Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from March 1, 2015 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 1, 2015: "Take Kindly the Counsel of the Ears"

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Leonard Nimoy  Spock Thoughts   Favoriting Highly Illogical  Rev-Ola  1993    RIP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Electrelane  The Valleys   Favoriting The Power Out  Too Pure  2004      0:03:03 (Pop-up)
Kammerflimmer Kollektief  Desarroi #4: unlosbar   Favoriting Desarroi  Staubgold  2015      0:09:07 (Pop-up)
Ghédalia Tazartès  Un ivrogne sur le Mont Blanc   Favoriting Tazartès  Alga Marghen  2015    '79  0:12:47 (Pop-up)
Fulani Musicians  Duo De Flûtes Foulbé Et Tambours (Duet Of Ghaitas & Drum)   Favoriting V/A: Fulani Music & Rhythms, Cameroon - Cameroun  Caravage  2009      0:19:52 (Pop-up)
Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza  Raptus #II   Favoriting Eroina  Holidays  2014  LP    0:27:03 (Pop-up)
Uneven Eleven  Dislocation 7   Favoriting Live at Cafe Oto  Sub Rosa  2015    2013 gig feat. CHARLES HAYWARD (This Heat) GUY SEGERS (Univers Zero) & KAWABATA MAKOTO (Acid Mothers Temple)  0:30:44 (Pop-up)
This Heat  Makeshift   Favoriting Made Available:John Peel Sessions  This Is   2006    '77  0:36:46 (Pop-up)
Bourbonese Qualk  God With Us   Favoriting Bourbonese Qualk 1983-1987  Mannequin  2015      0:43:02 (Pop-up)
Anenzephalia  Paradies   Favoriting Kaltwelt  Tesco Organisation  2012      0:48:35 (Pop-up)
The Leather Nun  Death Threats   Favoriting Slow Death  Criminal Damage  1984  LP    0:53:24 (Pop-up)
Tse-Tse  K. fur L.   Favoriting Land in Sicht  Medical  2015  LP  '83  1:09:39 (Pop-up)
Crash Course In Science  No More Hollow Doors   Favoriting V/A: Thirteen O'Clock  PPNW  2015      1:13:09 (Pop-up)
Simon Wickham-Smith  First (excerpt)   Favoriting Three4listnin'  Celebrate Psi Phenomenon   2007      1:17:03 (Pop-up)
Mordant Music  Martinique or Mauritius   Favoriting Martinique or Mauritius  Mordant Music  2014  MP3    1:25:43 (Pop-up)
Tod Dockstader  First Moon   Favoriting Quatermass  Starkland  1992    RIP  1:34:52 (Pop-up)
Dasha Rush  Dance with Edgar Poe   Favoriting Sleepstep  Raster-Noton   2015      1:38:49 (Pop-up)
Električni Orgazam  Električni Orgazam   Favoriting Electronic Jugoton: Synthetic Music From Yugoslavia 1964-1989 (V/A)  Croatia  2014      1:41:52 (Pop-up)
Tuxedomoon  No Tears   Favoriting No Tears  Superior Viaduct  2015  12"    1:45:26 (Pop-up)
Communions  Cobblestones   Favoriting Cobblestones 7"  Posh Isolation  2014  7"    1:50:58 (Pop-up)
Eyeless in Gaza  Fixation   Favoriting Photographs As Memories  Cherry Red  1981  LP    1:53:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:01pm

Live long and prosper, Daniel Blumin. And y'all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

ooh, the inside cover of every 1960s yearbook!
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

Rest in peace mister Spock who has gone to the supreme Vulcan in the sky
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

So? How many Trekkies you think are going to commit suicide over mister spocks passing?
Avatar 7:07pm

What part of 'live long and prosper' needs explaining?
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

If this had been 1988 when I was a Trekkie I would have gassed myself in my fathers car. Thankfully I'm over Star Trek
Avatar 7:10pm

Well thank goodness you don't overreact dramatically to things anymore.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@fleep I take so much Prozac and Abilify that you could set me on fire and I wouldn't over react
Avatar 7:12pm

Das Blumin!

Phillip, can you ease up on the suicide references. It's sad Leonard Nimoy is gone, but he was 83 and this was not unexpected. Also your dramatic implication that "Trekkies" would be that upset is bullshit.
Avatar 7:16pm

When subtle doesn't work, send in JakeGould. Thank you, JakeGould.
Avatar 7:19pm

what fleep said :)

I hope that was a compliment.
Avatar 7:21pm

A supreme compliment.

It’s a mitzvah, fleep!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm
Daniel Blumin:

Greets, y'alls. Just acclimating to the joys of Studio B! Welcome onboard USS WFMU!

Also, “Ars longa, vita brevis.” Art is long, life is short. Leonard Nimoy’s work will live on well past this death. And honestly? His cameo in the “Star Trek” reboot film was just lame. And he probably knew it. And bless him! Get paid to do a crappy cameo in a mediocre reboot. I’d love to wake up and be offered to dress up and say nonsense for 2 weeks and get paid enough to buy a new home. Bless the guy.

So studio be is like the auxiliary command station, right?
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

Mister Spock was a promo isn't figure in Star Trek I wonder if he will get the big send off with lots of Trekkies at his wake?
Avatar 7:33pm

honest to god, anybody that would even contemplate suicide because an actor died of old age is a moron.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Daniel Blumin:

Aye, Jake! Getting prepped fer the fundraisin'!
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@glenn I'm sorry to say people committing suicide over actors and singers and even religious figures in history has happened more times than people can count
Avatar 7:36pm

then those people were morons, and good riddance, i say.
mike east:

I liked his cameo in the reboot though I agree overall it was a mediocre film. I hope I live as long as he did and prosper even half as much

Instead of “Trekkies” you should use the word, “fans.” And anyone killing themselves over the death of a popular figure in the world they don’t personally know has larger mental issues than their pop-idol passing away.
Cooh John:

Bloomin' good music, Daniel.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

It's a miracle that when Michael Jackson passed away there wasn't mass suicide among his fans
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

I don't like Justin bieber but imaging if he blew his brains out? Every 13 year old girl in America would be put on suicide watch

Phillip, now that you are continuing this whole suicide spiel and now with Michael Jackson and Justin Bieber let me make it clearer: Just shut up.

All of your “Can you imagine…” nonsense has 1,000,000% no connection to reality. Period.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Awful lot of suicide talk going on. It's Sunday night. And spring is almost here. Two reasons right there not to off yourself. Somebody change the subject.

Phillip, can you imagine if you just enjoyed this show and talked about that? What an amazing concept.
Avatar 7:43pm

changing topics slightly... Daniel... how in the heck did you manage to get an exclusive Pan Sonic track for your marathon this year? i must know your secrets.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks, Cooh John! Where you listening from? And let's all stop visualizing the end tymes, shall we? Steve, it's NOT a Pan Sonic track - it's Ilpo's new project!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

Yeah, some people around here are a drag. OK, besides just talking about the music, how about this Spock-y query: What do ya think YOUR goateed evil doppelgänger in a parallel universe is doing right NOW?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Daniel Blumin:

Putting on his finest feather boa, of course, Ike!
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@jakegould I'm sorry if I hit a nerve,didn't mean to,sorry

@Ike, your agonizer please.
Avatar 7:46pm

[Looks at gyros plate] Uh, eating a salad?

Speaking of gyros.
Avatar 7:47pm

good question Ike. mine's probably calling an AM sports radio talk show to argue about the nuances of grass vs astroturf
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
George of Troy:

Good evening Daniel! Sounding fantastic.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

The ACTOR Lenard Nimoy should have a big send off! He was a great man we will not see again. There should be live news coverage of it

Nothin' to Qualk at! Love this band.
Avatar 7:51pm

"The humans were given a 15 minute head start."
Avatar 7:51pm

ooo nice DB. lookin forward.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

Daniel I never miss your show! I download every one for my personal archive
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

You guys don't remember Daniel when he was a DJ on WNYU but I do!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, George!!! Thanks!!! Aye, Dz! Phanks, Phillip!

It’s so disgusting outside. Snow. Hail. Rain.
Avatar 8:07pm

Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

I mind I mind. Tomorrow I have to see my doctor for a new prescription for my lantus insulin

What is now Ukraine has always been Ukraine, despite all the efforts of what is now Russia.

Ice. Ice. Baby. Best of luck with the doctor tomorrow, Phillip. As for today, was sick on Friday through Saturtday—stupid cold raised it’s head again—and now I feel better and then this facacta weather.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:12pm

Oh Glob, not more comments about insulin again, doctors, hospitals, etc. etc. Anyway, @Steve@7:47, that truly is the darkest timeline!
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@jakegould thanks:) I hope the trains and busses here in Brooklyn are running so I can get to my docs office tomorrow at 9am
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@ike seriously I cringe when I say I am insulin dependent. Believe me it ain't fun injecting your stomach with 120 units of insulin a day

Wait… There is NEW “Crash Course in Science?”
Retard Riot:

Hi Daniel, will I need my space suit tonight?
(mourning Nemtsov)
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:17pm

Gee, that's delightful, Phillip. Why don't you also tell us about your bowel movements? No, wait... don't.

Anyway, doesn't anybody else have a goateed evil twin up to something sinister? No? Just Steve?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- my fellow R.R. - it is indeed a constellation if ☆ed tracks...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

*Of ...
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@ike sorry man I'm not that kind of person.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Daniel Blumin:

Nah, Jake, it's a track on a comp of old stuff...

In other news it took 3 days for some guys in space to route cables. Think about that. chicago.suntimes.com...

“Spacewalking astronauts successfully completed a three-day cable job outside the International Space Station on Sunday, routing several-hundred feet of power and data lines for new crew capsules commissioned by NASA.” Yeah, and when that new capsule is setup suddenly they’ll have to wait from 11:00am to 6:00pm space time for the cable guy to fix things again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Daniel Blumin:

RR, yes of course. Always. Indeed, Nemtsov RIP.
Greetz, Petro!

@Daniel… Those stupid kids with their comps catching them up to date with the old timey hipster music. Fooled me again!
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@jakegould we had the NASA tv channel once and I watched when two astronauts had to go out and catch with their hands a satellite that wasn't working and actually with their hand put it in the back of the space shuttle
Retard Riot:

@DB o-rai -- putting my helmet on now..
@pan PETRO -- slava ukraini!

Yup, zero gravity is funny like that. My fave is when there was a female astronaut who lost her toolbag in 2008, “First, a grease gun inside her tool bag leaked, coating everything inside with a film of lubricant. While she was trying to clean it up in the absence of gravity, the whole bag floated away.” www.cnn.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

A couple weeks back I saw that NASA has some pretty cool ringtones for download: www.nasa.gov...
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

I loved watching the NASA tv channel. Watching the shuttle launch and the Titan 2 rockets being launched and when the shuttle landed
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

My cable company took off the NASA camel in favor of Yonkers Harness Racing! WTF!!! Unreal

@redkayak: Nice stuff! But I like my ringtones olde timey.
Avatar 8:29pm

M or M is like giant sonic Q-Tip. Wow.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

Apparently more people in Brooklyn want to see harness racing from Yonkers than NASA astronauts doing incredible things in space
Retard Riot:

When I was in grade school they brought a TV in for the first time ever to watch a shuttle launch live. It turned out to be the Challenger mission that exploded. They quickly wheeled the TV out. Principal came on the PA system fumbling for words...
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
Jack Mello:

late again, sorry 'bout that. and sorry i missed leather nun.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

I remember Dan rather interrupting the morning game show with Bob barker to say the shuttle exploded after liftoff
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

"The price is right" with Bob barker
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

@Jake - yeah, I did too until I saw this. Now it's Sputnik & Cassini mission noises!

Phillip, when they shutdown OTB that is when cable companies moved to have horse racing on more channels.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Daniel Blumin:

Same experience, RR. Minus the principal unless I've forgotten... Hiya, Jack. I bet you are!
Avatar 8:37pm

aw man Dockstader died? bummer. RIP. think i still have that nice fulllength Wire article from a decade ago around somewhere.
Phillip in Brooklyn (48 years old):

@jakegould it sucks A big time when fricken harness racing from Yonkers takes NASA TV off the channel lineup!
It sucks A big fricken time!
Avatar 8:42pm

i believe reading about him was what got me into doing tape experiments almost exactly 1 decade ago. still currently have a pile of frankenstein tape machines in various states of hotwiredness and disemboweledness on my desk.
Avatar 8:44pm

Are they advocating orgazam or describing their own orgazam or explaining how to wire up an orgazam or ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Daniel Blumin:

Good q, fleep. I shudder to think... Steve, sounds like quite a desk you got there!

@Fleep: In Yugoslavia, orgasms are very complex things that take days and weeks to implement.
Avatar 8:48pm

That's either good or bad depending on the process.

Also, they must only be implemented at the right time when the moons and planets align to your zodiac sign. Or else… The orgasm is not so great.

Is this Tuxedomoon new new or old new? Great either way
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Daniel Blumin:

Old, mb. But reissued and always a pleasure to play!

The set just keeps getting better and better. How will you top it?
Avatar 9:00pm

Have a nice night Daniel

Peace be with you, Daniel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am
Daniel Blumin:

A salute to you, CMFL, Mugsy, and JakeG! Happy March-ing to all! The WFMU Fundraising Marathon start Sundae, the 8th! Tune in, turn on, drop doubloons!
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