Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from March 15, 2015 Favoriting

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Way-left-of-center music and chatter. Guaranteed less than 2% rock and roll. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 15, 2015: Special fundraising (Marathon) show, with co-host Brian Turner

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Sex Mob  Pygmy Suite   Favoriting Sexotica  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pop Group  Thief of Fire   Favoriting We Are Time  0:08:11 (Pop-up)
Actress  Corner   Favoriting Ghettoville  0:22:54 (Pop-up)
Mark Rogers & Mary Byrne  When Your Elders Are Tall   Favoriting I Line My Days Along Your Weight  0:30:00 (Pop-up)
Sun City Girls  Extinct Special   Favoriting The Dreamy Draw  0:34:14 (Pop-up)
Laetitia Sadier  Then I Will Love You Again   Favoriting Something Shines  0:57:51 (Pop-up)
Arthur Russell  Instrumentals Volume 1, Part 7   Favoriting First Thought Best Thought  1:00:59 (Pop-up)
Third Ear Band  Overture   Favoriting Music from Macbeth  1:22:22 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis  Duran (Take 4)   Favoriting The Complete Jack Johnson Sessions  1:27:28 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine  Eternelle   Favoriting Est...Folle  1:38:52 (Pop-up)
Derome/Lussier  Oiseaux   Favoriting Soyez Vigilants...Restez Vivants! Vol. 1  1:41:40 (Pop-up)
      1:58:10 (Pop-up)
Dust  Ivory   Favoriting Hard Attack  1:58:02 (Pop-up)
Jack Ruby  Hit and Run   Favoriting Jack Ruby  1:59:05 (Pop-up)
Albert Ayler      2:11:34 (Pop-up)
Albert Ayler Trio  Ghosts   Favoriting Spiritual Unity  2:11:35 (Pop-up)
Zs  Woodworking   Favoriting Score: The Complete Sextet Works: 2002-2007  2:16:44 (Pop-up)
Sylvie Simmons  Lonely Cowgirl   Favoriting Sylvie  2:28:50 (Pop-up)
Giles Giles & Fripp  I Talk To The Wind (2)   Favoriting The Brondesbury Tapes  2:32:19 (Pop-up)
Elian Radigue  Adnos I [excerpt]   Favoriting Adnos I-III  2:43:34 (Pop-up)
Woo  Swingtime   Favoriting Whichever Way You Are Going, You Are Going Wrong  2:44:59 (Pop-up)
Alvarius B.    Baroque Primitiva  2:57:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:02pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, all.
Avatar 9:03pm
Anna F:

Hi Dave!
Avatar 9:03pm

good evening.
Avatar 9:03pm

hello dave and brian
Avatar 9:04pm

Lurked until I pledged. Lurking no more. Howdy Dave Mandl.
Avatar 9:04pm
Dave Mandl:

Anna, bob, cory, fleep: Welcome! How's it going?
Avatar 9:04pm
Dave Mandl:

(And welcome to everyone else who's lurking on the comments board.)

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05pm

Crap, he saw me!
Avatar 9:06pm

Great opener, Dave.
Avatar 9:08pm

Question for marathon mavens: Can I modify/add to my swag choices after I make a pledge? When I get the final tab and settle up?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

Not a problem at all, fleep.
Avatar 9:10pm

@fleep - yeahhh.. at the end of marathon you can talk to Joe McGasko and figure out your swag, they'll send an email at the end of marathon..
Avatar 9:15pm

Groovy. Gaylord --> Blumin ---> Mandl ---> Therese is such a great Sunday lineup.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Uncle Michael:

Greetings Dave, Brian and listener-friends.
Avatar 9:25pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey all. Sorry, can't keep up, but thanks for joining us.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- what the dolphin clicks~squeaks.
Avatar 9:32pm

sorry wait what's up for prize? technology is distracting me!
Avatar 9:33pm
Dave Mandl:

The CD that's playing now: Mark Rogers & Mary Byrne
Avatar 9:34pm

ah cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
Uncle Michael:

This is great. Wow.
Avatar 9:40pm
pacific standard simon:

I made a noise.
Avatar 9:42pm

I want a knit hat with fmu on it so badly
Avatar 9:44pm
pacific standard simon:

The WFMU scarf is totally worth it. I got one in my swag last year, promptly lost it, and immediately bought another from the WFMU store.
Avatar 9:45pm

wfmu was on portlandia?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

A few weeks ago, a contestant on @Midnight had a shirt with "See You Next Tuesday" on it. Not sure if that referred to Chris T's show or not.

@BobDoesThings: It was last year or so, but there was one episode where there was some radio studio that was very clearly designed to look like WFMU’s studio and even had a very blatant banner that said WFMU.

@KenFromHydePark: “See You Next Tuesday” that is a very common phrase. You know what it means, right? Say it and it will spell out the “secret.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

I say BT bring on the noise ! and hey Dave ! ,,
Avatar 9:51pm

@jake - oh nice!havent seen all the episodes.. that's cool though!
Avatar 9:52pm
pacific standard simon:

Wow, thank you muchly!

@BobDoesThings: Episode with Maya Rudolph. I think the premise was some aging hippie band getting back together. Here, look. twitter.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Jake - Oh, dear. Word travels slowly to these parts. It's so obvious now.
Avatar 9:54pm

and now I'm following @dmandl

@BobDoesThings: Here is the episode. Season 4, episode 6, “Bahama Knights.” “Peter is reunited with his old band, The Bahama Knights and his ex-wife lead singer (Maya Rudolph).” www.imdb.com...
Avatar 9:55pm

@jakegould - thanks man! appreciate it
Avatar 9:56pm
pacific standard simon:

My favorite live band appearance on FMU was The Horse Lords on Rob Weisberg's show.

@BobDoesThings: No problem. Honestly, “Portlandia” is so hit and miss, might as well let you know exactly where to see that trivial bit of ephemera.
Avatar 9:58pm

@jakegould - yeah agreed.. I've definitely loved a few episodes.. but yeah, some fall flat pretty hard.
Avatar 9:58pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Dang it, just missed Sun City Girls.

@bobdoesthings: I liked the first few seasons, but now that it’s a “thing” and Fred & Carrie insist on simply impov’ing it all regardless of anything else, it’s weird. No disrespect to either talent. Kumail Nanjiani though is ALWAYS funny. Damn that guy is good.

On point, what PSS said: The live, in-studio stuff at WFMU is pretty amazing. Excellent production work there.
Avatar 10:02pm

oh kumail is in it? he is a delight for sure, It's been a long time since I had actual TV..

@BobDoesThings: He plays bit parts fairly regularly. This is his first appearance—I believe—as a cell phone salesman. Cracks me up all the time. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 10:06pm

I think Fred is one of those guys, kindof like Jeff Goldblum, that is just a walking bag of laughs.

WoE is essential. Let Dave know it with a pledge

One thing: Jeff Goldblum on Portlandia is horrible. So bad. So bad.
Avatar 10:09pm

No I meant just in general. Like in interviews or just as himself.

Oh, well I never hated Jeff Goldblum but I don’t… Can’t say it…
Avatar 10:14pm
pacific standard simon:

Actually, my favorite live band on FMU is the one we're going to hear again next Sunday -- The Hoof and Mouth Ensemble. So much fun.

Hi folks, late to the dance. How's the marathoning?
Avatar 10:19pm
pacific standard simon:

It sounds like there is still room on Dave's dance card.

@Carmichael: Funny but Dave is not really doing a hard sell on the show. So no clue what the percentage is.
Avatar 10:22pm
pacific standard simon:

Dave is a low key kind of guy -- once again, he didn't even put himself up for adoption (so I got Joe McGasko instead).
Avatar 10:24pm
Dave Mandl:

Nah, I don't want to be adopted.
Avatar 10:24pm
Brian Turner:

1-800-989-WFMU or pledge online at wfmu.org - Rob Young's great Electric Eden history of brit folk-rock is up for grabs and the phone room is quiet!

Dave's pledge-o-meter is not tallying, thus no social pressure on the common man.
Avatar 10:28pm
pacific standard simon:

If you think this Third Ear Band music is creepy, you should see the movie it's from.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm

It wasn't quiet when I called. thankfully... Go Dave!
Avatar 10:34pm


Hope you guys do another of those, next time w/Bryce

(The drummers' specials, I mean.)

I can't tap my foot to this.
Avatar 10:59pm
Dave Mandl:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
Uncle Michael:

love it
Avatar 11:01pm

That lovely fuzz.
Marcel M:

Avatar 11:04pm

Just got me into Jack Ruby ahaha
Avatar 11:06pm
Anna F:

@Marcel M, driving and commenting

Ocean Parkway represent! (Grew up right on Ocean Parkway in Brighton Beach). Also, this is possibly the first/last time I will ever get excited about Ocean Parkway being mentioned anywhere.

@anna, wasn't that a band name?
Avatar 11:12pm

I wonder who has the most insane, noisey sounding show

Ayler! niiiiice
Avatar 11:13pm

Nick Name put on some good stuff but I suppose it all varies <3

I few nights back I turned up someone’s show because my downstairs neighbor was moan-shouting and evert 40 minutes or so going to the bathroom. Thank you for being there WFMU.

I thank God I live in an actual house, with walls and everything. I have somehow never lived in an apartment. Strange.
Avatar 11:20pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Jake, this is a great idea. I should start blasting WFMU to drown out the various unpleasant sounds of college apartment buildings.
Avatar 11:20pm
Marcel M:

@Anna F: I was parked!

@BronwynBishop: True. Where you be at? I lived in the heart of Madison, Wisconsin… Lordy… Those kids!
Avatar 11:22pm
pacific standard simon:

Like The Dictators say, "If I wasn't blasting 'Sister Ray' I would lose my mind!"

@PSS: If I recorded the sounds I heard a few nights ago, you would have thought I lived above Ralph Kramden.
Avatar 11:27pm
pacific standard simon:

If you recorded that, you could release it as a CD and probably get it played on one WFMU show or another.

Yo! Rutherford Chang had that Beatle’s “White Album” project, “We Buy White Albums” where he would genuinely buy anyone’s copy of the “White Album” to add to his collection. Amazing idea. Especially when you see how dank some of those albums got over the years. artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com...

@PSS: Maybe I will make that a “Free Music Archive” contribution.

Hey guys, been enjoying the marathon shows.....anybody else worried that the Pledge Meter's been stuck at 45% all day, though? =(

(For the station's funds, that is, not Dave's personal pledge meter).
Avatar 11:31pm
pacific standard simon:

Once upon a time, I had an upstairs neighbor who trained for races on a stationary bicycle. For hours. The racket was so bad that I started pointing my giant speakers at the ceiling and playing Negativland's "Car Bomb" over and over.

Do the math, Steve-O: with a goal of $1.2M, every % is 12 Gs. It needs to be recognized that, for whatever, reason, some shows are heavier hitters than others, and the heavy hitters came up earlier in the day.
Avatar 11:35pm

I worry about the pledge meter every time I look at it tbh. This is my first marathon so I don't have the i guess faith other WFMU members have.

The odd postscript, is my downstairs neighbor also has this dog that cry-howls ALL THE TIME. I can block that out. But as of 2 nights ago: No more cry-howling and that guy scream-moaning has shut up. Maybe something happened? I don’t want to know but there might be an apartment available downstairs from me.

Also, check this out, “Created by layering 100 unique copies of The Beatles' White Album, this 96 minute double-LP captures how every copy of the iconic album has been distinctly shaped by its history, both visually and sonically. The 45 year-old albums, with scratches and physical imperfections accumulated with age, all play slightly differently, causing the 100 layers to gradually drift out of sync over the course of each side.” 100whitealbums.tumblr.com
Avatar 11:36pm

I love when some sound from life like that actually works well with the music that I am playing
Avatar 11:36pm
pacific standard simon:

He ate the dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Jake - Gee, I hope the story is that the guy merely moved away and nothing bad happened to them.

All I ask for is if they moved on, they did so under positive circumstances and my new downstairs neighbor is just more cool.
Avatar 11:40pm
pacific standard simon:

@ Slugsadist - there will be some frantic pledging during the finale. I'll probably even drop some extra bucks on top of my Swag-for-life.

@Robert: Well yeah, that's true. And hopefully we'll see a surge coming this next week; isn't Dave Hill fairly popular, btw? =)
Avatar 11:47pm

I'll take some money from Tmobile assholes and just funnel it to WFMU
Avatar 11:49pm
pacific standard simon:

There's also that thing that Amazon does where FMU gets a penny or two from every dollar you spend there.
Avatar 11:50pm
pacific standard simon:

I used it when I bought my wife a new desktop, so the station must have got a few bucks from that.
Avatar 11:50pm

This song is picking me up.

I have a non dramatic contribution... will post now.
Avatar 11:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Amazon Smile -- 0.5% of every purchase

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

This time next week, we'll know how close the station's goal has come out. I'm confident that it will.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

Thanks for the Ayler CD guys! Great show!

And here is the direct Amazon Smile link for Auricle (aka: WFMU): smile.amazon.com...
Avatar 11:58pm

Avatar 12:00am
Dave Mandl:

Thanks all! See you in two weeks.
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