I was creating a playlist of all the earworms in my music collection on my computer. So far I've got three tracks which have been playing for half an hour now. Now that Ken's show is on, I'm finally freed from of this misery of bliss.
Hello everyone!
Hey! This is cool!
The very 1970 original of "Arizona Man" (sung by May Roos) was Giorgio Moroder's introduiction of the synthesizer to the Schlagerwelt.
To everybody except Ken:
Oh no...I'm in trouble. Let's see if good ol' reverse pyschology works.
To Ken:
Please PLAY Mariah Carey's Vision of Love!!!!! I want to hear it SO much!
Jonathan Herweg:
I second that!!
Phillip in Brooklyn:
@Ken "urination breaks" aren't funny to someone like myself who had diabetes! Do you know how many forced urination breaks I have to take in one day? It ain't funny...
So I'm gonna guess when they tore donw the old Giant's Stadium, Jimmy Hoffa's body was not found anywhere? Unless they moved him to the endzone of MetLife stadium...
There's a old game show from the 50-'s 60named "Tell The Truth" where contestants claim to be the same person. Then celebrities panelists try to guess which is the real one. There's one episode where Linda Laurie is one of the contestants !!!
Check it out and try to guess too! It's such a nice treat!
Hurdry Gurdy man backwards'll do that. Remember that kids. Tipper Gore was right, NEVER play your records backwards, it lets Satan out. First your stylus gets bent, then your soul.
Thanks Scott for the new stylus! No Vicki, I dont think the only song is a single. Its on the CD Blegvad did with John Greaves. And I shall not cheat on the holiness of Singles Going Steady week.
ok ken - in honor of that 70s detroit rockblock - here's a blurp of money. but that's all, just a blurp. bryce already got a blorp of money from me earlier this month.
@KenfromHP: well, it helps that while I'd usually be swimming on Wednesdays, this week is a week off. Also, I'm almost 2 weeks into my "don't leave the house or buy groceries so that you have money to pledge to WFMU" stint, so sitting at home, feeling hungry. (I'm pondering sneaking out for some food today.)
@dale: got some cheddar, flour, salad dressing, and canned pineapple. Can't think of a meal to be made from those. Cheddar and pineapple possible just by themselves, but I think my body is starting to crave actual food.
Hmm, should I do some gif IDs for old time's sake? "The Warriors" of course, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "The Fearless Vampire Killers", "The Three Ages", and the Red Cross PSA "Why Not Live". Oh, and the music video for Bonobo's "Cirrus".
The GIF for the Peggy Lee should be the same one as "Strokin'," above.
Fred de Gris:
My friend go fired from the horn section for laughing at a friend laughing at Peggy Lee at the PNC
Fෂ Fෂ (:
You are so good, but I think is time for your prowess to be challenged. I'll identify the songs being played. The one currently being played is from L Ron Hubbard and I think is named 'Alien Visitors Attack'.
It's official scientists at the neutron particle acceleration international lab have suspended work for Kens last half hour
Fred de Gris:
Ken quick try this if you are running outa time.
You Suffer" is a song by the British grindcore band Napalm Death, from their debut album, Scum. The song has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest recorded song ever. It is precisely 1.316 seconds long.
The problem with the Church of Scientology isn't that some higher-level Scientologists think they are auditing out body thetans from outer space; the problem is that it's a corporate mafia-like money-making organization committing atrocious human rights abuses using the religious cloaking tech LRH mocked up at some point to get away with it, especially in America
Fෂ Fෂ (:
I think there's a way for iOS to boogie. But you need to buy an $100 adapter.
It isn't really a religion with those beliefs. It acts like a religion with beliefs while being an insidious power structure. L. Ron Hubbard wrote that in the tech. & he wrote that it's a cult. It is.
Fred de Gris:
High Im scott mun let me tell you about the time I was with my wife in the hospital having a baby and John and yoko were there too having a baby did I ever tell you about the time John Lennon John LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn LennonJohn Lennon
You know, the new Pope is such a laid-back dude, I wouldn't mind seeing him doing the "Dogma" Buddy Christ's pose at some point. Maybe without the wink, though.
Hugh C:
Scott Muni m.c.'d our high school x-mas dance in 1962
The Church of Scientology has forced labor thought rehabilitation camps you're sent to & locked inside for being out-ethiks or anything -- which is a lot of what can happen to a person for being a Scientologist
Fෂ Fෂ (:
Strict Scandinavian Rule #23 addendum
DJ might sped up his/her set (especially when playing Mariah Carey).
Fred de Gris:
Im trying to play along Ken but my bass must be out of tune
Just wondering, Ken, is there a contingency plan in case the chosen pet is unable to fulfill their term as station mascot? Have you planned for a successor?