Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from September 11, 2014 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting September 11, 2014: Return To Ground Zero - 9-11-2014

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
  On Monday, September 8th, 2014, I left work early and headed with my Sony hand-held digital recorder to the sight of the former World Trade Center towers. Once there, I did twelve short interviews with random people, trying to tap into what those individuals felt about the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. It's been 13-years since that fateful September morning. Still, strong emotions surface when people are asked to remember where they were, what they were doing, and how the experience touched their llives. Thanks for joining me for this 9-11 Editiion of The Dusty Show.
An Interview with Annette and her Husband, Visiting from Janesville, Wisconsin
Jordan De La Sierra  Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose (excerpt) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose - Music for the Well-Tuned Piano  Unity  1977  LP  01:04 - 04:31  0:01:04 (Pop-up)
First Report of a Plane Hitting one of the World Trade Center Towers - Audio of Matt Lauer Courtesy of MSNBC
An Interview with Paul - An Electrician at the Freedom Tower
Cick Corea  Picture 1 (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Piano Improvisations Vol. 1  ECM  1971  LP  05:42 - 08:14  0:05:42 (Pop-up)
Television Report on the Second Tower Being Hit - Audio Courtesy of CBS 2
An Interview with Steve - A Quality Control Inspector on the Oculus at the Freedom Tower Site
  Read about the Oculus here: http://www.panynj.gov/wtcprogress/transportation-hub.html
Larry Coryell - Philip Catherine  Home Comings (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Twin-House  Elektra  1977  LP  09:15 - 12:30  0:09:15 (Pop-up)
Report on Flight 93's Crash in Somerset County, PA. Includes Interview Excerpt with then Representative, John Murtha - Audio Courtesy of WOWKTV.com
An Interview with Hector who was in Prison on 9-11-01
Douglas Trowbridge  The Farewell (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Meadowlark Records Sampler 1985  Meadowlark  1985  LP  14:50 - 18:00  0:14:50 (Pop-up)
  Excuse my increasingly scratchy records. :>(
Early Report of the Pentagon being Attacked on 9-11 - Audio Courtesy of MSNBC
An Interview with Cal near the Freedom Tower
Tim Story  Glass Green (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Glass Green  Windham Hill  1987  LP  18:44 - 21:14  0:18:44 (Pop-up)
The South Tower Collapses at the World Trade Center - Audio Courtesy of ABC News
An Interview with Debbie, an Eyewitness of 9-11 Attacks
Gown  Taylor's Jam (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting For The Maples  Three Lobed  2008  LP  26:01 - 27:23  0:26:01 (Pop-up)
  I think I had the Gown record on the wrong speed.
CNN Reports that the North Tower has Collapsed
An Interview with David (A Teacher) near the Freedom Tower
Tim Story  Oil On Wood (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Glass Green  Windham Hill  1987  LP  28:10 - 30:40  0:28:10 (Pop-up)
President George Bush Speaks at Ground Zero Following the Attacks
An Interview with Joseph - A Retired NYC Firefighter
Jaco Pastorius  Okonkolé Y Trompa (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Jaco Pastorius  Epic  1976  LP  33:58 - 36:30  0:33:58 (Pop-up)
Texas Governor, Rick Perry, Speaks About ISIS Terrorists Possibly Slipping Through the Mexican Border - Audio Courtesy of C-SPAN
An Interview with Omar from Mexico
Jordan De La Sierra  Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose (excerpt) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose - Music for the Well-Tuned Piano  Unity  1977  LP  38:16 - 41:56  0:38:16 (Pop-up)
President Bush Reacts to the Terrorist Attacks in a Press Conference (9-13-01) - Audio Courtesy of C SPAN 2.
  embarrassed by scratchiness
An Interview with Jean at the former World Trade Center Site
Tim Story  The Lure Of Silence (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Glass Green  Windham Hill  1987  LP  43:24 - 46:06  0:43:24 (Pop-up)
Audio Excerpt from London News Report on Terrorist Murder of a British Soldier - Audio Courtesy of ABC TV
An Interview with Vikram, A Wall Street Worker Originally from London
Jordan De La Sierra  Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose (excerpt) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose - Music for the Well-Tuned Piano  Unity  1977  LP  48:24 - 51:43  0:48:24 (Pop-up)
Former VP Cheney Speaks to ABC TV Concerning the Possibility of further Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.
An Interview with Daria (Eyewitness) near the former World Trade Center Site
Tim Story  Glass Green (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Glass Green  Windham Hill  1987  LP  54:10 - 56:18  0:54:10 (Pop-up)
President Barack Obama Addresses the Nation Concerning the Threat of ISIS in the Middle-East - Audio Courtesy of NYTimes.com
Queen  Keep Yourself Alive (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Queen  Elektra  1973  LP  56:18 - 1:00:05 - Sounds like a guitar may be missing from the mix. A problem with WFMU's Turntable 2?  0:56:18 (Pop-up)
  I hope you enjoyed this edition of The Dusty Show on WFMU. It's always gratifying to return to Ground Zero and collect the thoughts and feelings of tourists, New Yorkers, and actual eyewitnesses to the attacks of 9-11. It was a bit of a challenge executing this episode as all interviews were edited on a laptop and then bounced one-at-a-time to cassette. Likewise, all the newsbytes were recorded to cassette, so I spent the whole of my airtime juggling cassettes and LPs, cueing them up as I went. It went by very fast.

Always remember those who perished in the attacks of 9-11. Years pass, but the pain and immediacy of it is very real for so many who still live and miss their friends and relatives. Peace. Love. Clay Pigeon ... NYC 9-11-14

Jaco Pastorius  Okonkolé Y Trompa   Favoriting Jaco Pastorius  Epic  1976  LP  1:00:06   

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Listener comments!

Gee Lampa:

Hello, Clay
Gee Lampa:

And listeners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

amazing a jet could hit those buildings and they withstood it - for a while anyway.
Avatar 6:06pm
V Priceless:

Hi Clay! Windows on The World was the coolest restaurant. Remember being up there and seeing Tito Puente playing in one of the adjacent rooms!
Gee Lampa:

I don't feel less free, but I know my privacy is truncated in 100 new ways.

Good times Dusty Hour!!!
Avatar 6:06pm

it sounds weird, but we often eat Indian food on 9/11. We had a dinner date that night, and went to a nearly empty restaurant with our firiends. Then we went to their house and just watched TV until late into the night. I'm glad we were there together.
Gee Lampa:

@VP my old college GF was there that morning. Just a business breakfast. One day out of thousands, those odds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I was in SoCal - very removed - in some stupid loft living space (even more removed - trying to make rent in SantBarbara, & failing) - w/ no TV - listening to NPR - & from the description - I pictured it as some Irwin Allen disaster movie - & I thot: that must be wrong, it can't really be like that (that's the thing about getting News off NPRadio: you don't get the sensationalistic Visuals)
- but it *was* - a for real Irwin Allen Disaster
...obviously - there was Duhbya - we knew there would be War & Retribution & Things would Change...
Remember: The U.S.~CIA supported the Shah of Iran since 1953 - a Dictator - which resulted in the Islamic Theocracy in Iran & the Hostages in JimmyCarter time - & has been playing Sunni & Shiite (Iran vs. Iraq) against each other @ least that long; later supported Saddam against Iran (see pic of Rumsfeld shaking hands w/ Saddam) - & supported the Mujahadim - incldg. Bin Laden - against the USSR in Afghanistan...
Avatar 6:10pm

I was on my ex's Lower East Side apartment roof and saw the second plane. My ex asked me to use her telephoto lens to take pics. That allowed me to see things I'd rather not. I gave the pics to my parents and have never seen them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

my wife (then gf) and i ate at mary annes around the corner from where we lived in the east village. remember hearing all sorts of police sirens and ambulances going down 2nd avenue as there was no traffic below allowed below 4th street. it was just scary and weird and it seemed like the end of the world. it was for many.
Avatar 6:12pm

That evening, we went to go drink on the empty (of traffic streets) at a bar in the East Village, but for the first time in my life, I didn't feel like drinking.

I was in Tahlequah, Oklahoma making pottery for the Cherokee Nation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

*wow* ngh
- the attackers were Saudi - not Iraqui; the bin Ladens Oil People like the Bush's...
...read in Esquire or such about a guy engulfed in the DustCloud - not even on sight - fleeing it like it's Godzilla in the Streets of the City ; in the SmokeDust for minutes on end...
Avatar 6:17pm

Gotta go, Clay. Have a great show - this is a very nice tribute.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Mike East:

I was in Jersey. My best friend and I went to the top of a nearby mountain to see the smoke in NYC. Then I spent the rest of the day in a daze, listening to radio, watching TV, spending time with friends and family.
Avatar 6:18pm
V Priceless:

@ Gee - sorry to hear that. Unbelievable

See ya, Cecile!

the powers that be should declassify those 28 pages
Avatar 6:22pm

I walked across Manhattan to the Meat Packing District from the Lower East Side to pick up my ex-gf from work. It was deadly silent, except for sirens. There were ghosts of people heading north covered in white dust and debris, some people w/ blood. It was the first time I went into shock w/o suffering from physical trauma.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

a run on nostradamus books after that.
Avatar 6:24pm
Marcel M:

Hello Clay hello all. Sorry I'm late! Was listening in the car though I promise.
Avatar 6:27pm
Marcel M:

I never think about it being 9/11 at all leading up to the day. Then I look at my watch or phone... and remember. Was in Jersey when it happened. Many of my classmates had parents in the city. Was a strange day for sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

'i almost had a class in 9/11?'
Gee Lampa:

@dale Is that hard to believe?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

i love america, except for the dicks who run it and the gun nuts and religious zealots.

Thank you for this show Clay. You always step up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

did he mean in the building, gee?
Avatar 6:31pm

Crap, I need to shower, my gf's bdday is in 1.5 hours, and then one of my old friend's bday party I've known since junior high.
Avatar 6:31pm

oof. been listening. 9/11 happened a few days into my first year of freshman year at college. im from north NJ and was in school 90 mins north of NYC. i still get queasy when i hear these sound bytes replayed.
Gee Lampa:

@dale I believe so.
Avatar 6:33pm

"There's no wrong thing to do on 9/11" - I appreciate that.
Gee Lampa:

The only wrong thing you can do is feel nothing.
marmalade kitty:

Good evening pigeonions!
Avatar 6:38pm
Clay Pigeon:

Appreciate your listening everyone. I'm juggling lots of cassettes and records here. Your stories are incredible. Thanks for being here.
marmalade kitty:

13 years ago! unbelievable
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

we're ALL illegal here. except for the utes and inuits.

los tigres del norte!!
Gee Lampa:

Anyone here to be productive and pursue a better life is OK by me. Considering the home-grown "Patriots" that hate the concept of a melting pot, and hate our president.
marmalade kitty:

Peace and love!
Avatar 6:41pm
Marcel M:

Anyone who listens to that guy and says he isn't an American really just does not get it....
Gee Lampa:


Avatar 6:42pm
V Priceless:

Fine tribute you put together, Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so many Public Servants were so Heroic - entire Departments - gone...

Gee Lampa there are people who feel nothing. They are described in the psychopathy checklist.
Gee Lampa:

Yes. Great work, Clay.
Avatar 6:42pm

so are all of the microcassette recorders kaput? digi-dusty from here on out?
Gee Lampa:

The ultimate crime.
Avatar 6:44pm
Clay Pigeon:

no david they'll be back
Avatar 6:44pm

cool. i'm enjoying the digital recorder too :)
Avatar 6:45pm

"we need to give up our freedoms to keep the freedoms going"
Gee Lampa:

God, I love New Yorkers.
Gee Lampa:

I really can't think of another way that I'd prefer to spend this evening than remembering with the CPS

I was in London when the soldier attack happened.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

hey clay and peoples. this is nice.
Gee Lampa:

Just because some camera catches you picking your nose, doesn't mean you have less "freedom".
Gee Lampa:

..and your great listeners, Clay.
Gee Lampa:

F>€£ that guy.

Nice tribute Clay! It made me sad but it's necessary.

9/11 was blowback for America's insidious meddling in foreign countries
Avatar 6:53pm
Clay Pigeon:

always remember everyone ... take care ... hearty's next!
Gee Lampa:

Too bad simple folk had to pay for it.
Avatar 6:55pm
Marcel M:

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But whether or not that makes one better off remains unanswered.

Clay thank you. This wonderful show happened because Clay is talented and works hard to make it good. Don't forget that. Goodnight.
Gee Lampa:

@Sean I blame religion in general.
Avatar 6:57pm
Marcel M:

Great show Clay.. night guys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

They say that after a Cafe gets bombed in Israel - they're back there having coffee *the next day*...
Gee Lampa:

...the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!
-- John Adams
Avatar 6:58pm
Marcel M:

@Rev Rabbit: That sort of reminds me of reading about the people who remained in Paris during the WWI bombings.
Avatar 6:58pm

Thanks Clay, a little catharsis is always nice therapy.

@gee lampa --true dat! religious fanatics can go suck it
Avatar 6:59pm

great show Clay, glad i listened
Avatar 7:01pm
Marcel M:

You think Hearty has a 9/11 special in store?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- bespoke Esquire article :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- geez - you can hear him read it - mp3, here:
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