Frank O'Toole's playlist
May 12, 2014 ![]()
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Track Artist Album / Format Approx. start time Get Happy/ MUSIC BETWEEN DJ: Mr. Luckyt
Jane Horrocks / Henry Mancini fxo mix - mashup (CD-R) 0:00:00 Pop-up) Spacesuit For Earth
Ram Dass & Kriece "Cosmix" Lp (CD) 0:12:59 Pop-up) A Day In The Life Of Kennedy
der Beatles Skitzophonic mashup (MP3) 0:19:35 Pop-up) Song With No Words (Tree With No Leaves)
David Crosby "If I Could Remember My Name" remastered Lp (CD) 0:21:46 Pop-up) Gimme Gimme Gimme / Depression
Dirty Projectors Dirty Projectors remix (MP3) 0:27:21 Pop-up) Wear Your Love Like Heaven
Eartha Kitt "Hello Everyone: Sparks From Denmark Street" compil. Lp (CD) * 0:30:32 Pop-up) When I Stop Dreaming
The Haden Triplets "The Haden Triplets" Lp (CD) * 0:32:58 Pop-up) Climb Down
The Nels Cline Singers "Macroscope" Lp (CD) * 0:35:20 Pop-up) Heidi Cakes
Land Of The Loops "Bundle Of Joy" Lp (CD) 0:38:40 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Daly's Tune / FMU Locked Groove
Tommy Daly fxo mix (CD-R) 0:41:45 Pop-up) All To Become Somebody
Debby Schwartz "Satan, You Brought Me Down" Ep (CD) * 0:46:08 Pop-up) Sick With Information
Big Blood "Fight For Your Dinner, Vol. 1" (CD) * 0:50:35 Pop-up) Time Passes Slowly #1 / Time Passes Slowly #2
Bob Dylan "Another Self Portrait: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 10" Lp (CD) 0:55:21 Pop-up) 22
Richard Buckner "Bloomed" Lp (CD) * 1:00:31 Pop-up) Woodstock Loopy-loops
Ten Years After fxo mashup (Cassette) 1:04:40 Pop-up) Neverland
Bianca Tanega Original song (CD-R) 1:07:49 Pop-up) Love Is Alive
Gary Wright JZ Knights remix (MP3) 1:10:56 Pop-up) Mr. Sandman
The Chordettes fxo mix (CD-R) 1:14:58 Pop-up) I'm Still In Love With You
Al Green WNET TV mix (1973) (CD-R) 1:16:40 Pop-up) Seven Degrees
People Like Us "This Is Light Music" (fmu / Free Music Archive) (MP3) 1:22:03 Pop-up) Siberian Tiger On An Ocean Liner
The Evolution Control Committee "Raymond Scott: Rewired" compil. Lp (CD) * 1:26:04 Pop-up) 100 Years
EMA "The Future's Void" Lp (CD) * 1:29:50 Pop-up) You're My Kind of Climate (Dance mix)
Rip Rig & Panic "Attitude" Lp (CD) * 1:34:58 Pop-up) Dossier
Nenah Cherry "Blank Project" Lp (CD) * 1:40:37 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND DJ: Here It Comes/ FMU Locked Groove
Freddie Fresh fxo mix (CD-R) 1:45:42 Pop-up) Saxophone Concerto
Glass Cuts (Remix by Hector Castilli) "Philip Glass Remixed" Lp (CD) 1:50:40 Pop-up) Gods & Monsters (Village remix)
Lana Del Rey Thissongissick remix (MP3) 1:54:46 Pop-up) Every Kind Of People
Robert Palmer mikeandtess boot edit (MP3) 1:59:03 Pop-up) Heaven Is In Your Mind
Traffic "Smiling Phases" Lp (CD) 2:04:19 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: Why?... and We Repeat... Why?
Taj Mahal "Music Keeps Me Together" Lp (Vinyl) 2:08:26 Pop-up) Transparent World
Thee Oh Sees "Drop" Lp (CD) * 2:13:12 Pop-up) Jerk Ribs
Kelis "Food" Lp (CD) * 2:18:04 Pop-up) Legendary Mesh
Step Brothers "Lord Steppington" Lp (CD) * 2:20:46 Pop-up) Brooklyn 1 2
DJ Cam "The Beat Assassinated" Lp (CD) 2:24:00 Pop-up) MUSIC BEHIND THE DJ: King For A Day (I Dub Thee Sir Mix)
.XTC 12" Ep (Vinyl) 2:28:58 Pop-up) Feelin' Good (Joe Classell remix)
Nina Simone "Verve Remixed" compil. Lp (CD) 2:31:36 Pop-up) The Happy Aerodynamic Dance
Daft Punk Vs. Justice Vs. C2C mashup (MP3) 2:37:50 Pop-up) Tutti Fruitti
Little Richard The A-Frillz remix (MP3) 2:41:06 Pop-up) Love Me Tomorrow
The Shirelles The A-Frillz remix (MP3) 2:44:48 Pop-up) On My Way / Somebody To Love
Valerie June "Pushin' Against A Stone" Lp (CD) 2:50:03 Pop-up) Baby, I'm Yours
Michelle Vinca Ukelele cover by MV (MP3) 2:56:27 Pop-up) Butterball
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass "Whipped Cream & Other Delights: Re-whipped" Lp (CD) 2:57:52 Pop-up) Dance Macabre
The Westminster Philharmonic Orchestra "The Bride of Frankenstein (Score by Franz Waxman)" soundtrack Lp (CD) 3:03:17 Pop-up) end theme(s)
Hitchcock (with Nelson & his orchestra) fxo mix - mashup (CD-R) 3:04:21 Pop-up)
Listener comments!
6:03am : hello, friends. Nice morning, here in Jersey City land. 'sup?![]()
♥ 6:03am :
I am almost ready for Judgment day; how's this tie look?
Good morning, Frank. Hope all is well where you are.![]()
6:05am : mornin' Sem. We are connected.![]()
♥ 6:06am :
Man, I haven't heard Baba Rum Raisin in some time. Nice find.![]()
6:07am : Morning everyone. Tumultuous skies here in Ireland, but no rain yet. Just another spring day :) Glad to be tuning in live.6:08am : Guten TZAG to all.![]()
6:11am : guten TZAG, back atcha, P-90, as well as you, left. Saint's begorrah.![]()
♥ 6:12am :
Quick hello on the run. Changable does not explain the weather. Four seasons in one hour.![]()
6:24am : take care, Brian.![]()
♥ 6:47am :
Hello Frank and everyone!![]()
6:54am : hey, Guido.![]()
♥ 6:57am :
Loving this Richard Buckner, beautiful segue from Bob, fxo.![]()
♥ 7:05am :
G'morning FXO, a fine day here in Livingston. Good tunes.7:15am : Oh word?![]()
7:20am : word?
morning 'stroso.![]()
7:27am : Hey Frank!![]()
7:35am : hello, Mauri. How's Scandinavia?7:37am : that rip rig panic thing had a sample i know. bush tetras?.. dunno .. any help?![]()
7:38am : It's good. I was listening while running and jumping and eating. such good set you've been playing. Earlier I was again in the forest using billhook and piling treetrunks. Now I sit and listen and drink a cuppa coffee. Yesh!7:44am : ALL good picks this morning, but I might single out the Gary Wright remix as a really inspired piece7:46am : @ mauri: could you refresh me on what a "billhook" is?![]()
7:48am : @ P-90 a curve blade to chop off branches from trees. Something very satisfying in using that.![]()
8:03am : I just removed microsd from my phone and accidently sent it flying who knows where. argh![]()
8:09am : The universe runs by the principles of tiddly winks and dominoes, Mauri.
Good morning, Frank! Late but here now.![]()
8:13am : hey kat, how'z bayou?![]()
8:15am : Here's how's bymee: ☼ And just this moment, a honeybee buzzed by my window here to say hello.![]()
♥ 8:18am :
Hey mauri you gonna get hooked on that bill.
P-90 he is right great tool.
So the first Richard Buckner is reissued, I loves Buckner, get him in for a set Frank!!![]()
♥ 8:19am : kat, our resident dt suzuki. Haven't played tiddly winks since I was a wee one.![]()
8:21am : NGH, I discovered the tiddly winks / dominoes theories of the universe mostly from experiences in the kitchen. I have a tagline that says, Einstein's right that God doesn't play dice with the universe; she plays tiddly winks.![]()
♥ 8:22am :
hello hello!![]()
8:22am : philosophy 101.![]()
8:24am : Constant Comment -- a tea I first had my freshman year of college.![]()
♥ 8:26am : My kitchen is mostly just a confirmation of chaos theory. I can't even boil water w/o making a mess. Yet, somehow, through multiple iterations, every once in a while, I come up w/ a recipe of delicious food (I still make a mess).![]()
8:27am : @common: Used your handle in a Will Shortz challenge this past week. MONDAY: A common day to hate. [6-ltr. word seen in sequence within a brief description/definition of itself]![]()
8:29am : take care of the bees, they're trying to survive.
No Guinea: that's why I need to use a microwave.
mornin' common.![]()
8:31am : @NGH: Dominoes happens because I have such limited space for everything. Tiddly winks in skillet stirring and bowl mixing, however, is still shrouded in mystery.
Yep, Frank, we take very good care of all our wildlife around the Philokat home: bunnies, birds, bats and bees if you please.![]()
8:35am : aww![]()
♥ 8:36am :
Sounds like Little Richard is saying "prosciutto" with an Italian accent.![]()
♥ 8:37am : I didn't get any bees last summer, but I didn't have any Mexican sunflowers (only herbs, chilies, tomatoes, tomatillos) as my landlord made me take down my large homemade planters down from the fire escape.![]()
8:38am : good call, Carl.![]()
8:41am : My guesses as to why we see so much wildlife around us include: a) We put no chemicals on anything b) We share our garden w/ bunnies (to an extent) c) We keep our bird feeder filled and d) Most importantly, our fenced in backyard isn't patrolled by any pet dogs or cats.![]()
♥ 8:44am :
kat330: bats, birds, bunnies and bees! that sounds wonderful![]()
8:45am : oh, my.![]()
♥ 8:46am :
hee hee![]()
♥ 8:46am :
Frank, had an excellent time listening, bopping and learning about birds, bees, bill-hooks, fire escape gardening, tiddlywink philosophy and the weather in Ireland. Very grateful. See you next week! *Singing to himself* "I met her on Monday, it was my lucky fun day,
You know what I mean."![]()
8:46am : Uncommonly wonderful indeed. They've found the bat fungus now in Mammoth Cave, so I'm dearly hoping the many cave bats around So IN will not succumb.![]()
8:47am : gotcha, Sem.![]()
♥ 8:47am :
me too, kat330.![]()
8:49am : They keep our mosquito population under control so we can sit outside on a starry night in comfort.![]()
♥ 8:53am :
Breaking news: though I can see my breath, I also saw the first hummingbird of the year 44.5 North 63.51 West. Nova Scotia. I'm out for real.![]()
8:53am : here we are, near the end of our webcast. Really glad to have connected with alla ya. I'll be back, next Monday, same time zones. It's been a blast...
Peace on you all.![]()
8:53am : Re-whipped, ha!
Super, Sem! :)
@fxo: Thanks for launching the week well. MONDAY: A common day NOT to hate for myself.![]()
♥ 8:55am : Yes, it feels like a good Monday! Thanks Frank!![]()
8:55am : don't fret, unless it's with a guitar.8:58am : Thbx, fxo!
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