Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from June 13, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 13, 2014

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Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
Led Zeppelin  Dazed And Confused (Live At The Olympia - Paris, France - October 10, 1969)   Favoriting Led Zeppelin  2014  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dinosaur Jr.  Show Me The Way   Favoriting Fossils  1991  0:14:31 (Pop-up)
John Entwistle  My Size   Favoriting Smash Your Head Against The Wall  1971  0:18:15 (Pop-up)
Boris  Melody   Favoriting Noise  2014  0:21:59 (Pop-up)
Godflesh  Dogbite   Favoriting Decline & Fall  2014  0:28:32 (Pop-up)
Dead And Gone  Leave The Dead To Bury The Dead   Favoriting The Beautician  2002  0:32:20 (Pop-up)
Pissed Jeans  False Jesii Pt. 2   Favoriting The Best of Sub Pop 2009-2013 "Live" at the BBC  2014  0:36:49 (Pop-up)
Raped Teenagers  Kul Regn   Favoriting I Kräftans Klor  1988  0:39:08 (Pop-up)
The Circle Jerks  I Just Want Some Skank   Favoriting Group Sex  1980  0:41:59 (Pop-up)
Stiff Little Fingers  Suspect Device   Favoriting Suspect Device  1978  0:43:07 (Pop-up)
Dead Low Tide  Ill Eagle   Favoriting Ill Eagle  2002  0:45:49 (Pop-up)
Zior  I Really Do   Favoriting Zior  1971  0:47:40 (Pop-up)
The Who  Odorono   Favoriting Sell Out  1967  0:50:30 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno & John Cale  The River   Favoriting Wrong Way Up  1990  0:53:06 (Pop-up)
Madlib  High   Favoriting Piñata Beats  2014  1:02:50 (Pop-up)
Jimi Tenor  Crazy Hammond   Favoriting Sähkömies  1994  1:05:05 (Pop-up)
Kevin Harrison & Steven Parker  Distant Truth Of English Dreams   Favoriting Against The Light  1982  1:11:00 (Pop-up)
Don Rendell  On The Way/Antibes   Favoriting Space Walk  1972  1:14:16 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  Gumbley's Creole Trombone   Favoriting Welfare State  1975  1:24:24 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  Blossom Time   Favoriting Welfare State  1975  1:25:38 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  Expectation To The Lair Of The Terrifying Spider Boy...   Favoriting Welfare State  1975  1:27:09 (Pop-up)
Lol Coxhill  An Awfully Romantic Duet For Possibly Blackbird And Definitely Saxophone   Favoriting Welfare State  1975  1:28:12 (Pop-up)
Erna Schmidt  Kleines Idyll   Favoriting Live 69-71  2000  1:29:11 (Pop-up)
Neil Young  Tell Me Why   Favoriting After the Gold Rush  1970  1:33:56 (Pop-up)
King Buzzo  The Spoiled Brat   Favoriting The Machine Kills Artists  2014  1:36:52 (Pop-up)
Blonde Redhead  No More Honey   Favoriting   2014  1:39:21 (Pop-up)
Elysian Fields  Dancing In The Dark (Live)   Favoriting   2005  1:43:07 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Be My Wife   Favoriting Low  1977  1:48:37 (Pop-up)
New Radiant Storm King  St. Louis Born Again   Favoriting August Revital  1994  1:51:27 (Pop-up)
DMX Krew  Beltane   Favoriting Standing Stones  2014  2:03:06 (Pop-up)
Temple  Ship On Fire   Favoriting Temple  1976  2:06:31 (Pop-up)
Battery Farley  Help Me Down   Favoriting Help Me Down  1985  2:11:02 (Pop-up)
FaltyDL  Huff & Puff Bruk   Favoriting Power  2014  2:14:15 (Pop-up)
The Fall  Victoria   Favoriting The Frenz Experiment  1988  2:18:27 (Pop-up)
Akira Sakata  R2 / Strange Island   Favoriting Pochi  1980  2:21:03 (Pop-up)
The Great Sabatini  Periwinkle War Hammer   Favoriting Dog Year  2014  2:27:57 (Pop-up)
Melvins  Graveyard   Favoriting   2013  2:30:34 (Pop-up)
Tombs  Thanatos   Favoriting Savage Gold  2014  2:36:27 (Pop-up)
Ambarchi / O'Malley / Dunn  Temporal, Eponymous   Favoriting Shade Themes from Kairos  2014  2:40:51 (Pop-up)
Marc Ribot Trio  Bells   Favoriting Live At The Village Vanguard    2:56:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

good morning!
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Chris M.:

never to early to GET THE LED OUT
Avatar 9:03am

Nice start to your show . . . .
Avatar 9:03am

mmm, Led for my hed
Avatar 9:04am

after all these years I still like this band
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

chris, dce, deacon, cory...everyone. friday!
Avatar 9:05am

about time . . . long week this was . . .
Avatar 9:06am

this mud face in this rare light. wow.
hi all.
olympia 69 ? i'd guess their first french appearance...
Avatar 9:08am

is this in CD format?
Glenn m:

Good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

this is probably on the new reissues, no?
Avatar 9:10am
Chris M.:

this is off the new reissue
Avatar 9:11am

it is only 45 years old.
Avatar 9:12am
Marcel M:

Yoyo morning all.
Avatar 9:13am

Bonjour Chris M and listeners

This is what all the teenagers listened to when I was a kid. I was so scared of them.
Avatar 9:14am

We're not teenagers anymore so there is nothing to fear
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Sem Chumbo:

Hiya, Chris, and hello imaginary friends everywhere.
Avatar 9:15am
Chris from DC:

Awesome cover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am

Avatar 9:17am

good morning common!
Mr C:

More Dino Jr!
Avatar 9:18am

sem, we are not imaginary, we are just not away from the keyboard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

hey deacon! man, this entwistle song sounds like kiss. i always wondered.
Avatar 9:20am
Marcel M:

This rain is insane right now in BK
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Sem Chumbo:

Hey, common!
@bibi: that's just what an imaginary friend might say...
Avatar 9:20am

too much rain I think I'll smash my head against the wall
Avatar 9:20am
Marcel M:

Morning common
Avatar 9:23am
T_Jay Pauli:

here is great im off to patrol my home nature from bad energy satanic's .. i live in a chakra spot of the earth
Avatar 9:23am
Marcel M:

Woah new Boris
Avatar 9:24am
T_Jay Pauli:

as i told you and today its friday 13th full moon
Avatar 9:24am
T_Jay Pauli:

just to remind them that they already lost
Avatar 9:25am

sem, you mean like 'eugene', that fake ukrainian kid ?
Avatar 9:25am
T_Jay Pauli:

wonder why borzum's guy slave was living in France with all his arsenal .. they still believed till not long ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am

hey marcel!
Avatar 9:27am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

people stuff!
Avatar 9:27am
Marcel M:

I love how Boris runs the gamut in sound. But I was hoping they'd hold back on the J Pop a LITTLE with this one. But this is cool.
Avatar 9:29am

boris's sound is, well, broad. i personally stick on their pink/merzbow era.
Avatar 9:29am
Chris from DC:

Yes! This new Godflesh is sounding good.
Avatar 9:29am
T_Jay Pauli:

he referred to Norway as the last socialist state of Europe, and propelled people to vote for the fascists who won this last elections
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

hell yea, godflesh! i liked that boris, too!
Avatar 9:29am
T_Jay Pauli:

in france
Avatar 9:30am
Marcel M:

@BIBI: Me too, I'm such a huge fan though that I still buy all the new releases and go see them. I also love the Michio Kurihara era. Rainbow is an exceptional album and seeing them tour with him was great.
Avatar 9:30am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

...the Godflesh fuzz-gnarl bass = diggeth. What CfDC said.
Greek titan:

Where's the playlist?
Avatar 9:43am

Right there
Avatar 9:43am
T_Jay Pauli:

ahoy to that!
Avatar 9:44am

my boss is enjoying a purulent otitis. fun how diseases and band naming fit well together.
Avatar 9:51am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Interesting miscue: I read that as...
"my boss is enjoying a pungent oasis" which sounds pretty effing awesome.
Avatar 9:51am
V Priceless:

Hi All! Sex Clark 5 do a smashing version of this on Pseu's premium!
Avatar 9:53am
Chris from DC:

Aw, Purulent is already taken as a band name.
Avatar 9:53am

I love this song
Avatar 9:57am

yep, cfdc, not many diseases left. pfff, sad world.
raped jeans maybe. or pissed teenagers.
Avatar 9:57am
T_Jay Pauli:

im sorry is just that i liked it so much but still forgot to put it on the side bibi
Avatar 10:02am

I like that Mr Chris plays music on his show.
Ice in Brooklyn:

That was a really good hour.
Avatar 10:06am
Chris M.:

thanks! two more hours coming up!
Avatar 10:06am

ha, jimi tenor. this is only 20 years old.
Avatar 10:07am

great soundtrack for gaming. thanks!
Avatar 10:07am

nothing quite like the sound of a hammond
Avatar 10:08am

this sounds so much like the music in EarthBound.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Morning Chris + everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

yes, that Hammond has officially lost its shit
Avatar 10:11am

only mond left.

So good to have you here, although I miss the Sunday mornings.
Avatar 10:13am

doesn't Kevin Harrison & Steven Parker sound like Psychic TV a bit ?
Avatar 10:20am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Stupid meetings. Back in the 'phones. In search of my own pungent oasis.
Avatar 10:22am
T_Jay Pauli:

c ya soon ..
Avatar 10:28am

She should have used Odorono
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am

those are some crazy liner notes down there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

Killer show thus far!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am


Wonderful to hear Lol's Welfare State!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

always loved this tune
Avatar 10:35am

how is daily life when one s called lol nowadays ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

it would not be full of giggles, bibi
Avatar 10:38am
Marcel M:

I was wondering what this King Buzzo solo sounded like. He is playing in BK soon.
Avatar 10:39am
Chris M.:

@Marcel M: the rest of the album sounds almost nothing like that song
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V Priceless:

King B!
Avatar 10:40am

haa, she's unmistakable. thats brand new blonde redhead ?!

amazing show today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am

I love this cover
Avatar 10:44am
Marcel M:

@Chris M: Oh really? Now I'm back at square one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am

man, missed the king buzzo. i was just reading about it.
Avatar 10:44am
Marcel M:

Hey Michele! I'm the weirdo that said hello to you and freaked you out at the Bill Orcutt show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

Hi Marcel! You didn't freak me out, it made me happy, I'm the weirdo!!! That show was sooooooo awesome!!!
Avatar 10:47am
Marcel M:

Yes it was amazing! He played an electric set with Chris Corsano in Williamsburg the night after.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am

Yeah my friends went to it, but they said the Issue Project Room show was better. Did you go?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am

Nice! Sounds different than the version I'm used to.
Avatar 10:50am
Marcel M:

Yes I went. Hard to say better or worse for me, quite different. I really liked it. Its similar to the stuff he did with Harry Pussy but less aggressive and no screaming. More "bluesy" but still really crazy and wild.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am

to be here is glorious
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Legit just LOL'd. Dudes at work think I'm weird.
Avatar 11:02am

lol... well done
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

can't get a word in edge-wise there, buddy
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Marcel M:

@Greg: Assuming you are on headphones, if they could HEAR what your laughing at, they would think you were A LOT weirder.
Avatar 11:03am
Marcel M:

That was so funny ahaha

Terrifically entertaining show today, a little scary at times.
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adrian in mpls:

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Chris M.:

a representative of Gucci Mane just texted me... apparently that was his last call for the day. i'm very sorry, folks! FREE GUCCI!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Oh, hey Michele! A dude on the train the other day spotted my hoodie and introduced himself as a Weirdo. Dave. Sez he was at the meet-up...

good show.

is this melvinsday?
Avatar 11:31am

Did that Akira Sakata piece really suddenly fade out like that, or were you (understandably) just in a huge hurry to get your Periwinkle War Hammer on?
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Chris M.:

@Jeff it really faded out like that on the record.
Avatar 11:32am

Interesting choice they made there.
Avatar 11:33am

@bill: Yes, Melvinsday is traditionally always two days before Bloomsday.

jeff - awesome! I assume that includes free ice cream?
Avatar 11:42am
Chris M.:

Melvins performing in front of an ice cream truck: www.youtube.com...

This sounds doubly awesome with delay between two internet devices
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am

great, great, great show chris. thank you!
Avatar 11:54am

great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Greg from Bloomfield:

How is it noon already? Thanks, Chris!
Avatar 11:55am

awesome show chris, thanks a lot!
Avatar 11:56am
Chris M.:

>thank you!
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