Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from October 22, 2014 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting October 22, 2014: #40 - Welcome To The Frog Cave

If you'd like to comment on this episode, you can tweet Andrea @andreasilenzi or Randy @randyisdaman.

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  He has a podcast now. Listen to the debut episode of our regular guest Randy's new show THE FROG CAVE. 
Randy's New Podcast   

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:02pm

OMG, what is happening?! I'm so afraid
Avatar 7:03pm
Listener Julian:

Oh wow.
Avatar 7:03pm
Listener Julian:

I'm totally a slave to the cave.
Avatar 7:03pm

Why Oh Why isn't Randy in charge of Why Oh Why?
cavorting with nudists:

Jesus, thanks Andrea for making it clear right off the top that this show can be missed. Y'all who wanna hear how Randy likes to make flight attendant's lives more difficult just because he can--have fun.

The question "Why oh why?" was never more applicable than it is with regard to why this douche is on Andrea's show.
Avatar 7:06pm

Radio listeners -- he's saying "sheet music for my skin flute" -- had to be beeped.
Avatar 7:06pm
Listener Julian:

Station Manager Ken has said so many worse things than that on the air.

Randy is highly entertaining!
Avatar 7:07pm

Thank you, Andrea! lol

Does Randy have Ebola? If not, can we pledge for that.
Avatar 7:10pm

I'm overwhelmed by this. I don't know how to cope with this unstopped Randying
Avatar 7:12pm

"Tori Amos is the devil. Her songs are female oriented and she sits sideways on a piano seat... which is inappropriate for a chick."
Avatar 7:12pm

Im a semi listener of this show but have never liked Randy. THIS episode is intolerable. Im sorry if im missing s'thing. Plz, back to intelligent conversation by Andrea & other guests.

This is fun because of its meta relationship to the usual content.
Avatar 7:15pm

Wow, what an app

Is Randy like one of these things that someone like 2-3 years from now will completely “get” after a ton of shows are under the belt?
Avatar 7:18pm

The single best thing about this is none of Randy's audio cues actually showing up in the episode
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

i never got 'the best show' - i get this, precisely because he's being so stoopid, and my guess is on purpose.
Avatar 7:20pm

"Just be cool, yo." Randy's editor quit because he got scared.

put sound of a gong here 3 2 1
Avatar 7:21pm

This is just sad. and not funny at all. I am not entirely sure if it is supposed to be, but it really isn't.
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