Favoriting Professor Dum Dum's Lab: Playlist from April 29, 2014 Favoriting

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Professor Dum Dum, scientist of music, performs experiments in music and human behaviour. Living, breathing volunteers subject themselves to his verbal vivisection, helping all to understand what laymen call "absurdity." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting April 29, 2014: Satan's Pants

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Type O Negative  Frozen   Favoriting Bloody Kisses  Roadrunner  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Therion  Pal Le Mal De Toi   Favoriting Les Fleurs Du Mal  End of Light  0:03:14 (Pop-up)
Xandria  Blood on My Hands   Favoriting Neverworld's End  Napalm Records  0:06:24 (Pop-up)
Candlemass  Dark Are the Veils of Death   Favoriting Nightfall  Powerline Records  0:10:16 (Pop-up)
Order of Isaz  Dying Star   Favoriting Seven Years of Famine  Season of Mist  0:28:25 (Pop-up)
Thy Catafalque  Trilobita   Favoriting Rengeteg  Season of Mist  0:36:09 (Pop-up)
Elend  Ethereal Journeys   Favoriting Les Tenebres du Dehors  Holy Records  0:39:32 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  A Dangerous Meeting   Favoriting Don't Break the Oath  Roadrunner  0:45:41 (Pop-up)
Satan's Host  Hellfire   Favoriting Celbration for the Love of Satan    1:14:24 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Satan's Fall   Favoriting Melissa  Roadrunner  1:21:51 (Pop-up)
Macabre  Jeffrey Dahmer and the Chocolate Factory   Favoriting Dahmer  Hell's Headbangers  1:34:18 (Pop-up)
Therion  Une Fleur Dans la Sher   Favoriting Les Fleurs Du Mal  End of Light  1:35:11 (Pop-up)
My Dying Bride  A Doomed Lover   Favoriting Songs of Darkness, Words of Light  Peaceville  1:58:59 (Pop-up)
High Power  Offrande Charnelle   Favoriting High pOWER  bRENNUS  2:03:48 (Pop-up)
Within Temptation  The Truth Behind the Rose   Favoriting The Heart of Everything  Sony  2:12:10 (Pop-up)
The Gathering  GeminiI   Favoriting Disclosure  Psychonaut Records  2:18:34 (Pop-up)
Theatre of Tragedy  The Masquerader and Phoenix   Favoriting Velvet Darkness They Fear  Century Media  2:22:29 (Pop-up)
Esoteric  Circle   Favoriting The Maniacal Vale  Season of Mist  2:26:32 (Pop-up)
Goatess  The Oracle Part 1   Favoriting Goatess  Svart Records  2:38:50 (Pop-up)
Anathema  J'ai Fait une Promesse   Favoriting Serenades  Peaceville  2:42:16 (Pop-up)
Draconian  Earthbound   Favoriting Turning Season Within  Napalm Records  2:44:29 (Pop-up)
Elend  Du Trefonds Des Tenebres   Favoriting The Umbersun  Orphika  2:48:34 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

That Bipolar Guy:

Yeah! Professor Dum Dum
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

They should've put this song into the recent movie with the name "Frozen."
That Bipolar Guy:

Good to hear the professor back on the FMU airwaves!
Avatar 9:07pm

Satan's Pants are double knit polyester plaid golf slacks that itch like hell, cut to fit over his hooves.

Is this from "Game of Thrones: The Musical"?
Avatar 9:09pm

fleep, that might be true but the pockets are almost the perfect size
Avatar 9:13pm
sinister dexter:

woohoo! i love Candlemass!!
Avatar 9:14pm

i'm clicking names just so the hearts will turn black
Avatar 9:15pm

well, at least a very dark blue
The Baby Jesus:

Holy shit, I got a feeling I'm really gonna get bashed tonight, I'm in for it for sure, might as well go ahead and just get it over with. There's no way out when this guy's around, DadDammit.
Avatar 9:21pm

What's he going on about?
Avatar 9:24pm

great, now I have to throw out my 20 pages of Jesus in a kilt poems
Avatar 9:28pm

Ugly Baby Jesus dressed up one night
For Candy and jack-o-lantern bright

Ugly Baby Jesus eyes grew wide with greed
and Bastard Baby Jesus dashed across the street

The Greedy Baby Jesus found his hex
When Fat Ignorant American was driving while text
The Baby Jesus:

Oh, here we go
Avatar 9:49pm
sinister dexter:

i fucking love Mercyful Fate!! woohoo!!
Avatar 9:52pm
sinister dexter:

trying to put a poem together
Avatar 10:08pm

my poem that didn't make it on the air

Bastard Baby Jesus, Ire of Pedophiles' Desires

Christ, you are ugly
even for a baby.
I'm going to take you
to the Boy Scout Jamboree
after you finish your
duties as an alterboy.
Just so you can hear
on more Chester-the-Molester say,
"Ew, no thanks you.
I may be a pedo,
But, I still have standards.
I do know some fellows near Golgatha though!"
Avatar 10:12pm

Little Baby Jesus his eyes too round and set too wide
A little cosmetic surgery to add the Japanese slant
Then the Ugly Baby Jesus was too sexyphant

Soon the Bastard Jesus was all over wwiTV
For all the slobbering Asian pedophiles to see.
The Baby Jesus:

Avatar 10:27pm

I fixed my poem, can I call again?
Avatar 10:28pm
Bill Zebub:

Cory - call again. Be not afraid
Avatar 10:42pm

Someone might record me if I call then my hateful Ugly Baby Jesus words would be preserved to use against me at next year's Nazi Crusifixtion Picnic
Avatar 10:53pm

BTW, next years NCP will be a potluck dinner. The caterers have dropped out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Bonesy Maroney:

That lil' Baby Jesus isn't so sweet
When he's denied the Virgin's teat
So he'll take you up on any offered treat
from you windowless vans across the street.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04pm

Whoa. Tuning in. Nonstop metal tonight.
Avatar 11:11pm
kermit jung:

Ugly baby Jesus in his swadling cloth
Couldn't get any action
So he adorned himself in a papel hat
Shaped like a penis and
A pair of daisy dukes that
Showed off his in-between us
So impressed were the brethren
That they began to hug and kiss him
Squeeze and please him
Recieve his blessing upon their face
But it was more like a smack to the face
With an erect falic mace
So they killed the little runt
For pulling such a stunt
They shredded the little guy
Rolled him in a blunt
And got real high
Avatar 11:11pm

Elegant heaviness.
Avatar 11:33pm
Eyepatch Fox:

AAAAAHHH!!! I totally missed tonight's show, but tuned in just in time to hear Esoteric, so I'm a happy monkey! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
Bonesy Maroney:

*snaps fingers, beat-style*

Sweet Prince Baby Jesus
Dressed in a pink bunny suit
Killed by saccharine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40pm

Goatess. I like the name, I like the music.

Both seasonal and a bit of nature (death)

Missed the haiku clause at the start but haikus are most certainly poetry when done well. Maybe not in europe?
Avatar 11:41pm
sinister dexter:

woohoo!! Goatess!!
The Baby Jesus:

Happy now? Everybody got their little jollies?
I'm going home to watch The Big Bang Theory
A. Black:

Hello Professor this show was amazing ; I wish I could've known about I just found it on the playlist . How can I know when are you going to be on the air ? Can you email me please ?
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