Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from November 23, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting November 23, 2014

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Dennis Wilson  Holy Man   Favoriting Pacific Ocean Blue  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Itasca  Walking In Hahamongna   Favoriting Unmoored by the Wind  0:04:01 (Pop-up)
Eric Carbonara  Lullaby for a Setting Sun   Favoriting Exodus Bulldornadius  0:08:09 (Pop-up)
Warren Sampson  Travellers on a Mountain Road   Favoriting Traveller  0:12:44 (Pop-up)
Steve Reich/Jonny Greenwood  Electric Counterpoint: II. Slow   Favoriting Radio Rewrite  0:18:28 (Pop-up)
IKO  Subway 49   Favoriting '83  0:29:59 (Pop-up)
Modern Feelings  Smooth Variations VI   Favoriting Modern Feelings  0:34:59 (Pop-up)
LeRoy Stevens  Favorite Recorded Scream   Favoriting Favorite Recorded Scream  0:40:42 (Pop-up)
Illusion of Safety  We Numb   Favoriting Surrender  0:44:28 (Pop-up)
Stephen Beaupré  Dark Water   Favoriting Foe Destroyer  0:47:55 (Pop-up)
Zeek Sheck  Singing Switch Cut Sting   Favoriting Joinus  1:00:19 (Pop-up)
Belogenis/Blumenkranz/Wollesen  Shanir   Favoriting Unbroken  1:04:01 (Pop-up)
Iva Bittová  China   Favoriting River of Milk  1:10:49 (Pop-up)
Fay Lovsky & la Bande Dessinée  Sequoia   Favoriting Numbers  1:14:08 (Pop-up)
Young Marble Giants  Choci Loni   Favoriting Live at the Hurrah  1:16:30 (Pop-up)
Iasos  Blue Fire Realms   Favoriting Celestial Soul Portrait  1:24:09 (Pop-up)
Razen  Holographic Riddance   Favoriting Remote Hologram  1:28:09 (Pop-up)
Avec le Soleil Sortant de Sa Bouche  Face à l'Instant (part 4)   Favoriting Zubberdust!  1:35:38 (Pop-up)
Univers Zero  Bonjour Chez Vous   Favoriting Ceux du Dehors  1:39:50 (Pop-up)
Grouper  Labyrinth   Favoriting Ruins  1:43:31 (Pop-up)
Musette Explosion  Swing 39   Favoriting Introducing  1:50:30 (Pop-up)
Sonny Stitt/Zoot Sims  KO KO   Favoriting Interaction  1:56:34 (Pop-up)
Gianluca Becuzzi & Fabio Orsi  I'm Happy Here (Under the Rain)   Favoriting Muddy Speaking Ghosts Through My Machines  2:01:35 (Pop-up)
Jack Ruby  Bad Teeth (Don Fleming "Instant Mayhem" Remix)   Favoriting Jack Ruby  2:12:17 (Pop-up)
Konstrukt & Joe McPhee  Flyswatter   Favoriting Babylon  2:19:54 (Pop-up)
Zweistein  I'm a Melody Maker   Favoriting Trip—Flip Out—Meditation  2:30:05 (Pop-up)
Howlround  Torridon Gate (excerpt)   Favoriting Torridon Gate  2:33:46 (Pop-up)
Roberto Gerhard  Audiomobiles I 'Sculpture' 1959-67   Favoriting Electronic Explorations From His Studio + the BBC Radiophonic Workshop 1958-1967  2:48:30 (Pop-up)
Yximalloo  Akidusi   Favoriting Hagakure  2:54:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Uncle Michael:

POB is the best Beach Boys solo album I've ever heard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Uncle Michael:

Evening, Dave.
Avatar 9:07pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey there, UM. Not many solo Beach Boys records to choose from, though, are there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
Uncle Michael:

You know, that's a good point. But I still love POB. I was very late to that album and was slightly obsessed with it for a short time.
Avatar 9:14pm
Dave Mandl:

Yeah, it's good, and a real period piece, I think.
  Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

That was a lovely guitar piece. But then, this one might be as well...

Great listening beginnings; glad to arrive to hear them.
Avatar 9:19pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey there 12539, tr;sh.

Hi Dave and all. Trying day today, would love to get lost in the music.

hey Dave. Been listening. Now commenting.
Avatar 9:24pm

that steve reich + jonny greenwood piece was great.
Avatar 9:25pm
pacific standard simon:

Gimme a beat, Dave, to free Carmichael's soul...

Hi gang!! ::runs in, slamming screen door::
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Uncle Michael:

DON'T SLAM THE DOOR....and wash your hands. Dinner's ready.
Avatar 9:29pm
pacific standard simon:

Gotta slam the door or the flies'll get in.
Avatar 9:30pm
pacific standard simon:

Also "associated" with Charlie Manson...
Avatar 9:30pm

as a former minnesotan and still pedant, i am duty-bound to insist "itasca" is pronounced "eye-TASK-uh".
Avatar 9:33pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey Holly, dk, pss, Jake, Carmichael.

Holly, slamming the door is disrespectful to doors and frames.
Avatar 9:33pm
Dave Mandl:

@dk: Noted, thanks!
Avatar 9:36pm

well, this itasca's from new york, so she may be exempt from the strict dictates of minnesotan verbal correctness. we'll need to see the appropriate documentation, of course.

My bruised psyche is healing, thanks.

Sorry, @unclemichael. Smells delish in here!! What are we having?
Avatar 9:41pm
pacific standard simon:

Respect must be EARNED, Mr. Door.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Uncle Michael:

spinach and basil manicotti and meatballs in marinara
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Uncle Michael:

Is the Wilhelm Scream in this?
Avatar 9:44pm
pacific standard simon:

Does Dave the Spazz know about this?
Avatar 9:45pm

was just going to say how profoundly disappointed i was that this record wasn't called "WILHELM ROCKS"
Avatar 9:45pm
Dave Mandl:

It's got "Won't Get Fooled Again" about 10 times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Uncle Michael:

Haven't herd James Brown yet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Uncle Michael:

There he is.
Avatar 9:46pm

is that 'whole lotta love' bit really a scream?
Avatar 9:47pm

also, cripes is this just all kinds of awesome.
listening out there:

"I scream, you scream..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

no trashmen
listening out there:

Why do I feel like gargling just now?
Avatar 9:48pm
Dave Mandl:

James Brown, yes. I don't think it's got the Trashmen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm glad the Sonics and Iggy both made it in...the Yoko, too...I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm
Uncle Michael:

Simon, I've exchanged some good email with Captain Willard this week. Thanks for the heads-up.
Avatar 9:51pm

Trippy :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Uncle Michael:

I didn't hear Rob Tyner in the screamfest.

You would have heard me if you had been at my house today, from 10AM to 4 friggin PM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Uncle Michael:

Band rehearsal?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Lonely Planet Boy:

funny you followed up the Scream track with We Numb :)

Plumbing. Repair. MAJOR.
Avatar 10:00pm

Finland?? Wow like [ówt krì] !
Avatar 10:00pm
pacific standard simon:

Glad to hear it, Michael. I see he included the Peaches collection. Wasn't that one of your exclusions?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Uncle Michael:

Yes...he discusses the controversies a bit on the blog posts. He offers no documentation for including Peaches and Peaches Vol.2 but he did send me documentation I hadn't seen for Cook Book.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Uncle Michael:

The amount of work that went into cleaning up the audio and the artwork is astonishing. He's a champion.

Can I record my neighbors in Bay Ridge who scream every now and then? As well as their dog that howl cries like all the time? And then send them to LeRoy Stevens. That would be the best.
Avatar 10:07pm
pacific standard simon:

It's true. I'm pretty sure he's mistaken about the order of the Zapped editions, though.
Avatar 10:08pm
pacific standard simon:

DIY, Jake, DIY.

Yeah, maybe I should just release that on Bandcamp myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Uncle Michael:

He didn't know there were three versions of Zapped till I mentioned it.
Avatar 10:14pm
pacific standard simon:

Actually, I didn't, either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Uncle Michael:

There's a version with the collage cover but the track list from the one with the portrait cover. I don't have that one.
Avatar 10:20pm
pacific standard simon:

I bought the portrait cover version from an ad in The National Lampoon in late summer, 1970. Make of that what you will.
Avatar 10:28pm
pacific standard simon:

I think I remember this guy -- didn't he have really cheesy primitive self-released album covers, too?

@pss, I bought every NatLamp mag in the 70s. Excellent writing and bathroom humor. Still a big fan of PJ O'Rourke.

This Razen reminds me of some 1970s horror/sci-fi stuff where suddenly a human turns around and either their face is circuitry or their eyes are all black due to lack of… Why did they make their eyes black in the “Stepford Wives” again? Firmware update?
Avatar 10:37pm
pacific standard simon:

@Carmichael - I think I jumped ship around '75, but yeah, The Lampoon was a huge influence. Now I have them on DVD! :D
Avatar 10:40pm
pacific standard simon:

Somebody on Tumblr did a post about their ten most influential books. After thinking about it, I realized that most of my 10 most influential books are magazines.

This reminds me of Jono El Grande.
Avatar 10:45pm
Dave Mandl:

But 20 years earlier!

The SAT test was probably the greatest piece of writing they ever did.
Avatar 10:55pm
pacific standard simon:

Any record with a squeeze-box on it is OK with me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm
Uncle Michael:

Three Suns career retrospective. Check.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm calling it a night. Fiddle-dee-dee, tomorrow is another day.

Lovely music tonight, Dave. Thank you.
Avatar 10:59pm
pacific standard simon:

Bye, Unk!
Avatar 11:00pm
Dave Mandl:

Night, UM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00pm
Uncle Michael:

Night, all.

How about Rockland County?
Avatar 11:03pm
Dave Mandl:

I love Rockland County!

I don’t think of things that influence me in terms of the media container they are in. And sorry, not a lover of books.
Avatar 11:06pm
pacific standard simon:

We're with you in Rockland, Carl Solomon!
Avatar 11:08pm
pacific standard simon:

The recording angel heard that, Jake.

I hope! I like recordings. I like art. I like film. Books? Sorry but it always felt weird and never “took me places.”

Dave, was there rain in both tracks - this and last? Or just this?

I did a double take with headphones on and off because heavy rain was in the forecast, but never(hasn't) happened.
Avatar 11:13pm
Dave Mandl:

@tr;sh: Not the last track (Sonny Stitt).

Whenever I listen to WFMU and I am boiling water in a kettle I sometimes forget which is which; is that a kettle whistle? Or a noise piece?

A return to the beginning. Aha. I hear it, now.
Rainy structure.
Avatar 11:16pm
pacific standard simon:

This morning I dreamed that the dishwasher was flooding, and started to wake up. I thought my wife was taking an unusually long time in the shower. Finally, I woke up completely and recognized the sound of torrential rain outside my window.
Avatar 11:20pm
pacific standard simon:

They say that W.C. Fields had difficulty sleeping unless he could hear the sound of rain on his roof.

I like it when I somehow time my sleep to rain. Dozing off while sheets of rain come down—and the pressure drops—is pretty sweet if you ask me.
Avatar 11:23pm
Dave Mandl:

I have an app that plays the sound of a rainstorm to help you fall asleep.
Avatar 11:25pm
pacific standard simon:

On the other hand, Fields was known to doze when soaked with gin.

It's a unique time of year for the waking senses. Rain and ears. Snow and eyes. Snow is so silent and yet so bright.
Avatar 11:30pm
Dave Mandl:

I hate the cold, but winter is a beautiful season.
Avatar 11:34pm
pacific standard simon:

I swored a swear recently: never again will I live somewhere it don't ever snow.
Avatar 11:36pm
pacific standard simon:

Dressing up in wool and fleece and flannel excites me.

Brisk movements for brisk temps and below is where the cold winter comfort is at, I find. The light from now til 12/21 is another story..

I love the SAT test, but the 64 yearbook parody is one of the funniest things that's ever been written by anyone, anywhere, ever. A flipping masterpiece.

“I have an app that plays the sound of a rainstorm to help you fall asleep.” I have tracks I downloaded via the iTunes store for that reason. But they don’t help me sleep. Talk radio though… BOOM! Out like a light here.

“I love the SAT test…” What is wrong with you?

“Dressing up in wool and fleece and flannel excites me.” I can accept your wool and fleece fetish far more than I can accept anyone liking the SATs.
Avatar 11:54pm
pacific standard simon:

Dave - Thanks for the introduction to the music of Will Holshouser. I'm exploring!
Avatar 11:55pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: You're welcome. He's a good accordionist.

@jakegould, I was referring to the National Lampoon SAT test parody referenced above by @carmichael. Not the *actual* SAT test. har.

Phew… I am happy for you to have cleared that up.
Avatar 11:57pm
pacific standard simon:

I aced the GED test.
  Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

Muchas merci, Mr Mandl.
Avatar 11:58pm
Dave Mandl:

I did OK on the GRE. Completely flunked the SAT.
Avatar 11:58pm
Dave Mandl:

Have a great week, everyone. Thanks for listening/chatting.
Avatar 11:59pm
pacific standard simon:

A pleasure, especially in a sweater.

Thanks for the fine listening et al. Dave.

Great show!


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