On yesterday's show at 11:35am, you played a GREAT song, judging by the sound I would date it to the mid to late 1960's. The lyrics had a refrain about "see the man I can be" or something similar. I tried to call you at the station to get the title but couldn't reach you. I HAVE to own this recording. Can you please tell me the name of the song and artist? Thanks!
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marmalade kitty:
marmalade kitty:
marmalade kitty:
marmalade kitty:
marmalade kitty:
marmalade kitty:
Martin Van Nostrand:
On yesterday's show at 11:35am, you played a GREAT song, judging by the sound I would date it to the mid to late 1960's. The lyrics had a refrain about "see the man I can be" or something similar. I tried to call you at the station to get the title but couldn't reach you. I HAVE to own this recording. Can you please tell me the name of the song and artist? Thanks!