex: Sorry! ;)
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I'm not a scientist, but there doesn't seem to be any real consensus that this planet exists.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Liz Berg:

Pledge $75 and get your ass some space funk! Joe McGasko's DJ Premium "Outa Space, Outta Sight" is not to be missed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Andrew Waterloo:

It's well known that the funk arrived on an ancient meteor from deep space.
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V Priceless:

shout out to Samuel R. Delany! Dhalgren = one of my fave reads. Dig his sci-fi stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am

Hey all, busy in the office, can't chat but PLEDGE FOR JOE!!!
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That could be, Andrew. We do know that electricity comes from other planets. ("Oooooh.")
Avatar 10:27am

hola, all.
Polyus, me too.

This book reminds me of this museum curator I talked to this week. He says to donate your clothes to a contemporary museum now if they'll take them. As a arranger of "how ordinary people lived" displays he says it's easier for him to store clothes now for the future than try to find them in vintage stores. He says that for the 60s and 70s, only rich people kept their clothes so you really don't get a good picture. He also is looking for maternity clothes from all eras. Very hard to find!

Delany is hard for me to read, but his importance cannot be denied.

LOL @ Brian
Everything you said is a fact.
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V Priceless:

The Grapefruit!
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I know how magnets work.
Avatar 10:29am

hey can somebody enlighten and update me on the meaning of the little radio icon?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:29am
Liz Berg:

2 Grand Prizes today! Pledge $75 or more to get in the running:
Masaki Kobayashi 4 DVD set


Lead Kindly Light 2-CD/photo book set
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My safe phrase: Hagar dacron® slacks.

Fuckin magnets. Damn, Cecile. That thar's some good sciencin'.
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V Priceless:

little radio = swag for lifer

Hi Liz and Joe. You guys put the good in morning. Been dragging in to work sick all week. No way i make it out of bed today but for this show. Now I'm shakin' it like nobody's bidniss. Got this thing licked and on top of the mother funkin mornin. Love you guys !
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Liz Berg:

Joe's giving away the farm!!! Yet another reason to pledge right now: you could win the Daniela Casa LP!
Avatar 10:33am

Brendan, good call. don't make everyone sick, and get yo'self better.
Avatar 10:34am

Oh thanks V Priceless! Love Daniela Casa, well done and found Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am
Guido from Cologne:

Daniela Casa sounds great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

Lead Kindly Light is great! The music is good, and the way the photos are put together in the book makes them even better

I take it from e-mail that Mr. McGasko is your PayPal-master.
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Hey Guido! Hi Fred!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

WFMU has definitely given me refuge from my co-workers' music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

@Alessia: if you don't win this time, I do have a duplicate premium from a previous year that I could give you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am

same here, polyus! I would probably have ripped my head off by now if not for fmu.
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my safe word is Haband.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:40am

Do you think the current exchange rate for the euro can affect the number of donations coming from Europe?
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Avatar 10:41am

Aw Fred, thanks! That's very nice of you, I think I didn't win this time either :P
Avatar 10:41am

I tried to spur local interest in WFMU, but the response was akin to "Oh yeah. I know internet radio. I listen to soma FM."

I dunno. Just not the same to me.
Avatar 10:42am

Thank you Joe for your kind words, happy to be part of the family <3
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Brian in UK:

@pezonik not from the UK. The Pound is poor against the dollar. The large number of FMU supporters in Europe shows the need for a Freeform station. We have to look to the US as there is little or nothing over here.

Heh, are these new folks who discover the station going to still like it when it suddenly and shockingly goes back to mostly music?! The funny talking and paired-up DJ banter mostly goes away, ya know! Heh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am

Avatar 10:44am

that's why god invented YouTube. Knock yourself out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am

lol!!! XOXO!!!
Avatar 10:47am
Sean B.:

@Joe!....; Will I be receiving my e-mail form soon?;As I do not have a Credit Card. I pledge by money order every month. I want my radio and my heart by my name soon so I don't feel like a jerk when in this happy-dome box here...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

This is great, go go go !
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Liz Berg:

Joe has a goal, help him reach it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Joe McG:

Hey Sean--It won't be right away, but we'll get you going later today or early tomorrow. Thanks!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:48am

@Brian in UK: Yeah, the pound is a different story. The euro is almost the same as the dollar right now. It is harder on the Iberic pocket.
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don't sweat it Sean B. There are some people who pledge and don't want the heart. Nobody is going to judge you.
Avatar 10:49am
Sean B.:

Thank YOU buddy you rock...SINGLE FILE!.
Avatar 10:50am

I used to watch AUS currency rates in the 80s, I'd time my mailorder purchases so that I'd get the best bang for the buck.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:50am
Ken From Hyde Park:

My good deed for yesterday was to bring my old shower shampoo caddy to the gym and install it in a stall where its caddy had gone missing.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:50am

Sean B., I added your heart. Anybody else who needs a heart or a radio, let me know and I can add it manually. Sorry those icons are not as up to date as they might be.
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Liz Berg:

Give up the money now, you are powerless to "Sexercise"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am

Right foot on the ceiling? Sexercise is only for the most spry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am
Joe McG:

@nicky: I love thinking of Millie Jackson as "spry"!
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d¢ pät:

ok. what'd I miss? dang meetings...
Avatar 10:52am

i think i need some clarification on the foot on the ceiling part
Avatar 10:53am

please consult your doctor before beginning any sexercise program

Holy shmow!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
Sem Chumbo:

Millie! Be still my heart. Yikes, have not heard this is a very long while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

@cory - you beat me to it!
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This is awesome. Millie!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Morning Joe & Liz and comments people!
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d¢ pät:

Oh I'll take a radio if you're dishing them out, Ken! ...I jes keeding, I don't deserve one...sniff...
Avatar 10:54am

@cory: especially if you're married to your doctor.
Avatar 10:54am
Sean B.:

@Ken, I'm a swag for life member KEN. Thank you...Sir!;I also sent you a message;Get back to me when you can that? I know your busy. It's a great Idea...and I can take NO for answer.I'm a big boy.

I LOVE this song! I've only ever heard Prince's version. Love these singles, Joe!
Avatar 10:55am

My heart icon just showed up — on my sleeve.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

There's a completely unrelated Sexercise workout tape, which consists of couples in lingerie doing stretches and stuff. (It was the ridiculed "obscure self-help video of the week" on some comedy show once.)
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and I wanted to add all my love to Joe for that pledge !
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Holly in NC:

Oh, why did you cut off Millie? Now she's unsatisfied.
Avatar 10:56am

this was a big radio hit in Detroit when it came out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Joe McG:

Thanks, Marie! I usually get 8 or 9 in every week!
Avatar 10:57am

great version, too.
Avatar 10:58am

Félicitations, Pierre. Now, the rest of the hexagon is looking sparse on the map. What's up with Montpellier, I wonder?

I was thinking of upping last weeks pledge, then 'Sexercise' started playing. Now I am trying to figure out how to reduce it... JK! : )
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Sean B.:

Who is lovely the co-host today?...oh it's LIZ! ok.
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BRAVO Pierre!
Avatar 11:05am

I know someone from there Brian, i'm on it

@Alessia : <3
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Mike Noble:

I am enjoying the Aztec Camera renaissance. I think they were a $1 bin band just a few years ago.
Avatar 11:09am

I liked this albujm quite a bit. Knife, however, wasn't so hot.
Avatar 🎸 11:09am

hi joe & all. oh AZTEC CAMERA, we need more bands like them. my friend saw RODDY FRAME do a solo show in japan 3,4 yrs ago & she bought a tee for me & roddy signed it. (thanks chieko)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:09am
Liz Berg:

Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for the Aztec Camera CD.
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I loved this album by Aztec Camera!
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Me, too, Pierre. I just sent a message. On vous attend, Montpellier !
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I feel like Aztec Camera is a very appreciated band although we tend to forget them too easily.
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Holly in NC:

I really liked Aztec camera's Van Halen cover, oh 80s college rock.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am
Joe McG:

Cool, Herb!
Avatar 11:12am

everyone loves a good old Aztec Camera
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the Canterbury wood-elf:

Genmaicha is the one with brown rice in it.
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that's good stuff.
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the Canterbury wood-elf:

Oolong rules tho'.

Shouts to my soulsister Lilli out in Darjeeling...
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V Priceless:

on a jasmine tea binge myself, lately.
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And genmai is rice as it should be. Oddly, few people know how to prepare it well.
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cecile, I saw "Boy" after watching "Shadows", and I loved it. Thanks for the tip! :)
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As I said on the networks, It's about giving back
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I'm glad you liked it. Some of the best kid actors I've ever seen
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Lockport? Is that were the Asian carp are sneaking through into Lake Michigan?
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AND joe is not too bad looking. nor is liz. hey, let's do a vid-stream...
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I think the guy's name is pronounced Ly-mer.
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speaking of PORTS, my kollege roomie was from spencerport, ny
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19am

The town of Keyport also has a section of town known as Lockport.
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Praises be to Al Gore.
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the Canterbury wood-elf:

An early Dr. Who episode called "The Aztecs" had a female Aztec character called "Cameca" [tardis.wikia.com... Always wondered if Roddy Frame got the band name idea from her.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Mike Noble:

I made a comment with my last pledge that did not get read, possibly because Liz mistook it for a logistical giving question. It was meant to be a joke, though it may have been poking fun at the byzantine confusion over S4L--more reason to skip reading it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Mike Noble:

my comment was "Instead of Swag For Life, can I enter a TONTINE with WFMU?"

Ive been listening for only 6 days, have donated 90+ bucks already and i love WFMU. Thanks for making awesome radio guys.
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Instant Funk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Joe McG:

Cool, Ryan, glad you are aboard the Good Ship WFMU!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Liz Berg:

Amazing Ryan!
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Liz Berg:

Pledge $20 or more and get in the running for the Aztec Camera CD or the K. Leimer LP.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am

Boogie time
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Joe M rehydrates the 70s. Amen.
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I can't wait for this premium....
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Liz Berg:

Help Joe reach his goal, make your pledge if you haven't already!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:30am

Welcome Ryan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am

Nice work, Mike Noble! Of course, it would be an unusual tontine arrangement, because I'm not sure who the final survivor would be? The station itself?
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V Priceless:

Hi Ken! Q: what time do doors open for Hearty tomorrow? 7:30?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am

can't wait for the Fabio/Pidge showdown
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am

How much skin did Ken and Andy lose last night?
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V PRICELESS said the magic word, "HEARTY"! he was my adoptee for 2014; such a well-behaved young man. he once said "patina" on his show & now i can never look at the word the same way again.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:38am

V Priceless, Yes, doors at 730pm tomorrow night for Hearty White, show at 8pm.
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V Priceless:

Thanks, Master! : )
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Greg from Bloomfield:

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conkrete dawg:

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I always wanted Kermit to sing this song.
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Liz Berg:

Robert Wyatt's 2-CD "DIfferent Every Time" up for grabs now! Pledge $20 or more to get in the running!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am

molly hatchet! nice joe!
Clay Pigeon:

Hatchet!!!! Now you're talkin'!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am

the Hatchet got me off my pledge-ass
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am

hi Joe and Liz and Surfers.

...as of today,wfmu plays too much southern rock.
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Liz Berg:

Final few minutes people! make your pledges now!
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play sexercise again that will get everyone going.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am

RIP Molly Hatchet drummer Bruce Crump, 3/16/15.
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When I read "Clay Pigeon," I hear "callipygian." Is it just me?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

On the subject of singles, did you mention the Singles Going Steady week that WFMU does each year? Do any other stations do that? Good reason to pledge!
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Hey Bear!! whatssup?
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wow, everyone gets descriptive adjectives but me. :/
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Gid Tanner and his Skillet Lickers!
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here's one for ya, Cecile: AWESOME!
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ah, thanks DCE.
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how about Crescent Fresh Cecile?
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that works, too.
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Minnetonka, the land of very small trucks.
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and fine industrial footwear.
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since the $1000 pledge is mentioned & the PRIMAVERA contest, can we be told the number of lottery players in past few years? just so we can assess our odds (which are way way way better than any state lottery)
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βrian, you are funny.
And you use words like "Callipygian."
I like you.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Generous listener Cecile. They didn't say SEE-sil, at least.
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very true!
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haha - "if we pledge to YOUR show do we have to get YOUR premium?". how about, do we hafta get a wfmu premium? like, those wnyc totes are pretty happening!

@cecile I just saw your comment about Kermit and I can't get it out of my head lol
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I'm at werk, Fish. Nice and caffeinated.
Haven't seen ya in a minute. Hope you is good.
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I know, joe. I kept going, if the Muppets don't do this one their show, it's a lost opportunity.
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91%%%%%%%% !!!!!!
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There's a Kermit voice-alike who rides my bus. It's vaguely unsettling.
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V Priceless:

Go Joe go!
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i had a p.e. teacher that sounded like Kermit. he watched us shower. and graded us on it. weird.
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Greg from Bloomfield:

Joe, do you own any WFMU t-shirts? They're pretty cool.
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Get nekkid!
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eeeeeegh. That is creepy
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sounds like the treatment for a Todd Solondz movie
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V Priceless:

ultra-creepy - yikes
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I'm wearing an FMU shirt right now, in fact.

*in creepy whisper*: What are you wearing?
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last year, i was walking on grand street (lower east side) and a guy in van called me over (NOT a creepy story). he asked "where'd you get that tee?" and it was my WFMU MOSES TABLET one. "that design was my idea!". it was NACHUM. crazy.
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Greg from Bloomfield:

I'm wearing a fancy work shirt...with WFMU radio zombies underneath. SUBVERSIVE!
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About to slip into a utility hole and make my way to WFMU's clandestine radio service, where others are already gathering... wfmu.org...
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THESE 5% !!!!!!!!!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Awesome job Joe and Liz!!!!!!
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Greg from Bloomfield:

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Woooooooo! Mission accomplished!
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Sem Chumbo:

Way to GO, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Good on ya, Joe!
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Holly in NC:

I too am wearing an WFMU t-shirt at this very moment!

And met Dan Melchior via him watching me bring up wfmu on my laptop :-)
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Thanks everybody!
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GOAAAAL!! That is an awesome job everybody! We love you Joe!
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Holly in NC:

Yay Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 12:00pm

all of you rock. thanks!

and I helped!
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V Priceless:

who won the Wyatt CD?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Matt from Springfield:

ALL RIGHT!! Thanks Joe, I'm gonna dig that Daniela Casa prize!

You're even more bestest-er than I previously thought!
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