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Friday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
March 7, 2015
Favoriting March 7, 2015 KFAT Lives! Special Guest: Gilbert Klein, author of Fat Chance
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Playlist image Favoriting
Artist Track Label Comments
The Gems  Favoriting Shutdown   Valor   
The Starlets  Favoriting Guitar Twist   Middle C   
String Rays  Favoriting Fast Track   L&M   
The Argons  Favoriting Spiked   Casino   
Cheek-O Vass and The Sola-Tears  Favoriting Little Bo Peep   Twy-Lite   
Ronnie Brent  Favoriting Shirley Ann   Colt 45   
Jackie Dallas and the Tiaras  Favoriting Bull Moose   Alliance   
Jeff Daniels  Favoriting Uh-Huh-Huh   Big B   
Jimmy and Johnny  Favoriting Sweet Love On My Mind   Decca   
Bobby and the Bright-Lites  Favoriting Huntsville Rock & Twist   Rex   
Jim and Edith Young  Favoriting Crazy, Tormenting Rock And Roll   Jay   
Pinky Pinkston  Favoriting The Fisherman   Bryte   
Anna Mae Rogers  Favoriting I Called You Up Daddy   Ace CD 1422   
Little Mummy  Favoriting Where You At Jack   Federal   
Lester Robertson and the Upsetters  Favoriting Take It Home To Grandma   Montel   
Hop Wilson & his Blue Steel Guitar  Favoriting Rockin In The Cocanut Top   Goldband   
Red McAllister and his Orchestra  Favoriting Grits and Eggs   King   
Jon Thomas and Orchestra  Favoriting Rib Tips   Note   
Chico Chism with Jerry and Garland  Favoriting Romp and Stomp   Clif   
Moon Mullican  Favoriting Well Oh Well   King   
Gilbert Klein Interview  Favoriting Fat Chance     Check this out! http://www.readfatchance.com 
Floyd Compton and his Texas Troubadours  Favoriting She Won't Turn Over For Me   Renown   
The Prarie Ramblers  Favoriting Rollin' Along   Okeh   
Dallas Wilson and his Western Troubadous  Favoriting Hi-Steppin' Daddy   Rodeo   
Bill Boyd's Cowboy Ramblers  Favoriting River Blues   RCA Victor   

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm Uncle Michael:

I've spent a bit of time listening to KFAT airchecks and back before they went behind a paywall, I listened to it's descendent, KPIG a *ton*.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm Greg from Bloomfield:

Afternoon Fools!
Rex, I had the honour of being fill-in vocalist on your Hoof 'n' Mouth song last night. I was terrible. You are going to be AMAZING.
Avatar 1:12pm Marcel M:

Afternoon Rex and all
  1:14pm johnk77:

Norton Buffalo Stampede went live on a FAT fry
from Keystone Palo Alto
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm coelacanth:

aloha Rex and wrecks
  1:19pm Brez:

I don't want my hair messed up even when I haven't just come from a bop or a battle!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm coelacanth:

i want my hair messed up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm Uncle Michael:

John, I saw Bill Frisell last night and he employs a full time sound engineer who used to work at (one of the) Keystone(s).
Avatar 1:24pm Marcel M:

I suppose its rather praiseworthy that he managed to emerge from the battle with his hair unscathed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm coelacanth:

maybe it was a thumn-wrestle.
  1:29pm johnk77:

bill's a nice guy
i know from the village vanguard
there were a # of sound guys
at the 3 bay area stones
Avatar 1:30pm Marcel M:

@Coelacanth: True, though I've witnessed some hair tousling thumb wars.

Is it too early to start drinking? I just made myself and the wife Hot Toddies. The season for them is almost nigh.
Avatar 🌮 1:32pm Mailman Tom:

Hillbilly Headquarters U.S.A.
  1:33pm blobby:

Did Miss Ross exit the building?
  1:37pm ScottC:

Used to print KFAT T- Shirts at Hippo Creations in SF way back in the 70's...that was so long ago that KSAN would have Friday street drug purity reports and recommendations...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm coelacanth:

it's true. thumb wrestling can get outa-hand!
...regarding hot toddies, i'll catch up later on...it doesn't have to be sub-arctic to enjoy a hot beverage,does it? i hope not- i've (strangely) never had a hot toddy.
  1:39pm mike east:

@marcel- u kiddin? I'm on my second beer- some Coney Island mermaid Pilsner. Cheers!
Hey jk77!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm Uncle Michael:

Bill's sound guy is a woman. Claudia Engelhart...she's been mixing in NYC since 1983. The sound was spectacular in the 480 seater.
  1:41pm mike east:

Don't know if I've had a hot toddophonic toddie either...what's in it?
  1:43pm johnk77:

u rock
do not know her:<
i left the bay area in 1982
KFAT was not always an easy signal
to tune in
  1:44pm gd0:

Does Gilbert Klein remember Cowboy Jazz?
  1:45pm johnk77:

bill frisell easygoing
yet devastating
i am just part way thru
Fat Chance
  1:45pm Vic:


Can you please ask your guest about the three fired at kfat over the missing 25% of the stations albums ?

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm Greg from Bloomfield:

Suddenly I'm craving eggs & grits. Not sure why.
  1:46pm Gut Bucket:

Well, that Woogied my Boogy!
  1:47pm Lunk Head:

My God, I love you Rex! . . .There! I said it!
Avatar 1:48pm Marcel M:

@Mike East & Coelacanth: Cheers!

Oh you must try one! Very good! Its simply Whiskey (Rye or Bourbon), fresh squeezed lemon juice, and honey. Then fill up glass/mug with boiling water. Make sure you pour it in right as its boiling, it must be very hot! Some people put tea in it, but I don't.
  1:49pm Mr Brooks:

You heard the man!
Avatar 1:49pm BEAVO:

Makin' me hungry! want some poak chops!
  1:49pm johnk77:

jesse walker's book
rebels on the air
has less detailed coverage of
with alternative context
Avatar 1:50pm Marcel M:

I actually absentmindedly put simple syrup in these because I was used to making Whiskey Sours, and I must say its quite good. But it doesn't need simple syrup, the honey takes care of that. I do 2 oz whisky, .75 lemon juice and a heaping teaspoon of honey.
  1:50pm mike east:

Ah dig it...i made a similar cold cocktail a few weeks back with soda water instead of hot. Also delicious
Avatar 1:51pm Marcel M:

Theres just something about this show that makes me want to start drinking (in a good, celebratory way), but I'm usually driving while I listen, so I'm taking advantage!
Avatar 1:51pm Marcel M:

Also sounds good Mike, I'll have to try that when it gets warmer.
Avatar 1:53pm Marcel M:

Its one of those drinks that bartenders usually screw up (all of them?) despite its utter simplicity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm Greg from Bloomfield:

I've never been so excited for Marathon. I'm like a kid at Christmas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm coelacanth:

Marcel,i don't know how i've never had one! i'm a big fan of every ingredient.
my plan is to have one this evening!
Avatar 2:04pm Marcel M:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm coelacanth:

its simplicity means that only fresh lemon juice should be used...that may be why they aren't good in bars. they usually use pasteurised lemon juice.
Avatar 2:07pm Marcel M:

Yes exactly.. I think that is why most drinks suck at bars ?
Avatar 2:08pm Marcel M:

Or, rather why drinks suck at most bars, I should say.
  2:09pm SeanG:

GARLIC capital of the world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm coelacanth:

that and,if you have soda-pop drinks (like jameson/ginger ale,one of my favorites) they use corn-syrup-sweetened concentrate mixed with seltzer- usually in a not entirely clean tube system.
"my" bar lets me bring my own soda or juice in to mix with.(depending on the bartender)
Avatar 2:13pm Marcel M:

Wow what a great story!
Avatar 2:14pm Marcel M:

Ah yes... I was in Spain recently. There they serve a fresh unopened bottle of tonic if you order a gin and tonic.. it is magical.
Avatar 2:21pm Marcel M:

Here's one for $19.95: www.ebay.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm coelacanth:

that sounds good.
a trick i learned too is to get mixers not commonly ordered. (at my bar that's pineapple juice) that way it's from a bottle or can. (at least a little better)
or i ask if they've run out of any sodas or orange juice, in which case they've brought in bottles.(or cartons)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm coelacanth:

This interview's interesting!
Thanx Rex!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm coelacanth:

$22. !...i wonder if some of my old wfmu stickers are worth that much.
  2:25pm gd0:

I usually zone out for interviews, but this one is tremendous. We were lucky to have KFAT here. Many enjoyable hours pi$$ed away listening to the weirdness. Thanks guys!
  2:34pm Robert:

Can we take it that newsman Karl Hess was not the same as anarchist writer (& welder) Karl Hess?
  2:41pm amira:

I can't wait to go back in time and work at KFAT.
Avatar 2:43pm Marcel M:

@Vic: Ah there's your story!
Avatar 2:44pm Marcel M:

I'm buying this book!
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 2:45pm Stevel:


(Hello, Amazon...?)
  2:47pm SeanG:

this is awesome
Avatar 2:48pm Marcel M:

This is incredible
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 2:49pm ChrisB.:

Fascinating KFAT story, Rex! Thanks.
Avatar 2:54pm Marcel M:

Amazing show thanks Rex!
Avatar 2:54pm Juke Joint Jonny:

"To me chicken meat is a special treat!" Seconded, brother.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm Greg from Bloomfield:

Thanks, Rex– good luck next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm coelacanth:

Thanks Rex
Great interview!
ciao all
Avatar 3:00pm Marcel M:

Bye Coelacanth and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Dog-Day Cicada:

The KFAT shrine.
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