Yes, please consider contributing to the Silent fund raiser. Even a small donation makes a big difference. Help get D:O out of the basement with regards to fundraising on the stream. We don't want to be locked down there until spring!
A Mellotron in a recording from '72 by Herbie Hancock? Now I've heard everything.
@Jeff J
I haven't, but I did read in the papers that he reveals his period of crack addiction in the book. Kind of sad that that is the sexy detail leaked by the publisher to draw interest. God forbid people should be interested in the music.
I don't have a favorite crack addict, but I do have a favorite meth addict. He was the former president of the undergrad institution I attended, an MBA and a pastor. Upstanding white guy in a suit. After he left the college he spiraled completely out of control, got thrown in jail a couple times. Died recently. Not sure he played any musical instruments.
I just read about the headmaster at one of the most exclusive (expensive) private schools in Marin County. Just got arrested in a motel room with a shitlode of meth, coke and a woman "who was not his wife." Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "party school."
It's a frigging archetype. The college president "got arrested in a motel room with a shitlode [sic] of meth...and a" man "who was [needless to say] not his wife," but a student at the college he ran after he left mine.
What would be the point of being in motel room with a shitload of meth and your wife? That would put hookers out of business.
The whole business is tragic, but I do have one consolation. At a meeting of a board on which I served and to whom this president presented a "new vision" for the college, I uncharacteristically spoke up and told him I thought what he was suggesting was "deceptive." He was startled and assured me it was in no way a deception.
I'll take all of those over my Catholic high school, if all those involved adults. They shuttled one Catholic Brother off to Canada after he allegedly broke various regulations in Leviticus and the NJ state code. Googling his name years later brought up an affidavit and a pattern of abuse.
We also had a CHP (Cal Highway Patrol) officer who was downloading child porn on his work wi-fi, and a Sheriff deputy who found some naked pics of a female suspect on her cell phone and forwarded them to his own phone. Lots going on out West.
@Brian: you mean the silent film actor who threw lots of parties, got a film starlet pregnant, paid for the abortion which ultimately killed her, then denied the whole thing? THAT Fatty Arbuckle?
There's a new book coming out along those lines, "Scandals of Classic Hollywood," by Anne Helen Petersen, based on her net articles on various stars, that proves to be a 21st-century "Hollywood Babylon" except factual.
Victim's name was Rappe, if you're into namephreaks.
We've just GOT to get D:O Radio over the top. Only $165 will do the trick! Help this show reach 100% of the goal and help Give the Drummer Radio reach 100% for all of its programs!
Listener James - glad the Mwandishi tunes reset your mood. It's a shame Herbie didn't stick with this group. Apparently he felt it was too demanding for listeners and recalibrated with Headhunters. He was on target in terms of its commercial success.
Glad everyone is enjoying the show! PLEASE consider giving something to the SILENT FUND DRIVE. We're creeping closer to our goal, but time is running out. Anything you can pledge during the show will be hugely helpful and appreciated!
The fund-raising goals for shows are pretty much determined by how the shows did the previous year, so reaching or surpassing 100% this year would indicate steady or even increasing support. And that would be a most lovely thing to indicate.
To pledge specifically to D:O Radio, you must either click the blue PLEDGE button on this page, or use this link:
This loop is the sound of two Jeffs falling apart if we don't make our SILENT FUNDRAISER goal... follow Doug's instructions above to PLEDGE and support D:O!
We got an aerosol of Pledge for our 29th weddinbg anniversary which is 'new furniture'. Glad I have children with a sense of humour.
What I most enjoy about Disintegration Loops is I most enjoy about Disintegration Loops is I most enjoy about Disintegration Loops is I most enjoy about I most enjoy about I most enjoy about I most enjoy about most enjoy most enjo enj en en en e
I'm mean, honestly, playing selections like this really set D:O Radio not just apart from other shows on other stations, but other shows on the Drummer Stream and WFMU (except, of course, for Bryce!)
This is radio that honors your intelligence. That scoffs at trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. That celebrates the wide-open freedom to take risks and explore. It is heart-in-your-throat radio. It is pit-in-your-stomach radio. It is third eye in your inner ear radio. And it is glorious.
what he said - stand up & be counted aural lurkers before i hang you upside down and start shakin' some action (sorry doug, someone has to play the heavy)
I have to take off in a few minutes. Please please puh-leeze let me see that beautiful round bulbous number 1 0 0 on this page when I get back in a couple of hours!
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff J:
Jeff J:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff J:
Brian in UK:
PS Hello.
Brian in UK:
Jeff J:
Hi Brian - No accounting for wasted time.
Doug - Have you read any of Herbie's memoir?
Doug Schulkind:
I haven't, but I did read in the papers that he reveals his period of crack addiction in the book. Kind of sad that that is the sexy detail leaked by the publisher to draw interest. God forbid people should be interested in the music.
Brian in UK:
Doug Schulkind:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
Brian in UK:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
I believe that Fatty Arbuckle has been fairly universally exonerated at this point, no?
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
I imagine you hovering, entranced, out of the top of your wicker basket.
listener james from westwood:
Brian in UK:
Doug Schulkind:
We've just GOT to get D:O Radio over the top. Only $165 will do the trick! Help this show reach 100% of the goal and help Give the Drummer Radio reach 100% for all of its programs!
Doug Schulkind:
As long as he isn't J. Edgar Hoovering.
listener james from westwood:
Jeff J:
Jeff J:
Jeff J:
Brian in UK:
jeff g. in Ohio!:
Rich in Washington:
Jeff J:
Jeff J:
Keep the FUN coming, everyone!
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
ADDITIONAL HUGE THANKS to Peter in Wilmington, Delaware, for tossing his burning wad of love onto the D:O Radio pyre!
Jeff J:
Let this Mazurek track inspire you...
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff J:
Doug Schulkind:
holland oats:
Brian in UK:
Doug Schulkind:
$70 away from 100%!
Jeff J:
Only $70 to go - don't be shy, folks...
Doug Schulkind:
To pledge specifically to D:O Radio, you must either click the blue PLEDGE button on this page, or use this link:
listener james from westwood:
Brian in UK:
Jeff J:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Doug Schulkind:
This is radio that honors your intelligence. That scoffs at trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. That celebrates the wide-open freedom to take risks and explore. It is heart-in-your-throat radio. It is pit-in-your-stomach radio. It is third eye in your inner ear radio. And it is glorious.
holland oats:
Doug Schulkind:
holland oats:
holland oats:
listener james from westwood:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood: