John Cage - As Slow As Possible (approx. 5597640 hrs)
"You Suffer" is a song by the British grindcore band Napalm Death, from their debut album, Scum. The song has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest recorded song ever. It is precisely 1.316 seconds long.
The Beatle's "Your Majesty" is 0:23, that's close. Also, at the end of Sgt. Pepper's, there is that looping "song" that is really short. "… never could be any other way"
There was this 60 second song competition thing on some radio station a few years ago. They weren't 16 seconds but some were pretty short. Wish I could remember what station and who organized it...
OK, then. Next, I submit the signal when you reach a non-working telephone number. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. One tone each.
F✩F✩ (:
What about commissioning a 16-seconds song to the Passionate and Objective Joker Fan? He's so prolific that I bet he could produce 10 songs in less than 16 seconds.
Perhaps you could batch download from SoundCloud and then use a Linux script or MS-DOS batch utility to sort by file size. That'd get you an approximation of duration from which you could proceed manually to find an appropriate ultra-short.
fmu swag just arrived!
I got it: just search 15-sec. commercials, radio or TV. Gotta be lots of jingles & background songs there, then just a matter of fitting your other criteria.
Did you know that the Napalm Death's 1 second song has a video?! Yes! It features a girl that just jumps, cries and then gets shot. Pretty obvious plot, don't you think? I mean, what other story can you fit under 2 seconds?
Yeah I got Napalm Death but those are not real songs. They're just sonic blasts, which is cool but Im looking for real songs that re less than 15 seconds. Thanks to all the suggestions - I will check them all out after the show today.
This has a nice country feel. Makes me wanna sit on the porch with a can of aerosolized cheeze wizz and a Pabst , have good meal and fall asleep droolin
I remember an album by Curl Up and Die where the first 4-5 tracks were all 3-4 seconds each one word.. and I think it said something like "We are all dead" or something.. so the opening of the cd was 4-5 songs that repeated the same 3-4 seconds with one word screamed/growled over the chords.
Hey, @Ken and all! I know they're not proper songs, but Gerogerigegege made two EPs of 99 songs fit into 15 minutes each. Orthrelm also did something like this.
They Might Be Giants are really good at this. Try the "Fingertips" songs from Apollo 18, and on their new one "Nanobots" there are a few, although "Decision Makers" clocks in at 16 seconds.
Problem with OOIOO is that you can never know if she made that song on her own or she simply ripped-off note by note the work of some other unknown artist.
Ken, into the short song mix Arthur Lee's 'You Can Save Up to 50%, But You're Still a Long Ways from Home' from Vindicator. You could have a subsection of titles longer than songs.
Sorry to bug you guys. I'm trying to find a song from a show last week and I can't find it on any of the playlists. It was a young girl singing the entire Scientology space opera -- volcanos, nuclear bombs, evil galactic overlord and so on... Does anyone remember whose show that was on?
Timothy was a studio joke, bt it turned into a hit and then they had to make a band and tour with it.
Rotosound Strings Jingle by The Who
It's a Boy by the Who
Decisions Makers by They Might be Giants
Short Songs by Dead Kennedys
Hit by Guided by Voices
Doin Fine by Groovie Ghoulies
Don't Care by Circle Jerks
Scary Smurf by Kid Dynamite
Q: Do TV theme songs count? There are lots of GREAT ones under 20 seconds...
According the the puritan colonists, native americans would serve them a stew, leavened with human flesh. The "Black Eucharist" was the name of this dish.
Corection: if you check the woman's hair you can see she is NOT upside down. She did the "bra catch" herself and the gun is a computer generated image.
Nor am I asking to hear Dr Baby Botty-Grabber Animal ...
Some dude:
In 2012 Dennis Diken with Bell Sound recorded a version or Love Grows for a fundraising album titled Super Hits of the Seventies for radio station WFMU.
Jiminy Cricket:
Now, if I only had someone to shout out to ...
Andy Plants:
Ken and his boomboxx on the platform waiting for the Duane train
"you suffer" by napalm death, that's about 3 seconds
Thank you, Ken! Exquisite choice of GIFs and gorgeous selection of music. Till next episode everybody!
Keith in Oregon:
I think "The Life Song" by Mason Williams would be perfect for your concept tonight. It's a little long for your purposes, 24 seconds I think, but it WOULD get funnier with repeated playing. The lyrics are: "Isn't life beautiful/Isn't life gay/Isn't life the perfect thing to pass the time away?" It's on "The Mason Williams Phonograph Record", I think.