Warm and dry so far. Too warm, actually; I'm in the middle slice of a 3-floor bldg. occupied mostly by elderly folk, who began cranking their heat in October.
My last apartment had a radiator somewhat outside my control, but in the good direction; heat started in fall and ended at some point in the spring, but could not be turned entirely off. Felt terrible opening windows to let it out.
Here's to landlady longevity! She sounds totally rad.
I keep it cold in here, but when the heat comes on, the pipes for the bedroom radiator sound like this (font would be much larger if possible.): BANG! WHANG! KLONG-klong-klong!
I feel lucky to be in the running for 28° tonight. Good news is sun will predominate through the rest of this week, which proves to be a bit of a work-siege.
Record-Rama closed before I arrived in Pittsburgh. Paul Mawhinney was trying to sell his collection ever since it closed and there were articles in the local papers about it every once in a while. I learned recently that Mawhinney sold to that Brazilian dude that is trying to buy every record in the universe.
Hey, JeffG, JeffJ, Andrew, Doug, fleep, Brian, james, duke and all! I was reading the conversation and you should all envy me: it's a beautiful warm sunny (and even a little windy) Spring day South of Tropic of Capricorn.
@Jeff: This sounds like Anthony Braxton doing the soundtrack for a 50s sci-fi movie.
@Andrew: In Porto Alegre, Brazil (30ºS latitude, that's why I mentioned the Tropic)
Hey all you devilishly handsome listeners, don't forget to tune in to Jeff Golick's new show, The Magic Hour, airing every Wednesday at 9am here on your 24-hour Drummer Stream.
And of course, Maestro Coulter kicks off a three-show Tuesday tomorrow at noon (ET) with his freeform artistry.
@JeffG: Since the beginning, I guess, though I couldn't listen to a whole show for a while. I used to like the oscillation between jazz/"non-jazz" music, but the 2-h show just display so much good music and a lot of newer things. They're blowing my mind.
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
holland oats:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Here's to landlady longevity! She sounds totally rad.
Doug Schulkind:
still b/p:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
I saw a short documentary about it the other day
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
still b/p:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Yes, I am a 12-year-old boy.
Doug Schulkind:
Record-Rama closed before I arrived in Pittsburgh. Paul Mawhinney was trying to sell his collection ever since it closed and there were articles in the local papers about it every once in a while. I learned recently that Mawhinney sold to that Brazilian dude that is trying to buy every record in the universe.
Jeff Golick:
Andrew Waterloo:
Andrew Waterloo:
Andrew Waterloo:
Andrew Waterloo:
Andrew Waterloo:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
@Andrew: In Porto Alegre, Brazil (30ºS latitude, that's why I mentioned the Tropic)
Jeff Golick:
And on this one right now:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Eric Crapton:
Jeff Golick:
Leave the guitar.
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Simpsons last night wasn't so bad (from my lay perspective). I'm always happy when a Simpson goes tripping.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Hey all you devilishly handsome listeners, don't forget to tune in to Jeff Golick's new show, The Magic Hour, airing every Wednesday at 9am here on your 24-hour Drummer Stream.
And of course, Maestro Coulter kicks off a three-show Tuesday tomorrow at noon (ET) with his freeform artistry.
Jeff Golick:
Hint: ^^^^^^
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Hail also, Brian in UK!
Though not necessarily in that order!
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Take care, Brian; enjoy!
listener james from westwood:
Gary, enjoy the doc!
Jeff Golick:
So very welcome, @listener james. Catch you on the flip.