A musical journey through the lands of rock, pop, jazz and soul on the spaceship of time.
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Listener comments!
Sem Chumbo:
Sem Chumbo:
Chris Devlino:
Sem Chumbo:
How's it going, antipodes-wise?
Sem Chumbo:
Sem Chumbo:
Worn out joy:
@ Ausmanx : I know i'd like to go there, but funny you're mentioning this, a lot of australians here too… One of them actually living with me (currently touring the US though)
Jeroen Kuster:
Sem Chumbo:
@Ausmanx: when traveling, it always seems there's an Australian nearby to get the tourist shot: me at the Acropolis, me at the Chain Bridge, me at Fes...met a couple here in Nova Scotia just the other day, looking at the tidal power plant here, Don't those from Oz ever stay home?;-D
Sem Chumbo:
I've had the chance to become friend with a guy from the U.V. Race (such a great band) so i'll go and see him.