liking this dorothy ashby interlude (not to harp on things)
According to the San Francisco Chronicle and Zubin Mehta, the harp is a woman's instrument:
As a youth, I was a religious reader of Downbeat magazine. Often I would turn first the blindfold test (it was sorta like my centerfold). But over the years I have come to really loathe the blindfold test, both in concept and practice. Sure, the occasional piece of insight might be delivered by an unsuspecting test-taker, but in retrospect, it just seems like a fucking carnival sideshow, a petrie dish for growing dissent and discord among artists. The highpoint was always when someone, either the test-taker or one of the unnamed performers, would be or should be embarrassed by the comments made.
@Jeff: Slightly more understandable, but still: Over music?! Feh.
Amen, Doug Schulkind. Same goes for Wire's "Invisible Jukebox," another blindfold test, not to mention the absurd pretension to scientific methodical rigor among audiophiles who rely on blind or double-blind A/B testing of equipment.
My favorite comment in Charlie Haden's blindfold test: "Scotty (LaFaro) was trying desperately to become the best bass player in the world." Like I said, I love the blindfold test for all the amazing insight it could provide. [cough]
All those folks worrying about the fidelity of their audio equipment remind me of tourists who only ever look at the marvelous surroundings through the lens of their camera. Shaddap and listen already!
hang on, let me get a screenshot of that comment, @holland O.
@Doug, I'm a recovering audiophile, cured by the cost of raising two kids. I have to stay I can still get high on listening at, rather than to or through, good equipment. When people remark upon my fondness for music, I often correct them: No, I like to play records. Still, I've never understood why some "demonstration" records command such devotion, among them Jennifer Warnes' "Famous Blue Raincoat." It's nice, but geez, so are some less well engineered records!
@holland oats
Is that Gimmee Gimmee in L.A.? Is it THAT Dan?
I have no problem with loving great sounding equipment. With enough cash, I would be availing myself for sure. I've just never understood expending of time and energy worrying over it. Time is precious. As a young drummer, I was always acutely aware of the "what kind of drums do you have" question from other drummers. The answer always was so fucking important. Being able to say I've got a blue sparkle Ludwig set with a Slingerland snare and all Zildjians meant way too much to me as a little snot. Then I started going to shows where the drummer was banging on garbage can lids and PVC tubs and stuff and making miraculous sounds—and that put everything in critical perspective.
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Listener comments!
Brian in UK:
See James Garner also passed this weekend.
Brian in UK:
listener james from westwood:
holland oats:
Brian in UK:
Jeff J:
holland oats:
Jeff J:
holland oats:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
holland oats:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
holland oats:
Doug Schulkind:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
@listener james!
@holland oats!
@Doug S!
@Brian in UK!
holland oats:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
holland oats:
Doug Schulkind:
That said, here is a blindfold test with Charlie Haden in a 1966 issue of Downbeat:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
holland oats:
Doug Schulkind:
All those folks worrying about the fidelity of their audio equipment remind me of tourists who only ever look at the marvelous surroundings through the lens of their camera. Shaddap and listen already!
holland oats:
(shot at my buddy dan's record store)
holland oats:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Is that Gimmee Gimmee in L.A.? Is it THAT Dan?
I have no problem with loving great sounding equipment. With enough cash, I would be availing myself for sure. I've just never understood expending of time and energy worrying over it. Time is precious. As a young drummer, I was always acutely aware of the "what kind of drums do you have" question from other drummers. The answer always was so fucking important. Being able to say I've got a blue sparkle Ludwig set with a Slingerland snare and all Zildjians meant way too much to me as a little snot. Then I started going to shows where the drummer was banging on garbage can lids and PVC tubs and stuff and making miraculous sounds—and that put everything in critical perspective.
Jeff Golick:
holland oats:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
listener james from westwood:
No, wait, he's back.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Captain Hate:
holland oats:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Captain Hate:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick: