Frank O'Toole's playlist
January 26, 2015 ![]()
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Track Artist Album / Format Approx. start time Get Happy / MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Mr. Lucky
Jane Horrocks / Henry Mancini fxo mix /mash (CD-R) 0:00:00 Pop-up) Lady With A Fan
Joe Gallant & Illuminati "Terrapin" Lp (CD) 0:05:57 Pop-up) Terrapin Station
Joe Gallant & Illuminati "Terrapin" Lp (CD) 0:15:02 Pop-up) How Could I Be Such A Fool
Mothers Of Invention "Freak Out!" Lp (LP) 0:17:05 Pop-up) Stay
Rihanna Patonay BB remix (MP3) 0:18:53 Pop-up) Diamond Express
DUDUVUDU "The Gospel According to DUDU" Lp (CD) * 0:23:13 Pop-up) Hang On
Weyes Blood "The Innocents" Lp (CD) * 0:30:36 Pop-up) Turn, Turn, Turn
Bill Frisell "Guitar In The Space Age!" Lp (CD) * 0:34:00 Pop-up) Cod'Ine
Oakley Hall "And To The Disciples That Remain" compil. Lp (CD-R) 0:37:18 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Looney's tune / FMU Locked Groove
Tom Daly fxo mix /mash (CD-R) 0:41:38 Pop-up) Madhatter
Edgar Broughton Band "Edgar Broughton Band" reissue Lp (CD) * 0:46:43 Pop-up) Siam
Robert Wyatt (with Nick Mason) "Different Every Time" Lp (CD) * 0:52:53 Pop-up) Timeaway (Darkstar Remix)
Darkstar "Timeaway" Ep (Vinyl) 0:57:47 Pop-up) Aural Correspondence
Glomag Vs. Fectso fxo mix /mash (CD-R) 1:03:17 Pop-up) God Locks
MC Frontalot (featuring Jean Grae) "Question Bedtime" Lp (CD) * 1:06:00 Pop-up) The Chase (Fila Brazilla remix)
snooze "The Night Shift" compil. Lp (CD) 1:08:52 Pop-up) Hotel Valentine
Cibo Matto "Hotel Valentine" Lp (CD) * 1:17:26 Pop-up) Mornings Come And Go
MC Frontalot (featuring Marian Call) "Question Bedtime" Lp (CD) * 1:21:09 Pop-up) Get Up
Sleater-Kinney "Start Together" sampler Lp (CD) * 1:25:54 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Wuddup
R Stevie Moore RSM remix (MP3) 1:30:01 Pop-up) Baby You're A Rich Man
The Beatles the Quick Brown Fox mashup (MP3) 1:35:25 Pop-up) Men Are Building Sand
Montage "Montage" Lp (Vinyl) 1:38:47 Pop-up) Kicking Leaves
The Pastels "Slow Summits" Lp (CD) 1:40:48 Pop-up) Life Is Like A Rubber Band / International Feel
Z. Ali (Featuring Todd R.) Uber mashup (MP3) 1:46:00 Pop-up) Magdalena
Danny O'Keefe Live 5/26/12 - Front of House version (CD-R) 1:49:18 Pop-up) Sugar Town
Nancy Sinatra Brunodm remix (MP3) 1:53:09 Pop-up) Close To Sugar Town
Rice Cereal & Almond Choco RCAC medley mix (MP3) 1:56:08 Pop-up) You Are In My Arms
Sylvie Simmons "Sylvia" Lp (CD) * 1:57:53 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: King For A Day (I Dub Thee Sir mix)
XTC 12" Ep (Vinyl) 2:01:33 Pop-up) Betray My Heart
D'Angelo and The Vanguard "Black Messiah" Lp (CD) * 2:06:21 Pop-up) Fantasia
Daniela Casa "Sovrapposizione Di Immagini" Lp (Vinyl) * 2:12:31 Pop-up) Strange Land
Alice Gerrard "Follow The Music" Lp (CD) * 2:15:37 Pop-up) Aural Correspondence
Glomag Vs. Fectso fxo mix /mash (CD-R) 2:17:57 Pop-up) Jell-o / Black Ballerina
Ariel Pink "Pom Pom" Lp (CD) * 2:25:16 Pop-up) Sympathy
Pauline Murray "Pauline Murray and The Invisible Girls" reissue Lp (CD) * 2:27:08 Pop-up) He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Barbara Browning (FMU / FMA) Ukelele cover (MP3) 2:29:41 Pop-up) He Ain't Hebby
Dhenderson Dhenderson arrangement (CD-R) 2:32:22 Pop-up) Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Jesse Hirsch Instrumental mix (CD-R) 2:39:16 Pop-up) Kulama
Electric Light Orchestra "ELO 2" - (Alternate take) (CD-R) 2:44:08 Pop-up) Dance Macabre
The Westminster Philharmonic Orchestra "The Bride of Frankenstein-Franz Waxman's Score" Lp (CD) 2:55:44 Pop-up) end theme(s)
Hitch & Riddle mashup fxo mix /mash (CD-R) 2:56:21 Pop-up)
Listener comments!
6:04am : ohmygawd. the sky WILL fall.
hello to alla youse. We can do this.![]()
6:07am : An unexpectedly smooth ride to Terrapin : )
Good morning Frank and everyone...6:10am : Good snow covered morning.![]()
6:11am : Heya.
A big blizzard your way I hear.![]()
6:11am : Canterbury: hows bayou, where ya fum?
Cooh: gladcha made it. guten TZAG.6:13am : Mauri, depending on where you live in the NYC metro area, we're expecting anywhere from 18 inches to 3 feet!![]()
6:14am : Mauri: snow? what snow?
Mark: don't get nuts. Right now, it's ok.![]()
♥ 6:14am :
Hiya, Frank. Whaddya snow for sure? Good morning to you, and hello, Exciting Moments globally.![]()
6:14am : @fxo From Canterbury, southeast England. As everyone's in meteorological mode, i can report that it's a damp, grey, mild Monday morning here.6:15am : Right, Frank--we're only supposed to get 1-3" by nightfall. The real heavy stuff is supposed to start around midnight. They say 1-2 inches per hour between midnight and Tuesday morning.![]()
6:20am : Sem: we'll persevere. Dontcha think?
Mark, got your weather report.6:22am : Perseverence is what we do. We've survived worse.6:23am : God bless you for playing the Mothers! My friend just posted a pic of a cat he adopted. He's decided to name her Zappa.![]()
♥ 6:29am :
@Frank: what we cannot cure, we endure. You got it, dead solid perfect:>D6:35am : Weyes Blood coming to town. Anything with a Flannery O'Connor reference, I am a suckered for.![]()
♥ 6:42am :
@CJ: you may get a kick out of the FO'C : Thanks SC. A good story is hard to find.![]()
♥ 6:47am :
Good morning!
Important: what are your favorite flours? What are your favorite hsarks? What are your favorite spiders?![]()
♥ 6:49am :
Even including species of sharks that have ever attacked a human, which isn't what most sharks do... =P![]()
6:50am : !I X !: yer blowin' my mind.![]()
♥ 6:53am :
Favorite flour? King Arthur Unbleached All-purpose![]()
♥ 6:54am :
Awesome thanks very much &duke I'll add that to my list of answers to that question!![]()
♥ 7:02am :
When I first made fresh pasta from scratch with eggs for the liquid, I went to King Arthur for guidelines!![]()
♥ 7:04am :
oh the dough has rested! time to roolll it out & stamp the thing! corzettis!![]()
♥ 7:06am :
I am a few pages away from finishing writing this book about baseball & sharks & squirrels & spiders & double spirals![]()
♥ 7:07am :
I always listen to freeform music while I make freeform food! It's good for the food!![]()
♥ 7:08am :
Sharks & spiders are beautiful animals that deserve love & respect! Please love & respect sharks & spiders!![]()
7:11am : thanks duke.
X KEY: got yer point(s).![]()
♥ 7:20am :
...I just carried a shark out of my shower stall yesterday rather than flush it down the drain...![]()
7:23am : RevRab Nov63: my brain hurts. Thanks for your P.O.V.![]()
7:25am : Hey O'Toole, Good Morning. Greetings boarders.![]()
♥ 7:25am : wasn't very large - but it might have been the highly poisonous brown recluse shark...![]()
7:26am : Mugsy: How say you?![]()
♥ 7:28am :
@RevRab: brown rercluse shark! hahaha.![]()
7:34am : I toss all the songs you guys play on a cumulative Mighty WFMU set list so I am always paying attention to playlists.![]()
♥ 7:37am :
Great Beatles version/mashup![]()
♥ 7:39am :
Good morning Frang and TZAG everyone!![]()
7:41am : TZAG, backatcha, Guido.![]()
♥ 7:52am :
Good morning Frank, guten TZAG everyone![]()
7:56am : hey Fred, what's cookin'?![]()
♥ 7:59am :
...on the next Schedule, Frang & Tzag will be hosting a new program, 'Speak Up Weirdo'...![]()
8:02am : HAH!![]()
♥ 8:02am :
Jason Sigal walked into my office earlier today, saying "you must be fred". I think my WFMU bag IDed me![]()
♥ 8:03am :
When Frang rang up Tzag, Tzag went zig-zag.
(Have a mercy with my twisted fingers.)![]()
♥ 8:08am :
Got a real charge out of set #2, fxo. Many exciting moments, as advertised.![]()
♥ 8:14am :
R.I.P. Demis Roussos
(Aphrodites Child's singer / bassist, later Schlagersänger and international crooner).![]()
♥ 8:18am :
happy snowy day, frank and all!![]()
♥ 8:21am :
You too Common!
Hello all, good morning.![]()
♥ 8:22am :
mornin marcel!![]()
♥ 8:22am :
This new Alice Gerrard album must be worth checking out.
Thanks for introducing Frank.![]()
♥ 8:22am :
Good morning Frank! I'm going to have to listen to the archive, good stuff in there!![]()
8:24am : Guido, the check is not in the mail.
morning, Marcel, common, & Henry.![]()
♥ 8:27am :
Only bills in the mail.![]()
8:33am :
Hi, Frank and all -- that Browning was a lovely, understated version of that sentimental old favorite.![]()
8:35am : sorry, Parq, what were you saying?8:35am : as in Bobby Hebb?8:36am : Where can I find/obtain more information on Dhenderson and this release?? Nothing comes up on google!![]()
8:36am : good ol' Jack, is back.![]()
8:37am : tim: found on Sound Cloud.8:38am : Always listening, Frank. Commenting, not so much these days...![]()
♥ 8:39am :
Hello Frank, hope the blues are lifting.
We are threatened with what yoiu have had by the end of the week. Snow that is.![]()
8:40am :
Two word, Frank -- day job.![]()
8:41am : hallo, Brian in UK.![]()
♥ 8:43am :
Brown recluse sharks like to hide in boxes in the deep sea![]()
♥ 8:44am :
lol yr funny8:44am : cheers frank!![]()
♥ 8:44am :
Grateful again for the show and you taking the time to put it all together. Thanks, Frank, and keep those muck-a-lucks dry, man. Later!8:45am : cheers frank!![]()
♥ 8:46am :
! & now, have a good one (o:![]()
♥ 8:51am :
Zats, they just announced early dismissal for the schools here.![]()
8:55am : thanks everybody. The archive of this webcast will be available at, in a few hours, to last at least a month (or more). The Playlist will also be attached.
Take care of yourselves, and we'll connect, with a new webcast, next Monday.
Wear your boots, keep your shoes dry! Use bread bags on your feetsies.
Peace in the valley.![]()
♥ 8:56am :
Thanks for the show Frank!![]()
♥ 9:00am :
Mom used bread bags in our boots when we were kids.
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