Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from January 23, 2015 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting January 23, 2015: I'd Rather Die Young
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
The Hilltoppers  I'd Rather Die Young   Favoriting   Dot  1953  45    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
London Jazz Composers Orchestra feat. Irène Schweizer  Radio Rondo   Favoriting Radio Rondo  Intakt  2009  CD    0:02:39 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill / Barre Phillips / JT Bates  Anything so natural   Favoriting The Rock on the Hill  nato  2011  CD    0:32:46 (Pop-up)
Satoko Fuji Ma-Do  Rolling Around   Favoriting Time Stands Still  Not Two  2013  CD    0:38:43 (Pop-up)
Jürg Wickihalder European Quartet feat Irène Schweizer  High Wire Dancer   Favoriting Jump!  Intakt  2011  CD    0:41:33 (Pop-up)
Rob Brown Trio  Totter   Favoriting High Wire  Soul Note  1996  CD    1:05:25 (Pop-up)
Cooper-Moore Quartet  Coleus in Bloom / Paradox   Favoriting Vision One: Vision Festival 1997 Compiled  AUM Fideltity  1997  CD    1:13:00 (Pop-up)
Matthew Shipp Quartet  Frère Jacques   Favoriting Pastoral Composure  Thirsty Ear Blue Series  2000  CD    1:26:15 (Pop-up)
Barry Altschul  Oops   Favoriting The 3dom Factor  Tum  2013  CD    1:31:48 (Pop-up)
David Murray  Shout Song   Favoriting Wildflowers: The New York Loft Jazz Sessions  Knitting Factory Works  1999  CD  Recorded May, 1976  1:37:33 (Pop-up)
Karl Berger / Mossa Bildner / Philip GIbbs  El Arte del Olvido: The Art of Forgetting   Favoriting After the Storm  FMR Records  2012  CD  Words by Jorge Luis Borgas  1:40:12 (Pop-up)
Jacob Garchik / Jacob Sacks / David Ambrosio / Vinnie Sperrazza  Jan 20   Favoriting 40Twenty  Yeah-Yeah Records  2012  CD    1:48:48 (Pop-up)
The Lounge Lizards  Big Heart   Favoriting Live In Tokyo - Big Heart  Antilles  1986  CD    2:04:04 (Pop-up)
Gampang Kromong  Gondang Si Monang-monang   Favoriting Music of Indonesia Series  Smithsonian Folkways   1999  CD    2:10:50 (Pop-up)
Haho, Gendang Karo, Gondang Toba  Mares   Favoriting Music of Indonesia Series  Smithsonian Folkways   1999  CD    2:14:37 (Pop-up)
Snake Figures Arkestra  Cooks & Devils (excerpt)   Favoriting Cooks & Devils  Zarek  2008  CD    2:19:38 (Pop-up)
Tangerine Dream  Force Majeure   Favoriting Force Majeur  Virgin  1979  LP  http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6450793/tangerine-dream-edgar-froese-dies  2:34:03 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD    2:56:41 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:09pm
Philthy woman:

Hi Kurt! Love this one it is taking me back to what was usually my favorite part of going to the orchestra with my Baba as a kid: in the beginning when they tuned

It's Friiiiiidddddaayyyy
Avatar 3:21pm
V Priceless:

Hey there, Kurt!

Hi Kurt, lol@that animation "I'd rather die young" too but not as a piney drinking oj on a picnick bench. Do they still bury people in the cranberry bogs down there?
Avatar 3:29pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hey everyone! thanks for tuning in!
Avatar 3:29pm
Mister Dobalina:

Gosh, this track is so disorganized and chaotic I had to take my shoes and socks off, and put my glasses on to try and digest the piece! What gives?

I like this track, it's like 'The Flight of the Bumble Bee' played widdershins but slowed down then sped up here and there

Thanks Kurt, going offline now but radio is on. Adios all...
Avatar 3:39pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

uh oh, the national weather service ticker tape just started freaking out. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE!
Avatar 3:43pm

what GREAT show so far!!!!
Go DJKG!!!!
Avatar 3:45pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks, 37! glad to know you're tuned in.

Hi Kurt, Our friend James Mc Manus from Illinois recommended I tune you in online. I'm enjoying the program alot. Thanks from Salem Oregon!
Avatar 3:48pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hey danielle! welcome aboard! and thanks james, if you're here today.

Greetings DJ Kurt and and all Mino-toreadors, Mini-tourists, and Gottschalk-dusters. Missed the first 45 minutes, psyched to be here for the rest...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

Avatar 3:59pm
Mark Helsten:

Hi All! Been a while since I have been able to tune in... Great thus far. Keep up the good work.
Avatar 4:08pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

hey p, common, mark!

Was that Fuji Ma-Do track called "RolliNG Around"?

Really, this isn't Eric Dolphy?
Avatar 4:12pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

oh, typo, thanks p.

Rob Brown is one good player.
Avatar 4:14pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

more rob in the queu!
Avatar 4:16pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

on this track, in cooper-moore's band.

I do believe I was at this show.
Avatar 4:18pm
Mark Helsten:

I saw them play together once at Guelph Jazz Fest... Great show!
Avatar 4:20pm

Hiya Kurt and Friday listeners.

Memory is foggy...I remember Zorn and Ibarra, who also appear on the Vision One release, but Brotzmann does not, and I'm pretty sure he was at the same festival as Zorn and Ibarra.

Nope. Was the fourth and fifth installments of VF, 1999 and 2000.

I set up Barry's drums for this recording.

Love this free jazz groove today, Kurt.

Pretty much full of shit, aren't I?
Avatar 4:38pm
Mark Helsten:

I like jazz as much as the next guy, but these guys can't even carry a tune!

Man, this Altschul is sweet. Thanks, Kurt.

No Mark, they don't carry the tune. They float it.
Avatar 4:52pm
Mark Helsten:

Like not wearing shoes on a plush 70's shag carpet!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm

hope you all have a great weekend! thanks kurt! beeeeersies!!!
Avatar 4:58pm
Mark Helsten:

Avatar 4:59pm

ahhh... there you go. no more of that horrible jazz...
Avatar 4:59pm

Avatar 5:01pm
Mark Helsten:

Yeah. Play something we can dance to!
Avatar 5:04pm

Bring on the Czech Pop, Kurt!
Avatar 5:09pm

I can easily dance to this.
Avatar 5:09pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

no czech pop today, sorry. would you settle for some indonesian folk?
Avatar 5:19pm

Yeah, this is a super-excellent show.

(Translation: I like it.) But that's what we pretty much always mean when we say that.
Avatar 5:19pm

Totally, Kurt. I'll bring the finger cymbals.

Lounge Lizard I forgot about them..I love them! Thanks for the reminder.
Avatar 5:20pm

I have the Lounge Lizards' version of PF's Brain Damage. Odd & cool, sounds like it was originally written as a C&W song.
Avatar 5:22pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

that's the austin lounge lizards, carm. different band. i played the john lurie / ny band (with ribot on this record)
Avatar 5:26pm

Oh, JUST Lounge Lizards, got it. As Emily Litella would say, "Never mind."

ccool found it on spotify...Big Heart Lounge Lizard.
Avatar 5:29pm

damn, i want me some cooks AND some devils!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Guten Avant Abend FMUvians...
Avatar 5:38pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Sorry I'm late, kids.
Avatar 5:39pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

yeh, so I was in a huge meeting & snuck a look at the ol' tweeter, & saw that Froese had left the building. 70 is not old enough to leave the building.
Avatar 5:39pm
V Priceless:

RIP Edgar Froese : (
Avatar 5:39pm

prog on the MM show??!!??
must be bacon overhead...
Avatar 5:40pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

TD has released such better stuff, but this LP got me thru high school. Heavy nostalgia hug, this one.
Avatar 5:40pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

when it's time to pay respect, it's time to pay respect.
Avatar 5:41pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yeah, turnip, i can't claim to know their catalog so i went with what was familiar to me.
Avatar 5:41pm

yes, rip edgar froese
Avatar 5:42pm

they had some amazing stuff
and some other stuff
(spoken as a fan)
Avatar 5:42pm

aw man. RIP.
Avatar 5:43pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the surface noise is how you now we're not off the air.
Avatar 5:45pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

There's definitely a point after which their catalog a total NO-GO ZONE (to me), but there is such crucial stuff in there.
Avatar 5:45pm

damnit, I even like his cheesy stuff.
Avatar 5:46pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Tonight's home playlist is sorted. Apologies in advance to wife & dog.
Avatar 5:46pm

i just dug out "aqua" a solo album by edgar froese
this one was played to death during jr high and high school
haven't heard it in years...
Avatar 5:47pm

dont know the TD catalog very well, love Phaedra and Electronic Meditation, never heard this one. beautiful stuff.
Avatar 5:48pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Zeit is the total effing bee's knees.
Avatar 5:49pm

zeit... agreed fully!!!!
Avatar 5:51pm

nice, ill check out Zeit. gotta run, another great show Kurt, thanks.
Avatar 5:55pm
Marcel M:

Its so weird to hear Tangerine Dream guitar noodling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Santos L Halper:

Thanks for the tunes Kurt!. Sad news but this TD is a great ending; driving me to check them out, had always assumed they were just krautrock-lite.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TD makes me think of 'Hearts of Space'...who will not podcast for free...
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