Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from June 12, 2014 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting June 12, 2014: The Dusty Show

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Clay Pigeon  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:05pm
Marcel M:

Hi Clay Hi everyone.

did someone mention drone pilots?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

clay! good day to you, sir!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

hey marcel, P-90 and all!
Avatar 6:06pm
V Priceless:

Hey Clay! All!
Avatar 6:07pm

Hi, all! A big relief that the World Cup has just started and the country is still holding together
Avatar 6:09pm

hi all... i don't think moderates are necessarily a rare commodity... i think it's often portrayed that way in American mainstream media...
Avatar 6:09pm
Night Owl:

I do stage tech work like this guy. I'm always dismayed with the amount of co-workers who are Republican. I don't get it. They usually say they make more money with a GOP administration. This guy thinks GOP is pro-union? How about the Wisconsin GOP leadership from a few years ago?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
cosmic matrix:

waddup everybody! clay, i got the DJ premium CDs! great music comp and super amazing beyond incredible bonus disc. ryan power really likes it and so do I. so good!!!!!(infinite exclamation points)
Avatar 6:11pm
sFrances from PDX:

Hey Y'all~~
Avatar 6:11pm
Night Owl:

Russia is our enemy again and the Iraq war is starting back up. USA, USA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

i checked off 'independent' when i got my drivers license last time - thought i wouldn't be affiliated with a party, but i'm now a member of the independence party. live and learn.

@ Night Owl: the GOP has made a very agressive effort to convince working-class people that they're their party, they'll look after them. It's disgusting and disheartening, they've compromised the traditional Democratic base, intentionally
Avatar 6:12pm
Clay Pigeon:

@Cosmic - Thanks you! Glad you like it.
@Dave - I agree Dave. That's an example of me not editing the footage. Sometimes I say dumb things (often?) and tonight it's raw audio.
Avatar 6:12pm

Hi, Clay! HEY, hi, sFrances!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

sadly true, P-90.
Avatar 6:13pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hi kat330 and everyone. Glad you made it.
Avatar 6:15pm

@Clay: Always a balancing act with dinner. Philo & I are dining on Tikka Masala as we listen (and I type). His digits are too busy otherwise.
Avatar 6:15pm
sFrances from PDX:

Hey Kat! It's been tough gunwise in my state:the student killed last week at a Washington college was from Portland. And then Troutdale happened. Fed up with NRA. Again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

sFrances: so fed up with guns. i shall repeat myself, melt the guns!
Avatar 6:16pm
sFrances from PDX:

Hi Kat & Philo! Happy dining!
Avatar 6:18pm

How's Portland treatin' you? You missed my late entry on your final VA list where I begged you to take us along with you. :)
Avatar 6:18pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hi Frances! Hope life in Portland is good.
Avatar 6:19pm

My first real love lives in Eugene, and a former co-worker lives in Warren (outskirts of Portland), so I've visited a few times.
Avatar 6:20pm
sFrances from PDX:

Life in PDX is awesome!! Will have to start job hunting in a couple weeks ;) So swell to be living in a communitymind place again.
Avatar 6:20pm
Marcel M:

Hey common! whats crackin'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

hey marcel! finally opening a beer and listening to clay. things are good. how art thou?

melt the guns! melt the guns!, melt the guns!
Avatar 6:22pm
Marcel M:

Similar situation here, home from work and relaxin listenin' to ma programs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

P-90: hehheh! xtc!
Avatar 6:23pm
Marcel M:

Its funny, when I"m on my way home from work and run into people I know, I'll sometimes cut the conversation short to say I have to rush home to hear one of my favorite radio shows. People look at me like I'm 200 years old.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

Marcel: I always tell my cat- on thursday eves - hey mavis, here's your food. now, time for my beers and stories. hee.

common: great slogan!

It's happening because we let it. That's all.
Avatar 6:24pm
Marcel M:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

P-90: i have felt that way since i was a kid. i grew up in west virginia where everyone had gunracks in their trucks and shit. scary.
Avatar 6:25pm
Clay Pigeon:

#P-90 ... true.
Avatar 6:26pm

Here's a super cynical comment: I worry when a woman finally gets a leadership role in this country. I've seen it happen once too often where the *true* powers-that-be allow the glass ceiling to be shattered ONLY when an entity is tanking or has a insurmountable mess to clean up. [GM, for e.g.] That way, when the woman fails, it can be blamed instead on her sex ID.
Avatar 6:27pm
sFrances from PDX:

Common: i agree. If someone needs/wants to hunt, then have a gun library (instead of gun stores/tradeshows). Imwas raised in VA, moms side is from Romney,WV -spent a ton of time there in 70s
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

love that little bit of hesitation - clay could be from the i.n.s.
Avatar 6:27pm
sFrances from PDX:

This woman speaking about solipcism (sp) is aweseome.
Avatar 6:28pm
Clay Pigeon:

I felt that too, Dale.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

sFrances: gun library. exactly. westbygodvirginia
Avatar 6:29pm
sFrances from PDX:

Hi Clay! Thx so much for bringing this most recent school shooting to the streets /interviews.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

the problem stems from the mutational psychic state of youth in our country. outlawing guns will only place a band aid over the problem, not a panacea for the crisis we are facing. it takes a village to raise a child.
Avatar 6:31pm
sFrances from PDX:

Some bittersweet news Family of Paul Lee talks about his impact s.oregonlive.com...
Avatar 6:32pm
Philo Gristle:

Hello, Clay & all! Kat asked me to drop by here, and mention a gun stry from local Kroger. Not much of a story, but a couple of months ago saw a family (wiry guy in a 'wife-beater' and his heavyset wife/gf) shopping on the frozen aisle. I was coming ibn from behind and saw the guy had a holstered gun on his hip. I turned away quickly and went to another aisle. I wasn't the only one. Coulda been a cop, but looked ... nasty. It may create safety for the holder, but fear to everyone else.
Avatar 6:33pm

cy coleman still missing in action...
Andy Plants:

Hey Clay
Avatar 6:33pm
Clay Pigeon:

Philo perhaps it's a feeling of power the gun provides for someone who otherwise feels anonymous and powerless.
Avatar 6:34pm
sFrances from PDX:

Philo: I probably would've collapsed to,the floor of that Kroger. I've been held up at gunpoint/managing a Waldenbooks & yeah, PTSD is real...
Avatar 6:34pm
Clay Pigeon:

but you got chick corea, david_:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

my wife said she was visiting her sister and bro in law in ohio. there was a handgun in every side table or dresser throughout the house and they stopped going to home depot and walmart because they stopped allowing concealed weapons. why is everyone so paranoid?
Avatar 6:35pm
sFrances from PDX:

Micah: i hear ya, but sometimes a band aid is a good place to start-- it doesn't have to be the end. Just a start...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

awful sFrances - so sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

damn, sFrances. yea, what dale said.
Avatar 6:37pm
Philo Gristle:

@Clay For some, I'm sure, though I think you could snip your sentence to the first part. It's a feeling of power, whether you're anonymous/powerless or not.

@sFrances Terribly sorry to hear that. I've been lucky to never have anything remotely like that happen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

of course sFrances. people should not have guns. just eliminate the manufacturing of them altogether. that includes the military. but it will never happen.
Avatar 6:37pm

I know I always reference Daily Show & Colbert Report in these discussions, but both do amazing jobs in highlighting the craziness of American media and LIG. Like how much emotion went into stories about the "David vs. Goliath" political upset, while the school shooting was delivered "Another day, another school shooting" in a "what's to do?" tone. Cognitive dissonance.
@sFrances: Ooooh... yes, I know a thing or two about PTSD myself... Sorry to hear of it.
Avatar 6:38pm
Clay Pigeon:

You're right, Philo. I did overstate.
Avatar 6:38pm
sFrances from PDX:

Thx Dale!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

Kat: ptsd. me too. and i agree with the cognitive dissonance comment. well put!
Avatar 6:39pm
Marcel M:

My wife got held up at gunpoint in a cafe. She had her headphones on and didn't hear the guy and only realized what was going on when she noticed the gun inches from her face..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

shit, marcel. god i hate guns.
Avatar 6:40pm
Marcel M:

Teachers all having guns is a very scary thought...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

'there will be a gun in my home with my family' - woah!
Avatar 6:40pm
Marcel M:

Yeah its a horrible feeling knowing that someone you loved went through that and there is nothing you can do.
Avatar 6:42pm
sFrances from PDX:

Thx *everyone*. Happy to say my PTSD is only triggered now (no pun intended!) by seeing a gun unexpectedly.

This "lets have shootouts between armed teachers and armed students" solution is some of the stupidest bullshit thrown into the discussion to confuse the issue...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

i have to admit i have a german air rifle that shoots pellets. great for hitting tin cans. i also have my dad's shotgun as a memento. i don't recall it ever having been fired as he wasn't a hunter. have no idea how he acquired it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

i know that firsthand, marcel. i'm gonna watch cartoons about bunnies after hearty. oh...i won't have to! hee.
Avatar 6:43pm
Philo Gristle:

Saw this poster somewhere online recently, which makes a strong point: bit.ly...
Avatar 6:44pm
sFrances from PDX:

Marcel: you were able to provide her with love & support which isn't nothing. I was so grateful to my BF at the time who'd had a gun pulled on him years before I knew him--and he understood exactly what I was going thru & without him, I wouldn't have pulled through.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

thanks for that, philo!
Avatar 6:44pm

@common: We are blessed to have bunnies to watch right in our backyard! :) They are becoming quite tame and take full advantage of our generosity with our garden bounty.
Avatar 6:45pm
Marcel M:

I have a good friend who works within the public school system in NYC and seriously you do not want MANY of those people having guns....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

kat: that sounds so good. i used to have skunks and possums and bees to watch in my yard in providence. miss that! enjoy!
Avatar 6:46pm

People are anesthetized by the Internet / boob tube / diet and so on.
Avatar 6:48pm
Philo Gristle:

Used to have pellet guns as a kid, but growing up (in Finland) I only recall seeing one functional handgun in 30 years or so. Nobody I knew had ANY guns, beyond kids with pellet rifles, which was pretty common.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

let's go to Finland!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Maybe its because I was raised around guns and am rather accomplished with their use... Guns don't scare me. I've been held at knife point, and knives don't scare me... its people... crazy dudes and assholes... they scare me... because, its too easy to get guns and bullets and knives... and not easy enough to get love, care and compassion when one needs it..
Avatar 6:50pm

@common: We routinely see bats, bunnies, birds and bees and occasionally get out of the B's with hawks, opossums, and skinks.
Avatar 6:50pm
Philo Gristle:

@Common It is still one of the most gun-happy placed in Europe! Of course that means nothing when compared to the US. Handguns are prohibited in the UK.
Avatar 6:50pm
Philo Gristle:

Avatar 6:51pm
Clay Pigeon:

I'm glad you guys listened. I had flea market finds and stuff for you, but I ran out of time to produce this show PLUS the gun violence angle kind of neutralizes frivolity by its very nature so ... I hope you have a great weekend ahead and that you'll tune in again. I appreciate your listening and being on the Accu. Always remember .... CP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

@kat: man, that just sounds heavenly! @philo: shit. oh well. somewhere else, then, for me. I guess i'll just stay in philly...wait thanks clay!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

Thanks, Clay... always love hearing the opinions of the people on the street
Avatar 6:53pm
Philo Gristle:

Fine show, Clay! I'm forgetful, but I try to remember.
Avatar 6:53pm
V Priceless:

I wanna vote for THIS kid! Wow!
Avatar 6:53pm

music, banks and whiskey.

@Clay: Bravo!
Avatar 6:53pm

You as well, Clay! And everyone!

@common: In the wildlife, it's quite delightful. In wild life, um, not so much. In a neighborhood that cannot stop being noisy for even one minute (crucial for all my recording), it's far from ideal. But we're trying to make a move one of these days.
Avatar 6:54pm
sFrances from PDX:

An unarmed asshole is still less threatening than an armed one.....and yes, obviously mental,health access needs to be destigmitized & more avaialable & include more therapy & less unreliable meds.
Avatar 6:54pm
Philo Gristle:

@Common What kat said -- we just saw a bat waiting for the ISS to fly over a week or so ago. No hedgehogs here though, which I do miss from Finland. And the occasional stray moose.
Avatar 6:55pm

Thanks, Clay, and g'night y'all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

@kat: i record in my apt. too. sooooo noisy. but, shall soon make it to a studio. we should trade musics! or whatever tis you record. sound! @ philo: moose!
Avatar 6:55pm
sFrances from PDX:

Have a happy & safe weekend everyone! Always remember we'll look forward to your flea market finds in the future, Clay!
Avatar 6:56pm

@common: I'm kat330 on Soundcloud, Tumbr and Bandcamp. (no FB or Twitter), so check it out and send email!
Avatar 6:56pm
V Priceless:

Clay you Rock! Thanx!
Avatar 6:56pm
Marcel M:

Nice show Clay thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

the alternative to living on this rock is not. cheers clay.
Avatar 6:57pm
Clay Pigeon:

Good shows to come. Promise.
Avatar 6:58pm
Marcel M:

I've made recordings in my apartment where I purposefully leave the windows open. I like the street noise.
Avatar 6:58pm
Marcel M:

Doesn't work for everything though for sure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
cosmic matrix:

it was good and raw. thanks man!!

Wow, this song is actually super good +++
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Thanks, CP!
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