Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from December 12, 2014 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting December 12, 2014: I Wanna Dance Wit' Choo (Doo Dat Dance)
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Disco Tex & the Sex-O-Lettes  I Wanna Dance Wit' Choo (Doo Dat Dance)   Favoriting single  Chelsea Records  1975  45     
Voxnova  Byzantine Alleluia of the Roman Rite   Favoriting Scelsi, Byzantuim, the Alchemists  hat[now]ART  1994  CD  from 700 AD  0:03:25 (Pop-up)
The Western Wind Vocal Ensemble  Basket Rondo   Favoriting Basket Rondo / Jukebox in the Tavern of Love  Labor Records  2014  CD  Composed by Meredith Monk in 2007  0:12:19 (Pop-up)
Ergo Phizmiz  Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon   Favoriting Populista Presents Ergo Phizmiz plays Robert Ashley's Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon  Bôłt  2014  CD  Composed by Robert Ashley  0:32:06 (Pop-up)
Klangforum Wien  Intermezzo I   Favoriting Luci mie traditrici  Kairos  2001  CD  Composed by Salvatore Sciarrino in 1998/  0:50:27 (Pop-up)
Jerome Kitzke  The Animist Child   Favoriting The Character of American Sunlight  Innova  2013  CD    0:52:13 (Pop-up)
S.E.M. Ensemble  Master-Pieces (excerpt)   Favoriting Master-Pieces  S.E.M.  2014  WAV  Recorded live at the New Opera Days Ostrava festival. Courtesy of Czech Radio Ostrava.  1:07:29 (Pop-up)
Daan Vandewalle  Sensorias   Favoriting Pathological Curves  Werderstrabe  2011  CD  Composed by Elizabeth Hoffman  1:17:44 (Pop-up)
Doelenkwartet  8 Streichquartett   Favoriting Streichquartette Nr. 1, 2, 8 und 5  Cybele  2006  CD  Composed by Woflgang Rihm in 1987-88  1:23:36 (Pop-up)
Dedalus  Rational Melodies Nos. III, VI, XIII, IX   Favoriting Rational Melodies  New World Records  2010  CD  Composed by Tom Johnson in 1982  1:38:57 (Pop-up)
Justin Merritt  False Memories   Favoriting Blender  Innova  2014  CD    1:51:51 (Pop-up)
Collegium Instrumentale  Music for Renaissance Instruments   Favoriting Kagel: "1898" / Music for Renaissance Instruments  Deutsche Grammophon  1999  CD  Composed by Mauricio Kagel (1965-66); this recording originally released in 1969  2:00:16 (Pop-up)
Ron Nagorcka  Atom Bomb   Favoriting Atom Bomb Becomes Folk Art  Pogus Productions  2014  CD    2:25:14 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD     

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:01pm

i got the cd today, it is awesome. thanks kurt!
Avatar 3:02pm

Monty Rock! It's disco time, baby. Hiya Koit and alla yous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm

r i s k y:

Hiya, Kurt!
Avatar 3:05pm
Mark Helsten:

I cannot believe you are playing Byzantine Chant! nice! I was enjoying some of this only yesterday!
Avatar 3:06pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

g'day, all. thanks for joining me.
Avatar 3:10pm
still b/p:

You can hear the beards.

i have just tuned in to this station for the very first time. First sound was an old Disco Doo la la song and now Byzantine Alleluia. I LOVE THIS STATION, already hooked. Best greetings from Deutschland!
Avatar 3:12pm

willkommen, Dirk!
Avatar 3:12pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

glad to have you, dirk!
Avatar 3:12pm
Mark Helsten:

This should be pumped constantly through the PA system at my office.
Avatar 3:17pm
still b/p:

"Behold, there came a wise man from the east to WFMUsalem, and he was hooked."
Avatar 3:22pm
still b/p:

Not that anyone should do it, cuz too dangerous, but I wondered how a mashup of this with Elizabeth Clare Prophet's rants 'n chants would work out.
Avatar 3:24pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Avatar 3:25pm

loving the vox! wow, Meredith Monk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm

oh yea, this is good slow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm
Sem Chumbo:

Hi ho, Kurt. Sounding fine this p.m.,
Avatar 3:28pm

Awesome show so far :)
Avatar 3:28pm

Hope everyone is doing well.
Avatar 3:30pm

Play Matmos dude's Pink something project doing Black Metal by Venom
Avatar 3:32pm

I respect you, Kurt, but I will tune this out. It's hard for me to listen to this piece in any format.
Avatar 3:35pm

Crap, I was in the other room, what about this Ergo Phizmiz piece (and thusfar, it doesn't sound like his other stuff).
Avatar 3:35pm

I guess its' a great piece of art because it strikes up such a strong reaction.
Avatar 3:36pm

yikes, tuning out... see you all in 30...

@Cecile: It's all about the bass.
Avatar 3:39pm

oh, this robert Ashley piece....
Avatar 3:39pm

Oh, (the album title explains it), whoops...
Avatar 3:39pm
still b/p:

Don't know if I can stick with it to see how Ergo's version compares to the other, but here's a critique with a few fair and obvious points:
r i s k y:

r i s k y:

You're a true G.
r i s k y:

This is so punk.

Kronos Q early music?

Not even close!
Avatar 3:53pm

Avatar 3:54pm

you know, chico science might work after this
Avatar 4:04pm

the matter of fact-ness is what's troubling.

that's a good blog about the Ashley, I didn't know Ashley himself wrote that monologue? The problem with doing a mashup or "interpretation" of this piece is that if you're familiar with it, having a male voice "chime in" sounds almost disrespectful?
Avatar 4:19pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

ashley didn't write the monologue, it's taken from a series of interviews he did with victims of sexual assault. i had an opportunity to speak with him once and he said he was initially frustrated by the fact that the women - who had spoken openly to him prior to the recording - would become less forthcoming about their experiences once the recorder was on. so he ended up making a composite for an actress to deliver. i think part of the tension comes from the fact that so little overtly sexual is said, although the scene is quite clear. that seems to be the result of the women in the interviews becoming hesitant once the tape was rolling.
Avatar 4:20pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

i should say too that ashley's frustration, as he explained it to me, was not toward the women (who he understood were being asked to do something difficult) but in trying to realize the work.
Avatar 4:27pm

I have no doubt Ashley did it with the greatest sensitivity, and that's why it packs such an emotional punch.

Ashley's frustration: a perfect retort to those who proclaim the rightful death of privacy!

In the preface to his book "Greek Homosexuality," Sir Kenneth Dover wrote, "I am fortunate in not experiencing moral shock or disgust at any genital act whatsoever, provided that it is welcome and agreeable to all the participants (whether they number one, two or more than two).... No act is sanctified, and none is debased, simply by having a genital dimension."

Ashley approaches his topic with the same absence of prejudice, the difference being, of course, that the one about which he writes was neither welcome nor agreeable to all the participants.
Avatar 4:35pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

well put, dean, although i would suggest that what he did was closer to compiling than writing the text.
Avatar 4:36pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

(i think it's relevant to remember that these were initially the words of women and actual victims, not his own.)
Avatar 4:41pm

Hmm, Tom Johnson, new to me!

Eberhard Blum did this for hat, too.
Avatar 4:45pm
still b/p:

I suppose a case could be made that with a male speaking/performing selected portions, there's possibly a fuller realization and identification of real impact for that speaker and for male audience members, and perhaps some tie to responsibility, more profound that mere exposure to the reported facts of someone else's experience and trauma. Is that the intent and is it effective or suitable? Who knows? I'm guessing a hundred people could have a hundred different takes on the work and performance choices

Kurt, did he talk about neutral, detached delivery of the final text being virtually impossible for anyone, regardless of instruction and tone? One of the points from that critique I agree with is that with such material, neutral can't be neutral. Is that part of the artist's point as well, that for better or worse we'll do some mapping and assuming about the speaker's cues and state anyway?
Avatar 4:45pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yeah, and johnson himself recorded them on piano, for lovely music or experimental intermedia, i believe. i think dedalus is the only ensemble recording, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm

have a great weekend everyone! beersies!
Avatar 4:47pm

someone could use this for a film score and it would be incredibly exciting
Avatar 4:47pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the male parts (pretty sure that's ergo's voice) in the recording we heard are not in the original score. only the female part are. and no, ashley didn't address that specific point.
Avatar 4:52pm

laters common!
Avatar 5:01pm
still b/p:

Meanwhile, in other matters of art and tone, just got a couple of laughs, à la the bully kid from The Simpsons, from the sneeriness of lines in a review of Ridley Scott's big new "Exodus" flick: "the pharaonic first family recalls a glam-rock act, "..."a cast of thousands, of which the goats are generally more engaging than the humans."
Avatar 5:03pm

yay! off to get booze and food. toodles all and thanks again for the tetema
Avatar 5:03pm

I have taken to growling in a Christian Bale voice: "I'm Moses!"
Avatar 5:06pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Today is December 12, 2014. 10 more days and then the daylight hours will begin to grow longer.
Avatar 5:07pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

and tomorrow is 12/13/14
Avatar 5:11pm

Then we have to wait 87 years for the day month and year to line up in order again. Which is depressing.
Avatar 5:11pm
still b/p:

Like to see Alfred polishing up a tricked-out Ark of the Covenant with auto-deploy shields 'n shit! The picture's inviting many critics to mine the rich vein of their sneeriness, by the way. Check the Rotten Tomatoes parade of top critics' slams .
Avatar 5:12pm

it does look stinktacular.
Nelson Muntz:

"...the goats?" Haa-Haaa!
Avatar 5:15pm

ned flanders should have directed it. It would have been lots more gory and a lot more fun.
Avatar 5:16pm
still b/p:

"Let my people go-diddly-o"
Avatar 5:18pm

Avatar 5:27pm

I thought he was singing "I turned bald"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Guten Tzag atomic arty Folk...
Avatar 5:40pm

this is real nice

nice Ron Nagorcka reminds me a bit of Mark Stewart & the mafia or Pop Group without the funk ;-)
Avatar 5:50pm

oh yes, this guy knows what's up
Avatar 5:53pm

Thanks Kurt, have a great weekend everyone!
Avatar 5:54pm

you too, ngh!

There's an affinity here with Mitterer's Radio Fractal.
Avatar 5:56pm
Marcel M:

This is pretty sweet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The music this afternoon was rather relaxing. To my ears, anyhow. Have a good week.
Avatar 5:57pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks for tuning in, y'all!
Avatar 5:59pm
Marcel M:

Thanks Kurt byeee
Avatar 5:59pm

just back from getting food and booze, can't wait to hear more!
Avatar 6:00pm
Marcel M:

Your a little late Cory shows over!
Avatar 6:01pm

Petula's telling me that the show is over. Thanks, Kurt!
Avatar 6:01pm
Marcel M:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Thx for even the Afterwerk taste...
Avatar 6:01pm

this next show may be a little bit of a change.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

What's Up, Stupid?" comes on next.
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